Chapter 11 PMBOK 5th edition - Practice Test #9

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You bring the project team together with a facilitator to openly discuss and identify project risks. You are: A Using the Delphi technique. B Brainstorming. C Writing a risk management plan. D Performing risk quantification.

The Delphi technique (Choice A) involves experts, and is conducted anonymously. In contrast, brainstorming (Choice B) is a technique performed in a group setting where team members openly discuss and identify project risks. PMBOK®, pg 324

What is a tornado diagram used for? A It maps causes and effects of risks B It shows the probability of a tornado C It compares the relative importance of uncertain risk variables compared to those that are relatively stable D It shows the probability and impact of linked events

A tornado diagram is a typical display of sensitivity analysis, which is a quantitative risk analysis modeling technique. It is useful for comparing relative importance and impact of variables that have a high degree of uncertainty to those that are more stable (Choice C). PMBOK®, pg 338

What process determines if cost contingency reserves should be modified? A Control Risks B Control Costs C Perform Integrated Change Control D Determine Budget

A purpose of the Control Risks (Choice A) process is to determine if contingency reserves for cost or schedule should be modified in alignment with the current risk assessment. PMBOK® 11.6, pg 350

What process shows that proper risk management policies are being followed? A Plan Risk Management B Control Risks C Perform Integrated Change Control D Risk Register Plan

A purpose of the Control Risks (Choice B) process is to determine if risk management policies and procedures are being followed. PMBOK® 11.6, pg 350

What process determines if schedule contingency reserves should be modified? A Control Schedule B Perform Integrated Change Control C Develop Schedule D Control Risks

A purpose of the Control Risks (Choice D) process is to determine if contingency reserves for cost or schedule should be modified in alignment with the current risk assessment. PMBOK® 11.6, pg 350

Risk that remains after responses have been implemented is __________ risk. A An acceptable B An opportunity C A residual D A leftover

A residual risk (Choice C) is risk that remains after risk responses have been implemented. PMBOK®, pg 348

Kelly, the project manager for a major highway construction project, is performing the Identify Risks process and she wants to ensure that potential risks associated with time allowances for the project are properly identified. An important Identify Risks input would will help her with this is: A Earned value reports. B Cost management plan. C Schedule management plan. D Activity duration estimates.

Activity duration estimate reviews (Choice D) are useful in identifying risks related to time allowances for the activities or project as a whole. PMBOK®, pg 322

As Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis is repeated, a __________ may become apparent that leads to conclusions affecting risk responses. A Preventive action B Discrepancy C Trend D Corrective action

As Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis is repeated, a trend (Choice C) may become apparent that leads to conclusions affecting risk responses. PMBOK®, pg 341

Assumptions analysis examines documented assumptions to identify risks that arise from: A Consistent assumptions. B Inconsistent assumptions. C Well-documented assumptions. D Too many assumptions.

Assumptions analysis (Choice B) explores the validity of assumptions as they apply to the project. It identifies risks to the project from inaccuracy, instability, inconsistency, or incompleteness of assumptions. PMBOK®, pg 325

Risk ___________ is a risk response planning technique that indicates that the project team has decided not to change the project management plan to deal with a risk, or is unable to identify any other suitable response strategy. A Avoidance B Acceptance C Transference D Exploitation

By definition, risk acceptance (Choice B) is a risk response planning technique that indicates that the project team has decided to acknowledge the risk and not take any action unless the risk occurs. PMBOK®, pg 345

You are planning a project that will use new technology. No one in your company has experience with the new software. What information gathering technique would be BEST to use in the Identify Risks process? A Delphi technique B Brainstorming C Root cause analysis D SWOT analysis

Brainstorming (Choice B) would not be the best technique to use since the PROJECT team members don't have experience with the software; they couldn't contribute the needed information. Root cause analysis (Choice C) is not a tool and technique used with Identify Risks. SWOT analysis (Choice D) is used to understand the breath of identified risks, and is not the best choice for this scenario. The Delphi technique (Choice A) is a way to reach consensus using project RISK experts (not necessarily TECHNOLOGY experts), and is the BEST choice in this situation. PMBOK®, pg 324

Risk __________ is the degree, amount, or volume of risk that an organization or individual will withstand. A Variance B Tolerance C Magnitude D Adversity

