Chapter 15 Anthropology Homework

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Which of the following is an example of outsiders making regulations based on planners' goals instead of what is best for that locality?

Farmers who have been irrigating with river water are forced to stop because it might disturb a snail that a government agency plans to introduce.

The word "globalization" can refer to which of the following two concepts?

Financial entities such as the World Bank and the World Trade Organization are trying to establish a global free market. People are more closely connected to other people around the world than ever before.

The___effect is a natural phenomenon that keeps the Earth's surface warm.


People in Brazil complain that it is hypocritical for environmentally active outsiders to clamor about "saving the Amazon" when their own countries

have already made a fortune by logging their own forests.

When considering the issue of global warming, key questions include

how much climate change is caused by humans, and what can humans do to stop harmful climate change?

For people traveling or living outside their native lands, some mass media help maintain ethnic and national identities by offering programs for specific groups based on which of the following?

religion ethnicity language

Thanks to modern transportation systems, a disease outbreak in one part of the world can quickly spread and become a global threat. This is an example of the globalization of


Which of the following cause deforestation?

road building population growth commercial logging

Foreign innovations such as television and the Internet have sometimes benefited local cultures in countries such as Brazil, because

they help local people preserve, publicize, and celebrate their traditions.

Development projects often fail because

they try to replace the local system, which was working adequately, with a system designed for a different culture.

True or false: The areas predicted to be most affected by climate change are coasts, island nations, the far north, and very mountainous areas.


What is the process of viewing an identity as innate, real, and frozen?


The world today is sometimes called postmodern because

established boundaries, distinctions, categories, and canons are blurring and breaking down.

The field of ecological anthropology emerged in the


Which television network is most likely to help people maintain a sense of ethnic identity even after they have relocated to a foreign country?

Al Jazeera, an Arabic-speaking network based in Qatar

The immensely popular telenovelas that air nightly in Brazil on Rede Globo are produced in


The United States has become more dependent on foreign labor in what ways?

Businesses within the United States have been hiring workers who are not U.S. citizens. Some U.S. businesses have relocated their factories to other countries where they hire foreign workers instead of U.S. citizens. Some businesses have headquarters in the United States but outsource jobs such as customer relations to foreign countries where labor is cheaper.

Which of the following statements about energy consumption in various countries are true?

China has been the world's largest energy consumer since 2009. Chinese energy consumption has slowed since 2014.

During the 1990s, when indigenous people were trying to expel Europeans and Asians from Africa, a similar situation emerged in Europe as

Europeans tried to curb immigration and multiculturalism, saying it was diluting the traditional cultures of Europe.

Which of the following nations is most rapidly increasing its use of energy and consequently its emissions?


Mass media have helped enhance each nation's cultural identity in what ways?

Mass media keep people informed about events that are happening within that nation. Programs that air in foreign countries help create a national image for the country that made the programs. Locally produced programming unites viewers who share a cultural experience.

Why have anthropologists expanded their study beyond local communities more than in the past?

People are moving more often and traveling farther away than in previous times.

Why do peasants and tribal people participate in the modern world system?

People from all over the world have appropriated their products and images, turning them into something that can be sold. They have developed a desire for more money than previous generations had.

Which of the following are examples of the global culture of consumption?

Residents of a poverty-stricken village in Cambodia sell traditional sandals on the Internet; most of their customers are from other countries. A young country singer from the United States becomes successful after a million people in Brazil purchase her latest CD. An executive in Indonesia pays double the usual price for a shirt because it has the logo of a fashionable German designer on it.

Which of the following is the most effective argument to convince the people of Madagascar to stop deforestation?

The forest benefits agriculture by slowing erosion and conserving water for irrigation.

How did the people of Arembepe react when Carnaval was overtaken by outsiders?

They have grown increasingly hostile to it.

The emergence of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, SARS, and Zika are primarily the result of which of the following?

They result from what people have done to their environments.

The form of acculturation that involves the influence of Western expansion on indigenous peoples and their cultures is known as which of the following?


Globalization has led to the banding together of social groups into larger associations, including

a global forum called the World Conference of Indigenous Peoples. an international tribal movement. a pan-Native American identity.

The globalization of risk means that

a hazard such as a cyber attack can quickly threaten people all over the world. the actions of individuals and groups can increase certain threats that affect the entire world. environmental and other risks have multiplied.

Changes in the cultural patterns that result when groups come into continuous firsthand contact are called


A society's cultural model of the environment and its relation to people and society is called

an ethnoecology.

When the community of Arembepe in Brazil felt that outsiders had appropriated the Saint Francis festival, local people began to participate more in festivals for other saints instead. This demonstrates that

an outside culture cannot overshadow local traditions if local people refuse to embrace the new ways.

What is the term for something that is caused by humans and their activities?


Unlike nomads and immigrants of the past, people today who move from one country to another

are part of a massive global movement of populations much larger than anything in previous generations. keep in touch with their homelands via modern inventions such as the telephone and e-mail.

