Chapter 13

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(1) Making hiring and promotion decisions based on criteria that are not job-relevant. (2) When someone acts out their negative attitudes toward people who are the targets of their prejudice. **acting on prejudicial thoughts

Diversity initiatives and programs

-Maintain competitive advantage, improve employee morale, decrease interpersonal conflict, facilitate progress in new markets, increase creativity Doing so by -enhancing structures and policies (installing chief diversity officers) -expanding recruitment efforts to be more diverse (, a start-up company implementing this) -Establishing mentor relationships

Hostile Environment sexual harassment

-No Tangible Employment Action 3 parts 1. Unwelcome 2. Sexual in nature; or directed at particular sex (sexist) 3. Hostile environment-substantially alters terms of employment With #3, the standard: a. Subjective: no intent required; didn't mean to (comes from perspective of recipient) b. Objective: "reasonable person" of "ordinary sensibilities." c. Conduct must be severe or pervasive; -Frequency / Severity: whether physically threatening or humiliating, or merely an offensive --Unreasonably interferes with an employee's work performance (terms, conditions, and privileges of employment) -Actionable sexual harassment occurs when the workplace is"permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult. **the line with #3 is if there is touching **NO MATTER WHAT, leaders/managers must investigate and resolve every complaint of sexual harassment

Quid Pro Quo sexual harrassment

-Tangible employment action (some offer for benefit) 2 parts 1. Power differential 2. Exchange: Tangible, adverse employment action; Employer strictly liable.

Appearance and Weight Discrimination

-Uniform application of dress codes is permitted. -Height and weight-related job requirements must be job-related. *organizations are allowed to set dress codes as long as they are applied uniformly (all employees)

Increasing awareness of sexual harrassment

-it is illegal -violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (in workplace -violation of Title VIII of the Education Amendment of 1972 (in classroom) To eliminate sexual harassment, companies may offer sexual harassment awareness programs that define harassment and the legal ramifications of harassment

Dividends of Workplace Diversity

1) Better use of employee talent (best competitive advantage) 2) Increased understanding of the marketplace (better able to anticipate and respond to changing consumer needs) 3) Enhanced breadth of understanding in leadership positions 4) Increased quality of team problem solving (different perspectives to a discussion that result in more creative ideas and better solutions) 5) Reduced costs associated with high turnover, absenteeism, and lawsuits

Two issues that show how environment and workplace are changing

1. Increased diversity 2. More women workers However, as diversity has increased, so have the number of discrimination complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ex. Bass Pro Shops; discarding applications because the searcher could tell by the names that applicants weren't white

Why heterogeneous teams?

84 percent stated that they prefer heterogeneous teams because they lead to multiple viewpoints and more prolific ideas

Employee affinity groups

A group based on social identity, such as gender or race, and organized by employees within a company to focus on concerns of employees from that group. Ex. At, they meet monthly to discuss issues of interest and concern Ex. The National Black Crown Prosecution Association is an employee affinity group for African Americans at Britain's Crown Prosecution Service Other activities: meeting to educate top managers, mentoring programs, networking events, training sessions and skills seminars, minority intern programs, community volunteer activities

Other shitty stuff about women

Critics say that opinion is just a way to blame women for the scarcity of female top managers and argue that organizations must change. One study found that fathers are rated as the most desirable employees, while mothers are rated the least desirable. Women are likely to be more collaborative, less hierarchical, and more relationship-oriented than men, qualities that prepare them to succeed in today's multicultural work environment.

Categories of sexual harrassment

Generalized Inappropriate/offensive Solicitation with promise of reward Coercion with threat of punishment Sexual crimes and misdemeanors

reverse mentoring

Rather than having an older, more experienced manager mentor a younger employee, reverse mentoring has younger managers and employees helping older workers navigate the challenges they face with new technology Ex. Cisco

Diversity of thought

a broader and deeper base of ideas, opinions, and experiences for problem solving, creativity, and innovation -chance of creating hard-to-replicate competitive advantage -teams are more likely to experience higher efficiency, better quality, less duplication of effort among team members, and increased innovation and creativity **usually have higher percentage of women and nonwhite male employees