By definition, risk tolerance (Choice B) is the degree, amount, or volume of risk than an organization or individual will withstand. PMBOK® 11, pg 311

__________ compare/compares technical accomplishments during project execution to the schedule of technical achievement. A Technical performance measurement B Performance reporting C Work performance reports D Risk audits

By definition, technical performance measurement (Choice A) compares technical accomplishments during project execution to the schedule of technical achievement. PMBOK®, pg 352

You have assigned Dave as a risk owner. Which of the following things should he do? A Document the risk B Assign probability of the risk C Report on risk response effectiveness D Create a risk management plan

Choice A can't be correct since the risk is already documented. 'Control Risks can involve choosing alternative strategies, executing a contingency or fallback plan, taking corrective action, and modifying the project management plan. The risk response owner reports periodically to the project manager on the effectiveness of the plan (Choice C), any unanticipated effects, and any correction needed to handle the risk appropriately. PMBOK® 11.6, pg 350

You are mentoring an inexperienced project manager who has just finished listing and describing each of the risks to his project. As a NEXT step, you suggest grouping the risks into categories. Why? A To make the report easier to read B To determine the area of the project most exposed to risk (uncertainty) C To analyze the effect of identified risks on the overall project objectives D To determine the probability distribution

Choice A is not relevant. Choices C and D will be done in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis, but you just finished creating the risk register and are now in the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis part of the project. Risk categorization is a tool and technique used with the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process. PMBOK®, pg 332

What tool and technique is used to investigate the potential effect of a risk on project objectives (such as time, cost, scope, or quality)? A Risk probability and impact assessment B Risk urgency assessment C Risk categorization D Assumption analysis

Choice A is the correct answer. Risk probability assessment investigates the likelihood that each specific risk will occur. Risk impact assessment investigates the potential effect on a project objective such as schedule, cost, quality, or performance. PMBOK®, pg 330

Your project has encountered an unplanned risk, and your team has identified a workaround that requires a change to the project management plan. What should you do NEXT? A Prepare a change request and submit it to the Perform Integrated Change Control process B Re-write the charter C Modify the project management plan D Update the schedule

Choice A is the correct answer. The team has identified a project management plan change that needs to be evaluated before any further action is performed; therefore, they will need to submit a change request. The Perform Integrated Change Control process is the process of reviewing all change requests, approving changes and managing changes to project documents and the project management plan. PMBOK®, pg 353 and 4, pg 63

Anna reviews her earned value reports and notices that one of her outsourced group's SPI values have consistently been below 1.0. She outsourced these deliverables to transfer technical risk. What may have occurred as a result of that action? A Secondary risk B Fixed bid contract C Replacement risk D Cost reimbursable contract

Choice A is the correct answer. This is an example of a secondary risk that arose because Anna transferred the technical risk. It will be documented in the risk register updates an output of Plan Risk Responses (project documents updates). PMBOK®, pg 347-348

Mark is managing a project that has numerous related risks due to the interdependent nature of a complex technical product. During Identify Risks, the BEST diagramming tool or technique he should use would be: A A system or process flow chart. B An influence diagram. C An Ishikawa diagram. D The Delphi technique.

Choice B is used to show relationships among variables and outcomes. Choice C is used to show cause and effect. Choice D is not a diagramming tool or technique. Choice A is the BEST answer. System or process flow charts show how various elements of a system interrelate, and the mechanism of causation. PMBOK®, pg 325

A list of categories and sub-categories within which risks may arise for a typical project is the definition for: A Risk register. B Risk breakdown structure. C Work breakdown structure. D Risk list.

Choice B, the risk breakdown structure (RBS), is a hierarchically organized depiction of the identified project risks arranged by category and sub-category that identifies the various areas and causes of potential risks. PMBOK®, pg 317

Project Risk Management is concerned with: A Negative events. B Positive events. C Positive and negative events. D Neither positive nor negative events.

Choice C is the correct answer. The objectives of Project Risk Management are to increase the probability and impact of positive events, and decrease the probability and impact of negative events in the project. PMBOK® 11, pg 309

All of the following are NOT inputs to Plan Risk Responses EXCEPT: A Cost management plan. B Schedule management plan. C Organizational process assets. D Risk management plan.

