Chapter 16 WH

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Declare invalid


Formally a district in a city in which Jews were required to live.

Two new religious orders included: the ________ and the _______, who took vows of complete poverty.

Jesuits Carmalites

What was the first Protestant faith?

Lutheranism is completely based off the ninety-five theses.

Christian humanism

Movement that developed in northern Europe during the Renaissance, combining classical learning and individualism with a goal of reforming the Catholic Church.

John Calvin emphasized the idea of __________, which gave later Calvanists the belief that they were doing God's work on Earth.



The religious doctrine that Martin Luther developed; it differed from Catholicism and the doctrine of salvation, which Luther believed could be achieved by faith alone, not by good works.


The state of being saved through faith alone or through faith and good works.

The Swiss priest Ulrich Zwingli introduced Protestant reforms in the city of _____________ and wanted an alliance with ______________.

Zürich Martin Luther and the German reformers

In an effort to restore _________ to England, Queen Mary I had almost 300 _________ burned as heretics.

The Roman Catholic Church Protestants

In the year______, the Pope called the _________, which defined Catholic doctrine.

1545 The counsil of Trent

How and when did the end to religious warfare in Germany come, and what did this mean for Christianity?

1555 with the peace of Augsburg/ agreement for division on Christianity.


A released from all or part of punishment for sin by the Catholic Church, reducing time in purgatory after death.

The __________ of 1534 declared that King __________ was " the only supreme head on Earth of the {new} church of England.

Act of Supremacy Henry

Some features of society were not changed; ____________, or discrimination against Jews, continued.



Belief that God has determined in advance who will be saved and who will be damned.

Where and when did Martin Luther issue his Ninety-five Theses?

Castle Church Germany October 31, 1517.

Who was the best known Christian humanist, and what did he believe?

Desiderius Erasmus believed that Christianity should show people how to live good lives on a daily basis, not just provide beliefs that might help them be saved.

Who offered opposition to the rule of Charles V?

Francis I, king of France Lutheran princes in Germany and the Ottoman Turks.

Why was Luther made an outlaw within the Holy Roman Empire?

He rebelled against the Catholic Church with the ninety-five theses.

Why did Charles V oppose the Reformation?

He saw that disrupted the political and social disorder.

Protestant teachers used __________ methods, and Martin Luther believed that the __________ should be pay for education.

Humanist The public

Women's duties in marriage included bearing children and being obedient to their ___________.


Who was Martin Luther, and what idea of his became the chief teaching of the Protestant Reformation?

Luther was a professor and a monk in the Catholic Church. He believed that you are only saved through your faith in God.


Process of being justified, or deemed worthy of salvation, by God.

Anabaptists, who considered all believers to be _________, called for the complete _______ of church and state.

Radicals Separation

Why did Christian humanists call for reform in the Church?

They wanted to stress more spiritual beliefs than have more relics.

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