Unconscious bias

a person is not aware of the bias in his or her favorable and unfavorable assessments, actions, and decisions toward members of specific groups **In many cases, these are not acts of conscious discrimination Ex. Unconscious bias theory suggests that white males, for example, will inevitably slight women and minorities because people's decisions are influenced by unconscious bias Ex. Selecting resumes with names that sounded less ethnic Ex. Research has found that women who come to the emergency room with a stroke wait 15 percent longer than men to get brain imaging


a rigid, exaggerated, irrational believe associated with particular group of people *managers need to eliminate these *barrier to diversity -often based on folklore, media portrayals, and other unreliable sources of information -contain negative connotations -assume that all members of a group have the same characteristics


all the ways in which employees differ (differences are valuation o Used to be defined in terms of race, gender, age, lifestyle, and disability o Today, companies are embracing a more inclusive definition of diversity that recognizes a spectrum of differences that influence how employees approach work, interact with each other, derive satisfaction from their work, and define how they are as people in the workplace o Successful organizations seek a diverse and inclusive workforce

Employment research

almost 90% of jobs are filled through WORD-OF-MOUTH -not illegal, just a sensitivity -women and minorities still lag in opportunities, pay, and promotions (even Pinterest is still low)

managing diversity

creating a climate in which the potential advantages of diversity for organizational or group performance are maximized while the potential disadvantages are minimized **key element for today's global economy


culture that accepts one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs **those that don't fall within that may feel the pressure to conform


higher-ranking organizational member who is committed to providing upward mobility and support to a protege's professional career a strong mentor or network of mentors who nurtured their professional development

Opt-out trend

highly educated, professional women deciding that corporate success isn't worth the price in terms of reduced family and personal time -voluntarily leave to pursue other things; even with female advantage Gender stereotypes, Sandberg says, are so powerfully ingrained in women that they continue to perpetuate them subconsciously Women: -Don't Take Responsibility for Their Success -Don't Take Responsibility for Their Success -Leave before they leave A survey of women voluntarily leaving executive jobs in Fortune 1000 companies found that corporate culture was cited as the number-one reason for leaving

Traditional model of diversity

inborn differences that are immediately observable such as race, gender, age, pay level, disability, and physical ability

Inclusive model of diveristy

includes all the ways in which employees differ, including aspects of diversity that can be acquired or changed throughout one's lifetime along with inborn differences; model includes introverted and extroverted, ethnic backgrounds, cultural upbringing, all those things. Work style, military experience, competency, income, personality

African Americans who have made it into management positions often feel that they have two jobs

one job managing a team, department, or division, and another "representing" people of color for their organization at diversity fairs or other events


organization accommodates several subcultures Good thing; rather than monoculture

Major global concern about diversity

progression of women into upper management positions Japan, for example, have made a strong push to hire more women, and in 2015 a greater percentage of working-age women were employed in Japan than in the United States and Europe. (Problem was they weren't in management) **also hold on to ideas of lifetime employment and age-based promotions (why men are still in positions) Moreover, recent data show that over two-thirds of Japanese women leave work after their first child is born, compared to just one-third of U.S. women, often because of insufficient child care and societal expectations; Germany passed a law requiring some companies to give 30 percent of supervisory board seats to women beginning in 2016. **laws being passed in countries (Germany, Norway, France, and Spain)

What are forward-thinking managers doing for women and minorities?

taking steps to attract and retain a workforce that reflects the cultural diversity of the population. -They take seriously the fact that there is a link between the diversity of the workforce and financial success in the marketplace.


the belief that groups and subcultures are inherently equal GOOD THING; rather then ethnocentrims


the belief that one's own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures


the degree to which an employee feels like an esteemed member of a group in which his or her uniqueness is highly appreciated Strong sense of belonging and voices are heard

Glass ceiling

the invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to the top jobs in organizations; limits their upward mobility in organizations -cannot promote beyond; can see it, but can't access it -similar to bamboo ceiling in Asian cultures


the tendency to view people who are different as being deficient (entire class of people)

Managers can learn to value differences

they recognize individual differences and see these differences with an appreciative attitude

Factors shaping personal bias

unconscious bias prejudice discrimination stereotypes ethnocentrism

female advantage

women are more collaborative, less hierarchical, relationship oriented, better able to deliver in terms of what modern society requires of people

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