Chapter 17 & 18

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Consumptions of which of these types of fuels emits the fewest atmospheric pollutants? A. oil B. coal C. nuclear D. natural gas

C. nuclear

What type of heating system is illustrated below for this home in Santa Fe, NM? A. geothermal B. wind turbine C. passive solar D. nonrenewable E. hydropower

C. passive solar

Which is the greatest potential hazard from drilling oil on the continental shelves? A. unsightly oil rigs B. an explosion C. spilling oil D. displaced wildlife

C. spilling oil

what are characteristics of mountaintop removal

-one of the most destructive mining methods -has leveled 15-25% of mountains in southern west virginia -valleys and streams between mountains are obliterated; filled in with tailings and debris

how is entombment used for decommissioning

-permanently encase plant in concrete -tomb would have to remains viable for 1000+ years (not viable option)

what are the environmental impacts of natural gas

-relatively clean -no sulfur -releases far less CO2 and hydrocarbons -almost no particulates compared to oil and coal

what are characteristics of enrichment

-requires a great deal of energy -processed into small pellets -pellets are then placed into closed pipes called fuel rods -fuel rods are placed into groups of 200 to create fuel assemblies -a reactor contains 150-250 fuel assemblies

what are characteristics of Chernobyl

-severe accident in 1986 - 1/2 explosions ripped apart reactor and released large amounts of radioactive material into environment -radioactivity quickly spread to surrounding area and other parts of europe

what are low level radioactive wastes

-solids, liquids, or gases that give off small amounts of radioactive energy -glassware, tools, paper, clothing

what are effects of coal on the environment

-topsoil loss -acid and toxic mineral drainage -streams become polluted -mountaintop removal -surface mining control and reclamation act

- Acid mine drainage - Acid rain - Mountaintop removal

4. Which of the following is/are associated with mining or burning coal?

how many regasification plants are there in the us


- Less sulfur emissions - Less nitrogen oxide emissions - Less greenhouse gas emissions

5. Fluidized-bed combustion results in:

The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service has estimated that since about the year 1800, more than ____________ U. S. species have become extinct.


oil and natural gas provide what percent of the world's energy


- The Middle East

6. Oil and natural gas reserves are most abundant in

- Both on land and in the ocean and coastal areas.

7. The worlds largest oil spills have occurred

- Boiling water to generate steam that drives a turbine

8. A nuclear power plant uses heat from nuclear reactions to generate electricity by

Depending on location and design, passive solar heating can save up to _______ of the cost of heating a building.


According to the U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), what percentage of the world's fisheries are considered fully exploited, overexploited, or depleted?


- Less

9. Compared to coal-fired power plants, nuclear power plants under usual operating conditions generate _______ greenhouse gases.


A turbine is used to rotate a generator as with coal or nuclear power Hydropower rarely has a significant impact on river ecology Migration of spawning fish can be seriously affected

Which of these is an inaccurate statement regarding the harvest of geothermal energy? A) Accessible on virtually any land area on Earth. B) May depend on exhaustible water supplies. C) Can utilize hot, dry rock to produce heated water. D) Potentially has more energy than all oil and gas sources combined.

A) Accessible on virtually any land area on Earth.

The most common use for active solar collection is to _____ . A) Heat water. B) Produce electricity. C) Power fuel cells. D) Align photoelectric arrays.

A) Heat water.

Which aspect of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion exposed the most people to harmful radiation? A) airborne release of radioactive materials B) water leaching radioactive materials from the site C) radiation from the damaged buildings D) transport of the contaminated debris from the site

A) airborne release of radioactive materials

The costs of adding energy efficiency at home: A) are high at first but can be recouped later. B) are almost always paid for by the federal government. C) are so high they will never be made up without some help from incentives. D) are inexpensive, and homeowners save money right away.

A) are high at first but can be recouped later.

Arguments supporting the development of oil exploration in the Arctic national Wildlife Refuge include all of the following except A. the U.S. imports more than half the oil it uses B. large oil deposits have already been tapped in this region C. the refuge is biologically rich and the tundra is a fragile ecosystem D. development of domestic oil would improve the balance of foreign trade E. oil companies are eager to develop this particular site

C. the refuge is biologically rich and the tundra is a fragile ecosystem

The trend of which atmospheric gas is shown in the figure? A. Stratospheric ozone B. Carbon dioxide C. Methane D. Chlorofluorocarbons

A. Stratospheric ozone

Natural gas is considered a "better" fossil fuel than oil because natural gas A. is easier to transport B. is renewable resource C. contains almost no sulfur and releases less CO2 when burned D. is less plentiful E. has no potential to cause explosions

C. contains almost no sulfur and releases less CO2 when burned

What major public concern about nuclear plants stems from A. use of fossil fuels to run the reactors B. the higher consumer costs for electricity C. fear of nuclear accidents D. excessive emissions of greenhouse gases E. size of real estate needed to house the nuclear power plant facility

C. fear of nuclear accidents

All of the following are options to conserve energy at home except A. improve insulation B. install double paned windows C. keep a beverage refrigerator in the garage D. use thermal lined curtains E. caulk cracks on exterior of home

C. keep a beverage refrigerator in the garage

Hydrogen bonding accounts for all but one of the following properties of water. Which one? A. high boiling point B. high melting point C. molecular polarity D. improved abilities as a solvent

C. molecular polarity

what countries possess globally significant deposits of coal

china, russia, and the us

Which of these fuels causes the most carbon dioxide release per pound burned?


we will continue to struggle with environmental consequences if what remains as a major energy source


what is the most abundant fossil fuel on earth


This phenomenon brings deeper waters and nutrients to the surface, and is weakened during years with ENSO events.

coastal upswelling

with fossil fuels, what releases energy from changes in the chemical bonds between atoms


Most cases that involve conflict over the Endangered Species Act result in ________ .

compromise between developers and the federal government.

what cools steam


what do nuclear reactors use to produce energy

controlled nuclear fission chain reactions

why do nuclear power plants not last forever

critical components become brittle or corroded and eventually the plants must be shut down and decommissioned

According to the U.S. Commission on Foreign Policy, which of these is NOT a recommended future action for protecting the world's oceans?

provide increased subsidies for fishing fleets

what is the clean air act

provides incentives for utility companies to convert to clean coal technologies

where does fission occur

reactor core

Fluidized-bed combustion is a coal technology that

reduces acid and greenhouse gas emissions

Fluidized-bed combustion is a coal technology that ________ .

reduces acid and greenhouse gas emissions

All of these energy saving improvements can be added to a home anytime, but one is much easier to install when the home is being built. Which one?

thick wall insulation

what is coal used for

to produce electricity and steel

Which of these practices tends to physically destroy ocean floor habitat?

trawl nets

what uses steam to generate electricity


what is fusion

two small atoms are combined to form a large atom of a different element

Which of these disappeared during a mass extinction event, as opposed to being an accelerated background extinction?


bombs are what

uncontrolled nuclear reactions

what is used in nuclear power plants

uranium ore

how is storage used for decommissioning

utility company guards facility for 50-100 years while radioactive materials decay, making it safer to dismantle later

Maintaining biological diversity in a coastal area can lead to increased ________ .

wildlife habitat

A solar thermal electric generator operates LEAST like a __________ power plant.


