Chapter 18 - Practice Questions

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Which of the following is the best example of a persuasive advertising message?

"Buy now, pay later."

Once the marketing communication has captured the interest of its target market, the goal of subsequent IMC messages should be to move the consumer from

"I like it" to "I want it."

Which of the following is the best example of puffery?

"You have tried the rest, now try the best."

When Yolanda asked her firm's advertising agency to estimate how often consumers saw her firm's IMC message and what percentage of the target audience was exposed to the message, she was told the reach was 40, the frequency was 4, and the competitive parity was 10. The gross rating points for her firm's campaign were


Sally could recall the brand of toothpaste she used only when a marketing researcher mentioned the brand. This is known as

Aided recall

The three elements of any IMC strategy are the consumer, the channels, and

An IMC strategy must consider the consumer, the channels, and evaluation of the results. The correct answer is: evaluation of the results.

In the AIDA model, the "think" stage is the ________________ stage.


Generally, less money is spent on advertising in B2B markets because

B2B marketing usually involves more personal selling.

_______________ refers to a potential customer's ability to recall that the brand name is a particular type of retailer, product, or service.

Brand awareness

___________ means converting the sender's ideas into a message, which could be verbal, visual, or both.


Which of the following is NOT one of the federal agencies that regulate advertising activities?


"Top-of-mind awareness" is when consumers indicate that they know the brand when the name is presented to them.


As the number of communication media has increased, the task of understanding how best to reach target customers has become easier.


Because the goals of IMC are only part of the overall promotional plan, they do not need to be explicit or measurable.


Frequency describes the percentage of the target population exposed to a specific marketing communication, such as advertisement, at least once.


Personal selling can only be successful through the use of print, newspapers, and radio.


__________ appeals help consumers make purchase decisions by offering facts in advertising messages and strong arguments built around relevant issues, explaining key benefits of the firm's products and services.


Which statement best describes personal selling?

It is the two-way flow of communication between a buyer and a seller.

The Salvation Army runs a campaign over the Christmas holidays called the Mobile Bell Ringer. Volunteers send text messages to their friends' cell phones asking them to donate. Which type of marketing communication does this represent?

Mobile marketing

Which of the following is being used by a store owner who sends out a text message to all of her preferred customers announcing the arrival of this season's new clothing?

Mobile marketing

__________________ is any interference in the IMC process.


__________ are special incentives or excitement-building programs that encourage consumers to purchase a particular product, often used in conjunction with advertising or personal selling programs.

Sales promotions

Betty is assessing the effect of her firm's marketing communications. She should remember that the ultimate goal is to drive the receiver to action.


Encoding means converting the sender's ideas into a message, which could be verbal, visual, or both.


Even the best marketing communication can be wasted if the sender does not gain the attention of the consumer.


If there is a difference between the message that is sent and the message that is received, it is probably due to noise.


It may take several exposures to marketing communications before consumers are moved to buy.


Though advertising experts wish it were true, there is not always a direct link between a particular marketing communication and a consumer's purchase.


Though advertising experts wish it were true, there is not always a direct link between a particular marketing communication and

a consumer's purchase.

National manufacturers and retailers often pay a service provider to monitor television ads around the country, in order to ensure that their ads are shown in their entirety during the time frames that were purchased. This service provider is monitoring for IMC noise problems associated with

a flaw in the medium.

Advertising agencies often provide the IMC function of comparing their customer's target audience with the viewer, listener, or reader profile of the communication channel being considered. The agency is most likely trying to avoid noise problems associated with

a poor choice of medium.

Generally, when advertising to consumers, the objective of an advertising campaign is

a pull strategy—to get the product into stores by having consumers demand it.

Which of the following is the best example of a mass media advertising channel?

a. USA Today

Which of the following is NOT true about public relations?

a. With the growth of the Internet, PR is quickly losing its impact.

The major text portion of a print advertisement that should arouse a desire for the product and move the consumer to action is contained in the

a. body copy.

Firms are willing to offer generous rebates because

a. rebates increase sales, but few customers actually apply for the rebate.

