Chapter 17

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Examples of ______________ include being ignored, being blamed for others' mistakes and receiving no credit for achievements, having one's reputation undermined in front of others, and experiencing other situations meant to demean or disparage an employee or others.


A variety of studies show that investments in​ on-the-job training lead to __________________________ than the cost of providing the training.

increases in productivity of significantly greater value

As ethical problems in organizations have​ increased, ______________ have gained popularity. These​ paper-and-pencil tests measure factors such as​ dependability, carefulness,​ responsibility, and honesty.

integrity tests

Measuring dependability and responsibility of qualified applicants is the purpose of _________.

integrity tests

Most research suggests that the best system attracts candidates who are highly knowledgeable about the _________________.

job and the organization

In collectivist cultures, performance appraisals are ______________.

more lenient

Some of the __________________________ to assure a good job fit include internal​ referrals, internship​ programs, and other methods that give potential applicants enough information to evaluate the roles they may be occupying adequately.

most effective recruiting techniques

_________ involves understating performance in an evaluation.

negative leniency

Identifying the top candidates is the ____________________, which matches individual characteristics (ability, experience, and so on) with the requirements of the job.

objective of the selection process

Companies are increasingly turning away from _______________ and relying on their own executives and HR professionals for talent searches.

outside recruiting agencies

A ___________________ is performed at an assessment center.

performance-simulation test

Task performance involves ________.

performing the tasks in a conventional job description

structured interviews

planned interviews designed to gather job-related information

A ___________ is a form of off-the-job training


Interpersonal skills training would help with

poor communication

The ______________________ is to sharpen​ logic, reasoning, and problem defining skills as well as assess​ causation, develop and analyze​ alternatives, and select solutions.

purpose of​ problem-solving training

An advantage of using _________ to assess potential employees is decreased turnover.

realistic job previews

An advantage of structured interviews is ________________________.

reduced bias due to an applicant's appearance

_________ are used in the initial selection process to determine whether applicants meet basic job qualifications.


Unstructured Interview

short, casual interviews made up of random questions

panel interviews

structured interviews conducted with a candidate and a number of panel members in a joint meeting

Written​ tests, performance​ tests, and interviews are part of the _________________________.

substantive selection process

Realistic Job previews

substantive selection tests that are job tryouts to assess talent versus experience

Outdated knowledge would require ____________ training.

technical skills

critical incidents

A way of evaluating an employee's behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively

Critical Incidents

A way of evaluating the behaviors that make the difference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively

________________ that lets learners actively participate in exercises and quizzes can be more effective than traditional classroom instruction

Computer-based training

Substantive Selection

Determines the most qualified applicants from among those who meet basic qualifications.

_________________ such as the United States emphasize formal performance evaluation systems more than informal systems.

Individual-oriented cultures

________________________ is the disadvantage of using written essays for performance evaluations.

Lack of a standardized scoring method

Contingent Selection

Makes final check before making offer to applicants.

______________________ is not a way to help resolve work-life conflicts.

Providing time-management training

_________________ provide applicants with a job tryout and are given as a way to assess talent versus experience.

Realistic job previews

an advantage of structured interviews

Reduces influence of impression management tactics

______________ is a form of off-the-job training.

Role playing

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)

Scales that combine major elements from the critical incident and graphic rating scale approaches. The appraiser rates the employees based on items along a continuum, but the points are examples of actual behavior on the given job rather than general descriptions or traits.

___________________ are substantive selection tests that ask applicants how they would perform in a variety of job​ situations; the answers are then compared to the answers of​ high-performing employees.

Situational judgment tests

________________ has become a cornerstone for many​ companies, in which recruiting practices are developed in alignment with​ long-term strategic goals.

Strategic recruiting

situational judgement tests

Substantive selection tests that ask applicants how they would perform in a variety of job situations; the answers are then compared to the answers of high-performing employees.

Human Capital Resources

The capacities of a work unit derived from the collective knowledge, skills, abilities, and other resources of the organization's workforce.

