Chapter 14

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Who was the prophet at Jehoshaphat who warned him that the king Ahab would be killed?

Micaiah the prophet

Which prophet Did the Lord sent to condemn Asa lack of faith?

Prophet Hannani

Which prophet foretold that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem?

Prophet Micah

Which prophet focused on international affairs?

Prophet Nahum

During Rehoboam's rule, which Egyptian king invaded Jerusalem?

Shishak (or Sheshonk I),

Who was Hezekiah?

Son of Ahaz Different from his father Walking with God Asked God to extend his life on this earth

Who is Jehoahaz?

Son of Josiah Captured by the Egyptian pharaoh Neco Was evil like many of his predecessors

Who ministered as a prophet during Uzziah's time?

The high priest Azariah and 80 other priest confronted him

Which prophet proclaimed God's message in the temple and Joash ordered that he be stoned on the temple grounds?


Which prophet ministered during the time of Josiah the king?

Zephaniah the prophet

Who is Jehoakim

A other son of Josiah that Neco the pharaoh puts on the throne because Jehoshaz died

Who is Jeremiah?

A prophet He ministered during the time of Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah. Great prophet of God

Who is Habakkuk?

A prophet His prophecy anticipates the Babylonian conquest of Isreal

Who is Jehoiachin?

After Jehoaikim revolted, Nebuchadnezzar mover west with his armies to attack Jerusalem.Jehoaikim died and his son Jehoaikin to take the throne.

Who was the first good king over Judah?

Asa, 41 years of reign

Who slew most of the descendants of David in order to ascend to the throne of Judah?


Which prophet ministered during Jehoram 's time?


Who is Josiah?

Great grandson of Hezekiah, Walked with God unlike his predecessors when he was 16 It was during his time that a copy of the book of the law was discovered Killed in the battle with the Egyptians

Who are the two kings who are compared favorably to king David?( in the Southern kingdom)

Hezekiah and Josiah

Which king of Judah invited the northern kingdom of Israel to Jerusalem for the Passover?

Hezekiah( Isaiah the prophet was at his time)

Who hid Joash from the attempt of murder of Athaliah?

His aunt Jehoida and her husband, the priest

Which prophet ministered during the reigns of the kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz,and Hezekiah?


Which king of Judah married Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel?


Which king of Judah formed an alliance with Ahab, king of Israel?


Which king of Judah began a fundraising project to repair the temple?


Under whose reign did the prophet Jeremiah begin his work?


Who was king of Judah when "the Book of the Law" that had been given to Moses was found?


What plague, signifying the coming Day of the Lord, does Joel describe?

Locust plague

Who was the worst king in either Israel or Judah?


Who was the only king of either Judah or Israel to die a leper?


Which prophet told Jehoshaphat that he would be judged for helping the wicked , although his zeal for God would stand him in good stead?

The prophet Jehu Ben Hanani

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