__________ is when two or more firms join forces to reach a target audience in a short-term effort.

b. Cross-promotion

Often, advertisers will employ a variety of media to deliver their message. When using different media, advertisers need to deliver

b. a consistent and compelling message.

First Lady Michelle Obama has recorded an ad encouraging parents to teach their children good nutrition habits to stem the increase in child obesity. This message is an example of

b. a public service announcement.

Informative advertising is used to

b. create and build brand awareness.

"Buy one, get one free" is a __________ sales promotion.

b. deal

The advertising message admonition, "People are not looking for quarter-inch drill bits; they are looking for quarter-inch holes," suggests that advertising messages need to

b. focus on solving problems.

To get us to remember their ad and the product or brand in the ad, advertisers must first

b. get our attention.

The __________ stage of the advertising campaign planning process can be described by the question, "Who are we trying to talk to?"

b. identifying target audience

Special in-store displays for magazines and chewing gum are most likely to be effective if located

b. near the check-out counter.

Personal selling is an especially important part of IMC in

business-to-business markets.

The difference between advertising and publicity is that advertising is

c. a paid form of marketing communication.

Because PSAs are a special class of advertising, FCC rules require

c. broadcasters to devote a specific amount of free time to them.

In the create advertisements step when planning and executing an ad campaign, often the execution style for the ad will

c. dictate the type of medium used to deliver the message.

The additional sales that can be attributed to an advertising campaign are known as

c. lift.

Especially for marketers with new products or services, IMC is needed because

consumers are unlikely to buy products they are not aware of.

For an advertiser, the target audience can be understood as

consumers whom its research designates as its target market.

For consumer products like toothpaste and groceries, things consumers purchase throughout the year, most advertisers would use a __________ advertising schedule.


In integrated marketing communications, encoding involves

converting the sender's ideas into a message, which could be verbal, visual, or both.

A _________________ can be used to create positive word of mouth, help customers form a community, and develop long-term relationships between customers and the company.

corporate blog

Which of the following is NOT a public relations tool?

coupons and rebates

Which of the following is NOT a public relations tool? websites

coupons and rebates

In the movie Field of Dreams, one of the memorable phrases is, "If you build it, he will come." The AIDA model would suggest that after marketers "build" a product or service and create awareness among consumers, they need to

create interest among consumers, persuading them to investigate further.

Compared to other IMC alternatives, advertising is extremely effective for

creating awareness and generating interest in a product

After the advertiser has decided on the message, type of ad, and appeal, its attention now shifts to

creation of the advertisement.

U.S.-based global marketers have often found that

d. EU advertising laws are more restrictive than those in the United States.

The __________ is the primary enforcement agency for mass media advertising.

d. FTC

In addition to Spanish-language media, which of the following mediums are experiencing significantly growing advertising expenditures?

d. Internet

Jamara knows that his spring-break travel packages are the best deal on campus. He also knows his competitor is sloppy, often waiting until the last minute to provide the needed tickets and documents to students buying his island packages. Jamara wants to develop an advertising message that emphasizes the key benefits he provides. He will develop a __________ appeal

e. informational

Persuasive advertising is often used when competition

e. is most intense.

The IMC communication process includes all of the following EXCEPT


Ryan is debating how to allocate the IMC budget for his new ski equipment store. He knows having knowledgeable salespeople in his store can simplify buyers' purchase decisions. He should also consider that, compared to other IMC alternatives, personal selling is


Most manufacturing and retailing marketers worry constantly about whether or not their IMC efforts are paying off. They assess various forms of ___________ to determine what is working and what is not.


Sales data, complaints, compliments, and redemption rates for coupons and rebates are types of ________________ marketers use to assess the effectiveness of their IMC efforts.


An ad for Bud Light ran six times during a recently televised football game. When measuring IMC results for this ad, six would be the _____ for this telecast.


