Chapter 17: First aid

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The main pressure point for the arm is the ____________. The main pressure point in the leg is the ____________.

Brachial artery, femoral artery

why shouldn't you discuss the victim's condition with observers at the scene?

Confidentiality and to protect the victim's right to privacy while providing treatment

Name 2 items that can be used as a protective barrier while controlling bleeding

gloves and plastic wrap

What other condition must you be prepared to treat while caring for wounds?


How should objects embedded deep in the tissues be removed?

should be left alone in the skin and removed by a physician

What is an avulsion?

tissue torn or separated from body

What is an incision?

cut or injury by sharp object

How is an AED used?

determines the heart rhythm, recognizes abnormal rhythms that may respond to defibrillation and sounds an audible warning telling operator to push a shock button.

using the correct first aid methods can mean the difference between _____ and _____ or ________ versus __________.

life, death, recovery, permanent disability

Describe Capillary blood

"oozes" from the wound slowly, clots easily; less red than arterial

Health care providers should use child CPR methods for any child from one year of age to puberty. Compressions are given at a rate of at least ______ per minute. The heel of one hand is placed on the _____. The sternum is compressed at least _____. The ration of compressions to ventilations is __:__.

100-120, sternum, 1/3 depth, 30:2

To perform a one-person rescue on an adult victim, give ____ compressions followed by ___ respirations. Compressions are given at the rate of at least _________ per minute. ____ 30:2 cycles should be completed every two minutes. Pressure should be applied straight down to compress the sternum at least ____ inches or ____ centimeters.

30, 2, 100-120, five, 2, 5

What is the ration of compressions to ventilations when two people are giving CPR to an adult victim?

30:2 ration, switching every 5 cycles

When does biological death occur?

4-6 minutes after clinical death

What is an AED?

An automated external defibrillator is a defibrillator that delivers an electrical shock to the heart to restore the normal electrical pattern and rhythm.

What do the CABDs of CPR represent?

C- Circulation, A- Airway, B-Breathing, D- Defibrillation

What action should you take if you notice that is it not safe to approach the scene of an accident?

Call for medical help

During a two-person rescue, how can the person giving breaths check the effectiveness of the compressions?

Fell the carotid pulse while the other person is doing the compressions

What should you do if a person refuses to give consent for care?

Get a witness or record it on your phone.

What should you determine first before starting CPR?

If they are breathing and responsive.

what is the first thing you should determine when you get to the victim?

Is the victim conscious?

How can you reassure the victim?

Keep you, yourself calm, then reassure the victim with confidence

List 5 kids of information that should be reported when calling emergency medical services (EMS).

Location, type of accident, number of victims, condition of the victims, what have you done, is there any other assistance needed?

What is triage?

Method of prioritizing treatment

identify 6 life threatening emergencies that must be cared for first

No breathing or difficulty in breathing, no pulse, severe bleeding, vomiting or passing blood, poisoning, shock, head neck or abdominal wounds

If a tetanus infection is a possibility, what first aid is necessary?

Obtain information from the patient regarding his or her last tetanus shot and to get medical advice regarding protection

List 6 signs and symptoms of a closed wound

Pain, tenderness, swelling, deformity, cold and clammy skin, rapid and weak pulse, drop in blood pressure

What should you do for a choking victim who is conscious, coughing, and able to breathe?

Remain calm and encourage the victim to remain calm. Encourage the victim to cough hard. Coughing is the most effective method of expelling the object from the airway.

List 4 sources of info you can use to find out the details regarding an accident, injury or illness.

Scene, victim, witness, medical alert band

Define first aid

The immediate medical care given to an injured or ill victim before professional medical help arrives

List 6 reasons for stopping CPR once it is started

The victim recovers and starts to breathe: other qualified help arrives and takes over: a physician or other legally qualified person orders you to discontinue the attempt: the rescuer is so physically exhausted, CPR can no longer be continued: the scene suddenly becomes unsafe: you are given a legally valid do not resuscitate ''''' (DNR) order

Why is it important to avoid moving a victim whenever possible?

To avoid further injury

Why is it important to place the heel of the hand one finger's width above the substernal notch before giving chest compressions?

To avoid the zyphoid process

What is a puncture?

Wound caused by sharp pointed object

First aid care for wounds must be directed at controlling _______ and preventing _______.

bleeding, infection

What is an amputation?

body part cut off

While you check for consciousness, you should also _________


at all times, remain ____ while providing first aid. Obtain _____ care as soon as possible

calm, appropriate

what does CPR stand for?

cardiopulmonary resuscitation

what pulse site is checked in an adult victim to determine if compression is necessary?

check the carotid pulse

what is biological death?

death of cells, tissues, and organs

List the 4 methods for controlling bleeding in order in which they should be used.

direct pressure, elevation, pressure bandage, pressure points

List 3 facts that may affect any actions taken when arriving at the scene

environment, availability of medical help, equipment or supplies on hand

Briefly list the sequence of steps used to remove and obstuction in an infant with an obstucted airway.

five back blows: five chest thrusts: a check of the mouth: a finger sweep, if the object is seen: and an attempt to ventilate

What 2 methods can be used to open the airway?

head-tilt/chin lift, Jaw-thrust maneuver

Identify 3 senses that can alert you to an emergency

hearing, smell, sight

What is clinical death?

heart beat and respirations cease

While providing first aid to the victim, make every attempt to avoid further ________. Provide only the treatment you are __________ to provide.

injury, qualified

What is an open wound?

involves break in skin surface or mucous membrane

What is a closed wound?

involves injury to underlying tissues of the body without a break

What is a laceration?

jagged irregular injury with tearing

To rescue an infant, both the infant's ____ and the _____ are covered for ventilations. Two fingers are placed on the _____ just below an imaginary line drawn between the nipples. The sternum is compressed at least ____. Compressions are given at the rate pf at least ______ per minute. A lone rescuer should give the infant ____ compressions followed by ___ respirations for a _____ ratio.

nose, mouth, sternum, 1/3 depth, 100-120, 30, 2, 30:2

What is an abrasion?

scrape on the skin

why must a rescuer "clear the victim" prior to pushing the shock button on an AED

serious injuries, such as cardiac arrest, can occur if another person is shocked by the AED resulting in an increased number in patients

Describe venous blood

slower, steadier; dark red and maroon; easier to control

Describe arterial blood

spurts from a wound, results in heavy blood loss; bright red

List 5 signs of infection

swelling, heat, redness, pain, fever, pus

list four first aid treatments for a victim of a closed wound

treat for shock, check breathing, avoid unnecessary movement, avoid giving ant fluids or food to the victim

List 4 ways to prevent infection while caring for minor wounds without severe bleeding

use soap and water and sterile gause; wash the wound; rinse the would thoroughly with cool water; Apply a sterile dressing or bandage

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