Chapter 15: Managing employee motivation and performance

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positive reinforcement

a method of strengthening behavior with rewards or positive outcomes after a desired behavior is performed

goal setting theory of motivation

assumes that behavior is a result of conscious goals for people in the organization

effort to performance expectancy

employees perception of the probability that effort will lead to a high level of performance.

performance-to outcome expectancy

employees perception of the probability that performance will lead to a specific outcome

performance leads to satisfaction

example: making an A on first exam and said class was great

what need is evidenced by the fact that people buy life and health insurance and deposit money in savings accounts?


The _____ theory says motivation is a function of how much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it.


process theory of motivation includes

expectancy theory, goal setting, equity theory, porter-lawler extension

a manager who provides reinforcement on a periodic basis, regardless of performance, is using a _______ schedule

fixed- interval

monthly pay is an example of


relatedness needs

focus on how people relate to their social environment.

physiological needs are

food, sex, and air which represent basic issues of survival and biological function. base salary. food

esteem needs

for positive self-image and self-respect, for recognition and respect from others. job title. status .

remember relatedness needs are


human resources approach think of

genuine contributions

security needs

housing and clothing the need to be free from worry about money and job security. stability

process perspectives are concerned with ______

how motivation occurs

according to the _____ approach to motivation, the illusion of employee involvement and importance is sufficient to satisfy workers' basic social needs and result in higher motivation to perform.

human relations

According to the ____ approach to motivation, employees want to contribute and are able to make genuine contributions to the organization. THis philosophy guides most contemporary thinking about employee motivation

human resources

frustration-regression element

if needs remain unsatisfied, the person will become frustrated, regress to a lower level and begin to pursue those things again.

human relations approach think of

illusion of employees involvement and importance

belongingness needs

love and affection and acceptingness by one's peers. friends at work. friendship

behavior modification (ob)

method for applying the basic elements of reinforcement theory in an organizational setting

remember existence needs are


traditional approach think of

money based motivation

according to the ERG theory of motivation

more than one level of needs can operate simultaneously.

Individual performance is generally determined by........

motivation(the desire to do the job), ability (the capability to do the job), and the work environment(resources needed to do the job)

remember growth needs are

new skills

clip: the break up

no sense of conscientiousness

clip: office space

not the creative process

extrinsic rewards

outcomes and set awarded by external parties . examples pay and promotion

intrinsic rewards

outcomes internal to the individual. ex. self-esteem

merit pay

pay awarded to employees on the basis of the relative value of their contributions to the organizations

equity theory

people are motivated to seek social equity in the rewards they receive for performance

flu case was going around the school could not meet the _____ needs of students and faculty until the flu was gone.


kinds of reinforcement in organizations

positive reinforcement, avoidance, punishment

people with a high need for achievement characteristics are

want immediate feedback, assume personal responsibility, set realistic goals, often preoccupied with their task.

job sharing

when two part-time employees share one full-time job

need for affiliation

the desire for human companionship and acceptance

need for achievement

the desire to accomplish a goal or task more effectively than in the past

need for power

the desire to be influential in a group and to control one's environment

reward system

the formal and informal mechanisms by which employee performance is defined, evaluated and rewarded

growth needs

the highest level in this schema, needs for self-esteem and self-actualization


the process of enabling workers to set their own work goals, make decisions, and solve problems within their sphere of responsibility and authority


the process of giving employees a voice in making decisions about their own work

the most basic method of managing employee motivation is

the reward system

the term valence refers to

the value an individual places on outcomes

the human resource approach

to motivation carries the concept of needs and motivation one step further. assumes that the contributions themselves are valuable to both individuals and organizations.

which historical approach is motivation is based on scientific management and takes an economic incentive approach to motivation?


suggests that people's satisfaction and dissatisfaction are influenced by two independent sets of factors motivation factors and hygiene factors

two-factor theory of motivation


used to strengthen behavior by avoiding unpleasant consequences that would result if the behavior were not performed


used to weaken undesired behaviors by simply ignoring or not reinforcing them


used to weaken undesired behaviors by using negative outcomes or unpleasant consequences when the behavior is performed

according to the expectancy model, performance is a result of


according to herzberg's two factor theory of motivation, what are the motivation factors?

-achievement -recognition -the work itself -respinsibility -advancement and growth

according to herzberg's two factor theory of motivation, what are the hygiene factors?

-supervisors -working conditions -interpersonal relations -pay and security -company policies and administration

outcomes and valences

-the consequence or reward for behavior in an organizational setting index of how much an individual values a particular outcome.

Chelsea thinks about her job while at home, and she continually volunteers to do most of the work for the entire project group in her department. These characteristics indicate a strong need for


individual human needs are

achievement, affiliation, and power

two factor theory of motivation

addresses the issues on which job enrichment focuses

a construction worker injured on the job is on convalescent time-off for five weeks. she misses the people. she can't wait to get back to work. this is a(n) ______ need.



allowing employees to spend part of their time working offsite, usually at home


an individuals belief that the treatment the individual receives is fair relative to the treatment received by others.

reinforcement perspectives on motivation

approach to motivation that argues that behavior that results in rewarding consequences is likely to be repeated, whereas behavior that results in punishing consequences is less likely to her repeated

content perspectives

approach to motivation that tries to answer the question, what factor or factors motivate people?

definition of process perspectives

are approaches to motivation that focus on the search for behavioral options and alternatives, the choice of behavioral options to satisfy needs, the rewards and evaluation of satisfaction after goals are attained

which of the following perspectives on motivation concerns what motivates people as opposed to how they are motivated?


what addresses different parts in the motivation process progresses

content, process, and reinforcement perspectives

existence needs

correspond to the physiological and security needs.

according to the expectancy theory, motivation determines

effort-to-performance expectancy, performance- to- reward expectancy, and valence of outcomes.

the human relations approach

emphasizes the role of social processes in the work-place. Their basic assumptions were that employees want to feel useful and important. that employees have strong social needs, and that these needs are more important than money in motivation them.

generally speaking, politicians have a desire to influence the world around them by writing laws and changing things. This shows a need for


variable interval schedule

provides reinforcement at varying intervals of time, such as occasional visits by the supervisor

self- actualization needs

realizing ones potential for continues growth and individual development. challenging job. achievement. most difficult for a manger to address.

clip: the devil wears prada

role ambiguity/ role demand

the need to have a safe physical and emotional environment is a(n)_____ need.


growth as used in the ERG theory of motivation corresponds most closely to mallow's

self-actualization and the need for self-esteem

mallow's hierarchy of needs

suggests that people must satisfy five groups of needs in order- physiological, security, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization

ERG theory of motivation

suggests that people's needs are grouped into three possibly overlapping categories-- existence, relatedness, and growth

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