Yolanda asked her firm's advertising agency to estimate how often consumers saw her firm's IMC message and what percentage of the target audience was exposed to the message. Yolanda is asking for _____________________ data.

frequency and reach

Even the best marketing communication can be wasted if the sender does not first

gain the attention of the consumer.

Yesenia is working on an advertisement to promote consumer awareness of the danger of solar radiation causing skin cancer. Yesenia's first concern will be to

get consumers' attention.

The goal of any marketing communication is to

get the right message to the right audience through the right media.

In very simple words, advertising is really about

getting consumers' attention.

The sender of an integrated marketing communication

has little control over what meaning any individual receiver will take from the message.

Greg is planning an advertising campaign to promote his kayak tour company. The success of his ad campaign depends on

how well he can identify his target audience

After creating awareness that the firm's products or services exist, the next goal of integrated marketing communications is to

increase the level of interest among consumers

A major factor contributing to the growth in the use of direct marketing IMC efforts is

increased use of credit and debit cards, and online shopping by consumers.

Naomi is IMC manager for a chain of regional income tax service providers. Franchisees pay a percentage of their revenue to an IMC account allocated to her. As she establishes the short-term goals for her firm's IMC efforts, her goals are likely to include

increasing inquiries, awareness, and trial of her firm's services.

Lamar is assessing the long-term effectiveness of his firm's IMC efforts. He will probably analyze the firm's success in

increasing market share, sales, and customer loyalty.

Generally speaking, all advertising messages are designed to

inform, persuade, or remind customers.

After identifying the target audience for the university's new advertising campaign, the advertising team needs to decide whether the advertising objective is to __________, __________, or __________ potential and/or existing students.

inform, persuade, remind

Estella is trying to create an advertising message that communicates the tangible features of her company's laptop computers, telling consumers about the relative advantages of her products as compared to other offerings in the market. Estella is trying to create a(n) __________ appeal.


Estella is trying to create an advertising message that communicates the tangible features of her company's laptop computers, telling consumers about the relative advantages of her products as compared to other offerings in the market. Estella is trying to create a__________ appeal.


Jamara knows that his spring-break travel packages are the best deal on campus. He also knows his competitor is sloppy, often waiting until the last minute to provide the needed tickets and documents to students buying his island packages. Jamara wants to develop an advertising message that emphasizes the key benefits he provides. He will develop a(n) __________ appeal.


Jamara knows that his spring-break travel packages are the best deal on campus. He also knows his competitor is sloppy, often waiting until the last minute to provide the needed tickets and documents to students buying his island packages. Jamara wants to develop an advertising message that emphasizes the key benefits he provides. He will develop__________ appeal.


utilitarian needs

informational appeal speaks to consumers

"Now available. The latest fall fashions." is an example of a(n) __________ advertising message.


The California Raisin Advisory Board used to run ads featuring "The California Raisins," a fictitious R&B musical group composed of dancing raisins that boogied to the song, "I Heard It Through the Grapevine." The ads, which were hugely popular and which gave rise to a line of raisin-themed merchandise, were designed to encourage raisin consumption. This campaign was an example of

institutional advertising.

Which of the following is NOT one of the steps in the AIDA model?


Carlos owns a chain of retail electronic stores. He is evaluating how he allocates his firm's IMC budget. He receives offers from a variety of advertising media, spends money on his firm's public relations efforts, and is considering electronic media alternatives. Carl recognizes that each IMC alternative

is part of the whole.

Julia is driving down Interstate 95 on her way from New England to Florida and sees a billboard saying "South of the Border Restaurant and Motel is just 100 miles away." Julia has never heard of South of the Border before. After seeing the sign, she will most likely need additional exposure to the product before deciding whether to stop at South of the Border. This is an example of

lagged effect

One of the difficulties in measuring the effectiveness of IMC efforts is the ______________, where consumers do not act immediately after receiving a marketing communication.

lagged effect

Brent is working on an advertising campaign to promote downtown businesses. He knows the increasing number of advertising communication channels available and changes in consumers' media usage

makes his job more difficult

Because advertising is the most visible form of marketing,

many people think of marketing and advertising as synonymous.

