chapter 15 human bio Hanson

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10.The seminiferous tubules A.are found in the testes. B.are where sperm are formed. C.produce male hormones. D.both are found in the testes and are where sperm are formed.


12. All of the following statements about the male reproductive system are true except: A. there may be an excess of 400 million sperm per ejaculate B. normally the testes descend from the abdominal cavity C. the combined length of the seminiferous tubules is 250 meters D. cGMP is responsible for erectile tissue filling with blood


15. The interstitial cells of the testes produce: A. sperm B. semen C. LH D. testosterone


45.Where does fertilization of an egg usually occur? A.pelvic cavity B.uterus C.vagina D.uterine tubes


53.What female external genital is homologous to the male's penis? A.mons pubis B.labia majora C.labia minora D.clitoris


54.What structures produce the female sex hormones? A.ovaries B.follicle C.corpus luteum D.All of the choices are correct.


1. Choose the following structure(s) that are included in the male reproductive system. A. seminal vesicles B. prostate gland C. epididymis D. scrotum E. All of the choices are correct.


78.Which of the following is a method for delivering combined hormone birth control? A.pills patch C.vaginal ring D.injection E.All of the choices are delivery methods.


20. Which of the following surrounds the urethra and contributes to seminal fluid? A. acrosome B. scrotum C. prostate D. epididymis


22. Sperm cells are produced in the: A. interstitial tissue B. urethra C. seminiferous tubules D. vas deferens


22.The __________ is not part of the male duct system. A.epididymis B.vas deferens C.bulbourethral gland D.urethra


24. What is the correct sequence for the path of the sperm during ejaculation? A. urethra, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, testes B. testes, urethra, vas deferens, penis C. epididymis, vas deferens, urethra, glans penis D. kidneys, ureter, bladder, urethra


24.The vas deferens joins a duct from the seminal vesicle to form the A.urethra. B.prostate gland. C.ejaculatory duct. D.spermatic cord.


64.Which of the following is the correct order of events in the ovary? A.ovulation, follicular phase, luteal phase B.luteal phase, follicular phase, ovulation C.follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase D.luteal phase, ovulation, follicular phase


68.The female is pregnant when A.LH is present in the blood. B.FSH is present in the blood. C.hCG is present in the blood. D.All of the choices are correct.


7.The primary sex organs of a male are the A.scrotum. B.ovaries. C.testes. D.glands.


74.The first secretion from the breasts is a milky fluid rich in protein and antibodies called A.prolactin. B.oxytocin. C.colostrum. D.estrogen.


8.The testes A.produce gametes. B.secrete hormones. C.produce gametes and secrete hormones.


71.Which of the following hormones is/are needed for breast development? A.estrogen B.prolactin C.progesterone D.both estrogen and progesterone


10. Which of the following is the function of the urethra in the male? A. It serves as the sex organ during sexual intercourse. B. It allows for the passage of semen and urine. C. It is the enlarged tip of the sex organ which contains the oriface or opening.


11.What is the function of interstitial cells of the testes? A.produce immature sperm B.produce androgens C.produce semen D.All of the choices are correct.


13.Spermatogenesis A.occurs in the interstitial cells. a form of meiosis. C.occurs at internal body temperature. described by all of these characteristics.


15.What type of cell acts to support, nourish, and regulate the development of sperm? A.spermatogonia B.sustentacular cells C.interstitial cells D.both spermatogonia and sustentacular cells


17. Which of the following contains the testes? A. acrosome B. scrotum C. prostate D. epididymis E. penis


19. The cells lying between sperm-forming tubules produce a hormone called: A. estrone B. testosterone C. progesterone D. aldosterone


2.Which of the following is NOT a function of the female reproductive system? A.produces female sex hormones for feminization and pregnancy B.produces ova in the uterus C.provides a place for a fertilized egg to develop in the uterus D.receiving the male penis and removing of menstrual flow through the vagina


20.The sperm's midpiece contains A.the chromosomes. B.the mitochondria. C.enzymes. D.the tail.


23.The __________ conducts sperm into the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal. A.epididymis B.vas deferens C.bulbourethral gland D.urethra


32. Men may experience swelling of this gland, making urination painful or difficult: A. epididymis B. prostate C. bulbourethral D. seminal vesicle


34.LH and FSH are hormones. B.gonadotropic hormones. C.only in females. D.All of the choices are correct.


