Chapter 14 climate alteration and global change

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Which of the following activities causes a cooling of earth?

volcanic eruptions

cyclical effect

A warmer earth causes the oceans to release CO2, higher CO2 concentration to warm the earth through the greenhouse effect, this causes a release of yet more CO2 gas from the oceans.

Which sources of data have been used to assess changes in global CO2 in temperature?

Air bubbles and ice cores from glaciers, thermometers place around the globe, CO2 sensors place around the globe.

United Nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC)

As of 2020, the UNFCCC has 197 signatory parties. It's decision-making body, the conference of the parties or COP, meets annually to assess progress in dealing with climate change. The UNFCCC seeks for the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a Level that would prevent dangerous anthropology Neddick human induced interference with the earths climate system.

Negative feedback system

Atmospheric CO2 increase plant growth increases uptake to CO2 from the atmosphere thereby decreasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere to the plant growth.

Anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gases

Burning of fossil fuels, agricultural practices, deforestation, landfills, industrial production.

Centuries of atmospheric CO2 levels

Changes in CO2 in global temperatures have been linked for millennia.

Global climate change

Changes in climate average weather of the earth. Increase storm intensity. Altered parents of precipitation in temperature. Altered patterns of ocean circulation. Global warming.

Positive feedback system

Decomposition: faster decomposition boost the rate at which CO2 is added to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide CO2 higher levels of CO2 promote higher temperatures. Temperature: higher temperatures lead to faster decomposition.

Paris agreement

Entered into force in 2016. In 2011, 196 countries met in Durband, South Africa, expressing grave concern that efforts to limit global warming. A global warming agreement was reached on the reduction of climate change which goes into force when joined by at least 55 countries. April 22, 2016 Earth Day, 174 country signed the agreement in New York, and begin adopting it within their own legal systems. The United States formally with Drew from the agreement the day after the 2020 presidential election.


From denitrification or water vapor.

In regard to the greenhouse effect which statement is not true?

Greenhouse gases were not historically present in the atmosphere.

Consequences to living organisms

Growing season for plants is changing, becoming longer or shorter in different areas. Organisms may be harmed if they can't migrate to more suitable climates. Humans may have to relocate due to coastal and island flooding. Rates of diseases such as those carried by mosquitoes like malaria or yellow fever could increase. These could spread into areas only recently freed from their burden like south east United States. There will be economic consequences.

Of the following factors, which ones are important when considering the fact of a greenhouse gas on global warming?

How much infrared Radiation the gas can absorb, how long the gas remains in the atmosphere, the concentration of the gas in the atmosphere.

Global change

Includes global climate change and global warming. Any chemical, biological, or a physical change in the properties at the planet. Rising sea levels. Increase extraction of fossil fuels. Increase contamination. Altered bio geochemical cycles. Decrease biodiversity. Emerging infectious diseases. Overharvesting/exploitation of plants and animals.

Which statement about feedback loops that occur with the climate change is true?

Increased soil decomposition under warmer temperatures represents a positive feedback loop.

Volcanic eruption's

Mainly carbon dioxide

Solar radiation and greenhouse gases

Make our planet warm.

Consequences to the environment because of global warming

Melting of polar ice caps, Greenland and Antarctica. Melting of many glaciers around the world. Melting of permafrost. This causes rising sea levels due to the melting of glaciers and ice sheets, and because warm water expands. Heat waves, cold spells, global changes and precipitation patterns, increases in storm intensity, global ships in ocean currents.

Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?


Which greenhouse gas is not correctly paired with one of his sources?

Nitrous oxide: automobiles

Global warming

One aspect of climate change, the warming of the oceans, landmasses, and atmosphere of the earth. Increase heat waves. Reduced cold spells.

Ice cores

Scientist have traveled to these frozen regions of the world to drill deep into the ice and extract long long tubes of ice.

Koyoto Protocol

Signed in 1997 entered into force in 2005. In 1997, representatives of the nations of the world went to Kyoto, Japan to discuss how best to control the omissions contributing to the global warming. Based on the principles and provisions of the convention and follows it's annex- based structure. It only buy in developed countries, and place to have your burden on them under the principle of common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities, because it recognizes that they are largely responsible for the current high levels of GHG emissions in the atmosphere.

Carbon sequestration

Taking the greenhouse gas, CO2 out of the atmosphere. Methods include: store and carbon in agricultural soil's or retiring agricultural land and allowing it to become pasture or forest.

Green housewarming potential

The contribution of each gas to go warming depends on this. The gas that illuminates how much a molecule of any compound can contribute to global warming over a period of 100 years relative to a molecule CO2.

The controversy of climate change

The fundamental basis for climate change is that greenhouse gas concentrations Are increasing and that is will lead to global warming. The fact is not in dispute amongst the vast majority of scientist.

Greenhouse gases

The gases in the atmosphere that absorbed infrared radiation.

Which statement about global warming is true?

The planet has had many periods of warming and cooling in the past.

Temperatures and greenhouse gas concentrations in the past 400,000 years

We indirectly measure temperature changes over thousands of years in a number of ways, including: changes in species compositions and chemical analysis of ice.

Putting methane carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide together

We know an increase in CO2 level in the atmosphere cause a greater capacity for warming through the greenhouse effect.

The greenhouse effect

The ultimate source of almost all energy on earth is the sun. When radiation from the sun hits the atmosphere, clouds, and surface of the earth, almost 1/3 is reflected away back into the space.

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