Choices A, B and C are all inputs to the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process. Choice D, risk management plan, is an input to the Plan Risk Responses process. PMBOK® 11, pg 312

Outputs of Plan Risk Responses include all of the following EXCEPT: A Updated risk owners. B Updated contingency reserves. C Response strategy update in the risk register. D Risk impact and work performance information updates.

Choices A, B and C are all outputs of Plan Risk Responses as part of project documents updates. Choice D is the correct answer because it does not apply. (PMBOK®, pgs 347-348)

Which of the following is NOT a listed response strategy for a positive risk? A Share B Exploit C Accept D Mitigate

Choices A, B and C are all response strategies to deal with risks with potentially positive impacts on project objectives. Choice D is a response strategy for negative risks or threats. PMBOK® 11.5.2, pgs 344-346

Which of the following is NOT a Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis technique? A Risk categorization B Risk urgency assessment C Risk probability and impact assessment D Diagramming techniques

Choices A, B and C are all tools and techniques used with Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis. Diagramming techniques (Choice D) are used with the Identify Risks process. PMBOK® 11, pg 312

Which of the following is NOT an input to Identify Risks? A Stakeholder register B Scope baseline C Risk register D Activity cost estimates

Choices A, B and D are all inputs to the Identify Risks process. A risk register (Choice C) is an output of Identify Risks. PMBOK® 11, pg 312

Risk diagramming techniques include all of the following EXCEPT: A Cause and effect. B Flowcharting. C Responsibility assignment matrix. D Influence diagramming.

Choices A, B and D are diagramming techniques used with the Identify Risks process (PMBOK®, pg 325). Responsibility assignment matrix is a resource planning tool. PMBOK®, pg 262

Which of the following is both an input to and part of an output of Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis? A Risk plan B Enterprise environmental factors C Risk register D Risk data quality assessment

Choices A, B and D cannot apply, because Choice A is not a PMBOK® term, Choice B is an input to the Identify Risks process and Choice D is a tool and technique. Risk register is an input to Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis, and risk register UPDATES is an output of Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis. PMBOK® 11.3, pg 328

Which of the following is NOT an objective of the Control Risks process? A Determine if project assumptions are still valid B Determine if analysis shows an assessed risk has changed or can be retired C Determine if risk management policies are being followed D Determine methods to eliminate all residual risks

Choices A, B, and C are all objectives of the Control Risks process. Residual risks are monitored during this process, but methods would be determined during planning. PMBOK® 11.6, pg 350

Which of the following is a Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis tool and technique? A Root cause analysis B Process flow charts C Expected monetary value analysis D SWOT analysis

Choices A, B, and D are all tools and techniques used with the Identify Risks process (PMBOK® 11.2.2, pgs 324-326). Expected monetary value analysis (Choice C) is a quantitative risk analysis and modeling technique. PMBOK®, pg 339

Which of the following is NOT a listed strategy for a negative risk? A Avoid B Exploit C Accept D Mitigate

Choices A, C and D are all response strategies for negative risks or threats. Choice C is a strategy that can be used for negative risks or threats, as well as for positive risks or opportunities. Exploit (Choice B) is a strategy used with positive risks or opportunities. Choice B is the correct answer. PMBOK® 11.5.2, pgs 344-346

__________ is a rapid and cost effective means of establishing priorities for Plan Risk Responses. A Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis B List and rank C Segmentation analysis D Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

Choices B and C are not PMBOK® terms. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis (Choice A) is a rapid and cost effective means of establishing priorities for Plan Risk Responses. PMBOK® 11.3, pg 329

Your team is working on a risk management plan for your project. They have finished the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process and need to start quantitative risk analysis. Which of the following will NOT help them perform this task? A Process improvement plan B Risk register C Cost management plan D Risk management plan

Choices B, C and D are all inputs to Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis, and as such, will be helpful (PMBOK® 11.4.1, pgs 295-296). The process improvement plan is an input to the Perform Quality Assurance process. PMBOK®, pg 244

An input to Plan Risk Management is: A Cost management plan. B Probability and impact assessment. C Expert judgment. D Risk urgency assessment.