35.Which of the following stimulates spermatogenesis in the seminiferous tubules? A.LH B.FSH C.testosterone D.inhibin


39.The primary sex organ(s) in females is (are) A.fallopian (uterine) tubes. B.ovaries. C.uterus. D.vagina.


43.What nonviable cell is produced by oogenesis? A.ovum B.polar body C.follicle D.corpus luteum


44.Where does oogenesis occur? the corpus luteum the follicle the epididymis the uterus


47. The ovaries are directly affected by hormones from the: A. hypothalamus B. pituitary gland C. brain D. bulbourethral glands


47.Once a follicle releases an egg, it becomes a A.vesicular follicle. B.corpus luteum. C.zona pellucida. D.corpus albicans.


49. Which of the following hormones stimulates the development of follicles in the ovary? A. LH B. FSH C. estrogen


5. The tightly coiled tube in which maturation of sperm occurs is the: A. testis B. epididymis C. prostate


52.Copulation takes place in the A.uterus. B.vagina. C.ovaries. D.uterine tubes.


53. Choose the CORRECT statement concerning female reproduction. A. HCG stimulates the follicle to burst. B. The placenta originates from maternal and fetal tissues. C. Ovulation follows the luteal phase. D. Females mature nearly all of their 400,00 follicles. E. None of the choices are correct.


55. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum degenerates in about: A. 3 to 6 weeks B. 10 days C. 3 to 6 months D. 9 months


55.Which of the following is NOT a result of estrogen production? A.increased long bone growth B.thickening of the endometrium to two or three times the normal thickness C.development of the female "curves" D.maturation of the ovum


6.What is the new cell formed from the union of egg and sperm called and how many chromosomes does it have? A.zygote with 23 chromosomes B.zygote with 23 pairs of chromosomes C.egg with 46 chromosomes D.tetrad with 23 pairs of chromosomes


60. Painful cramps may occur during mentruation due to the action of prostaglandins which A. increase the levels of estrogen B. cause muscle contractions C. block normal blood flow D. inflame uterine tissue


60.What occurs in the ovary at the end of the follicular phase? A.menses B.ovulation C.pregnancy D.nothing


62. Progesterone is produced by the: A. follicle B. corpus luteum C. anterior pituitary D. posterior pituitary


63. The endometrium begins to thicken due to: A. progesterone B. estrogen C. aldosterone D. coticosterone


63.During menstruation, the A.follicle breaks down. B.endometrium breaks down. C.epididymis breaks down. D.alveoli break down.


65.Which of the following is the correct order of events in the uterus in a nonpregnant female? A.secretory phase, menstruation, proliferative phase B.menstruation, proliferative phase, secretory phase C.proliferative phase, menstruation, secretory phase D.proliferative phase, secretory phase, menstruation


66. What two hormones influence the development of female secondary sex characteristics? A. testosterone and androgen B. progesterone and estrogen C. androgen and estrogen D. testosterone and progesterone E. None of the choices are correct.


67. Medications and devices that reduce the chance of pregnancy are called: A. analgesics B. contraceptives C. intraceptives D. antiuterine devices E. None of the choices are correct.


7. Which of the following contribute a product to semen? A. epididymis, vas deferens B. Cowpers, prostate, seminal vesicles C. scrotum, detruser


71. The diaphragm prevents conception by: A. causing irritation of the endometrium preventing conception B. blocking the opening of the cervix C. releasing spermicidal chemicals


73.Which of the following is needed for milk "letdown"? A.prolactin B.oxytocin C.colostrum D.estrogen


75. Which of the following best describes how oral contraception works? A. hormones in oral contraception delay implantation B. hormones in oral contraception block ovulation C. hormones in oral contraception keep the egg from developing D. FSH and LH in oral contraception cause menstruation and loss of zygote


77.Combined hormone birth control contains A.FSH and LH. B.estrogen and progesterone. C.FSH and estrogen. D.hCG and progesterone.


