Chapter 14: Telephone Techniques

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Which of the following is an appropriate statement for answering the office telephone?

"BWW Medical Associates; this is Jayden. How may I help you?"

A desirable way to ask patients their name if you don't recognize them when they call is to say ______

"Has it been some time since you've been in the office?"

If you do not recognize the name of the patient calling, the most appropriate response is

"Has it been some time since you've seen the practitioner?"

Which of the following is an example of a common triage question that a medical assistant might answer?

"How do I make my child with chickenpox more comfortable?"

What is the best response to a patient who calls to ask if he or she can use a medication that was prescribed for a previous condition?

"You should not use the medication because it may not be helpful."

A mother calls and informs you that her son has a deep dog bite. Your response should be __________.

"Your son needs immediate medical help."

In a medical office, the telephone should be answered within a maximum of how many rings?


What type of device might patients with hearing impairments need to use for communication with a practice?


Why is it important to ask callers if you can place them on hold?

A caller may want to be given the option to choose not to be put on hold. It is a common courtesy. A caller may want to call back at a later date rather than hold.

Multiple lines for a busy medical office might include which of the following features?

A hold feature An intercom system The ability to transfer calls

What are 2 advantages of an answering service?

A human being can contact the physician with a message. A human being answers the phone and can triage the call.

When should telephone prescription refills be documented?

After the medication has been called in to the pharmacy

Who may call in a prescription refill to a pharmacy for a medical practice?

An identified representative

Which of the following are types of primary telecommunication equipment in an office?

Answering machines Beeper

Which are types of telecommunication equipment in a medical office?

Answering service Voicemail

Which of the following are examples of callers who may not want to hang up, even though their needs have been met?

Anxious patients Lonely patients Elderly patients

Which of the following guidelines should you follow when placing an outgoing telephone call?

Ask if it is a convenient time and if the person has time to talk.

Which is the best way to check for caller understanding?

Ask the patient, "Are there any questions I can answer for you?"

Automated voice response

Automated voice response

Which of the following present a good impression of the office to patients on the telephone?

Being courteous to the caller Giving your undivided attention to the caller

How does projecting a positive image with good communication skills impact the patient?

By satisfying needs and expectations

Mr. Harris called in and left a message for a prescription refill. He wasn't at home where the prescription bottle was and didn't remember the name of the medication but said it was a little yellow pill and he took it three times a day. How should you handle this?

Call Mr. Harris back to obtain the name of the medication.

John Smith left a message because he needed a refill for his prescription for Lipitor® 20 mg that he takes daily. He left the name and phone number of his pharmacy. When you went to his medical record, you found there are three John Smiths as patients in the practice and all take this medication. He did not leave his date of birth or a phone number as part of the message. What should you do?

Call each John Smith to see if he was the one requesting the medication refill.

Telephone message pads typically contain which of the following types of information?

Caller's name Caller's telephone number Time of the call

Which of the following types of information should be obtained when a patient calls with an emergency?

Caller's name Patient's age Patient's name Location of the emergency Description of symptoms

What is an advantage to having a voicemail system in the medical office?

Callers never get a busy signal.

What is the main reason pagers are not used as often in medical offices?

Cell phones are being used more often.

After receiving a phone request for a medication refill, what should you do to be sure you have the correct patient and that the patient is currently taking the medication?

Check the medical record.

When you receive or place a phone call, your message should be logical and free from ambiguity. Which of the following Cs of effective communication does this demonstrate?


A telephone message that is organized and logical demonstrates __________.


A communication that contains all of the necessary information demonstrates which of the following?


Which of the following is not a common reason patients call the office?

Compliments to the medical staff

A physician calls your office with questions about a mutual patient that your provider referred to him. What is this called?

Continuity of care

When you are respectful of a caller, which of the five Cs of communication do you exhibit?


Taking an effective message involves recording which of the following items?

Date and time of call Who the call is for Name and phone number of caller Message and action to be taken

Interactive pagers

Designed for two-way communication

Which of the following communication skills is effective when communicating with patients on the telephone?

Display tact and sensitivity

What must you do after calling a prescription for a refill in to the pharmacy?

Document the process in the patient record.

Speaking clearly and distinctly is


What type of violation is it to disclose patient information to an attorney who calls the office?



High or low level of your speech

In addition to the patient's name, address, and phone number, what other information do you need to give the pharmacy when calling in a prescription?

His date of birth

For which of the following reasons may physicians choose to wear a pager/beeper?

In some areas, phone signals are not reliable.

Where would a medical assistant look for office policies that explain what is acceptable to discuss with patients?

In the office procedure manual

Which of the following office procedures should be followed if the practitioner is not in the office when an emergency phone call comes in?