What single factor could best explain the overall air pollution status of less developed countries? A. poor sanitation facilities B. lack of education among urban people C. a race for industrialization by the government D. citizens clinging to traditional technologies

C. a race for industrialization by the government

what were the impacts of the deepwater horizon drilling platform explosion

-11 workers died -4 million barrels of crude oil spilled from the damaged ocean floor well -fisheries disrupted, wildlife killed, extensive ecological damage occurred

what is the surface mining control and reclamation act

-1977: controlled abandoned surface mines -set standards for mines to follow during operation and reclamation

what were the impacts of the exxon valdez oil spill

-260,000 barrels of crude oil -300,000 birds and 4500 sea otters died -orca and harbor seal populations declined -salmon migration was disrupted -commercial fishing was halted

what are environmental advantages over gasoline/diesel

-33%less CO2 -80-93% fewer hydrocarbons -70% less CO -90% fewer toxic emissions -almost no soot

what are the environmental impacts of oil

-CO2 production contributes to global warming -acid depostition -photochemical smog -nitrogen oxides

why do supporters claim we need more nuclear energy

-affects the environment less than fossil fuels -less pollution, no CO2 -decreases demand on foreign oil

what is surface mining

-coal within 30m of the surface -reached by removing soil, subsoil, and overlying rock strata -safer for miners -disrupts the land extensively

what are characteristics of coal burning

-contributes more air pollutants than oil or natural gas -coal burning electric power plants produce 1/3 of all airborne mercury emissions -releases more CO2 into the atmosphere than other fossil fuels

what is fluidized-bed combustion

-crushed coal is mixed with limestone to neutralize acidic compounds -produces fewer nitrogen oxides and removes sulfur -produces more heat per unit, so reduces CO2 emissions

what are some of the largest oil spills in history

-deepwater horizon oil rig in the gulf of mexico 2010 -kuwait during the first gulf war in 1991 -the exxon valdez in alaska in 1989

what are the main disadvantages of oil and natural gas

-deposits are located far from where gas is needed -costs four times more to transport through pipelines than crude oil

how have hydraulic fracking techniques changed estimates of natural gas resources

-environmental impacts of fracking different than other extraction methods -expensive, environmentally disruptive

what did the oil pollution act of 1990 do

-establishes liability for damages to natural resources resulting from oil spills, including a trust fund to pay for damages when responsible party cannot -required, since 2015, that all tankers entering US waters be constructed with double hulls

what were impacts of chernobyl

-farmlands and forests contaminated in many areas -people cannot drink or eat local water, milk, meat, fish, fruits, or vegetables -mothers can't nurse their babies (their milk is contaminated by radioactivity) -increases birth defects, leukemia, thyroid cancer, and abnormal immune systems

what is the nuclear waste policy act

-federal government has the burden of developing permanent sites for storage of radioactive waste -yucca mountain is only storage facility candidate -obama administration withdrew support for this site

what are the optimistic predictions of oil and natural gas supplies

-global oil production will peak around 2035 -natural gas is more plentiful, production will continue to rise for 10 more years (2045)

in what ways does human society depend on energy

-grow, store, cook food -warm and cool homes -extract and process natural resources -manufacture items -transportation

why do people believe major accidents are high risk

-involuntary and potentially catastrophic -people are distrustful of nuclear industry -consequences of accidents are drastic and long-lasting

what new regulations were put into place because of three mile island

-more frequent inspections -risk assessments -improved emergency and evacuation plans

what are characteristics of three mile island

-most serious commercial factor in us -1979, pennsylvania -partial meltdown of reactor core -most radioactive material was kept in containment building, did not escape -no substantial environmental or human damage

why does it cost four times more to transport oil and natural gas through pipelines than crude oil

-must be compressed to form liquified natural gas and carried in specially constructed refrigerated ships -then it must be returned to the gaseous state at regasification plants

what are characteristics of fukushima daiichi

-tsunami following an underwater 9.0 earthquake in march 2011 -disrupted normal and backup reactor cooling systems -3 of 6 reactors had meltdowns -overheating led to hydrogen gas buildup and explosion in one reactor -contamination from accident extensive to both ocean and local land areas -neighboring areas permanently evacuated -high radiation levels will limit seafood catches locally for decades

what is strip mining

-vegetation, soil, and rock are "stripped away" -trench is dug to extract coal -rubble dumped into nearby valleys

- Higher than

1. Generally, per person energy consumption in highly developed countries is __ that in developing countries.

- 0%

10. What percentage of countries that use nuclear power have established long-term solutions for their nuclear waste?

At the present level of consumption and using current extraction techniques, it is estimated that the world has sufficient coal reserves to last for more than

100 years

- Heating and cooling of buildings

11. Where do highly developed countries use most of their energy?

- Developing countries

12. World energy consumption has increased almost every year since 1982. What is responsible for most of these annual increases?

- France

13. What country does not possess globally significant deposits of coal?

- 30 meters

14. Usually subsurface mining is done if the coal to be extracted does not have an outcrop and is deeper than ___ meters.

- Digging a surface trench to reach the coal deposits

15. Strip mining requires ____________

- Less

16. Subsurface mining disrupts (more/less) land as opposed to surface mining.

- Coal

17. What fuel causes the most carbon dioxide release per pound burned?

- 100

18. At the present level of consumption and using current extraction techniques, it is estimated that the world has sufficient coal reserves to last for more than _____ years.

