Chapter 14

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Largest group of ocean organisms?


What is neritic zone?

The Neritic zone extends from the low-tide line out to the edge of the continental shelf. Sunlight and nutrients are located in the neritic zone, so it enables coral reefs to grow, a multitude of animals, and plant-like algae.

What is the deep ocean zone like?

The deep zone is incredibly harsh. There are no light, the temperatures are very cold, there is a lot of pressure, and the food is very limited, often compared to a desert

What are the different types of zones in the open-ocean zone?

the surface zone extends down to where sunlight penetrates. The transition zone, extends from the bottom of the surface zone to a depth of 1 kilometer. And the deep zone extends from the bottom of the transition zone to the sea floor, about 3.8 kilometers down. Very few organisms live in the open-ocean zone because little to no sunlight reaches these depths, and the water is colder and there is greater pressure. The few organisms that live in the deep zone, use bioluminescence or have other adaptations to survive at this depth.

What are the conditions in the deep ocean zone?

the water is dark, cold, and there is a great amount of pressure due to the amount of water above it

How did the Hawaiian Islands form?

they formed from a hot spot volcano

a smooth, nearly flat region of the deep ocean floor

Abyssal zone

What is the intertidal zone?

At the highest high-tide line, the intertidal zone begins. The intertidal zone stretches out to the point exposed by the lowest low-tide line. Few organisms live in the intertidal zone because they must withstand changes in salinity and temperature in the water, periods of being underwater and of being exposed to air, and the pounding of the waves.

organisms that live on the bottom of the ocean or other body of water


What is the open-ocean zone?

Beyond the edge of the continental shelf, lies the open-ocean zone which includes the deepest, darkest part of the ocean. The surface zone, transition zone, and deep zone are apart of the open-ocean zone. In the open-ocean zone, very little sunlight is received and there are fewer nutrients than the neritic zone.

a steep incline of the ocean floor leading down from the edge of the continental shelf

Continental slope

How does a coral reef form?

Coral reefs form as the remains of coral animals build up in warm, shallow waters

A coastal inlet or bay where freshwater from rivers mixes mixes with salty ocean water


the feeding relationships in a habitat

Food Web

What are conditions in the intertidal zone like?

It has tough conditions such as changes in salinity and temperature, wet and dry periods, and pounding waves.

What is the deepest point in the world's oceans?

Marianas Trench

Know the difference between a neap tide and a spring tide?

Neap Tide- When the sun, moon, and Earth are at right angles and it creates the lowest difference between high and low tidesSpring Tide- When the sun, moon, and Earth form a straight line and produces the greatest difference between high and low tides

free-swimming animals that can move throughout the water column


Can fish live in the intertidal zone? Why or why not?

No, because in the intertidal zone, it is difficult for organisms to live there because they must be able to tolerate changes in both salinity and temperature of the water, as well periods of being underwater and periods exposed to the air. Some also experience pounding waves.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of the Earth's oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south and is bounded by Asia and Australia in the west and the Americas in the east.

Pacific Ocean

Know what groups the different types of sea life belong to (benthos etc.)

Plankton- tiny algae and animals that float in the water and are carried by waves and currents. Ex: Diatoms and Copepods Nekton- free-swimming animals that can move throughout the water column.Ex: Sturgeon, Ocean sunfish, Bat ray, Sardines, Jellyfish, and Dolphin Benthos- organisms that inhabit the ocean floor. Ex: Crab, Eelgrass, Brittle star, Sand dollars, Sea pen, and Octopus

What is SONAR?

SONAR is sound navigation and ranging. It is a system that uses sound waves to calculate the distance to an object.

the amount of dissolved salts in a water sample


mountains whose peaks do not break the surface of the ocean water above them are called seamounts


What is the most abundant type of salt in the ocean?

Sodium Chloride

A point on the wave is a trough if the displacement of the medium at that point is at a minimum.


What causes surface currents?


What heats deep ocean water?

hydrothermal vents

What is kelp?

kelp are large, heavy algae which grow in forests in cold neritic waters where the ocean has a rocky floor

Where is the deepest spot in any ocean?

marianas trench

What is the mid

ocean ridge?- an undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced

What is an upwelling?

the movement of cold water upward from the deep ocean that is caused by wind; brings nutrients up from the bottom of the ocean

What is bioluminescence?

the production of light by living things

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