Chapter 11-S

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a total of ____ pairs of cranial nerves emerge from the brain and brainstem


what is the meaning of the root word "mening-"


what are some functions of the cerebrum

memory and storage intellect and reasoning interpretation of sensory signals initiation of voluntary movements

what are the membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord


what type of axons (nerve fibers) are found in a motor nerve?


the autonomic nervous system contains what type of nerve fibers?

motor fibers efferent fibers

the cerebral cortex is divided into what three functional areas

motor, association, sensory

a ________ is a cordlike organ composed of numerous nerve fibers (fascicles) bound together by connective tissue


what is the basic embryonic structure that gives rise to the structures of the central nervous system

neural tube

which describes a mixed nerve

a nerve containing both sensory and motor nerve fibers

cranial nerve VI is also called the _______________ nerve


what is a reflex

an automatic, subconscious response to a specific stimulus

motor signals leave the spinal cord through the _____________ roots, while sensory signals enter the spinal cord through the ______________ roots

anterior; posterior

areas of the cerebral cortex that interpret sensory impulses and handle reasoning and judgement are called _______________ areas


preganglionc and postganglionic fibers form the motor pathways for the ___________ nervous system


the ___________________ nervous system controls smooth and cardiac muscle without conscious effort to independently maintain homeostasis


the division of the PNS that regulates visceral activities and maintains homeostasis is called the _________________ nervous system


what innervates internal organs such as the salivary glands, stomach, and intestines

autonomic fibers of spinal nerves autonomic motor fibers of cranial nerves

the _________ of a neuron is also referred to as a nerve fiber


where is arachnoid mater in relationship to the other meninges?

between the dura and Pia maters

nerves arising from the ____________ plexus innervate the upper limbs and part of the neck and shoulder s


what are the components of the central nervous system

brain spinal cord

indicate the correct order of meninges from superficial at the top to deep at the bottom?

dura mater arachnoid mater pia mater

the brainstem connects the _____________ to the __________-

brain; spinal cord

the pons, medulla oblongata, and midbrain are subparts of what part of the brain


what is the corpus callosum

bundle of axons that connects the cerebral hemispheres

what are tracts in the nervous system

bundles of myelinated axons

as the lumbar and sacral nerves extend inferiorly beyond the end of the spinal cord they form the ________________

cauda equina

what is the narrow channel in the spinal cord that contains CSF

central canal

the subarachnoid space contains ____________________ fluid


what is the largest part of the adult brain


where are basal nuclei found


the ____________ plexus innervates the muscles of the skin and the neck


structures called the _______________ secrete cerebrospinal fluid

choroid plexuses

in the peripheral nervous system, ___________ nerves originate from the brain and _______________ nerves originate from the spinal cord

cranial spinal

Describe the somatic nervous system

cranial and spinal nerve fibers that connect the CNS to skin and skeletal muscle

indicate the cranial nerve number for the trochlear nerve

cranial nerve IV

indicate the cranial nerve number for the trigeminal nerve

cranial nerve V

indicate the cranial nerve number for the vestibulocochlear nerve

cranial nerve VIII

indicate the cranial nerve number for the hypoglossal nerve

cranial nerve XII

the peripheral nervous system includes _______________ and _________________

cranial nerves spinal nerves

the anatomical name that reflects the origin of preganglionic parasympathetic fibers in the brainstem and sacral regions of the spinal cord is the _________________ division.


because of the ______________ of nerve fibers, the right side of the brain communicates with the left side of the body and vice versa

crossing over

the area of the brain called the ________________ is located between the cerebral hemispheres, superior to the brain stem, and surrounding the third ventricle


the hypothalamus is part of which area of the brain


the thalamus is part of which area of the brain


what are the components of the brain?

diencephalon cerebral hemisphere cerebellum brain stem

cranial nerve VII is also called the _____________ nerve


true or false: most organs are innervated by either the sympathetic nervous system or the parasympathetic nervous system, but not both.


