Chapter 12 Part 2: Industrial Revolution

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----- or popular vote, 97 percent responded with a yes vote. On December 2, 1852, Louis-Napoleon assumed the title of Napoleon III, Emperor of France.

Queen Victoria

----- whose reign from 1837 to 1901 was the longest in English history, well reflected the British feeling of national pride. -----'s sense of duty and moral respectability reflected the attitudes of her age, later known as the Victorian Age.

natural selection

According to Darwin, in every species, "many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive." This results in a "struggle for existence." Darwin believed that some organisms are born with variations, or differences, that make them more adaptable to their environment than other organisms, a process that Darwin called -----.


At the end of the eighteenth century, a new intellectual movement, known as -----, emerged as a reaction to the ideas of the Enlightenment. - emphasized feelings, emotion, and imagination as sources of knowing.

Czar Alexander II

Even staunch conservatives realized that Russia was falling hopelessly behind the western European powers. -----decided to make some reforms.


In 1850, Austria was still the dominant power on the Italian Peninsula. After the failure of the revolution of 1848, people began to look to the northern Italian state of ------ for leadership in achieving the unification of Italy

Charles Dickens

In Great Britain, Charles, ----- became a huge success with novels that showed the realities of life for the poor in the early Industrial Age. Novels such as Oliver Twist and David Copperfield created a vivid picture of the brutal life of London's poor, as well as of their humor and humanity

Louis Pasteur

In biology, the Frenchman ----- proposed the germ theory of disease, which was crucial to the development of modern scientific medical practices.

Ludwig van Beethoven

In music, too, romantic trends dominated the first half of the nineteenth century. One of the most famous composers of this era was -----. Some have called him a bridge between classical and romantic music. Others argue that he was such a rare genius he cannot be easily classified


It is no accident that the nineteenth century was an age of increasing -----, indifference to or rejection of religion in the affairs of the world. For many people, truth was now to be found in science and the concrete material existence of humans.

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Meanwhile, in southern Italy, a new leader of Italian unification had arisen. ----- -----, a dedicated Italian patriot, raised an army of a thousand volunteers. They were called Red Shirts because of the color of their uniforms.

Charles Darwin

More than anyone else, it was ----- who promoted the idea that humans are material beings who are part of the natural world. In 1859, ----- published his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.


On December 20, 1860, South Carolina voted to -----, or withdraw, from the United States. In February 1861, six more Southern states did the same. A rival nation—the Confederate States of America—was formed


On March 3, 1861, Alexander issued an ----- edict, which freed the serfs. Peasants could now own property and marry as they chose. The government provided land for the peasants by buying it from the landlords.

Alsace and Lorraine

Paris finally surrendered on January 28, 1871. An official peace treaty was signed in May. France had to pay 5 billion francs (about $1 billion) and give up the provinces of -----and ----- to the new German state. The loss of these territories left the French burning for revenge.


The Prussian king had firm control over both the government and the army. Prussia was also known for its -----, or reliance on military strength.

organic evolution

The basic idea of this book was that each species, or kind, of plant and animal, had evolved over a long period of time from earlier, simpler forms of life. Darwin called this principle -----.


The belief that the world should be viewed realistically, a view frequently expressed after 1850, was closely related to the scientific outlook. In politics, Bismarck had practiced the "politics of reality." In the literary and visual arts, -----became a movement as well.


The cotton economy and plantation-based slavery were closely related. The South was determined to maintain them. At the same time, -----, a movement to end slavery, arose in the North and challenged the Southern way of life.

Otto von Bismarck.

When the Prussian legislature refused to levy new taxes for the proposed military changes, William I appointed a new prime minister, Count -----. - has often been seen as the foremost nineteenth-century practitioner of real-politik—the "politics of reality," or politics based on practical matters rather than on theory or ethics


William I of Prussia was proclaimed -----, or emperor, of the Second German Empire (the first was the medieval Holy Roman Empire).

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