Instruct the caller to dial 911 for an ambulance.

From the following, choose the effective communication skills that a medical assistant should use when answering the telephone.

Know when to speak and when to listen. Refrain from passing judgment or stereotyping. Ask for clarification and feedback.

When placing a call to a patient with medical information, if you reach the patient's answering machine, what should you do?

Leave the practice name only if the reason for the call is not easily identifiable, your name, and your phone number; if unsure, try calling back at another time.

When you answer the phone, you know immediately that the caller is angry. Without identifying herself, the caller begins shouting at you that she had been told that an office visit would cost $79, but her bill was for $135. She says the office is discriminating against her by charging her more than the normal amount. How should you handle this call?

Listen carefully and acknowledge the patient's anger.

The importance of HIPAA in regard to phone includes which of the following?

Looking in a patient's chart to verify the patient's authorization approval Disclosing information only if you have to based on legal requirements

Salespeople generally use which medical professional as a contact point in the office?

Medical assistant

When are times voicemail would answer a call?

Office is closed The person at the desk is on another line The person answering calls is away from the desk

Which of the following does HIPAA specifically cover?

Patient privacy Patient confidentiality

Which of the following calls should be routed directly to the provider?

Patient requests to review abnormal results Reports from patients of unsatisfactory progress Personal calls for the physician

If you are calling a patient, where should you look first for phone number?

Patient's chart

Which of the following types of information are important to obtain from patients when renewing a prescription by telephone?

Patient's name and date of birth Pharmacy information Medication information

Which of the following are the advantages of an automated voice response unit?

Patients never receive a busy signal. It provides security through passwords for retrieval.

Typically, which medical professional team members should take a call from a referring physician?


Who is authorized to make a diagnosis and prescribe medication?


Which of the following must come through the phone to the caller?

Professionalism Caring attitude

Which of the following options should always be available to callers from an automated voice response unit?

Prompts or buttons for emergencies "Dial zero to speak with a staff member"

___________ is being done when a call is transferred to an appropriate person based on the caller's request.



Saying words correctly

Which of the following is a good practice for retrieving messages from an answering service or system?

Set a regular schedule for retrieving messages.

What does the term TDD stand for?

Telecommunication device for the deaf

Which of the following is not a way to help ensure accurate telephone messages?

Tell the caller the provider will call him or her back.

What should be done if a billing error was made by the office?

Tell the patient a corrected statement will be sent

What is the difference between an answering service and an answering machine?

The answering service is staffed by people.

Which of the following pieces of information is NOT needed to be obtained from a patient who is requesting a prescription refill?

The time she last took the medication

Which of the following is true regarding pagers?

They are small electronic devices They indicate that someone is trying to reach them

Why are excellent communication skills important in using the telephone?

They project a positive image and satisfy patient expectations.

Why must you periodically check up on the answering service?

To ensure that the service is effective and appropriate

Why is it important to have a patient's chart available for billing inquires?

To ensure that you have the correct patient on the telephone To compare the charges with the services performed

Deciding how emergent a patient's problem is and how it may best be handled is a procedure known as


Some of the actions included in a telephone message are

Wants to see you Urgent

Retrieving messages from an answering machine with the speaker phone setting on is considered:

a breach of patient confidentiality

To participate in a conference call, you typically are given

a call-in number. a passcode.

When talking to a patient on the phone use __________.

a normal conversational tone

The first person to answer the telephone in a practice leaves an impression that must always be

a positive and caring response.

Calls typically handled by medical assistants are

administrative complaints. billing inquiries.

An automated menu along with voicemail can be used with a(n)

answering machine.

When listening to a caller with a complaint, a medical assistant should NEVER

argue with the caller. make unrealistic promises. hang up on the caller.

Before putting a caller on hold, __________.

ask the caller to state the purpose of the call

The appropriate way to address a patient with a last name that is difficult to pronounce is to __________.

ask the patient how to pronounce his or her name

Completing a telephone call can be done by

asking if the patient has any further questions. summarizing the conversation.

In medical offices, a routing list is used to

assign care team members to specific calls.

Examples of conference calls in a medical office include

calling an insurance company on behalf of a patient.

If an attorney calls requesting patient information, you should

check your office procedure manual for guidance.

Which of the following symptoms indicates a heart attack?

chest pain radiating to the arm, shoulder, and jaw

If the caller has a situation requiring a lengthy conversation, it may be best to have the caller

come to the office and speak face to face.

If the pharmacy has a policy concerning non-emergency prescription refills, it is important that you know and follow the policy as well as:

communicate it to a patient.

All advice given to patients over the telephone must

contain complete information. be carefully documented.

When calling the service to retrieve a message, verify the information for ______ and ______ before ending the call.

correctness. completeness.