Choices B, C and D are all tools and techniques for the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process (PMBOK® 11.3, pg 328). The cost management plan is an input to the Plan Risk Management process as a component of the project management plan. PMBOK®, pg 314

A senior project manager asks Lijuan to analyze current risks for the project dashboard. Which of these items will be most helpful for her work? A Work performance reports B The risk log C Organizational program assets D Environmental enterprise factors

Choices B, C and D are not PMBOK® terms. Work performance reports (Choice A) is an input to the Control Risks process. PMBOK®, pg 351

Your PMO buys software that will simulate project execution by computing duration and cost many times, varying the outcomes using statistics. What technique does this software employ? A Monte Carlo analysis B Taguchi analysis C Network analysis D Gantt analysis

Choices B, C and D are not valid choices, because they are not PMBOK® terms. A project simulation uses a model that translates the specified detailed uncertainties of the project into their potential impact on project objectives. Simulations are typically performed using the Monte Carlo technique (Choice A). In a simulation, the project model is computed many times. PMBOK®, pg 340

Your team is performing qualitative analysis for a list of risks. Since you are creating a video game using new software tools, there is a lot of uncertainty. Which technique might tell you if your risk data are useful? A Risk data quality assessment B Assumptions analysis C Influence diagrams D Checklist analysis

Choices B, C and D are tools and techniques used with the Identify Risks process (PMBOK® 11.2.2, pg 326). Choice A is the only tool and technique listed for the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process. Analysis of the quality of risk data is a technique to evaluate the degree to which the data about risks are useful for risk management. PMBOK®, pg 332

__________ is the process of tracking identified risks, monitoring residual risks, identifying new risks, executing risk register plans, and evaluating their effectiveness during the project life cycle. A Plan Risk Management B Control Risks C Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis D Identify Risks

Control Risks (Choice B) is the process of implementing risk response plans, tracking identified risks, monitoring residual risks, identifying new risks, and evaluating risk response effectiveness throughout the project. PMBOK® 11.6, pg 349

You are assigned as project manager after the schedule, cost and quality plans have been created. What should you do first when you begin the Identify Risks process? A Rank the risks using a probability impact matrix B Perform a Monte Carlo analysis C Perform a project documentation review D Tailor the definitions of risk impact for the project

Documentation review (Choice C) is the only Identify Risks technique listed in the choices. PMBOK®, pg 324

A decision tree analysis is an example of a common use of which quantitative risk analysis and modeling technique? A Modeling and simulation B Expected monetary value analysis C Sensitivity analysis D SWOT analysis

EMV (Choice B) for a project is calculated by multiplying the value of each possible outcome by its probability of occurrence and adding the products together. A common use of this type of analysis is a decision tree analysis. PMBOK®, pg 339

Work performance data is an important Control Risks input. Which of the following will you NOT find in work performance data? A Project deliverable status B Costs incurred C Team member performance assessments D Schedule progress

How successful the team is (Choice C) is addressed in Develop Project Team (output) and Manage Project Team (input); both processes are in the Executing Process Group, and this question is about the Monitoring and Controlling Process Group. Work Performance data related to various performance results includes deliverable status (Choice A), schedule progress (Choice D) and costs incurred (Choice B). PMBOK®, pg 351

You have identified a significant risk and quantitative analysis confirms that it will have a large impact on your project. Your team decides to change the project scope to eliminate the cause of the risk. This is called risk: A Avoidance. B Transfer. C Mitigation. D Acceptance.

If the scope is going to be changed, the project management plan will also have to change. Risk avoidance (Choice A) usually involves changing the project management plan to eliminate the threat entirely. PMBOK®, pg 344

Risk information gathering is performed to: A Write a risk management plan. B Perform risk quantification. C Identify risks. D Brainstorm.

Information gathering includes several Identify Risks (Choice C) techniques, including brainstorming, Delphi technique, interviewing and root cause analysis. PMBOK® 11.2.2, pgs 324-325

A diagram used to identify causes of risks is called a/an: A Ishikawa diagram. B Taguchi diagram. C Gantt diagram. D Fishbowl diagram.