Walmart's "Everyday low prices" selling proposition is effective primarily because it is

meaningful to the consumer.

Ashley was nervous about making the ___________. She knew it was likely to be the largest expense in the advertising budget.

media buy

The __________ is the combination of media used and the frequency of advertising in each medium.

media mix

emotional appeal

message designed to focus on consumer fear of robbery this is

Though a picture may be worth a thousand words, the most important facet of encoding is

not what is sent, but rather what is received.

Julie is developing a budget for her firm's IMC program. First she sets objectives. Then she chooses media, and finally she determines the cost for each product to be promoted. Julie is using the ___________________ method of establishing an IMC budget.


Sales promotions include all of the following EXCEPT

online ads

Advertising slogans such as "Don't text and drive" and "Buy flood insurance before it is too late" are examples of ads designed to

persuade consumers to take action.

When a product has gained a certain level of brand awareness, firms use __________ advertising to motivate consumers to take action.


in the early stages of an ad campaign, the objectives are established. To determine whether those objectives have been met, the marketer will


Chet was struggling selling his golf photography outside a PGA event. When he offered a tee shirt with a golf photograph on it with any framed golf photo, sales picked up. Chet discovered the value of sales promotions—specifically _________—in encouraging customers to buy.


Actress Sissy Spacek once objected to a series of movie scenes that included her smoking a certain brand of cigarettes. She was probably objecting to a __________ arrangement the film company had made with an advertiser.

product placement

Integrated marketing communications represents the _________________ P in the four Ps of a firm's marketing mix.


Reminder advertising is primarily used to

prompt repurchase of a product.

In the United States, the regulation of advertising involves a complex mix of laws and informal restrictions designed to

protect consumers from deceptive practices.

A __________ is an advertisement that focuses on public welfare issues.

public service announcement

An advertisement featuring a cartoon Smokey the Bear saying "only you can prevent wildfires" is an example of a successful

public service announcement.

Whenever the major beverage companies develop a new product, they advertise it heavily using television and print media. These efforts are designed to

pull the product into retail stores through consumer demand.

Anne's Pita Bread Chips offers free POP (point-of-purchase) displays to retailers ordering their product. Anne's is using a __________ strategy.


How does an advertiser calculate the GRP?

reach minus frequency

In the IMC communication process, the _____________________ is the person who reads, hears, or sees and processes the message being communicated.


If marketing communications are effective, they will

result in purchases by some consumers receiving the communications.

Using prior sales and communication activities to determine the present communication budget describes which method of IMC budgeting?


_________ are special incentives or excitement-building programs that encourage consumers to purchase a particular product, often used in conjunction with advertising or personal selling programs.

sales promotions

Jim was asked to determine the ROI for a particular advertising effort. To do so, he needs to know

sales revenue and advertising cost.

After using market research to identify the target audience for his advertising campaign, Jorge will next use this information to

set explicit and measurable objectives for the campaign.

Firms can use _____________ to bring customers together to share experiences around the products.

social media

Several years ago, changes in advertising restrictions allowed pharmaceutical companies to begin promoting their products through traditional media. Today, it is common to see ads on television ending with, "Ask your doctor about (our medicine)." In addition to creating awareness about their drugs, the companies are hoping to

stimulate interest, persuading consumers to investigate further.

Which of the following is NOT a communication channel used in the IMC process?

supply chain

Integrated marketing communications include all of the following EXCEPT

supply chain management.

Public relations is the component of IMC that A. supports other promotional efforts by generating "free" media attention. B. has received the greatest increase in spending. C. converts mass media advertising into direct marketing. D. most effectively uses IMC encoding. E. generates the most gross rating points.

supports other promotional efforts by generating "free" media attention

Unlike advertising, public relations

supports promotional efforts by generating free media attention.

Generally, which of the following is the most expensive media buy?


