Chapter 14

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Both emotions play an important role in motivating moral and prosocial behavior.

Only of the following statements about guilt and shame is accurate. Which one is true?

Virtually all cultures tend to value both individual rights and compassion for others.

Only one of the following statements is accurate regarding similarities or differences in moral standards across cultures. Which one?

Children often show conventional thinking for several years and then revert back to preconventional thinking when they reach adolescence.

Three of the following are accurate statements about the shortcomings of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning. Which one is inaccurate?

Four-year-old Molly donates her favorite teddy bear to a toy collection for earthquake victims in Asia.

Three of the following prosocial behaviors are typical for the age group. Which one is not typical?

Children become less generous with age, apparently because they gain greater appreciation for the value of money.

Three of the following statements are accurate about children's and/or adolescents' moral behavior. Which statement is not accurate?

Become actively involved in service to others even before they reach adolescence

Children are likely to integrate moral values into their overall sense of self when they:

Share the cookies equally, but give any extra cookies to classmates whose families don't have much money

When school lunch is delayed for an hour due to an unexpected power outage in the cafeteria, 14-year-old Henrietta is asked to share her box of home-baked cookies with her classmates. Given what developmental researchers have learned about how distributive justice and children's sense of fairness change with age, we would expect Henrietta to:

Has developed a sense of right and wrong

When we see signs that a child feels ashamed or guilty about something that he or she has done, we can reasonably conclude that the child:

Pushing someone off the top of the slide

Which one of the following behaviors is a kindergartner most likely to say is (morally) "bad" or "wrong"?

Spreading a malicious rumor

Which one of the following forms of aggression are you most apt to see in girls' behavior?

Empathy for the victims of a widespread famine or epidemic

Which one of the following is most typical of the moral development of high school students?

Prosocial and aggressive behaviors are influenced by both genetic heritage and environmental influences.

Which one of the following statements is most accurate regarding the origins of prosocial and aggressive behavior?

"It's okay to cheat on this exam because the teacher isn't watching me."

Which one of the following statements reflects Kohlberg's preconventional moral reasoning?

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