(Chapter 14) East Asia

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Yamato Period (500-794)

-Yamato Clan dominates other clans -Claim to be descendants of Sun Goddess -Establishes Japan's only dynasty; -All emperors trace their roots to this clan all emperors come from this clan

The Emperor Loses Power

By the 1100s, the emperor of Japan's power was greatly weakened by civil war. Noble families refused to pay taxes to the emperor. They grew rich and bought much land. Eventually, one noble family grew more powerful than any other.


Capital of Timurids

The Mongol Empire at its Peak

China Conquered Yuan Dynasty established Russia Conquered Ruled by the Golden Horde Khanate Middle East Conquered Baghdad destroyed in 1258 Abbasid Caliphate dethroned

The Shogun

The leader of Japan's most powerful family forced the emperor to appoint him shogun. The word "Shogun" means "great general". For the next 700 years, powerful shoguns governed Japan.

Physical features of Japan

-A chain of mountainous islands in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of mainland Asia


-A vast region of dry grasslands in Asia. -Harsh climate with resource scarcity (food, water, wood). -Historic home of nomads who frequently attacked settled civilizations. -Famous Nomadic Invaders Huns Turks Mongols

The Mongol Empire after Genghis Khan

-After the death of Genghis Khan the Mongol Empire was divided up into four Khanates and continued to expand. -Each region was ruled by a descendant of Genghis.

Heian Period (794-1185)

-Age of Chinese Influence -Cultural Borrowing from China through Korea


-Belief in nature spirits which take the form natural objects. -Never became an international religion. -Shrines reflect their reverence for nature.

Kana Syllables

-Departure from Chinese influence -Syllables, not words -Unique cultural creation

The Nomadic Way of Life

-Depended on animals for food, clothing, milk, tools. -Lived in Yurts. -Believed in a Sky God that ruled the universe. -Nomads competed for resources - led to constant warfare, alliances, or both.

Growth of Cities and Trade

-Dramatic increase in population (Over 100 million people by the year 1200). -Excess population moves to cities which became centers of industry and trade. -Hangzhou (Capital of Song) -Overseas Trade Flourishes -Song lose control of Silk Road, but -Expand shipping routes into East Asia and Indian Ocean.

Feudal Japan

-Emperor loses control of empire -Warlords begin to fight for power -Feudal System develops

Improvements in Agriculture and Food Distribution

-Fast Ripening Rice -First imported from Vietnam -Allows two harvests per year -Artificial Irrigation -Terraced Mountainsides -Expanded the Grand Canal and Road network -Food production >>> Increase in Population

Developments in China

-Forces led by Kublai Khan defeated Song (China). -He renamed his dynasty the Yuan. -Kublai admired Chinese culture, but tried to preserve Mongol identity. -Cosmopolitan Values: Welcomed scholars, religious leaders, artists of all cultures to his court.

Mongols Capture Baghdad

-In 1258 the Mongols laid siege to Baghdad. -800,000 killed and the Abbasid Caliph was murdered. -The Mongols now owned the Muslim Empire.

Zen Buddhism

-Japanese form of Buddhism. -Focuses on Peace, Simplicity, Love of Beauty -Enlightenment can come through precise performance of everyday tasks, such as tea ceremony

How did affect the people of Japan?

-Land is difficult to farm -Rugged terrain acted as a barrier to political unity -Isolation

Timur (Tamerlane)

-Last great nomadic conqueror. -Turk who claimed descent from the Mongols. -Brutally conquered much of Central Asia, creating the Timurid empire. -A devout Muslim. -Spread Islam throughout the region.

Why were the Mongols so Successful on the Battlefield?

-Mobility of Horses -Mongol Bow -Superior Military Organization -Strategy -Psychological Terror

Genghis Khan

-Mongol leader who became "World Emperor". -United the clans of the steppe under his leadership. -Ruled with an iron fist - ruthless, he demanded absolute loyalty.

Treatment of Conquered People

-Mongols demanded payment of tribute in return for peace. -They permitted local leaders to govern. -They showed religious tolerance. -They established rule of law.