- Mountaintop removal

19. What practice has caused filling of valleys and acidification of lakes in southern West Virginia?

- Developing

2. Most of the recent increase in world energy consumption can be attributed to increases in ___ countries.

Every gallon of gasoline burned in your automobile releases approximately how much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

20 pounds

Where are most of the world's estimated reserves of oil and natural gas located?

20 pounds

- Source reduction

20. The principles of "Clean Coal" technologies adhere best to which practice?

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 required double-hulls on all oil tankers entering U. S. waters by the year


The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requires double-hulls on all oil tankers entering U. S. waters by the year


- reduces acid and greenhouse gas emissions.

21. Fluidized-bed combustion is a coal technology that

- The Persian gulf

22. Where are most of the world's estimated reserves of oil and natural gas located?

- 20 pounds

23. Every gallon of gasoline burned in your automobile releases approximately how much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? Pounds.

- Is often found far from point where it will be used

24. the transport of natural gas?

- Spilling oil

25. Which is the greatest potential hazard from drilling oil on the continental shelves?

- Natural gas

26. Which fossil fuel releases the least amount of hydrocarbons and particulate matter when burned?

- 2015

27. The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 required double-hulls on all oil tankers entering U. S. waters by the year

- shattering of uranium nuclei due to bombardment

28. What produces the heat during the extraction of nuclear energy?

- Never

29. In the normal operation of a nuclear power plant, the hot liquid water from the nuclear reactor __________ mixes with the water used to generate the steam which drives the turbine.

how many major nuclear accidents have occurred since 1970


- Surface mining causes more harm

3. Which of the following statements best describes the environmental harm caused by the two types of coal mining.

Usually subsurface mining is done if the coal to be extracted does not have an outcrop and is deeper than

30 meters

Usually subsurface mining is done if the coal to be extracted does not have an outcrop and is deeper than ________ .

30 meters

- Nuclear

30. Consumption of which of these types of fuels emits the fewest atmospheric pollutants?

what percent of total energy is for industry


- Long term storage measures for wastes

31. Which of these is a downside of nuclear power generation, as opposed to burning coal for fuel?

- Spent fuel components

32. Which of these nuclear wastes would require the most secure and careful long-term storage?

- Airborne release of radioactive materials

33. Which aspect of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion exposed the most people to harmful radiation?

Which is the best description of marine organisms that inhabit the oceanic province?

they are good swimmers, like tuna

Electric meters can run backward for homeowners participating in net metering. What does this mean? A) homeowners receive meter credit for excess energy they generate and supply to the utility's power grid B) the up front costs for installing renewable energy is recovered by rewinding the home's electric meter C) if a homeowner uses less energy in one month than the previous month, then the difference is subtracted from the electric meter D) homeowners who voluntarily cut back on air conditioning use are granted a electric credit E) a radio controlled electric meter for remote monitoring allows the utility company to stop the meter during peak demand periods

A) homeowners receive meter credit for excess energy they generate and supply to the utility's power grid

Which of these is a downside of nuclear power generation, as opposed to burning coal for fuel? A) long term storage measures for wastes B) destruction of land due to mining C) production of acid precipitation D) production of flyash

A) long term storage measures for wastes

Which of these is a property of photovoltaic electricity production, but not of solar thermal electricity? A) produces toxic by-products during manufacture B) solar is primary energy source C) produces no air pollution during operation D) produces electricity

A) produces toxic by-products during manufacture

Fluidized-bed combustion is a coal technology that _____. A) reduces acid and greenhouse gas emissions B) reduces overall heat extracted per kilo of coal C) reduces acidic exhaust, but increases particulates and flyash D) eliminates the need for scrubbers

A) reduces acid and greenhouse gas emissions

The greatest hurdle that must be overcome to fully embrace nuclear power to generate electricity is A) safe storage of radioactive waste. B) monitoring low-level radiation continuously being released into the surrounding region. C) filtering the release of CO2 contributing to greenhouse gasses. D) deactivating radioactive water flushed from cooling towers. E) increased safety measures to decrease the potential for nuclear explosion releasing radiation into the atmosphere.

A) safe storage of radioactive waste.

All of the following are challenges that face the application of fuel cell technology for motor vehicles except A) the size and weight of the fuel cell is prohibitive for use in automobiles. B) fuel cells are expensive. C) hydrogen is extremely volatile so safety issues must be addressed. D) infrastructure for refueling is not in place. E) the ability of the fuel cell to store more than a fixed amount of energy.

A) the size and weight of the fuel cell is prohibitive for use in automobiles.

Which of the following man-made pollutants contributes to cooling of the atmosphere? A. Aerosols B. Carbon Dioxide C. Methane D. Chlorofluorocarbons

A. Aerosols

An analysis of air pollutants in an urban area resulted in the detection of NO2,SO2, Co, and particulates. How are all these chemicals related? A. All of them are classified as primary pollutants B. All of them are classified as secondary pollutants C. All of them contribute to acid precipitation D. All are components of photochemical smog

A. All of them are classified as primary pollutants

Stratospheric ozone thinning is most associated with which of the following chemicals? A. Chlorine compounds B. Nitrogen oxides C. Methane D. Particulates

A. Chlorine compounds

Rising carbon dioxide levels are associated with increased ocean acidity. Based on the figure, how would an enhanced El Nino effect for a given year affect acidity at the equator? A. Enhance it, due to Perivian currents carrying acid water northward B. Enhance it, due to California currents carrying acid water northward C. Lessen it, due to less eastward movement f equatorial water D. There would be no predictable effect

A. Enhance it, due to Perivian currents carrying acid water northward

Even though the data linking climate change to disease outbreak is still circumstantial, diseases such as _____ are predicted to increase due to changes associated with global warming. A. Malaria B. Cancer C. Polio D. AIDS

A. Malaria

Which of these would best help in a community's efforts to adapt to global climate change? A. Replace traditional crops with those that grow better in the new conditions B. Build new coal-fired power plants, or upgrade efficiency of old ones C. Increase fuel economy of motor vehicles D. Reduce fuel usage by increased taxes

A. Replace traditional crops with those that grow better in the new conditions

Interpret the graph below to determine which of these countries would likely be decreasing their total usage of energy? A. a highly developed country with increasing technology B. a highly developed country with stable technology C. a developing country with increasing technology D. a developing country with stable technology

A. a highly developed country with increasing technology

Sewage is considered a pollutant in water because it tends to INCREASE: A. biochemical oxygen demand B. C. D.

