Chapter 2 Developmental Phsycology

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Which of the following factors represent sources of variability in the population?

- Before the pairs separate, pieces of the two chromosomes in each pair are exchanged. - Chance, a mistake by cellular machinery, or damage from an environmental agent can cause gene mutation. - It is a matter of chance as to which chromosome in a pair goes to the gamete.

Which of the following statements are true regarding genetic defects?

- Genetic abnormalities can be produced by an abnormal number of chromosomes. - Most genetic disorders are rare. - Genetic abnormalities can be produced by harmful genes.

Which of the following are risk factors for the development of a neural tube defect in a fetus?

- high levels of maternal stress - maternal diabetes - maternal obesity

The Apgar Scale should be used to assess the health of newborns at:

1 and 5 minutes after birth

When a mother is 40 years of age or more, the probability of a baby with Down syndrome is slightly over 1 in ______ births.


How many chromosomes does a gamete, or sex cell, have?


Prenatal development lasts approximately _______ days, beginning with fertilization and ending with birth


In 2015 in the United States, 98.5 percent of births took place in hospitals. Of the 1.5 percent of births occurring outside of a hospital, approximately ______ percent took place in homes.



A cell's nucleus, including the chromosomes, duplicates itself, and the cell divides.

What happens in genetic imprinting?

A chemical process silences one member of the gene pair.

Turner syndrome

A missing X chromosome in females can cause intellectual disability and sexual underdevelopment.

What is the definition of genotype?

A person's genetic material


A specialized form of cell division forms eggs and sperm only.

High maternal stress during pregnancy has been linked with a higher risk of having a child with which of the following?

ADHD Emotional problems Cognitive issues Language delay

According to the evolutionary perspective, the developmental period of childhood has been extended because humans require time to develop a large ______ and learn the complexities of human societies.

According to the evolutionary perspective, the developmental period of childhood has been extended because humans require time to develop a large ______ and learn the complexities of human societies.

Jake likes to read and write; so when Jake has any free time, he likes to spend it in the library. This is an example of which type of correlation?

Active (niche-picking) genotype-environment correlation

Sickle-cell anemia occurs most often in

African Americans

Which procedure involves withdrawing amniotic fluid between the 15th and 18th weeks of pregnancy?


Fragile X syndrome

An abnormality in the X chromosome can cause intellectual disability, learning disabilities, or short attention span.


An egg and a sperm fuse to create a single cell.

Klinefelter syndrome

An extra X chromosome causes physical abnormalities.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Down syndrome?

An extra Y chromosome


An extra Y chromosome can cause above-average height.

What are the three basic types of drugs that are used for a typical labor with no complications?

Analgesia Oxytocin/Pitocin Anesthesia

Which of the following is widely used to evaluate infants' heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, body color, and reflex irritability immediately after birth?

Apgar Scale

Which activities take place during the germinal period of prenatal development?

Attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall Creation of the fertilized egg Cell division

Which of the following are recessive characteristics?

Blond hair Nearsightedness Freckles

Who among the following argues that evolution pervasively influences how we make decisions, how aggressive we are, our fears, and our mating patterns?


Which of the following are psychoactive drugs?

Caffeine Alcohol Nicotine Marijuana

Which of the following malformations can be detected by fetal MRI?

Central nervous system malformations Genital/urinary tract malformations Chest malformations

Which of the following treatments are proven to be effective in treating postpartum depression?

Certain antidepressants Psychotherapy Regular exercise

Specific hazards to the embryo or fetus include which of the following?

Chemical pollutants Toxic waste Radiation

______ is a prenatal medical procedure in which a small sample of the placenta is removed and analyzed.

Chorionic villus sampling

What occurs when a single sperm cell from the male unites with an ovum (egg) in the female's fallopian tube?


What is the complex molecule, shaped like a spiral staircase, that contains genetic information?


Maternal obesity can cause which of the following outcomes?

Elevated rates of hypertension Respiratory issues Diabetes

True or false: E-cigarettes are less harmful to a developing fetus and are therefore a good option for pregnant women.


True or false: Phenotype is a person's genetic heritage, the actual genetic material.


True or false: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that pregnant women consume caffeine on a regular basis.


True or false: Those with XYY syndrome are more prone to aggression and violence.


True or false: Ultrasound sonography during pregnancy can pose significant risks to both mother and fetus.


Prenatal development is divided into which three periods?

Fetal Embryonic Germinal

Which fetal screening method can provide more detailed images than an ultrasound?

Fetal MRI

______ is a B-complex vitamin that is important for normal prenatal development.

Folic acid

Which of the following could be a possible explanation for why evolution would favor longevity?

Having older people around to care for children increases children's survival rate.

______ is the complete set of developmental instructions for creating proteins that initiate the making of a human organism.

Human genome

What are the factors contributing to the increase in preterm infants in the United States?

Increased substance abuse Increasing numbers of births to women 35 years and older Higher levels of maternal stress

What is the biggest benefit of using kangaroo care with preterm infants?

It can help stabilize their heartbeat, temperature, and breathing.

What are benefits of the Apgar Scale?

It identifies high-risk infants who need resuscitation. It is good at assessing the newborn's ability to respond to the stress of delivery and its new environment.

How does a woman's exercise during pregnancy affect her baby?

It is good for the baby's development and increases a woman's quality of life.

Males who have an extra X chromosome, making them XXY, have:

Klinefelter syndrome.

Prenatal exposure to marijuana has been linked to which of the following?

