Chapter 11 Study Guide

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About what percentage of sexually active adolescents do not use contraceptives consistently, and what reasons do they give? What characteristics are present in those who are sexually active and do choose to use contraceptives?

14% of sexually active teenagers do not utilize contraceptives because "I was waiting until I had a steady boyfriend" or "I wasn't planning to have sex" Adolescents who report good relationships with parents and who talk openly with them about sex and contraception are more likely to use birth control.

How much sleep do adolescents typically need, and do they get it?

Adolescents need just as much sleep as the did in middle childhood (about 9 hours) but tend to get far less. This can cause a decline in cognitive functions later on.

What is characteristic of anorexia nervosa? of bulimia nervosa? of binge-eating disorder?

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which young people starve themselves because of a compulsive fear of getting fat Bulimia nervosa is binge eating, followed by compensatory efforts to avoid weight gain, such as deliberate vomiting, purging and laxative, excessive exercise, or fasting Binge-eating disorder involves binging at least once a week for three months or longer, without compensatory purging, exercise, or fasting note: females, alone with effeminate males are typically at greater risk for these disorders

What are the consequences for maturing earlier than your peers for females? for males?

Boys who mature earlier typically feel relaxed, independent, self-confident, and physically attractive while late maturing boys typically experience transient emotional difficulties until they catch up. Girls who mature early are typically unpopular, withdrawn, lacking in self-confidence, anxious, prone to depression, and held few leadership positions. Late maturing girls, however, are viewed as physically attractive, lively, sociable, and leaders at school typically.

What is meant by an imaginary audience and a personal fable? Be able to provide examples.

Imaginary audience is were adolescents believe that they are the focus of everyone else's attention and concern (e.g. long hours spent tending to one's appearance and over-reaction to criticism) Personal fable is the certainty that others are observing and thinking about the particular adolescent. Teenagers develop an inflated opinion of their own importance-a feeling that they are special and unique. (e.g. kids think that they are the greatest and that their parents are "lame" or "stuck in a rut")

What are the recent statistics about adolescent drug use (including alcohol), and have they risen or fallen over the last 30 years?

In the U.S. 20% of tenth graders have claimed to have tried smoking, 47% drinking and 37% at least trying one illegal drug (usually marijuana). At the end of high schoole, 6% smoke cigarettes regularly, 17% have engage in heavy drinking during the past month, and 21% have used marijuana. About 21% have tried at least one highly addictive and toxic substance (e.g. amphetamines, cocaine, phencyclidine, ecstacy, inhalants, heroin, sedatives, or oxycontin). In the 1990s drug use took a drastic decline as focus on the hazards of drug use in school and at home were more emphasized. In the mid-200's, however, drug use leveled off; many states have passed medical use laws and few have legalized recreational use of marijuana.

How do primary sex characteristics differ from secondary sex characteristics, and what gender differences are apparent?

Primary sexual characteristics involve the reproductive organs (i.e. ovaries, uterus and vagina in females; penis, scrotum, and testes in males). Secondary sexual characteristics are visible on the outside of the body and serve as additional signs of sexual maturity (for example, breast development in females and the appearance of underarm and pubic hair in both sexes). Menarche (first menstruation) occurs typically between 10 1/2-15 1/2 years of age. However it typically occurs around 12 1/2. The first 12-18 months of menstruation typically occur without release of ovum (eggs) from the ovaries The first sign of puberty in boys is the enlargement of the testes followed by development of pubic hair. At 13 1/2 spermarche or the first ejaculation occurs typically.

What is puberty, what controls sexual maturation, what are the primary hormones for males, what are the primary hormones for females, how do these hormones affect body proportions, and how does physical growth (height and weight) change from the elementary school years to the years of puberty? Are there gender differences, and if so, what are they?

Puberty is a flood of biological events leading to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by glands that trigger onset of puberty Primary male hormones are androgens, and primary female hormones are estrogens Hormones cause maturity and sex organs along with caudal-cephalus and distal-proximal growth During puberty, adolescencs rapidly gain height and weight. On average adolescents add up to 10-11" in height and 50-70 lbs (nearly 50% of the average adult body weight). On average, girls hit their first "growth spurt" at around 10 years old and boys at around 12 1/2 years old. Boys typically surpass girls in height and size and 13 1/2 years old though. Most girls are done maturing at 16 years old and boys at 17 1/2 years old.

Which brain regions are involved in linkages established during adolescence, and which ones are not fully mature? What implications are there for sensation seeking or risk-taking behavior?

The cerebral cortex (especially the prefrontal cortex), and inner brain (including the Amygdala and Hippocampus) are involve in linkages established during adolescence. However, the at this age, the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed. Impulsivity at this stage of life typically takes a steady decline while emotional/social sensation seeking takes a sharp jump upwards from ages 12-16 initially and then a gradual descent through age 244

What is the first sign of puberty in girls? in boys? When do menarche and spermarche occur in the sequence of pubertal development?

The first sign of puberty in girls is menarche which typically occurs at 12 1/2 but can occur from 10 1/2 - 15 1/3 The first sign of puberty in boys is the enlargement of the testes. Spermarche typically occurs at age 13 1/2

What is Piaget's stage of cognitive development beginning around age 11 or 12, and what are the two major features of this stage? Be able to give examples.

The formal operational stage begins around ages 11-12, in which they develop the capacity for abstract systemtic, scientific thinking. One major feature is hypothetico-deductive reasoning. When faced with a problem, they start with a hypothesis, or a prediction about variables that might affect an outcome, from which they deduce logical, testable inferences. Then they systematically isolate and combine variables to see which of these inferences are confirmed in the real world. (e.g. Piaget's pendulum problem; testing different weights to consider swing height, etc.) Another major feature is propositional thought which is adolescent's ability to evaluate the logic of propositions (verbal statements) without referring to real-world circumstances. (e.g. poker chip; either-or-- is it green or not green?)

Are there large gender differences in the number of adolescents who report having sexual intercourse at age 17, 18, or 19? What characteristics are linked to intercourse before age 17?

The incidence of children reporting having sexual intercourse increases with age from 15-19, with fewer girls reporting then boys. However the number of incidences tend to even out between genders as age increases. Adverse personal, family, peer, and/or educational characteristics are typically linked to early sexual activity. (e.g. divorce, weak parent involvement, little or no religious involvement, poor school performance, low academic aspirations, etc.)

Why has the number of teenage births in the U.S. declined during the past 50 years?

The number of teenage births over the past 50 years has declined because one-fourth of U.S. adolescent pregnancies end in abortion.

How do the numbers of adolescent students engaging in part-time work in other countries compare to students in the U.S.? What are typical characteristics of those who are employed and of the jobs they hold? How do they influence school attendance, grades, participation in extracurricular activities, use of drugs (including alcohol), and delinquency?

With 40% of tenth graders and 50% of twelfth graders in the U.S. holding part time jobs, the U.S. far exceeds other nations in rates of high school children with part-time jobs. Most kids are middle class that are more concerned with making and spending money than vocational exploration and training while others come from low-income families who are looking to support their families. The jobs themselves typically involve low-level, repetitive tasks under an adult supervisors. On average, low-income African-Americans and Hispanic high schoolers work more hours than caucasians. Children who work more hours tend to focus less on school which drops their grades and lessens their involvement in extracurricular activities, along with increases the frequency of drug (including alcohol) use and delinquency.

Which component of information processing is especially important (central) during adolescence?

metacognition (awareness of thoughts) expands leading to new insights into effective strategies for acquiring information and solving problems as it is central to adolescent cognitive development

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