A. biochemical oxygen demand

Which of these pollutants is most associated with reduction of the blood's ability to carry oxygen? A. carbon monoxide B. nitrogen oxides C. ozone D. particulate matter

A. carbon monoxide

Which of these has NOT been shown to assist in cleaning urban air? A. increase the use of motor vehicles B. make cleaner fuels available for home cooking C. increase enforcement of pollution laws D. compel refineries to remove lead from gasoline

A. increase the use of motor vehicles

Salinizaion of agricultural soil is a direct result of which human practice? A. irrigation B. C. D.

A. irrigation

The formation of which major secondary pollutant is illustrated in the figure? A. photochemical smog B. particulates C. acid precipitation D. ozone depleting-chemicals

A. photochemical smog

What is acid mine drainage? A. pollution caused when rainwater seeps through iron sulfide minerals exposed in mine wastes B. photochemical reactions between particulates and water vapor C. residue from sulfur and nitrogen compounds found in coal dust D. acid precopiation caused by emissions from burning coal E. a low pH fuel that is synthesized from natural gas

A. pollution caused when rainwater seeps through iron sulfide minerals exposed in mine wastes

What is the role of a sand filter in drinking water purification? A. remove suspended particles B. C. D.

A. remove suspended particles

Note the following diagram of a forest water budget. If the area were to become more urban, which of these values would increase? A. surface runoff B. C. D.

A. surface runoff

Which layer of the atmosphere is closest to the Earth's surface, and contains most surface weather? A. troposphere B. stratosphere C. thermosphere D. mesosphere

A. troposphere

Chemicals associated with acid deposition originate by reaction of airborne pollutants with what atmospheric chemical? A. Water B. Methane C. Chlorofluorocarbons D. Nitrogen

A. water

Which of these is an inaccurate statement regarding the harvest of geothermal energy?

Accessible on virtually any land area on Earth.

Select the best description of extinction.

An organism has disappeared throughout its range.

What of these is the main advantage to using fuel cells over direct photovoltaic energy? A) Fuel cells provide a fixed amount of energy, then they are disposable. B) Fuel cells can store the energy for later use. C) Converting electricity to fuel cell energy increases efficiency. D) Photovoltaic electricity cannot power devices directly.

B) Fuel cells can store the energy for later use.

What is a critical difference between surface and subsurface mining? A) Surface mining is more expensive than subsurface mining B) Surface mining is above ground; subsurface mining is below ground C) Surface mining causes less environmental damage than subsurface mining D) Subsurface mining creates acid mine drainage; surface mining does not E) Subsurface mining has the potential for dangerous landslides; surface mining has the potential for cave-ins

B) Surface mining is above ground; subsurface mining is below ground

Which of these is the best example of a biomass fuel? A) oil B) animal waste C) coal D) natural gas

B) animal waste

Although the United States banned some ozone depleting chemicals in 1978, the 187 agreement had more overall effect on reducing emission levels. A. The Copenhagen Climate Conference B. The Montreal Protocol C. The Kyoto Treaty D. The Clean Air Act

B. The Montreal Protocol

What is the best long-term option for the storage of high-level radioactive waste in the U.S.? A) in compartments at the bottom of cooling towers at nuclear power plants. B) deep burial in steel waste canisters at distant sites from population centers C) injection underground between layers of clay in remote areas D) storage in concrete casks at the bottom of the ocean E) export it to foreign locations

B) deep burial in steel waste canisters at distant sites from population centers

Which of these is an example of an energy efficient practice, as opposed to energy conservation, by a large business? A) giving employees a bonus to buy a bicycle to ride to work B) installing "intelligent" thermostats that provide comfort but better control of energy use C) allowing employees to wear seasonal, more practical clothes D) a yearly bonus to employees who contribute usable ideas on electricity savings

B) installing "intelligent" thermostats that provide comfort but better control of energy use

Which of these fossil fuel sources releases the least amounts of hydrocarbons and particulate matter when burned? A) oil B) natural gas C) biofuel D) coal

B) natural gas

All of these energy saving improvements can be added to a home anytime, but one is much easier to install when the home is being built. Which one? A) installing efficient furnaces B) thick wall insulation C) window and door caulk D) a heat pump

B) thick wall insulation

How much does the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict global temperature might increase by the year 2100? A. 0* to 1.4*C B. 1.8* to 4.0*C C. 3* to 5.7*C D. 3.5* to 10.4*C E. None, they didn't actually make a prediction

B. 1.8* to 4.0*C

Which of these greenhouse gases is most associated with automobile exhaust? A. Carbon dioxide and methane B. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides C. Nitrogen oxides and chlorofluorocarbons D. Methane and chlorofluorocarbons

B. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides

Which of the following does not contribute to ozone depletion? A. Carbon tetrachloride used as an industrial solvent B. Carbon dioxide used as a dry cleaning solvent C. Halons used a fire retardants Wrong D. Methyl bromide used as a pesticide

B. Carbon dioxide used as a dry cleaning solvent

What problem has been associated with substitutes for CFCs, such as HFCs and HCFCc? A. They increase depletion of ozone B. They act as powerful greenhouse gases C. They are carcinogenic D. They increase acid precipitation

B. They act as powerful greenhouse gases

Which of the following best describes a weather condition? A. The local land elevation B. Current percent cloud cover C. Overall biome classification D. Average seasonal temperature

B. Current percent cloud cover

"Fish Ladders" are a strategy employed to minimize environmental impact of ___. A. B. Dams C. D.

B. Dams

Even if all burning of fossil fuels was stopped today, why will temperatures continue to increase? A. Fossil fuel emissions are not responsible for the enhanced greenhouse effect B. Greenhouse gases remain in the atmosphere for many years C. Deforestation must also be stopped in order for temperatures to decline D. Increased methane emission will more than make up for the difference

B. Greenhouse gases remain in the atmosphere for many years

Which of these would be a successful method of mitigating climate change in an urban area? A. Replace trees with shrubs B. Install bike pathways C. Reduce fines and pathway violations D. Use native species sparingly

B. Install bike pathways

According to the U.S. map below of average daily total of annual solar energy, which state is least suited for producing electricity from solar energy? A. Nebraska B. New York C. New Mexico D. North Carolina E. North Dakota

B. New York

Ozone in the______ is essential as it protects the Earth's surface form UV radiation but ozone in the _____ is a human-made air pollutant that contributes to global warming. A. Troposphere; stratosphere B. Stratosphere; troposphere C. Troposphere; thermosphere D. Mesosphere; stratosphere