Ishikawa (diagrams Choice A) is also called Fishbone diagrams and are useful for identifying causes of risks. PMBOK®, pg 325

A fishbone diagram is used to: A Show a process flow B Identify causes of risks C Show timing of tasks D Show relationships between variables

Ishikawa (diagrams Choice B) is also called Fishbone diagrams and are useful for identifying causes of risks. PMBOK®, pg 325

Demetrius has suggested that you review your project's CPI and SPI values to help monitor risk. What technique is this? A Technical performance measurements B Variance and trend analysis C Risk audit D Reserve analysis

Many control processes employ variance analysis (Choice B) to compare the planned results to the actual results using performance information. PMBOK®, pg 352

To be most successful, an organization should adopt which of these practices? A Use the same definitions of risk impact for every project B Tailor the definitions of risk impact for every project C Create brand new definitions of risk impact for every project D Evaluate project risk by assigning impact and cost to each risk

Neither using the same definitions for every project (Choice A) nor starting from scratch (Choice C) are effective strategies. The BEST correct answer is Choice B. The risk management plan describes how risk management will be structured and performed on the project. It contains tailored definitions of risk probability and impact. PMBOK®, pg 329

Your team has identified a possible positive outcome from your project. Management assigns the most senior staff to make sure the component is developed as quickly as possible. This is an example of: A Opportunity mitigation. B Opportunity acceptance. C Opportunity sharing. D Opportunity exploitation.

Opportunity exploitation (Choice D) involves taking action to ensure that the opportunity is realized. Assigning a senior staff member to the project supports this objective. PMBOK®, pg 345

Where might you find studies of similar projects by risk specialists? A Risk register B Enterprise environmental factors C Project scope statement D Organizational process assets

Organizational process assets (Choice D) that can influence the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process include information on prior, similar completed projects. PMBOK®, pg 330

The objective of the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process is to: A Prioritize risks for further analysis. B Document risk qualities. C Analyze risk effects. D Manage risks effectively.

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis is the process of prioritizing risks for further analysis (Choice A) or action by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and impact. PMBOK® 11.3, pg 328

Risk responses identified in the Identify Risks process may be useful as inputs to the _________ process. A Plan Risk Management B Plan Risk Responses C Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis D Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

Potential responses to a risk may sometimes be identified during the Identify Risks process. These responses, if identified in this process, may be useful as inputs to the Plan Risk Responses process (Choice B). PMBOK®, pg 327

When should a project team discuss risk? A During planning B During execution C During closing D Throughout the project

Project risk management should be an agenda item at periodic status meetings for the duration of the project. (Choice D). PMBOK®, pg 352

Prototype development is an example of: A Risk mitigation. B Risk transference. C Risk acceptance. D Risk avoidance.

Risk mitigation involves reducing the probability or impact of a risk. Prototyping is an example of risk mitigation (Choice A) since prototyping reduces the risk of scaling up from a bench-scale model of a process or product. PMBOK®, pg 345

Which of the following is an objective of the Control Risks process? A To determine if project assumptions are still valid B To determine overall risk C To control scope change D To monitor schedule changes

Purposes of the Control Risks process include determining if 1) project assumptions are valid (Choice A), 2) analysis shows an assessed risk has changed or can be retired, 3) risk management policies and procedures are being followed, and 4) if contingency reserves of cost or schedule should be modified in alignment with the current risk assessment. PMBOK® 11.6, pg 350

Your project involves new technology, team members from a recently acquired subsidiary and is globally distributed. You have had to implement several risk responses, and you're concerned about funding future risk responses. What tool should you use to check your funding level? A Technical performance measurements B Variance and trend analysis C Risk audit D Reserve analysis

Reserve analysis, a tool and technique of the Control Risks process, compares the amount of the contingency reserves remaining to the amount of risk remaining at any time in the project in order to determine if the remaining reserve is adequate. PMBOK®, pg 352

You are almost finished with phase one of a multiphase project. Your SPI is 0.87 and your CPI is 1.10. Your sponsor suggests that you review how effective the Plan Risk Responses process has been for this phase. You remember seeing a description of this technique in the PMBOK® Guide. What was the technique called? A Status mitigation B Interviews C Risk audits D Influence change

Risk audits (Choice C) examine and document the effectiveness of the risk responses. PMBOK®, pg 351

When should risk identification checklists be reviewed and updated? A After the Identify Risks process B During risk assessment C During project closure D During the Plan Risk Management process

Risk checklists should be assessed during project closure (Choice C) to incorporate new lessons learned and improve it for use on future projects. PMBOK®, pg 325

Results from the Identify Risks process are documented in the: A Risk list. B Risk plan. C Risk control plan. D Risk register.