the primary motor area is found in the _____________ lobe


cranial nerve IX is also called the _____________ nerve.


place the parts of a neuron in the appropriate category:

gray matter: -unmyelinated axons -cell bodies white matter: -myelinated axons

what is the general name for the ridges or convolutions seen on the surface of the cerebrum


what does the root word cephal- mean


the ________________ of the brain maintains homeostasis by regulating visceral activities and controlling the endocrine system


the five loves of the cerebrum are the ____________, the _______________ lobe, the ________________ lobe, the _______________ lobe, and the _________ lobe

insula frontal parietal temporal occipital

what are some general functions of the brain

issues motor commands perception of sensation regulates visceral activity

which are functions of the spinal cord

it is a center for many reflexes it conducts nerve impulses to and from the brain

which statements about sleep are true?

it is characterized by inhibition of muscular activity it is reversible state of unconsciousness

where is the dura mater located?

just deep to the skull

The ventricles that are located within the cerebral hemispheres are the ___________ ventricles


within the brain, what is the name of the set of structures that work together to produce emotions and to guide behaviors associated with survival?

limbic system

what plexus gives rise to a number of nerves that control the muscles of the thighs, legs and feet

lumbosacral plexus

which are functions of the cerebellum

maintains posture coordinates skeletal muscle contractions integrates signals about body position

name the parts of the brain stem

medulla oblongata pons midbrain

functions of the cerebral hemispheres are divided such that ____________-

one hemisphere is usually dominant for certain intellectual functions

the name associated with cranial nerve II is the ___________ nerves


the __________________ branch of the autonomic nervous system controls the activities of internal organs during times of rest


the ______________________ branch of the autonomic nervous system controls the activities of internal organs during times of rest


the somatic and autonomic nervous systems are subdivisions of the ___________________ nervous system


what part of the brain sits just inferior to the midbrain


where is the cerebellum located

posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata

the first part of a reflex arc is the __________, which generates action potentials which move along the sensory, or afferent, neuron


What does the longitudinal fissure separate?

right and left cerebral hemispheres

the __________ areas of the cerebrum function to receive input from receptors, producing sensations.


the thalamus is a really station for _____________ signals


what ares of the body are innervated by the lumbosacral plexus

skin of feet muscles in the thigh lower abdominal wall

rapid eye movement and non-rapid eye movement are two types of ______________.


the medulla oblongata is superior what structure

spinal cord

the neural tube is an embryonic structure that gives rise to what structures?

spinal cord; brain

the _____________ provides two way communication between the central nervous system and the muscle and skin of the upper and lower limbs, neck, and trunk

spinal nerves

where can CSF be found

subarachnoid space central canal of spinal cord ventricles of brain

shallow grooves found all over the surface of the cerebrum are called _________________


the __________________ branch of the autonomic nervous system controls the activities of body systems during stressful situations


the preganglionic fibers of the _________________ division of the autonomic nervous system arise from the thoracic and upper lumbar regions of the spinal cord


the autonomic nervous system is divided into the ____________________ and ________________ divisions.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

within a reflex arc, the sensory neurons conduct nerve impulses towards what structure

the central nervous system

what structure marks the superior end of the spinal cord

the foramen magnum

choose the origins of sympathetic preganglionic neurons

thoracic region of spinal cord lumbar region of spinal cord

how do spinal nerves exit the vertebral column

through the intervertebral foramina

which direction does a sensory nerve conduct impulses

towards the brain and spinal cord

cranial nerve V is also called the ________________ nerve


true or false: the cranial nerves serve parts of the head, neck, and also some structures of the trunk


which region of the body is served by nerves arising from the brachial plexus?

upper limb

cranial nerve X is also called the ______ nerve


cavities within the brain are called


the epidural space is located between the ______________ and the ____________

vertebrae dura mater

in the brain, what are fissures

very deep grooves

sense are categorized into two main classes, special and general. what are examples of special senses?

vision and hearing

which layer is superficial in the spinal cord

white matter

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