8. What important process occurs in the epididymis? A. semen production B. sperm maturation C. suspension of testes


80. With GIFT, fertilization normally occurs in: A. a test tube B. the oviducts C. the uterus D. the ovary


83. Which of these assisted reproductive technologies introduces sperm into the uterus? A. AID B. IUI C. IVF


85. Displaced and implanted endometrial tissue within the abdominal cavity or elsewhere is called: A. dysplasia B. endometriosis C. preeclampsia D. endocervicum


90.Which of the following is a sign of primary stage syphilis? A.a non-itchy rash B.a chancre sore C.gummas D.All of the choices are signs


91.The released ovum has completed meiosis. A. True B. False


94.The reproductive and urinary systems are partially connected in the female. A. True B. False


96.STD's caused by a virus can be cured with antiviral drugs. A. True B. False


1.Which of the following is NOT a function of the male reproductive system? A.produces sperm in the testes B.produces male sex hormones for masculinization C.provides for the maturing of sperm in the testes D.delivers sperm to the female vagina with the penis


16. The process of sperm (spermatozoa) formation is called: A. spermatopoiesis B. spermatozoiasis C. spermatogenesis D. spermiopoiesis


16.What is produced by the process of spermatogenesis? A.2 haploid spermatids B.2 diploid spermatids C.4 haploid spermatids D.4 diploid spermatids


18.Which of the following is NOT part of a mature sperm? A.head B.midpiece C.body D.tail


19.The sperm's acrosome contains A.the chromosomes. B.the mitochondria. C.enzymes. D.the tail.


25.The ejaculatory ducts join the _______ in the prostate gland. A.ureters B.spermatic cord C.urethra D.None of the choices are correct.


28. LH stimulates the interstitial cells of the testes to: A. degenerate B. produce sperm C. secrete testosterone D. secrete estrogen


28.Which gland secretes a mucuslike fluid that helps lubricate the end of the penis for sexual intercourse? A.prostate gland B.seminal vesicles C.bulbourethral glands D.epididymis


30. What gland produces the gonadotropic hormones? A. hypothalamus B. testis C. anterior pituitary gland D. All of the choices are correct.


31.Which of the following is INCORRECT about erection? A.autonomic nerves release nitric oxide B.cGMP is produced that causes artery walls to relax C.arteries entering the penis constrict D.veins that exit the penis are compressed


33. Which of these is NOT a part of a mature sperm cell? A. head B. middle piece C. polar body D. tail


33.Which of the following produces the gonadotropic hormones? A.hypothalamus B.testis C.anterior pituitary gland D.All of the choices are correct


37. The female gonads are the: A. uterus B. fallopian tubes C. ovaries D. oocytes


37.Which of the following is NOT a function of testosterone? A.growth of facial, axillary, and pubic hair B.increase in secretion of oil and sweat glands C.decrease in the size of the larynx D.increased muscle strength


39. Ovulation involves: A. maturation of the ovum as it gains motility B. penetration of the ovum cell membrane by a sperm C. rupture of a mature follicle and release of an ovum


40. Choose the following statement that is NOT accurate concerning the female reproductive system. A. Fimbriae are fingerlike projections over the ovaries. B. The uterus is shaped like an inverted pear C. The lining of the uterus is called the mesometrium. D. The fertilized ovum is called a zygote. E. All of the choices are correct.


44. The clitoris in the female is analogous to the _______ in the male. A. testes B. vas deferens C. penis D. scrotum


46. Which of these results in lubrication of the vagina during sexual arousal? A. the release of semen B. secretions of the glans clitoris C. fluid secreted in the walls of the vagina and mucus secreting glands in the labia minora D. specialized secretory glands in the labia majora and glans clitoris


48. Which of the following hormones is responsible for stimulating the development of the corpus luteum? A. FSH B. HCG C. LH


48.What structures act to draw a released ovum into the uterine tube? A.follicle B.corpus luteum C.fimbriae D.zona pellucida


50. Which of the following hormones maintains female secondary sex characteristics? A. LH B. FSH C. estrogen D. HCG


51. Which hormone is the basis of most pregnancy tests? A. LH B. FSH C. HCG


51.Which of the following is NOT a section of the uterus? A.fundus B.body C.vagina D.cervix


56. Which of the following descriptions could be associated with the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle? A. low FSH, high estrogen, developing follicle, increase in uterine lining B. high LH, high estrogen, developing follicle, uterine lining breakdown C. LH beginning to decrease, increasing progesterone, adequate corpus luteum, good uterine lining blood flow


57. In the human female, the number of days in the average menstrual cycle is: A. 14 B. 24 C. 28 D. 34 E. 38


58. Ovulation usually occurs on day: A. 5 B. 9 C. 14 D. 28 E. None of the choices are correct.


59. The flow of blood during menstruation is maintained by the enzyme A. menstrin B. estrogen C. fibrinolysin D. prostglandin


59.What occurs during the proliferative phase of the uterus? A.the endometrium is lost B.the follicle ruptures C.the endometrium thickens and becomes more vascular D.All of the choices occur.