Risk list, risk control plan and risk plan are not PMBOK® terms. The risk register (Choice D) is the document that contains identified risks. PMBOK®, pg 327

You take over a project during execution. Where will you find the list of risks that was identified in planning? A Risk list B Risk plan C Risk control plan D Risk register

Risk list, risk control plan and risk plan are not PMBOK® terms. The risk register (Choice D) is the document that contains identified risks. PMBOK®, pg 327

You are helping Giovanni manage the risk management documents during execution of his very large construction project. Which of the following will you update? A Organizational process assets B Project charter C Scope statement D Budget

Risk management processes produce information that is useful to other projects. This information should be added to the organizational process assets (Choice A) and stored in the company's repository. PMBOK®, pg 354

When should a risk reassessment be performed? A When the project ends B On a regular scheduled basis C When the plan is reassigned D When a new risk emerges

Risk reassessment should be performed on a regular basis per a schedule (Choice B). PMBOK®, pg 351

As the to-be project manager for a high-profile project, you have identified a positive risk that would be best captured through a joint venture. This type of risk response strategy is: A Enhance. B Share. C Accept. D Mitigate.

Sharing a positive risk involves allocating some or all or the ownership of the opportunity to a third party who is best able to capture the opportunity for the benefit of the project. PMBOK®, pg 345

A team member, Nomusa, is monitoring the training budget carefully because the team was not sure of the initial estimates. The documented risk response stipulates that he should request auxiliary funding when the actual expenses reach 85% of budgeted expenses. What is this type of response called? A Contingent response B Recommended preventive actions C Recommended corrective actions D Mitigation

Some responses are designed for use only if certain events occur. For some risks, it is appropriate for the project team to make a response plan that will only be executed under certain predefined conditions (a trigger), if it is believed that there will be sufficient warning to implement the plan. Events that trigger the contingency response, such as missing intermediate milestones or gaining higher priority with a supplier, should be defined and tracked. Risk responses identified using this technique are often called contingency plans (Choice A) or fallback plans and include identified triggering events that set the plans in effect. PMBOK®, pg 346

Your team has planned their risk management approach, identified 50 risks and prioritized them. What is the BEST next step? A Perform qualitative analysis to rank risks B Prepare risk responses C Write a risk management plan D Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis to determine risk impacts

The best order of the choices listed is: C (Plan Risk Management), A (Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis), D (Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis), and B (Plan Risk Responses). Since you just finished identifying and ranking risks, the next BEST step is to move into the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, Choice D. PMBOK® 11, pg 309

Naomi's project encountered a risk that had been identified and had a response plan. Her team implemented the planned response successfully. What should Naomi do NEXT? A Document the outcome in the risk register B Remove the risk from the register C Add the risk response actions to the quality checklist D Celebrate the success

The risk register contains the outcomes of executed responses (Choice A) as well as planned responses. PMBOK®, pg 354

Jane's team has identified a large number of risks. Several of these risks have been determined to be low-priority risks. Where should Jane document these low-priority risks? A The risk register B The project management plan C The watch list D The risk management plan

The risk register has key inputs that include a watch list (Choice C) of low-priority risks. PMBOK®, pg 350

Where will risk register information from previous projects be stored? A Organizational process assets B Recommended preventive actions C Recommended corrective actions D Enterprise environmental factors

The six Project Risk Management processes produce information that is useful to other projects. This information should be added to the organizational process asset repository. PMBOK®, pg 354

Which of the following is a Control Risks technique? A Work performance reports B Risk probability and impact C Variance and trend analysis D Risk data quality assessment

Variance and trend analysis (Choice C) is tool and technique used with the Control Risks process. PMBOK®, pg 352

A __________ is a response to an unplanned risk. A Trigger B Performance measurement C Workaround D Mitigation

Workarounds (Choice C) are responses that were not initially planned, but are required to deal with emerging risks that were previously identified or accepted passively. Unlike a contingency plan, a workaround is not planned in advance of the occurrence of the risk event. PMBOK®, pg 353

Workarounds are included in: A Risk breakdown structures. B Recommended corrective actions. C Organizational process assets. D Risk lists.

Workarounds are responses to risks that were not initially planned, but are required to deal with emerging risks that were previously unidentified or accepted passively. They are implemented through recommended corrective actions (Choice B). PMBOK®, pg 353

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