B. Stratosphere; troposphere

_____ refers to conditions in the atmosphere at a given place and time A. Climate B. Weather C. Precipitation D. Wind speed

B. Weather

Which term applies to the gaseous envelope surrounding Earth? A. terrasphere B. atmosphere C. hydrosphere D. biosphere

B. atmosphere

Currently, gasoline is augmented with up to 10% ethanol, that is processed from ____. A. petroleum B. biofuel C. natural gas D. coal

B. biofuel

What chemical emission has just recently (2008) been added by the Supreme Court to the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency through the Clean Air Act? A. air toxics B. carbon dioxide C. sulfur oxides D. particulates

B. carbon dioxide

Classify the effect that is shown in the figure. A. thermal inversion B. heat island C. dust dome D. pollution plume

B. heat island

In rural areas of developing countries, photovoltaic cells are used for all of the following purposes except A. charging batteries B. heating hot water heaters C. providing refrigeration for vaccines D. grinding grain E. pumping water

B. heating hot water heaters

Which of the following is TRUE regarding polluted groundwater? A. B. homeowners contribute to groundwater pollution C. D.

B. homeowners contribute to groundwater pollution

What practice has caused filing of valleys and acidification of lakes in southern West Virginia? A. oil refining B. mountaintop removal C. subsurface mining D. acid precipitation

B. mountaintop removal

Which best describes the environmental crisis seen at the Ogallala Aquifer? A. B. overdrawing of groundwater C. D.

B. overdrawing of groundwater

Which of the following would be considered a secondary air pollutant? A. carbon dioxide B. ozone C. particulates D. carbon monoxide

B. ozone

Where are most the world's estimated reserves of oil and natural gas located? A. Southern and Central Africa B. the Persian Gulf C. Prudhoe Bay,Alaska D. the Gulf of Mexico

B. the Persian Gulf

If a certain specific amount of heat energy were absorbed by a both pound of water and by a pound of steel, whose temperature would increase the most? A. B. the steel C. D.

B. the steel

Which of these applies to the transport of natural gas? A) It is less expensive to transport than oil. B) It cannot be liquified for easier transport. C) It is often found far from the point where it will be used. D) It it almost always converted to another form of energy before transport.

C) It is often found far from the point where it will be used.

What is the ultimate source of energy in tidal power? A) ocean waves B) solar radiation C) gravitational forces D) the Earth's magnetic field

C) gravitational forces

Where do highly developed countries use most of their energy? A) households B) industry C) heating and cooling of buildings D) transportation

C) heating and cooling of buildings

Which of these forms of generating electricity has the highest efficiency (90%) of converting available power to usable electricity? A) wind B) photovoltaic C) hydropower D) burning natural gas

C) hydropower

According to the data below, A) people in developing countries consume more commercial energy per person than people in developed countries. B) Egypt's population has the lowest per person commercial energy consumption. C) people in the United States use 25% less commercial energy than in Canada. D) people in Mexico use 50% less commercial energy than the United States. E) people in Nigeria and Mexico have the same levels of commercial energy consumption.

C) people in the United States use 25% less commercial energy than in Canada.

What produces the heat during the extraction of nuclear energy? A) the combustion of uranium oxides during "enrichment" B) combustion of atoms of uranium C) shattering of uranium nuclei due to bombardment D) the fusion of high-speed uranium nuclei (wrong)

C) shattering of uranium nuclei due to bombardment

The principles of "Clean Coal" technologies adhere best to which of these practices? A) use of scrubbers B) recycling of materials C) source reduction D) reusing products

C) source reduction

Which of these nuclear wastes would require the most secure and careful long-term storage? A) waste from nuclear medicine B) irradiated clothing C) spent fuel components D) reactor cooling water

C) spent fuel components

Passive solar heating refers to using A) the sun's energy, collected by solar panels, to generate electricity B) plant and animal material as fuel to generate heat C) sun's energy to heat building without pumps or fans to distribute the heat D) recycled water to cool the nuclear reactor in power plants E) solar-generated hydrogen to produce water and heat

C) sun's energy to heat building without pumps or fans to distribute the heat

A solar thermal electric generator operates LEAST like a __________ power plant. A) coal-fired B) nuclear C) wind D) biomass-fueled

C) wind

The computer-generated image below depicts a part of the southern hemisphere in December 2007. What is the source of the purple-colored region on the image represent? A. A zone with high concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide B. A zone with high concentration of tropospheric ozone C. A zone with low concentration of stratospheric ozone D. A zone with high CFC concentrations

C. A zone with low concentration of stratospheric ozone

What important function does the earth's stratosphere ozone layer perform? A. Conversion of greenhouse gases into harmless by-products B. Enhancement of aerosol cooling effects C. Absorption of dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sun D. Production of increased amounts of cloud cover

C. Absorption of dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sun

Suppose that a large coal-burning power plant is located upwind of a pond. The pond's fish and amphibian populations begin to deline. What is the most likely culprit? A. Ozone depletion B. Methane exposure C. Acid deposition D. Heat island effects

C. Acid deposition

This statue has been subject to effects of an air pollutant. Which one? A. Ozone depletion B. Chlorofluorocarbons C. Acid rain D. Carbon dioxide

C. Acid rain

Which of the following best illustrates the difference between weather and climate? A. Climate always describes global conditions, while weather is local B. Weather changes over long periods, while climate change is rapid C. Climate includes weather variations along with other factors D. Climate types are constant for a given latitude, while weather can vary

C. Climate includes weather variations along with other factors

Describe air that has been circulated into the upper atmosphere and is descending to Earth. A. Warm and dry B. Warm and wet C. Cool and dry D. Cool and wet

C. Cool and dry

Which of these can be attributed to global climate change? A. Decreased range of disease-carrying tropical insects B. Exposure of additional land along seaside communities C. Decline in important oceanic food catches D. Increased biological diversity of native species

C. Decline in important oceanic food catches

Identify the plant illustrated by the schematic below A. fluidized bed combustion of coal B. an oil refinery C. a nuclear power plant D. a coal gasification palnt

C. a nuclear power plant

A city is separated by a large mountain range from an ocean. If prevailing winds are inland, predict this city's precipitation. A. High rainfall due to evaporation of mountain runoff B. High rainfall due to proximity of ocean water C. Low rainfall due to rain shadow effect D. Low rainfall due to local conditions of rising air