Two options that should always be included in the menu for an automated voice response unit are instructions for the caller if the call is an emergency and an option to __________.

dial zero to speak to an operator

If a patient remains dissatisfied after discussing a bill, __________.

document all comments and relay the information to the provider

If patients want to use old, unfinished prescriptions and not make an appointment with the physician, it is best to

document that you have advised them to come in for an appointment rather than take the medication.

After speaking with a patient on the telephone about a clinical issue, a medical assistant must always __________.

document the conversation in the patient's record

The most acceptable time for medical assistants to use their cell phones in the office is

during breaks and lunch time.

Clear and distinct speaking is considered __________.


Speaking clearly and distinctly to help the person you are speaking to understand you is called __________.


Proper documentation helps protect the physician from

facing legal action.

A medical office frequently receives calls from ______.

family members of patients other physicians vendors

When making an appointment with a patient on the telephone, it is important to remember to

fit the patient in considering the needs of the patient and the office. follow office protocols for making an appointment. confirm the information with the patient prior to ending the call.

If a patient calls the office and want to know the results of a test, it is best to

follow office protocol for reporting information to the patient. make certain the patient's chart is accessible. correctly identify the patient prior to assisting.

It is NOT appropriate to answer the telephone in a medical office by the _______ ring.


Using empathy with a caller who is nervous or upset while on the telephone may help

get to the root of the call. reassure the caller you understand.

When a patient calls the office for the result of a laboratory test that happens to be normal, you should __________.

give the patient the results if the provider has authorized that normal results may be given out

The best example of proper telephone etiquette is

handling all calls politely and professionally.

If uncertain about whether to give particular information to a patient on the telephone, a general principle is to __________.

have the provider return the patient's call

A drop in body temperature during prolonged exposure to cold is called __________.


An office routing list can be used to

identify calls that will not need to be directed to the practitioner. identify the general title of the person who should take the call.

The first thing you should do when answering the telephone is __________.

identify the medical office and yourself

Under what circumstances will a pharmacist call to check before dispensing refills?

if more than one year has passed since the original prescription was written

Screening phone calls involves making a decision on

if the calls should be put through immediately. which calls are better handled by taking a message.

Some acceptable uses of a cell phone in the office are

if the land line goes down. during an emergency situation.

When is it acceptable for a medical assistant to authorize a pharmacy to refill a prescription?

if the licensed practitioner has authorized in the patient's chart that refills are approved

When making a call out of the country, you are required to use

international dialing codes.

Helpful tips for accurate documentation of incoming message include

jotting down information as it is given. always having a pen and paper on hand. verifying all information prior to hanging up.

Telephone triage is done to

make a decision on what action to take for the patient.

What can you do to make a message concise?

make the message brief and direct

Calls from patients regarding requests for referrals and appointments are generally handled by

medical assistants.

Typically, the larger the medical practice, the _______ necessary phone services and incoming phone lines.


You can maintain patient confidentiality when on the phone by

moving to a private area. talking quietly.

The types of Information collected during telephone triage include the patient's

name. symptoms. age.

An automated phone system can assist in preventive care by giving direct access to

nurses for minor problems and concerns.

If a caller does not want to be placed on hold, the best scenario is to

obtain the caller's name, phone number, and preferred time to return the call.

If you put a caller on hold and determine it will be a long wait, __________.

offer to call back

Important information that can be added to an automated after-hours recorded message includes

office business hours. what the caller should do in case of an emergency. how to reach the physician on call.

When discussing clinical matters with a patient on the telephone, it is a good idea to

open up the electronic chart so that you can document and find relevant information. pull the chart so the information is handy for documentation and for referral.

The office telephone is an important source of communication between the medical office and

other providers. hospitals. laboratories.

Telephone calls that require the practitioner's personal attention include which of the following?

patient requests to discuss abnormal test results

Prioritizing incoming phone calls to a medical office is also known as

performing triage.

Pharmaceutical reps may want to meet with the


When leaving messages for others, it is important to protect confidentiality by

placing the messages in a confidential area. marking the messages "confidential."

Using a caller's name during a telephone conversation makes the caller feel

positive about calling the practice.

Emergency calls require immediate attention from the


One of the most important telephone skills is saying words correctly, which is called __________.


A medical assistant should answer all telephone calls using __________.

proper telephone etiquette

The recommended procedure for handling billing inquiries is to __________.

pull the patient's chart and billing information

The appropriate way to maintain patient confidentiality is to __________.

put the message in a file folder marked "Confidential" and place the folder on the provider's desk

Before signing a contract with an answering service, it is important to ask for ___________.


After speaking with a patient on the telephone about the patient's progress, the medical assistant must

relay the information to the physician. log the call and document the conversation.