Brett has developed a vitamin-enriched crouton in crazy colors that can be added to children's salads to make them more nutritious and fun. She'd like to ethically advertise the

the Better Business Bureau's Children's Advertising Review Unit guidelines

Loretta would like to know which, if any, of her firm's IMC efforts are working. She could use all of the following EXCEPT _______________ to provide feedback from her efforts.

the channel

If you send an email and include a link, you can track how many people took the desired action of clicking on the link. This is known as

the click-through rate.

the characteristics of the media selected to carry the message

the content of an advertising message is closely tied to

Jami is managing an extended advertising campaign for a local convenience store chain. The campaign includes a series of television, radio, and print messages. As part of monitoring the campaign, Jami will keep track of.

the daily and weekly sales volume.

create a bond between the consumer and the brand

the key to a successful emotional advertising appeal is to use the emotion to

Reaching the right audience with marketing communications is becoming more difficult because

the media environment has become more complicated.

To estimate reach in terms of electronic media, marketers can use the click-through rate (CTR). To do so, they need to know the number of clicks and

the number of impressions.

The right communication channel to use in IMC is

the one that will connect to the desired recipients.

The sender of an IMC message hopes the receivers are

the people for whom the message was originally intended.

The IMC communication process begins with ________, who must be clearly identified.

the sender

The highest level of awareness occurs when customers mention a specific brand name when asked about a product or service. Marketers call this

top-of-mind awareness.

what is a starting point for an ad message

tout the products key benefits as perceived by target market

Steve is working on the message to convey in his firm's advertising campaign. As a starting point, Steve should first consider

touting the key benefits of the firm's services

When Microsoft introduces a new version of its Windows operating system, it typically uses selected magazine, Internet, and direct mail advertising. This combination of advertising outlets represents Microsoft's

track testing.

The effectiveness of an advertising campaign is assessed during the campaign by


In the IMC communication process, the ____________ encodes the marketing communication message.



trying to explain how his cell company is different from others offered. trying to establish

Neville is trying to create an advertising message that tells consumers how his company's cell, pager, instant messaging, and Internet services differ from other alternatives in the market. Neville is trying to create

unique selling proposition

meaningful to the consumer

walmarts low prices USP is effective because

Brett has developed a vitamin-enriched crouton in crazy colors that can be added to children's salads to make them more nutritious and fun. She'd like to ethically advertise the product directly to the children, so she is examining

b. the Better Business Bureau's Children's Advertising Review Unit guidelines.

The goals of IMC need to

be explicit and measurable.

__________ is a particularly good advertising medium for groceries and fast food.

d. Radio Correct

The key to a successful emotional advertising appeal is to use the emotion to

d. create a bond between the consumer and the brand.

In recent years, the component of IMC that has received the greatest increase in spending is

direct marketing.

The _____________ loop allows the receiver to communicate with the sender in the IMC process.


Compared to mass media advertising, a key advantage of direct marketing is

it allows for personalization of the message.

Mobile marketing involves marketing to customers through wireless handheld devices such as mobile phones.


personal desires

an emotional appeal aims to satisfy

In the AIDA model, the "do" stage is the ________________ stage.


The proliferation of new media alternatives has led many firms to shift their promotional budgets from

advertising to direct marketing and website development.

A ____________ advertising schedule uses a base level of advertising during some periods followed by periods of increased advertising.

c. pulsing

Gypsy just bought a gift and jewelry store on Main Street. She knows from the previous owner that almost 60 percent of her sales take place during the Christmas holiday season, with the other 40 percent of sales evenly distributed over the rest of the year. Gypsy will probably use a __________ advertising schedule.

c. pulsing

Florida Heat Pump Manufacturing Company is offering a free, all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas for HVAC dealers that sell at least twenty units this year. Florida Heat Pump is using a __________ promotional strategy.

c. push

Jami is managing an extended advertising campaign for a local convenience store chain. The campaign includes a series of television, radio, and print messages. As part of monitoring the campaign, Jami will keep track of

c. the daily and weekly sales volume.

Tyler runs a parasailing business on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Tyler closes his business in winter when the water gets too cold. Tyler should use a __________ advertising schedule.

d. flighting

Marketers often use focus groups to learn how consumers interpret their IMC messages. Experience has shown that

each receiver decodes IMC messages in his or her own way.

