Chapter 13 HW

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The prefix auto- means The prefix brachi- means The prefix hypo- means The prefix soma- means

"self." "arm." "below." "body."

Place the following steps in order for motor control .1. Upper motor neurons stimulate lower motor neurons. 2. Sensory information is relayed back to the cerebellum so movement can be modified if needed. 3. Upper motor neurons in the premotor cortex select a motor program. 4. Lower motor neurons stimulate a skeletal muscle to contract. 5. The basal nuclei enable the thalamus to stimulate upper motor neurons of the primary cortex.

3, 5, 1, 4, 2

Which somatic motor neuron innervates the lateral rectus muscle?

Abducens nerve (VI)

What nerve is unique in that it has a spinal origin?

Accessory nerve (XI)

What disease affects both the upper and lower motor neurons and typically results in death within 5 years of disease onset?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Which nerve innervates the deltoid and teres minor muscles and the skin over the deltoid?

Axillary nerve

Which of the following symptoms is characterized by extending the big toe and spreading out the other toes when the bottom of the foot is stroked on a patient with an upper motor neuron disorder?

Babinski sign

Which structure is not correctly paired with its structure & function?

Basal nuclei: regulates movements and found in the posterior (dorsal) root that extends from the spinal cord

Which branch is not part of the trigeminal nerve?

Buccal nerve

The step during which the sensory information is conducted along the central process and transmitted from the PNS to the CNS is __________.


Which component of a somatic sensory neuron transmits an action potential from the peripheral process to the posterior horn?

Central process

What sensory receptor is responsible for detecting the hydrogen ion concentration in the body's fluids?


What causes you to automatically blink when something touches your eye unexpectedly?

Corneal blink reflex

Which of the following complements the flexion (withdrawal) reflex?

Crossed-extension reflex

The visceral motor division of the PNS is labeled __________.


Which of the following must occur first in a reflex arc?

Detection by a receptor and delivery of stimulus

Which is not a primary function of the oculomotor nerve (III)?

Dilates the pupil

What is the connective tissue sheath that surrounds a peripheral nerve?


____________ detect an object's texture, temperature, and color.


What reflex is caused by stimulation of nociceptors?

Flexion reflex

Which nerve has the sensory functions of taste in the posterior one-third of the tongue and detecting changes in blood pressure of the carotid artery?

Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)

____________ detect the force generated by a muscle contraction.

Golgi tendon organs

What reflex causes muscle relaxation?

Golgi tendon reflex

Which nerve innervates most of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue?

Hypoglossal nerve (XII)

The optic nerve is represented by Roman numeral __________.


What connects the upper motor neurons to lower motor neurons?


Which of the following statements best describes the structure of a Golgi tendon organ?

It consists of an encapsulated bundle of collagen fibers attached to about 20 extrafusal muscle fibers.

Predict what might happen if a disease caused the axons of the first-order somatosensory neurons that transmit proprioceptive stimuli to lose their myelin sheaths.

Lack of coordination during walking would be present.

What mechanoreceptor is activated by high-frequency vibratory stimuli and deep pressure?

Lamellated corpuscles

What type of sensory receptors are muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs?


Which of the following reflexes is not a somatic reflex?

Meissner reflex

Which of the following characteristics is not true about receptive fields?

More sensory neurons equal larger receptive fields per neuron.

______________ detect the degree to which a muscle is stretched.

Muscle spindles

What is muscle spindles?

Muscle spindles are receptors for the stretch reflex. The contractile poles of intrafusal fibers within muscle spindles are innervated by γ-motor neurons. Muscle spindles are embedded within extrafusal muscle fibers

What receptors would detect a temperature of 52°C?


_____________ are sensory receptors associated with pain.


Where does the motor portion of the facial nerve (VII) originate?

Nuclei in the pons and medulla

Which of the following nerves does not originate from the sacral plexus?

Obturator nerve

What two nerves do not arise from the brain stem?

Olfactory and optic nerves

Axons of these cranial nerves pass through the cribriform foramina of the ethmoid bone.