6. Which of the following is considered an accessory gland of the male reproductive tract? A. testis B. vas deferens C. prostate


61. The lining of the uterus that is discharged during the menstrual flow phase is the: A. endocervicum B. oviduct C. endometrium D. hymen E. mesothelium


76. An IUD prevents pregnancy by preventing: A. fertilization B. ovulation C. implantation D. Both fertlization and ovulation are correct.


76.What is the most effective method of birth control? A.condom B.hormone pill C.abstinence D.diaphragm


77. A vasectomy (severing the vasa deferentia) does not affect male secondary sex characteristics because: A. bulbourethral glands are not affected by the operation B. the vasa deferentia still produce male sex hormones C. the interstitial cells are not affected by the operation D. the semen will still contain sperm


79.How does combined hormone birth control work? A.prevents fertilization B.prevents implantation C.prevents ovulation D.All of the choices are correct.


81. Which of these assisted reproductive technologies introduces sperm to ova outside the body? A. AID B. IUI C. IVF


81.An IUD is placed in the _____ and will prevent implantation if fertilization should occur. A.vagina B.uterine tubes C.uterus D.urethra


82.The most frequent cause of infertility in males is A.increased body weight. B.endometriosis. C.low sperm count. D.prostate problems.


86.Which STD is caused by a virus? A.chlamydia B.gonorrhea C.hepatitis D.syphilis


89.Syphilis is caused by A.herpes simplex. B.Neisseria gonorrhaeae. C.Treponema pallidum. D.human papillomavirus.


9. Which of the following functions to maintain the testes outside the abdominal cavity for temperature regulation? A. epididymis, vas deferens B. Cowpers, prostate, seminal vesicles C. scrotum


9.Why do the testes descend into the scrotum? A.There is not sufficient room in the abdomen. B.Abdominal temperature is too low to produce hormones. C.Abdominal temperature is too high to produce viable sperm. D.There is no known reason.


13. Which is the correct pairing of male reproductive hormones to their descriptions? A. GnRH; from hypothalamus B. FSH, LH; from anterior pituitary C. testosterone; principal sex hormone D. All of the choices are correct.


14.What type of cell is found in the seminiferous tubules? A.spermatogonia B.sustentacular cells C.interstitial cells D.both spermatogonia and sustentacular cells


17.Human sperm A.have twenty-three chromosomes. B.have mitochondria. C.have a tail. D.are described by all of these characteristics.


18. It is advantageous to have human testes in the scrotum rather than in the abdomen due to: A. the lack of room in the abdomen B. the size of the sperm duct C. a more direct blood supply outside the abdomen D. a resulting lower temperature E. the size of the testes


2. Which of the following can also be referred to as Cowper glands? A. prostate gland B. vasa deferentia C. seminal vesicles D. bulbourethral gland


21. In the human male, the tube used to carry both sperm and liquid wastes is the: A. ureter B. bile duct C. vas deferens D. urethra


23. Sperm mature in the: A. acrosome B. scrotum C. prostate D. epididymis


26. The seminal fluid usually contains how many sperm per ejaculation? A. 3,000-4,000 B. 30,000-40,000 C. 3,000,000-4,000,000 D. 300,000,000-400,000,000


27.What does seminal fluid provide? A.the correct pH for sperm B.fructose for energy C.enhance sperm motility D.All of the choices are correct.


29. Which of the following is NOT involved with the functioning of the testes? A. hypothalamus B. anterior pituitary gland C. gonadotropic hormones D. posterior pituitary gland


29.What are the external genitals of the male? A.penis and prostate B.scrotum and testes C.testes and penis D.penis and scrotum


3. Choose the following that is NOT included in seminal fluid (semen). A. sperm B. sugar fructose C. prostaglandins D. acidic pH


3.Meiosis A.occurs only in testes and ovaries. B.reduces chromosome number to 23. C.involves the separation of homologous chromosomes. D.All of the choices are correct.


30.Which of the following is NOT part of the male sexual response? A.erection B.ejaculation C.refractory period D.urination


32.Which of the following is involved with the functioning of the testes? A.hypothalamus B.anterior pituitary gland C.gonadotropic hormones D.All of the choices are correct.


38.Testosterone A.matures the penis and testes. responsible for male secondary characteristics. C.causes oil glands to secrete. described by all of these characteristics.