C. Low rainfall due to rain shadow effect

What specific aspect of climate change is linked to increases in mallignant malanoma, a type of skin cancer? A. Carbon dioxide increases B. Acid deposition C. Stratospheric ozone depletion D. Tropospheric ozone increases

C. Stratospheric ozone depletion

What are the chemicals most associtated with acid deposition? A. Fluorine and chlorine B. Methane and ammonia C. Sulfur and nitrogen D. Carbon and oxygen

C. Sulfur and nitrogen

In mid-latitudinal areas, which factor affects the yearly change of seasonal temperatures the most? A. Local conditions of humidity B. A regions average cloud coverage C. The angle of incident sunlight D. Distance between the earth and the sun wrong

C. The angle of incident sunlight

What is a rain shadow? A. The silhouette of mountains as the sun passes from east to west B. The shade on the ground produced by clouds that threaten rain C. The dry land on the side of the mountains away from the prevailing wind D. The lessening of a chance of precipitation on any given day due to dry air at equator

C. The dry land on the side of the mountains away from the prevailing wind

Which of these is true regarding energy conservation and efficiency practices? A. they have little potential for improving our current energy situation B. their development and production restricts job opportunities and waste tax dollars C. these practices are cheaper to implement than searching for new energy sources D. they are incompatible with growing economies, such as in China

C. these practices are cheaper to implement than searching for new energy sources

technology can remove particulates, sulfur, and mercury. what can't it remove


Which of these practices is an example of ex situ conservation?

Captive breeding in zoos and research facilities.

Usually subsurface mining is done if the coal to be extracted does not have an outcrop and is deeper than ____ . A) 5 meters B) 10 meters C) 20 meters D) 30 meters

D) 30 meters

Which of these statements is true for wind energy, but NOT for hydropower? A) Is associated with spread of certain parasitic diseases, such as Schistosomiasis. B) Often displaces agriculture and indigent peoples. C) Produces no air pollution in normal operation. D) Has great potential for expansion in highly developed countries.

D) Has great potential for expansion in highly developed countries.

Which of these is true regarding subsurface mining, as opposed to surface mining? A) It is safer for miners. B) It is less expensive. C) It allows more complete coal removal. D) It disrupts less land.

D) It disrupts less land.

Nuclear energy is released A) by splitting two electrons (wrong) B) by joining a proton with a neutron. C) by breaking a chemical bond between two atoms. D) by splitting an atomic nucleus into two smaller fragments. E) by combustion of uranium ore.

D) by splitting an atomic nucleus into two smaller fragments.

What fuel is consumed in a fuel cell, seen below? A) gasoline B) oil C) natural gas D) hydrogen

D) hydrogen

Which of these appliances uses the least amount of power on an annual basis? A) television B) water heater C) refrigerator D) washing machine E) clothes dryer

D) washing machine

Besides temperature records, evidence that points to an increase in global temperatures includes: A. Rise in sea levels B. Retreating of the worlds glaciers C. In the northern hemisphere, spring now arrives a little early and autumn starts a little late D. All of these choices

D. All of these choices

If a country were to remove vegetation, leaving sandy soil, which of these factors would increase? A. Absorption of clouds B. Absorption of land C. Reflection of clouds D. Reflection of land

D. Reflection of land

Which of these fuels causes the most carbon dioxide release per pound burned? A. gasoline B. oil C. natural gas D. coal

D. coal

Of the devices below, which of these is incorporating a passive solar design? A. a B. b C. c D. d

D. d

What characteristic defines a primary air pollutant? A. any pollutant which does not originate from a natural source B. forms in the atmosphere by interaction of other pollutants C. has a direct effect on human health via inhalation or other exposure D. includes materials that come directly from human activities

D. includes materials that come directly from human activities

What are the two predominant gases in dry air? A. carbon dioxide and water B. oxygen and water C. nitrogen and carbon dioxide D. oxygen and nitrogen

D. oxygen and nitrogen

Which of these pollutants is least associated with release from burning materials? A. particulates B. sulfur oxides C. carbon dioxide D. ozone

D. ozone

According to the data below, which of these technologies has the highest cost per kilowatt-hour? A. hydropower B. solar thermal C. nuclear power D. photovoltaics E. coal

D. photovoltaics

Which of these best describes the atmospheric of sulfur dioxides? A. most powerful contributor to global warming B. classified as an "air toxic" C. ozone depleting chemical D. reacts to form corrosive acids

D. reacts to form corrosive acids

Which of the following activities is mismatched with its environmental consequence? A. surface mining : acid mine drainage polluting rivers B. coal-burning electric plants : acid deposition destroying forests C. mountaintop removal mining : mine tailings and debris filing valleys D. strip mining : oil spills killing wildlife E. burning fossil fuels : release of CO2, a potent greenhouse gas

D. strip mining : oil spills killing wildlife

Energy efficiency is defined as A. energy that escapes in an unusable form B. energy in bonds broken (minus) energy in bonds formed C. using fossil fuels instead of renewable alternative energy D. using less energy to accomplish a given task, by using new technology, for example E. using less energy by reducing energy use and waste, for example

D. using less energy to accomplish a given task, by using new technology, for example

World energy consumption has increased almost every year since 1982. Which one of the following has been responsible for most of these annual increases?

Developing countries

what atom components are in the nucleus and what orbits the nucleus

protons and neutrons are in the nucleus and electrons orbit the nucleus

What is the fossil fuel cost of powering a wind turbine? A) 75% B) 50% C) 25% D) 10% E) 0%

E) 0%

Why is biomass an attractive source of energy? A) a shift to biofuels from petroleum-based fuels would be seamless B) it makes use of waste products, reducing waste disposal problems C) it reduces our dependence on fossil fuels D) it produces lower levels of sulfur and ash than coal combustion E) all of these choices

E) all of these choices

Burning coal causes a more severe CO2 problem than burning other fossil fuels because A) coal is composed of C, H and O and other fossil fuels do not contain C, H, or O. B) coal is burned in a mass burn incinerator, which is open air, whereas other fossil fuels are burned in closed systems. C) the technology does not exists that would filter CO2 from the emissions, but it has been developed for other fossil fuels. D) it takes a greater volume of coal to produce one unit of heat energy than other fossil fuels. E) coal releases more CO2 per unit of heat energy produced than other fossil fuels

E) coal releases more CO2 per unit of heat energy produced than other fossil fuels