Olfactory nerve (I)

Sensory transduction occurs in __________.

PNS sensory neurons

What reflex is critical in keeping you upright when you're standing?

Patellar reflex

Which of the following nerves does not originate from the brachial plexus?

Phrenic nerve

Where are the sensory neurons found in a spinal nerve?

Posterior root of spinal nerve

What sensors are located in the musculoskeletal system and detect the movement and position of a joint or body part?


Which is not a motor function of the facial nerve?

Responsible for swallowing movements

What is the largest and longest nerve of the body?

Sciatic nerve

What extraocular muscle does the trochlear nerve (IV) innervate?

Superior oblique muscle

Which of the following events is not a step in the pathway for detection and perception of somatic sensation?

The central process transmits the action potential to the peripheral nervous system (PNS).

Which of the following is a characteristic of both spinal and cranial nerves?

They contain bundles of axons.

Which cranial nerve originates as two separate nerves that share a common epineurium, but fuse together after they leave the temporal bone?

Vestibulocochlear (VIII)

The vagus nerve is represented by Roman numeral __________.


Muscle groups that produce fine movements, like the extrinsic eye muscles, have _________ of muscle spindles compared to muscle groups that produce course movements.

a large number

The speed of nerve impulse transmission through the axon of a sensory neuron will be quickest in __________.

a large-diameter, myelinated axon

This neuron is __________.

a lower motor neuron

The lower motor neurons that innervate contractile skeletal muscle fibers are called ________

a-motor neurons.

The nervous system is under involuntary, or automatic, control.


musculocutaneous nerve

biceps brachii and skin covering lateral arm

The plexus is a network of nerves located near the arm pit.


During a boxing match, Sammy was hit on the side of the neck. He stopped breathing temporarily due to damage to the __________.

cervical plexus

The receptors for smell and taste are __________.


The left leg of this figure is undergoing a __________.

crossed extensor reflex

axillary nerve

deltoid and teres minor muscles plus skin over deltoid

a _____ is an area of the skin that is innervated by a single spinal nerve


Regions of skin supplied by a spinal nerve for somatic sensation are known as __________.


What connective tissue sheath wraps the axon of a neuron?


Photoreceptors are found only in the __________.


Bell's palsy affects the __________ nerve.

facial nerve

slowly adapting sensory receptors respond rapidly with high intensity to stimuli but stop sending signals after a short time


the large ventral rami of spinal nerves innervate the skin and muscles of the back


the patellar reflex is a contralateral, polysynaptic somatic reflex


Bundles of axons within a nerve are known as __________.


The nerve originates from the medulla and travels below the tongue.


A receptor potential _______________________.

leads to an action potential if the stimulus is strong enough

Motor neuron pools consist of __________.

lower motor neurons

Multipolar neurons that innervate skeletal muscle fibers are called __________.

lower motor neurons

femoral nerve

lumbar plexus

obturator nerve

lumbar plexus

Name this channel.

mechanically gated Na+ channel

This reflex arc shows a __________.

monosynaptic reflex

Which of the following receptors is responsible for detecting stimuli of a special sense?


the ____ nerve innervated the diaphragm


A network of nerves is known as a __________.


Which of the following parts of a spinal nerve carries sensory information only?

posterior (dorsal) root

Mechanoreceptors might detect which of the following sensations?


Receptors that detect the movement and position of a joint or body part are called __________.