The Mongols Invade Russia

-Mongols destroy Kiev in 1240. -So many people were slaughtered that "no eye remained to weep" -Mongols rule Russia from afar for 200 years.

Who are the Mongols?

-Nomadic horse-people from the eastern steppe of Asia. -They created the largest empire in the history of the world , stretching from China to Russia.


-Nomads from Central Asia who speak the Turkic language. -Appear in the Middle East in 10th Century. -Most converted to Islam. -Turks well known for their fighting skills. -Abassids bought Seljuk slaves called mameluks and turned them into body guards. -Seljuk Turks captured Baghdad in 1051 and ruled the Abbasid Empire. -The Caliph remained the spiritual leader of the empire.

Orthodox Church

-Orthodox Church was used as a mediator between the Mongols and the local Russian leaders. -The Mongols granted the church special privileges in return.

Economics under the Mongols

-Promoted Trade -Tax farming >>> devastates agriculture -Introduced paper money >>> rejected by the people>>leads to economic depression. -High taxes lead to resentment

Mameluk Empire

-Seljuks established the Mameluk Empire in Egypt and stopped Mongol westward expansion at battle of Ain Jalut. -The Mameluks thereby preserved Islamic civilization. -Cairo became the heart of Islamic culture for 300 years.

Chinese Footbinding

-Started under the Tang. -Symbol of wealth, status, and beauty. -Only done to upper class women. -Method of controlling and tightly supervising women. -Strengthened patriarchy to preserve family fortunes.

Effects of the Mongol Empire

-The Mongol Empire led to a period called the Pax Mongolica - "Mongol Peace". -The Mongols guaranteed safe passage for traders, missionaries, and travelers (Marco Polo).

Administering the Empire

-The Mongols did not know how to manage a complex society. -They employed local bureaucrats to: Collect taxes Maintain Order The Mongols converted to Islam in 1295.

Rise of the Song Empire

-The Song maintained a much smaller empire than the Tang. -They faced constant military threats from nomadic enemies to the north, the Jin. -They focused on industry, economic development, and trade. -They created the most advanced economy in the world.

Pax Mongolica: "The Mongol Peace"

1. Trade Flourished Silk, Asian artistic designs move westward Mongols gain incredible wealth taxing the trade. 2. Peaceful travel across Asia Cultural Exchanges Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant visits China 3. Exchange of ideas Medical, mathematics, finance, engineering knowledge flows between China and Middle East Printing, gunpowder transmitted from China to Europe. 4. Spread of Bubonic Plague through trade routes from East Asia to Europe

Achievements in the Middle east during the Reign of the Nomads

1. Travel and cultural interaction was encouraged. 2. Art Blending of Islamic and C. Asian traditions Brilliant Architecture 3. Astronomers Explained orbit of moon around the earth. 4. Math Most accurate calculation of Pi.


A system of feudalism, similar to that found in European feudalism, arose in Japan. In a feudal society, land is exchanged for military service. Japanese lords gave away some of their land to other people in exchange for loyalty and military service

Warfare on the Steppe

Every man was an expert horseman, archer, and warrior. Revolutionized warfare with the use of horse tactics.

After the fall of the Han Dynasty, what happened to China for the next 350 years?

More than 30 local dynasties rose and fell

Decentralized government

Regional Leaders dominant politics

Code of Bushido

Samurai warriors had to follow the Code of Bushido. The Code of Bushido was similar to European chivalry. A samurai had to be loyal to his daimyo and show no emotion.

The Daimyo

The Daimyo were Japanese lords or nobles. The Daimyo had to obey the Shogun and provide military service. The Daimyo controlled large estates. They were great landowners.

Industrial Revolution

The growth in population, urbanization, and trade led to an industrial revolution in Song China.

The Samurai

To provide military protection for their lands, Japanese daimyo recruited samurai. Samurai were Japanese warriors. Samurai had to provide military service and obey the Daimyo and Shogun.


Top military commanders held the real power.

Feudal (Medieval) Japan (1185-1868)

decentralized rule by a military governor (shogunate)

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