What is the fuel that is used to power a fuel cell? A) direct solar input B) propane C) oxygen D) uranium E) hydrogen

E) hydrogen

Which of the following actions is mismatched with its type of energy savings? A) setting the thermostat on the hot water heater lower : energy conservation B) turning off lights when a room is not in use : energy conservation C) replacing incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent : energy efficiency D) "superinsulating" a building : energy efficiency E) installing a new condensing furnace to replace a conventional gas furnace : energy conservation

E) installing a new condensing furnace to replace a conventional gas furnace : energy conservation

Which of the following best describes the change occurring to the Uranium-235 nucleus at #2 in the nuclear fission process? A. U-235 nucleus rearranges the configuration of its electrons, releasing energy B. the enrichment of U-235 into U-255 C. the combustion of U-235 into U-238 D. positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons are attracting each other E. U-235 nucleus splits into two smaller radioactive fragments and several free neutrons

E. U-235 nucleus splits into two smaller radioactive fragments and several free neutrons

A reversal of the ocean conveyor belt would cause much colder temperatures in which country?


Biodiversity hotspots are relatively small tracts of land which are rich in endemic species. Which of the following statements is not true of these hotspots:

Fewer than 6 hotspots are tropical.

This ecosystem provides many ecosystem services, including purifying air and water, producing and maintaining soil, and absorbing and storing carbon dioxide (which can help to mitigate global warming).


what are atoms composed of

protons, neutrons, electrons

This ecosystem's services dilutes and removes pollutants from water, moderates water flow and reduces flooding, and supports many important human activities including transportation, food, and water.

Freshwater systems

Which of these is the main advantage to using fuel cells over direct photovoltaic energy?

Fuel cells can store energy for later use

Which of these is the main advantage to using fuel cells over direct photovoltaic energy?

Fuel cells can store the energy for later use.

Which of these is the best example of an activity of a conservation biologist?

Gathering data on the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park.

true for wind energy, but NOT for hydropower?

Has great potential for expansion in highly developed countries.

Which of these forms of generating electricity has the highest efficiency (90%) of converting available power to usable electricity?


Which of these is true regarding subsurface mining, as opposed to surface mining?

It disrupts less land

Which of these applies to the transport of natural gas?

It is often found far from the point where it will be used

The largest oil spills in history include:

Kuwait during the first Gulf War in 1991 the ExxonValdez in Alaska in 1989 Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010

Winds are often opposite that of an El Niño. It often occurs after an El Niño event. Effects are harder to predict than that of El Niño.

La Niña event

Which ocean contains over half of the Earth's water?


Which one of these statements is NOT true for hydropower?

Most rivers are suitable for hydropower.

NAECA is an abbreviation for

National Appliance Energy Conservation Act

Which countries possess globally significant deposits of coal?

Russia United States China

Which of these oceanic gyres has a clockwise spin?

South Atlantic gyre

requires digging a surface trench to reach the coal deposits

Strip Mining

The zone along the rocky shore which is never fully submerged and often creates temporary pools of water is called the

Subtidal zone

Suppose a local population is declining due to malnourishment. There has been no change in its overall food supply in the area. What is a possible cause?

invasive species

Which of these is true regarding energy conservation and efficiency practices?

These practices are cheaper to implement than searching for new energy sources.

An endemic species

is native only to a particular region.

What was the main goal of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (1994)?

protection of ocean resources

Energy efficiency is defined as

Using less energy to accomplish a given task—by using new technology, for example.

Which of the following statements are true about wind energy?

Wind energy produces only small amounts of carbon dioxide emissions

Which of the following statements are TRUE about wind energy?

Wind energy produces only small amounts of carbon dioxide emissions.

preserve biological diversity preservation of ecosystem services develop sustainable uses for organisms and ecosystem

World Conservation Strategy goals

Which oceanic zone lies between 4000 and 600 m?


Which of these is an INACCURATE statement regarding the harvest of geothermal energy?

accessible on virtually any land area on Earth

when coal is burned it produces sulfur and nitrogen oxides which react with water in the atmosphere and cause what

acid deposition

A system in which collectors absorb solar energy and pumps or fans distribute the collected heat is ___ solar heating.


The Endangered Species Act could be made more comprehensive if it ________ .

addressed whole ecosystems rather than single species.

Which aspect of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion exposed the most people to harmful radiation?

airborne release of radioactive materials

What is the best example of a biomass fuel?

animal waste

The costs of adding energy efficiency at home:

are high at first but can be recouped later.

Suppose a population is classified as an endangered species. If the species naturally recovers some numbers, it may _________ .

be re-classified as threatened

Which of the following produces the fewest pollutants?


Which of these terms is a major heading that includes the other three as subcategories?

biological diversity

Currently, gasoline is augmented with up to 10% ethanol, that is processed from _______ .


refining separates crude oil into different products based on what

boiling points

fission is the nuclear process involved in what

both nuclear energy and nuclear weapons

During the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, which of these would be expected off the coast of western South America?

decreased upwelling and weaker offshore trade winds

what is the best long term storage option for radioactive wastes

deep underground storage

World energy consumption has increased almost every year since 1982. Which one of the following has been responsible for most of these annual increases?

developing countries

Which of the following is a good energy efficiency practice for those with existing homes?

dial down the water heater's thermostat to knock 3-5 percent off your energy bill.

Natural products of organisms hold promise as medical therapies. A diverse natural world provides solace and comfort and serves as inspiration. Diverse ecosystems provide more types of food.

ecosystem services

what are natural gas uses

electricity generation, transportation, commercial cooling, and plastics and fertilizer production

A snow leopard was recently caught and killed in Afghanistan. As there are only a few thousand left in the wild, facing possible disappearance as a species, the snow leopard is best classified as:


An ecosystem approach has been proposed to manage ocean environments. Which of these would be the best example of such an approach?

establish networks of fully protected marine reserves

what releases an enormous amount of heat

fission of u-235

what happened in kingston, tn in 2008

fly ash slurry spill destroyed houses and roads, and contaminated rivers which feed the tennessee, ohio, and mississippi rivers

Refrigerators sold in 2010 were about _________ times more efficient than those sold in 1972.