4. What is the diploid number of chromosomes in human body cells? A.23 B.46 C.23 pair D.both 46 and 23 pair


40.Which of the following is NOT part of the vulva? A.clitoris B.mons pubis C.labia majora D.vagina


42.The process of forming an ovum is called A.mitosis. B.oogenesis. C.meiosis. D.both oogenesis and meiosis.


56.During the follicular phase the A.pituitary secretes FSH. B.follicle secretes estrogen. C.pituitary secretes increasing amounts of LH. D.All of the choices occur.


58.While the follicular phase is occurring in the ovary, what is occurring in the uterus? A.ovulation B.menses C.proliferative phase D.both menses and proliferative phase


61.At the end of the luteal phase, A.ovulation occurs. B.the corpus luteum degenerates. C.menstruation occurs. D.both the corpus luteum degenerates and menstruation occurs occur.


62.Progesterone produced by the corpus luteum. B.thickens the endometrium two or three times normal. C.exerts negative feedback over LH secretion. D.All of the choices are correct.


67.Which event is NOT one that occurs in an ovary? A.follicular phase B.luteal phase C.ovulation D.proliferative phase


68. Choose the most reliable of all birth controls methods from the following. A. rhythm method B. IUD C. condom and spermicide D. abstinence E. vasectomy/tubal ligation


69. Which of the following is a barrier method of contraception? A. diaphragm B. IUD C. condom D. both the diaphragm and the condom


69.Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) A.maintains the corpus luteum until the placenta is secreting hormones. used to detect pregnancy. C.keeps a new follicle from developing. D.maintains the corpus luteum until the placenta is secreting hormones and is used to detect pregnancy are correct.


70.Which of the following does NOT occur during menopause? A.menstrual cycle ceases B.ovaries secrete very little estrogen and progesterone flashes, headaches, and depression may occur D.hCG secretion increases


72. Which of the following is also called the "morning after pill" because it is used to prevent pregnancy after intercourse has occurred? A. RU-486 B. Depo-provera C. mifepristone D. both RU-486 and mifepristone are correct


73. Which of the following birth control methods does not have to be used either every day or each time intercourse occurs? A. birth control pills B. condoms C. diaphragm D. Depo-provera


75.Which method of birth control normally prevents fertilization? A.IUD B.diaphragm C.condom D.diaphragm and condom E.All of the choices are correct.


79. Which of the following may contribute to infertility? A. endometriosis B. blocked oviducts C. low sperm count D. All of the choices are correct.


80.Synthetic progesterone as a contraceptive works by A.preventing fertilization and implantation. B.preventing ovulation and changing the uterine lining. C.preventing sperm from entering the uterus. D.preventing ovulation and changing the uterine lining and preventing sperm from entering the uterus are correct.


83.Low sperm count could be attributed to A.herbicides and pesticides. B.chemical exposure. C.overheating of the testes. D.All of the choices are correct.


87. The presence of uterine tissue outside the uterus, particularly in the oviducts and on the abdominal organs is called: A. mesoplasia B. endocervicum C. mesothelioma D. endometriosis E. ovulation


88.Genital warts are caused by A.herpes simplex. B.Neisseria gonorrhaeae. C.Treponema pallidum. D.human papillomavirus.


89. Which is the correct pairing? A. surrogate; receives donated ova B. eugenics; good gene practices C. ART; techniques assist reproduction D. All of the choices are correct.


25. Semen: A. contains many sperm in a fluid medium B. is ejaculated during sexual intercourse C. is used for artificial insemination D. passes out of an erect penis E. All of the choices are correct.


27. Semen production requires the: A. testes B. prostate gland C. seminal vesicles D. bulbourethral gland E. All of the choices are correct.


43. After ovulation, the ruptured follicle: A. disappears, with all its cells disintegrating B. passes on as waste material down the oviduct with the egg C. mends itself and begins the maturation of another egg D. becomes a part of the epithelial covering of the ovary E. differentiates into the corpus luteum


45. Which one of these is NOT part of the human female external genitalia? A. mons pubis B. glans clitoris C. labium minora D. labium majora E. vagina


54. Changes in the endometrium of the uterus due to female sex hormones is called: A. the estrogen cycle B. the follicular cycle C. the seminal cycle D. the luteal cycle E. the uterine cycle


64. Which of the following is NOT true about estrogen? A. It causes the endometrium to thicken. B. It causes the endometrium to become vascular and glandular. C. It causes a positive feedback on the hypothalamus to secrete GnRH. D. It causes a negative feedback on the anterior pituitary gland. E. It stimulates the release of FSH.


