Chapter 16 Short Answer
Describe the three types of functional joints.
Synarthorosis: immovable joints in which the bones are either closely fitted together or surrounded by strong ligaments Amphiarthrosis: joints held together by strong connective tissue and are capable of minimal movement Diarthrosis: the bones are separated by a small membrane-lined cavity and has a wide range of motion
What factors limit the range of motion of a joint?
- Surrounded by strong ligaments - Held together by strong connective tissue - Separated by small membrane-lined cavity
List the seven ligaments of the knee and how each supports the joint.
- Tibial/ Fibular Collateral Ligament: provide medial and lateral support when standing - Popliteal Ligament: provide support for posterior of the knee - Anterior/ Posterior Cruciate Ligaments: inside articular capsule - Patellar Ligament: adds anterior support to the knee - Patellar Retinaculae: contribute to anterior support of the knee
Describe the four types of structural joints?
Bony fusion: occurs where bones have fused together and permits no movement Fibrous joints: have fibrous connective tissue and has little to no movement Cartilaginous joints: have cartilage between bones Synovial joints: have a joint cavity lined by a synovial membrane and moves freely