All of the following statements are true of fuel cells, EXCEPT

fuel cells use volatile helium.

how is natural gas used for transportation

fuels for cars, trucks, and buses

What is the ultimate source of energy in tidal power?

gravitational forces generated by the moon

What is the human activity that threatens most species facing extinction today?

habitat destruction

Which of these statements is true for wind energy, but NOT for hydropower?

has great potential for expansion in highly developed countries

The "ocean conveyer belt" moves ("conveys")

heat and salt

The most common use for active solar collection is to

heat water

The most common use for active solar collection is to ________ .

heat water

Where do highly developed countries use most of their energy?

heating and cooling of buildings

what type of radioactive wastes are produced during nuclear fission in reactors

high level radioactive wastes

What is the fuel that is used to power a fuel cell?


Which of the following utilizes an indirect source of solar energy?


Which of these forms of generating electricity has the highest efficiency (90%) of converting available power to usable electricity?


The "ocean conveyor belt" deep currents move _____ surface currents.

in the opposite direction as

global energy consumption does what almost every year


in developing countries, what use is lower and what is higher

industrial energy use is lower and household use is higher

Which of these is an example of an energy efficient practice, as opposed to energy conservation, by a large business?

installing "intelligent" thermostats that provide comfort but better control of energy use

Which problem is most associated with ballast water released from ships?

introduction of nonnative species

Which of these is true regarding subsurface mining, as opposed to surface mining?

it disrupts less land

Which of these applies to the transport of natural gas?

it is often found far from the point where it will be used

All of the following are options to conserve energy at home except

keep a beverage refrigerator in the garage.

what are risks associated with transportation of oil and natural gas

leaks and spills

what is petroleum (crude oil)

liquid composed of hundreds of hydrocarbon compounds

What fishing method is used to catch open-water fish such as sharks and tuna, or adjusted to capture bottom fishes such as cod and halibut?

long lines

Which of these is a downside of nuclear power generation, as opposed to burning coal for fuel?

long term measures for wastes

Which of these is a downside of nuclear power generation, as opposed to burning coal for fuel?

long term storage measures for wastes

DISADVANTAGES to using biomass

loss of land and water dedicated to food production potential for increased desertification and deforestation due to insufficient replanting of trees increased air pollution

what type of radioactive waste is produced by power plants, nuclear medical facilities, and university research labs

low level radioactive wastes

what is a meltdown

metal encasing uranium fuel can melt

what issued primarily for heating residential and commercial buildings, and generating electricity


What practice has caused filling of valleys and acidification of lakes in southern West Virginia?

mountaintop removal

Which of these fossil fuel sources releases the least amount of hydrocarbons and particulate matter when burned?

natural gas

what is cogeneration

natural gas is used to produce electricity and steam; steam is used for heating water and spaces

In 2006, President George W. Bush established the world's largest protected marine area

near the Hawaiian Islands

In the normal operation of a nuclear power plant, the hot liquid water from the nuclear reactor __________ mixes with the water used to generate the steam which drives the turbine.


Consumption of which of these types of fuels emits the fewest atmospheric pollutants?


what has plateaued after a decade of growth

nuclear power production

melting of ice in Greenland could slow or halt it decrease in the belt's flow could aggravate atmospheric CO2 levels it brings surface oxygen to the ocean depths

ocean conveyor belt

what are petrochemicals

oil is also used to produce fertilizers, plastics, paints, pesticides, medicines, and synthetic fibers

Biomass is composed of

organic material from plants and animals

where are more than half of all oil reserves located

persian gulf

Which of these is exclusive to the practice of fishing, as opposed to aquaculture?

practiced by both developing and developed countries

what occurs as a result of topsoil loss

prevents restoration of the site and landslides occur due to loss of soil-stablilizing vegetation

Which of these is a property of photovoltaic electricity production, but not of solar thermal electricity?

produces toxic by-products during manufacture

what is liquified petroleum gas

propane and butane are separated and stored in pressurized tanks as a liquid

What was the main goal of the U.N. Fish Stocks Agreement (2001)?

protection of all ocean resources

Fuel Cells

require oxygen from the air convert chemical energy to electrical energy cost have been dropping, but they remain expensive

strip mining

requires digging a surface trench to reach the coal deposits.

how is natural gas used for commercial cooling

residential and commercial air cooling and desiccant-based air cooling (air drying system)

Which of these is the goal of restoration ecology practices?

returning an ecosystem to a historical state

how is immediate dismantling used for decommissioning

robotics make it feasible to dismantle "hot" sections of plant

what pollutes streams

runoff and acid mine drainage

where are half of the natural gas reserves located

russia and iran

What produces the heat during the extraction of nuclear energy?

shattering of uranium nuclei due to bombardment

what are high level radioactive wastes

solids, liquids, or gases that give off large amounts of radiation

The principles of "Clean Coal" technologies adhere best to which of these practices?

source reduction

Species richness is defined as the number of _________ in a particular area.

species types

Which of these nuclear wastes would require the most secure and careful long-term storage?

spent fuel components

Which is the greatest potential hazard from drilling oil on the continental shelves?

spilling oil

what is fission

splitting of nucleus into two smaller fragments, accompanied by the release of large amounts of energy, used in nuclear power plants

what is the recommended storage for radioactive wastes

stable rock formations deep in the ground

where is heat from core used

steam generator

what are the three options for decommissioning

storage, entombment, and immediate dismantling

40% of coal is mined using what technique

subsurface mining

what can scrubbers remove from emissions released during coal burning

sulfur and particulates

what is acid mine drainage

sulfuric acid and dangerous dissolve materials, such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium, wash from coal and metal mines into nearby lakes and streams

Passive solar heating refers to using

sun's energy to heat building without pumps or fans to distribute the heat

what are the two basic types of coal mines

surface mining and subsurface mining

why can we not predict how long supplies will last

technological breakthroughs, new reserves discovered, changes in world consumption rates

Which of these most directly bans the global hunting, capture, and selling of endangered species and products of these species?

the 1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

Westerlies between 30˚ and 60˚ blow to the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere, yet ocean water along western Europe flows southwest. What other major factor accounts for the southern currents and subsequent gyres?

the Coriolis Effect

Where are most of the world's estimated reserves of oil and natural gas located?

the Persian Gulf

what is nuclear energy

the energy released by fission or fusion nuclear reactions

where is coal mostly found

the northern hemisphere

Where are most of the world's estimated reserves of oil and natural gas located?

the persian gulf

what is enrichment

the process of refining uranium ore to increase the concentration of U-235 to 3% so its usable in nuclear reactors

why are high level radioactive wastes among the most dangerous human-made hazardous wastes

they are difficult to store and are toxic and produce considerable amounts of heat

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