74. Choose the following which is NOT considered an assisted reproductive technology. A. artificial insemination B. in vitro fertilization C. gamete intrafallopian transfer D. intracytoplasmic sperm injection E. All of the choices are ARTs.


86. Choose the following which is characteristic of endometriosis. A. scarring B. adhesions C. cysts filled with blood D. thickening of displaced endometrium E. All of the choices are correct.


88. Choose the CORRECT statement concerning reproductive hormones. A. Estrogen stimulates liver and bones. B. Testosterone stimulates protein synthesis. C. Iron and copper are enzyme cofactors. D. Cholesterol maintains cell membranes. E. All of the choices are correct.


41. Which pairing of the female reproductive structures to their descriptions is correct? A. vulva; external genitalia B. cervix; neck of the uterus C. clitoris; composed of erectile tissue D. All of the choices are correct.


95.The corpus luteum forms from the follicle after ovulation. A. True B. False


11. The enlarged terminal end of the penis is called the: A. glans penis B. bulbospongiosum C. urethral vestibule


12.The process of sperm production is called A.spermatogenesis. B.spermiogenesis. C.oogenesis. D.None of the choices are correct.


14. The cap of enzymes on the head of a sperm is called the: A. acrosome B. sustentacular C. flagellum


21.The __________ stores sperm and allows them to mature. A.epididymis B.vas deferens C.bulbourethral gland D.urethra


26.Which of the following is NOT a gland that secretes seminal fluid? A.urinary bladder B.prostate gland C.bulbourethal glands D.seminal vesicles


31. Secondary sex characteristics in the male are directly maintained by: A. testosterone B. estrogen C. FSH D. TSH E. All of the choices are correct.


36.Which of the following promotes production of testosterone by the interstitial cells? A.LH B.FSH C.GnRH D.inhibin


38. The process of producing an egg is called: A. oogenesis B. ovulation C. oviposition


4. Which of the following are also called the male gonads? A. testes B. epididymis C. prostate gland


41.Follicles are found in A.the ovaries. B.the testes. C.the ovaries and testes. D.neither the ovaries nor testes.


42. The primary function of the corpus luteum is: A. to produce progesterone B. to produce estrogen C. disintegrate and develop into a new follicle D. to leave the ovary and develop into a mature egg E. to produce GnRH


46.A matured follicle is called a A.vesicular (Graafian) follicle. B.primary follicle. C.secondary follicle. D.corpus luteum.


49.Which layer of the uterus varies according to the monthly reproductive cycle? A.endometrium B.myometrium C.perimetrium D.All of the choices are correct.


5. What is the haploid number of chromosomes found in human gametes? A.23 B.46 C.23 pair D.both 46 and 23 pair


50.Development of the fetus occurs in the A.uterus. B.vagina. C.ovaries. D.uterine tubes.


52. Which hormone keeps the endometrium in the secretory phase to support a pregnancy? A. progesterone B. estrogen


57.Ovulation is triggered by A.the LH surge. B.high levels of progesterone. C.low levels of FSH. D.low levels of estrogen.


65. In the human female, estrogen and progesterone exert feedback control over the: A. pituitary B. ovary C. uterus D. prostate gland


66.The menstrual cycle is mainly concerned with events in the A.uterus. B.ovaries. C.uterine tubes. D.All of the choices are correct.


70. Which of the following methods of contraception involves placing a device in the uterus to prevent implantation? A. IUD B. diaphragm C. contraceptive sponge


72.Which of the following is needed for milk production? A.prolactin B.oxytocin C.colostrum D.estrogen


78. The diaphragm, cervical cap, and sponge all prevent pregnancy by preventing: A. fertilization B. ovulation C. implantation D. All of the choices are correct.


82. Which of these assisted reproductive technologies introduces sperm into the vagina? A. AID B. IUI C. IVF


84. During regular artificial insemination, sperm are placed in the: A. vagina B. uterus C. oviduct D. ovary


84.The most frequent cause of infertility in females is A.increased body weight. B.endometriosis. C.blocked uterine tubes. D.sedentary lifestyle.


85.In which case does fertilization occur inside the woman's body? A.artificial insemination vitro fertilization C.intracytoplasmic sperm injection D.All of the choices are correct.


87.Which STD is associated with cancer of the cervix? A.genital warts B.genital herpes C.chlamydia D.syphilis


92.Any pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus is called an ectopic pregnancy. A. True B. False


93.The uterus usually lies above and tipped over the urinary bladder. A. True B. False


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