Task performance

The combination of effectiveness and efficiency at doing core job tasks

Negative leniency involves

Understating an individual's performance in evaluations

Initial Selection

Used for preliminary "rough cuts" to decide whether an applicant meets the basic qualifications for a job.

Ideally, ______________ should be uniquely suited to the organizational​ culture, reflect the values of the​ organization, demonstrate economic​ feasibility, and be sustainable in the​ long-term

a benefit program

part of on-the-job training


The _______________ provides employees with a wider perspective on their performance, but many organizations don't spend the time to train evaluators in giving constructive criticism

360-degree evaluation

high-performance work system (HPWS)

A group of human resources practices that work together to reinforce one another to improve organizational outcomes.

______________ is part of on-the-job training.

A job rotation

____________________ is considered an initial selection method.

An application form

describes graphic rating scales

An evaluation method in which the evaluator rates performance factors on an incremental scale

graphic rating scale

An evaluation method in which the evaluator rates performance factors on an incremental scale.

_________________ require applicants to describe how they handled specific problems and situations in previous jobs based on the assumption that past behavior offers the best predictor of future behavior. Next Question

Behavioral structured interviews

work sample tests

Hands-on simulations of part or all of the work that applicants for routine jobs must perform.

forced comparisons

Method of performance evaluation where an employee's performance is made in explicit comparison to others (e.g., an employee may rank third out of 10 employees in her work unit.

Assessment Centers

Off-site locations where candidates are given a set of performance-simulation tests designed to evaluate their managerial potential.

____________________ methods include job rotation, apprenticeships, understudy assignments, and formal mentoring programs.

On-the-job training

________________________ are considered a pioneering unique method that uses the contest masquerading as a game to identify individuals with top skill sets who may be attracted to apply for positions.

Online programming contests

______________________ help management make general human resources decisions about promotions, transfers, and terminations.

Performance evaluations

_________________________ has been found to have face validity in that they measure abilities through the use of work samples and assessments.

Performance-simulation testing

_______________ occurs when an evaluator unconsciously overestimates a performance evaluation.

Positive leniency

group-order ranking

an evaluation method that places employees into a particular classification, such as quartiles

individual ranking

an evaluation method that rank-orders employees from best to worst

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB)

actions that actively damage the organization, including stealing, behaving aggressively toward coworkers, or being late or absent


actions that contribute to the psychological environment of the organization, such as helping others when not required

Reading, writing, and math are _______________ employers need prospective employees to have in order to learn other aspects of the job.

all basic skills

Determination of​ gender, race, or age is not part of a _________________ to avoid discrimination charges.

background check

________ involves actions that contribute to the psychological environment of the organization.


Organizations can provide _________ training to minimize bullying in the workplace.


______________ that dominate Asia and much of Latin America are characterized by more informal systems—downplaying formal feedback and disconnecting reward allocations from performance ratings.

collectivist cultures

A medical exam is a(n) ________ selection method when hiring someone for a job.


An advantage of using realistic job previews to assess potential employees is _________.

decreased turnover

An advantage of using realistic job previews to assess potential employees is ________________.

decreased turnover

Providing exercise facilities for employees is an example of a ___________________________.

direct service​ work-life management strategy

Performance appraisals are _________ in collectivist cultures.

disconnected from rewards

A ___________ is a contingent selection method when hiring someone for a job.

drug test

The ________________________ can refer to the level of student satisfaction, the amount students learn, the extent to which they transfer the learned material to their jobs, and/or the company's financial return on investments in training.

effectiveness of a training program

When management fails to get a proper match, ______________________ both suffer.

employee performance and satisfaction

One technique that organizations might consider to _________________ is posting appraisals online so employees can see their own performance scores exactly as the supervisor enters them.

enhance due process

Forced comparisons ________.

explicitly compare one employee to another

The _____________________ is computer-based training, or e-training or e-learning.

fastest-growing training medium

Asking ____________ encourages raters to remember more about the employee's performance rather than just _______________ about the employee at the moment.

for more detail; acting on their feelings

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