Automobile manufacturers often use television advertising showing an attractive man or woman driving the manufacturer's stylish new car on a winding road along an ocean vista. These types of ads have __________ appeal.


Danielle is creating an advertising message designed to appeal to consumers' fears of having their home broken into. Danielle's message will focus on a(n) __________ appeal.


A ____________ advertising schedule uses heavy advertising during some periods followed by periods of no advertising.


When developing an advertising message, the message should focus on

solving problems for consumers.

when developing an ad message the message should focus on

solving problems for customers

Neville is trying to create an advertising message that tells consumers how his company's cell, pager, instant messaging, and Internet services differ from other alternatives in the market. Neville is trying to create a

unique selling proposition.


which of the following is least common emotional appeal

Which of the following is the best example of a reminder advertising message?

"Now available. The latest fall fashions."

Gross Rating Points (GRP) measure how often the audience is exposed to a communication within a specified period of time.


If the marketing communication has piqued the interest of its target market, the goal of subsequent IMC messages should be to move the consumer from "I want it" to "I like it."


Public relations is the component of IMC that has received the greatest increase in aggregate spending.


The sender of an integrated marketing communication controls the meaning individual receivers take from the message.


Though a picture may be worth a thousand words, the most important facet of encoding is not what is received but what is sent.


P&G's Tide laundry detergent has been around since 1948 and is still a market leader. P&G has used __________ advertising to reposition Tide several times over the product's life, trying to motivate new consumer segments to use the product.

a. persuasive


appeals help consumers make purchase decisions by offering facts and strong arguments about relevant issues explaining key benefits of the products and services

In the AIDA model,

awareness leads to interest, which hopefully leads to desire and then, action.

Yana has identified the target audience for her line of Russian jewelry. For optimum success, she is creating an advertising plan that will

clarify the specific goals that the advertising is designed to accomplish.

If you ever watched a television commercial and at the end of the message wondered what they were promoting, you may have had trouble _____________ the IMC message.


Regardless of the objective of an advertising campaign, each campaign's objectives must be

e. specific and measurable.

Thomas had conducted a thorough pretest before the new ad campaign, so he was fairly sure the elements would work together. A lot was riding on the success of the ad campaign, so he couldn't wait until the campaign was over to see how well it did. During the campaign, he will be monitoring the sales volumes on a daily basis as part of his

e. tracking.

Danielle is creating an advertising message designed to appeal to consumers' fears of having their home broken into. Danielle's message will focus on aNo __________ appeal.


Red Bull sends out student brand managers to distribute free samples to their peers. What form of marketing communication is this?

Sales promotion

Each year in December, Anheuser-Busch runs television ads featuring the Clydesdale horses pulling a stagecoach with an Anheuser-Busch logo. The message is low-key, wishing everyone well during the holiday season. This is an example of _________ advertising.

a. reminder

Regina just bought a gourmet bagel store. She is working with a freelance graphic artist who is designing her logo and print advertisements. Regina is spending days looking over the various designs and color options. She needs to remember that the creative aspect of advertising design

a. should not overshadow the message.

Sarah goes through the newspaper looking for coupons to help reduce her living expenses. Her roommate Paige doesn't read newspapers, let alone look through them for coupons. But Paige filled out a form from inside a cereal box entering her in a drawing for free exercise equipment. What kind of sales promotion reached Paige?

a. sweepstakes

Advertising in which medium relies on a mix of visual and auditory techniques?

a. television

Advertisers can determine how effective their media mix has been in reaching their target audience by calculating __________ of the advertising schedule.

a. the total GRP

Cross-promotion is most successful when

a. the two products appeal to the same target market.

Cheryl asked Nadia to help her buy some aftershave for her boyfriend. Nadia was going through a list of different brand names, when Cheryl stopped her and said, "I recognize that one." Marketers call this

aided recall.

Which of the following is likely the LEAST common emotional appeal for advertisers?