During the 1990s in many parts of Africa, indigenous people used violence to try to expel people of European and Asian descent. This was an example of


Several generations of one family have lived in their home in the mountains since the 1800s. The government designates a new wilderness area, putting the house within the wilderness boundaries. The family is now forbidden to use motorized vehicles to reach their home, they cannot operate a chainsaw to cut firewood, and they cannot string lines for telephones and electricity. This would be an example of

conservation with no sensitivity to local and individual circumstances.

To curb global deforestation, anthropologists should try to

convince people that what is good for the Earth is also beneficial to them.

The greenhouse effect

could be harmful if it becomes too strong. is a normal phenomenon that keeps the planet's surface warm. is necessary for life to exist on Earth.

If Jewish people conquered Mexico and forced all the Mexicans to speak Yiddish or Hebrew, eat only kosher food, and live by the Law of Moses, this would be an example of

cultural imperialism.

The Brazilian network TV Globo has one of the world's largest and most loyal audiences. What is this network broadcasting that is so appealing to its viewers?

culturally familiar programs made by Brazilians for Brazilians

With so many people moving from rural to urban areas and across national boundaries, the unit of anthropological study expands from the local community to the


The main difference between acculturation and diffusion is

diffusion can happen without firsthand contact.

Until the 1980s, Latin American public discourse and state policies toward indigenous people

discouraged indigenous identification and mobilization. encouraged assimilation into the general population.

The field of study that focuses on how culture helps humans adapt to their environments and maintain their ecosystems is called

ecological anthropology.

Which of the following are key reasons worldwide energy consumption continues to grow?

economic expansion population expansion

Instead of "global warming," some scientists prefer the term "climate change" because this has a broad meaning that includes changes in

ecosystems. sea levels. rainfall patterns.

What is the political meaning of globalization?

efforts by international financial powers to create a global free market

Which of the following are reasons for the emergence of particular infectious diseases in the last few decades?

human encroachment on wild lands deforestation changes in demography

Scientists theorize that if global temperatures do rise, the greatest warming is likely to occur

in high-latitude and high-altitude areas.

Anthropologists believe that much of the deforestation in the ancient Middle East and Central America was caused by

increasing human population that led to expanded farming.

___refers to the process by which people modify borrowed forms to make them fit into their local culture.


When ideas and innovations from other countries are introduced into a new community and modified to fit the local culture, they are said to have been


In 1982, a United Nations working group described original inhabitants of territories as___people.


When developing plans to conserve the environment, outsiders should

involve local people in planning and carrying out the new policies. realize that global and national conservation efforts can cost local people their livelihoods. be sensitive to local circumstances.

Deforestation is a global concern because

it removes trees that absorb CO2, thus contributing to global warming. it decreases biodiversity, since many species live in forests.

One serious problem for ecological anthropologists is that, in a world where population is increasing, local people hesitate to support conservation efforts because

it will decrease their access to resources and therefore their livelihood.

Some ethnoecological systems are not protecting local and regional environments as much as they did previously, because

local people are having to deal with outside influences more than in the past.

Through mass media such as television and the Internet, previously isolated communities in places such as Brazil can now experience national and international cultures. If all programs are of similar quality, which are they most likely to prefer?

locally produced

The increasing human population of Madagascar has caused

more rapid water runoff, which erodes rice fields and deposits silt in irrigation canals. deforestation, because people cut trees for firewood. substantial erosion, because trees are no longer holding the soil in place.

Some scientists predict that climate change might cause

more severe storms and surges. flooding of coastal communities. displacement of people as low-lying areas become submerged.

Finance becomes a transnational force when

people work in foreign countries and send their paychecks back to their native lands. businesses depend on foreign labor instead of hiring citizens of their own countries. corporations invest in business ventures in foreign countries.

Since the advent of television and video cameras, towns along the Amazon River in Brazil have

posted video of local celebrations on social media such as YouTube. made video recordings of their largest festivals, to be shown to tourists. staged more lavish celebrations for broadcast on television.

The term and concept of "indigenous people" was legitimized within international law in 1982 by

the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations.

The closest thing Earth has to a planetary council is

the United Nations.

When one author describes the modern world as a translocal interactive system, he is referring to

the fact that globalization has transformed old boundaries and distinctions.

Some scientists contend that the single greatest obstacle to efforts for slowing climate change is

the growing global demand for energy.

Cultural imperialism refers to

the spread or advance of one culture at the expense of others. the imposition of one culture on others, which it changes, replaces, or destroys.

In many agricultural projects around the world, the developers make the mistake of

trying to model the project after a midwestern American farm instead of adapting more to the local customs.

One common complaint against environmentalists is that they seem to

value plants and animals more than human beings.

Within the past 30 years in Latin America, policies toward indigenous peoples have shifted from encouraging assimilation to

valuing ethnic differences.

The architectural style called postmodernism

was intended to convey a playful impression. drew on various styles from different times and places. came after the style called modernism.

Which of the following actions by a Polynesian native would be indications of acculturation?

wearing store-bought clothing eating pizza once a week speaking French

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