Ms. Carroll went to her doctor's office with pain in her right shoulder blade and learned she was having a gallbladder attack. You're not surprised to hear about the unusual location of her pain since it is known as __________.

referred pain

Pain in the right side of the neck and shoulder associated with liver and gallbladder pathology is an example of __________.

referred pain

Visceral pain may be perceived as cutaneous pain, a phenomenon known as __________.

referred pain

____ corpuscles are spindle-shaped, encapsulated receptors found in layers deep to the epidermis, that adapt slowly to stretch and movement


common fibular nerve

sacral plexus

which of the following is not true

the femoral nerve arises from the coccygeal plexus

radial nerve

triceps brachii, forearm extensors and skin of posterior thumb, 2nd, 3rd, and lateral half of 4th digit

Cranial nerve V is the __________.

trigeminal nerve

bundles of myelinated axons are enclosed in a CT membrane called perineurium


the babinski reflex is considered normal in the adult if they flex their toes when the sole of the foot is stimulated


The neurons that select a particular motor program are the __________.

upper motor neurons in the premotor cortex

What nerve stimulates the masseter and temporalis muscles to elevate the mandible during mastication and swallowing?

Trigeminal (V) nerve

Which plexus provides motor and sensory innervation to the upper limb?

brachial plexus

Which cranial nerve is generally thought of as a mixed nerve?

glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)

Which of the following houses motor neurons?

Anterior root of spinal nerve

Which of the following is incorrect about the numbers of spinal nerves?

7 pairs of cervical spinal nerves

Which of the following cranial nerves contain axons of motor neurons?

Trochlear nerve (IV)

What nerve causes the painful tingling sensation when you hit your "funny bone"?

Ulnar nerve

What part of the nervous system integrates and interprets information from PNS sensory neurons?

central nervous system (CNS)

The _________ nerve is the largest nerve from the posterior division, and of the lumbar plexus.


ulnar nerve

forearm flexors, intrinsic muscle and skin of 5th digit and medial side of 4th digit

The small lower motor neurons that innervate intrafusal muscle fibers that are part of specialized stretch receptors are called _____________.

g-motor neurons

When the visceral sensory nerve endings of the glossopharyngeal nerve in the posterior throat are stimulated, unilaterally it triggers a _________________

gag reflex.

Which of the following are groups of neuronal cell bodies that are located within the ANS?


each posterior spinal nerve root has an enlargement, called the posterior (dorsal) root ______, which contains the cell bodies of _____ neurons, while the anterior root of each spinal nerve contains the axons of _____ neurons.

ganglion, sensory, motor

Merkel cell fibers, tactile corpuscles, Ruffini endings, and lamellated corpuscles are all types of ______________.


A reflex with a single synapse between the sensory and motor neurons within the spinal cord is known as a __________.

monosynaptic reflex

A plexus is a __________.

network of spinal nerves

Compared to chemical synapses, electrical synapses:

offer faster cell-cell communication

Which cranial nerve detects smell?

olfactory nerve (I)

sciatic nerve

sacral plexus

tibial nerve

sacral plexus

An injury to somatic sensory neurons that decreases or eliminates sensation, including pain, in the affected part of the body is called ________________

sensory peripheral neuropathy.

Which of the following is not a function of the limbic system?

sleep/wake cycle

Reflexes that control skeletal muscle are called __________.


The nervous system allows us to voluntarily control our body 19s movements.


The ______________ of the peripheral nervous system consists of lower motor neurons that directly innervate skeletal muscle fibers.

somatic motor division

Afferent signals from external stimuli are carried by the __________.

somatic sensory division

Which division detects stimuli of the general senses and special senses?

somatic sensory division

place the steps of sensory transduction in their correct order

stimulus detected by receptor mechanically gated sodium channels open axolemma depolarizes to threshold voltage gated sodium channels open action potential propagates towards CNS along peripheral process

The patellar reflex is a type of __________.

stretch reflex

the cranial nerve that is the exception to the rule that cranial nerves innervates structures in the head and neck is the ____ nerve


The ________ innervates the throat, anterior neck, and almost all of the thoracic and abdominal viscera.

vagus nerve (X)

Mechanoreceptors detect __________.

vibration and deep pressure

The sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system are divisions of the __________.

visceral motor division (autonomic nervous system)

The sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system are divisions of the:

visceral motor division (or autonomic nervous system, ANS).

median nerve

wrist and digital flexors, some intrinsic hand muscles and skin over anterior thumb, 2nd, 3rd and lateral half of the 4th digits

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