Campbell's soup Company ran a series of radio ads tied to local weather forecasts. Before an impending storm, the ads said "Time to stock up on Campbell's soup." During the storm, the ads said, "Stay home and stay warm with Campbell's soup." The first ad was __________ advertising, whereas the second ad was __________ advertising.

b. persuasive; reminder

Marketers __________ an advertising campaign to ensure that various elements of the campaign will work in an integrated fashion and do what they are intended to do.

b. pretest

Traditionally, marketers have seen the role of __________ as generating short-term results, whereas the goal of __________ was to lead to long-term results.

b. sales promotion; advertising

Which of the following is NOT a major consideration in determining an advertising budget?

b. the budgeting method used

Brad is working on the creative design for his company's new ad campaign. This is his first major assignment. His boss reminds him that when writing a headline, it should

be short and use simple words.

As the number of communication media has increased, the task of understanding how best to reach target customers has

become more complex.

One difficulty associated with using advertising as part of a marketer's IMC efforts is

breaking through the clutter of other messages targeted for the same audience.

Kelly is the head of marketing for a nonprofit agency that supports the arts. She just received the go-ahead from her board of directors to conduct the agency's first-ever advertising campaign. Her first step will be to

c. identify the target audience.

The execution style of an advertising message must

c. match the medium and the objectives.

An emotional appeal aims to satisfy consumers' __________, whereas an informational appeal speaks to consumers' __________.

c. personal desires; utilitarian needs

Kevin is recognized by his friends as an activist on many fronts. He prefers to buy products from firms that will donate part of the total purchase price to organizations he supports. Marketers recognize that this approach can be an important competitive tool; it is called

cause-related marketing.

One of the advantages of niche media is that it often allows marketers to

change and personalize messages for different audiences.

The basic goal of integrated marketing communications is to

communicate the value proposition to the target market.

In the IMC communication process, the ________________ is the medium that carries the message.

communication channel

In the IMC process, noise can occur as a result of lack of message clarity, a poor choice of medium, or

competing messages.

Estella is trying to create an advertising message that communicates the tangible features of her company's laptop computers, telling consumers about the relative advantages of her products as compared to other offerings in the market. Estella is trying to create an __________ appeal.

d. informational

Jennifer has worked for many years reviewing and approving print ads for her firm. She has memorized a checklist of key points to review. Which of the following would NOT be on her checklist?

d. photo credits

The content of an advertising message is closely tied to

d. the characteristics of the media selected to carry the message.

_______________ refers to the process by which the receiver interprets the sender's message.


Brenda wants to reduce mass media IMC and to increase the use of personalized marketing communication messages. To achieve this goal, Brenda will likely increase her use of

direct marketing

The increased use of customer databases has enabled marketers to identify and track consumers over time and across purchase situations, and has contributed to the rapid growth in

direct marketing

When purchasing books on, customers are shown other books and a message saying "Customers who purchased (your book) also purchased..." This is an example of

direct marketing.

Betty is assessing the effectiveness of her firm's marketing communications. She knows the ultimate goal is to

drive the receiver to action.

In the early stages of an ad campaign, the objectives are established. To determine whether those objectives have been met, the marketer will

e. posttest.

Gretchen has just started as a fashion marketing intern for an up-and-coming design firm. She expected to begin right away implementing the four Ps she had learned about in class. Instead, she was asked to work on a project identifying important events where celebrities might wear the fashions. Gretchen soon realized that this activity was part of __________, directly related to marketing.

e. public relations

Neville is trying to create an advertising message that tells consumers how his company's cell, pager, instant messaging, and Internet services differ from other alternatives in the market. Neville is trying to create a(n)

unique selling proposition.

The head of the marketing area told Alex to find the most stringent federal regulations on advertising to create the toughest standards. "If we can pass those, we should be able to get by all regulations." One real problem is

e. state regulations are not always consistent with federal standards.

An advertising plan is crucial to an ad campaign because it

will later be used to measure the success or failure of the campaign.

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