A guideline to follow when an attorney calls the office is to __________.

release information only when the provider has authorized you to do so

When a complaint telephone call comes in, a medical assistant should

remain calm and professional. listen carefully and attentively.

When someone calls the office regarding a potential emergency, it is important to

remain calm.

How you handle telephone calls will have an impact on the medical practice's

reputation. image.

The main function of an automated voice response unit is to

route incoming calls to the correct person or department.

The appropriate way to handle an incoming call for a practitioner from another practitioner is to __________.

route the call to the practitioner immediately, if possible

When all messages are retrieved from an answering service or system, they should be

routed according to office policy.

What document indicates who is responsible for the various types of calls coming into the medical office and how the calls are to be handled?

routing list

The best way to handle a patient who calls the office in real, distressing pain is to __________.

schedule an appointment immediately or tell the patient to go to the emergency room.

The word triage means to

screen and sort.

After prescribing a treatment for a patient, the physician will most likely ask the medical assistant to call the patient to

see if the patient has been following the treatment prescribed. see if the patient is making satisfactory progress.

Some of the telephone duties in the office are

setting up voicemail. using TDD.

After obtaining patient information, staff can categorize a problem according to the

severity of the patient's condition.

A conference call is used for

sharing information. saving time.

Vinnie receives a call from Mr. Everson, who says his wife is confused. He says she is pale and is feeling faint and sweaty. Mr. Everson also says his wife has a weak, rapid pulse, and her skin is cool and moist. Vinnie should recognize these symptoms as ____.


When dealing with a patient who is nervous, upset, or angry, __________.

show empathy and an understanding of the caller's feelings

Which of the following medical conditions requires immediate medical help?


Proper training of office staff will help ensure that the advice they give callers is

sound. cost effective. safe.

Your first priority when responding to a complaint of an angry patient is to __________.

stay calm and try to pacify the caller

The appropriate way to deal with a caller who refuses to identify himself is to __________.

suggest that he write a letter to the provider and mark it "Personal"

When a call with a patient is long or complicated, __________.

summarize the details of the call to ensure understanding by both you and the patient

When handling an incoming telephone call regarding a patient progress report, you should __________.

take a message for the provider

The most important piece of communication equipment in a medical practice is the


If a patient calls for lab results and you notice the results are abnormal, you should

tell the patient the physician would like to go over the results.

If patients call for advice on taking medication prescribed for prior conditions, it is best to

tell them it is best to come in and be seen by the physician.

When taking a message, it is important to verify

the correct spelling of medications. the patient's name. the patient's phone number.

All prescription renewals should have documentation in the patient's chart, which includes

the date of the phone call. the person authorizing the renewal.

An office may receive calls for prescription refills from

the patient's pharmacy. the patient.

Good telephone technique leaves the caller with a positive impression of

the person answering the phone. the staff, the physician, and the practice.

One reason that all staff may need to refrain from using their cell phones at work is

the phones may interfere with other electronic equipment in the office.

One reason that all staff may need to refrain from using their cell phones at work is Multiple choice question.

the phones may interfere with other electronic equipment in the office.

The medical assistant may call in a prescription refill to the pharmacy only if:

the physician has approved refills for this patient.

Every entry into a patient's chart is considered to be

the property of the physician. a legal document. HIPAA protected.

When scheduling an appointment with a caller on the telephone, you should always confirm

the reason for the visit. the caller's telephone number. the caller's name.

When scheduling conference calls, it is a good idea to keep in mind

the time zones of the participants. the schedules of the participants. who should be invited into the conference call.

When dealing with a telephone triage problem, remember __________.

to advise the caller that recommendations are based on the symptoms and are not a diagnosis

Which of the following conditions requires immediate medical help?

trouble breathing

Empathy can be defined as

trying to show understanding.

Guidelines for effectively and professionally answering the telephone include

using the caller's name. holding the mouthpiece 1 inch away from your mouth.

Learning the telephone triage process includes __________.

using the office's written guidelines for commonly asked questions

Many practices opt to have automated systems to place routine calls to patients in order to

utilize staff more effectively.

Before placing an outgoing telephone call to a patient, you should __________.

verify the correct phone number

When offering assistance to a patient by telephone, medical assistants must

work within their scope of practice. stress the importance of seeing the physician for concerns.

Before transferring a call to another person, it is important to __________.

write down the caller's name and phone number

A disadvantage of communicating by telephone is that __________.

you cannot see the caller's visual signals such as body language or facial expression

It is generally acceptable practice to turn your cell phone off when

you enter a medical facility for an appointment.

Following HIPAA guidelines during phone conversations with patients means that

you should follow your office protocol for disclosure of information.

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