Lower intelligence Low birth weight

A powerful magnet and a radio create images that generate a detailed picture of the body's organs and structures. This sort of screening is called a fetal ______


______ is typically the first prenatal test, performed between the 16th and 18th week of pregnancy to identify elevated risk for birth defects like spina bifida and Down syndrome.

Maternal blood screening

______ is a specialized form of cell division that occurs to form eggs and sperm.


The prenatal testing that should be performed depends on which of the following?

Mother's age Genetic risk factors Medical history

During prenatal development, what type of cells move to specific locations in the brain and start getting connected?


Information processing at the cellular level in the brain is handled by nerve cells known as:


Which factors are considered teratogens?

Nutritional deficiencies Advanced paternal age drugs Maternal stress Infectious disease

Prenatal care often includes which of the following components?

Nutritional services Comprehensive educational services Social services

Which statement regarding genotype-environment correlations is true?

Passive genotype-environment correlations occur when the biological parents provide a rearing environment for the child.

When a pregnant woman experiences intense stress, which of the following can occur?

Poor prenatal care Physiological changes that may affect the fetus Substance abuse

When a pregnant mother is 35 years of age and older, the risk increases for which of the following?

Preterm delivery Fetal death Low birth weight

Which of the following are possible consequences of maternal cigarette smoking on a developing fetus?

Respiratory problems Cardiovascular problems Low birth weight

Which of the following can produce defects in offspring or cause damage during birth?

Rubella Genital herpes Syphilis

Which of these prescription drugs are most likely to function as teratogens?

Some antidepressants Acne medications Antibiotics Synthetic estrogen

What two birth defects are related to a failure of the neural tube to close?

Spina bifida Anencephaly

In general, prenatal care involves which activities?

Testing for treatable diseases Screening for manageable conditions Setting up a defined schedule of visits for medial care

How are characteristics that suit a species for survival transmitted from one generation to the next?

The phenotype of both parents' and offsprings' genetic material

Which of the following best describes the research findings regarding acupuncture use during childbirth?

There are not many studies, but it appears to be safe and may have positive effects.

Which of the following are among the major approaches to gene identification and discovery that are being used today?

Thousand Genomes Project Linkage analysis Genome-wide association method Next-generation sequencing

What is the goal of a linkage analysis?

To discover the location of genes in relation to a marker gene.

Which of the following was a direct goal of the Human Genome Project that was completed in 2003?

To discover the location of genes linked to certain functions and developmental outcomes.

According to David Buss, evolution shapes more than just our physical features; it also shapes our decision making, aggressiveness, fears, and mating patterns.


True or false: Drinking one or two servings of beer or wine a few days a week during pregnancy can cause negative effects on the fetus.


True or false: During the first stage of the birth process, which is the longest of the three stages, the uterine contractions will cause the woman's cervix to stretch and open to about 10 centimeters. True false question.


True or false: Infants born to women using synthetic opioids or opiate-related pain relievers are at risk for experiencing opioid withdrawal.


True or false: Infants who weigh less than 90 percent of all babies of the same gestational age are called small for date infants.


True or false: Neuronal migration is when nerve cells begin moving outward from their point of origin to their appropriate locations. True false question.


True or false: The emerging view is that complex behaviors are influenced by genes in ways that give people a propensity for a particular developmental trajectory as well as by complex environments.


True or false: Virtually any drug or chemical substance a pregnant woman ingests can cross the placenta.


When does genetic imprinting occur?

When the expression of a gene has different effects depending on whether the mother or the father passed it on.

In what ways does the natural childbirth method attempt to reduce the mother's pain?

With relaxation techniques Through education Through breathing methods

When a mutated gene is carried on the X chromosome, the result is called:

X-linked inheritance.

Someone with which of the following chromosomes has Turner syndrome?


Twyla is a caregiver who provides continuous physical, emotional, and educational support for mother-to-be Aysha. Twyla will provide help before, during, and after Aysha's delivery, though she is not qualified to perform or assist with medical procedures in the case of emergency. Twyla is most likely what type of caregiver?

a doula

Phenylketonuria is best treated by

a specialized diet

All of the following are physical adjustments that occur during the postpartum period, EXCEPT

a steep rise in dopamine production.

How long does the postpartum period last?

about 6 weeks

Niche-picking, or ____ genotype-environment correlations occur when children seek out environments they find compatible and stimulating.


In the third stage of birth, the placenta, umbilical cord, and other membranes are expelled from the uterus. This stage of birth is called the:


The birth process occurs in three stages: the first is the longest, during which the contractions intensify; the second begins when the baby's head starts to move through the birth canal; and during the third stage the __________ (the term that describes the placenta, umbilical cord, and other membranes) is expelled.


Natalie is 40 years old and in her 15th week of pregnancy. She is concerned that her baby might have Down syndrome. Her doctor performs ______, which involves withdrawing and testing a sample of amniotic fluid.


All of the following are characteristic of Klinefelter syndrome EXCEPT:

an extra Y chromosome

Barbiturates, tranquilizers, and narcotics are all forms of ______ and are used to relieve pain during labor.


In order to be viable, human embryos must possess:

at least one X

It has become customary in the United States for a baby's father to:

be with the mother throughout labor and delivery

______ try to figure out what is responsible for the differences among people: genes, environment, or a combination of both.

behavior geneticits

When can chorionic villus sampling be used to screen for genetic defects and chromosomal abnormalities?

between the 10th and 12th week of pregnancy

According to Gilbert Gottlieb's epigenetic view, which of the following characterizes the relationship between heredity and environment in development?


All of the following are generally lower in individuals with FASD, EXCEPT:

blood pressure

Each of the following is more likely to be lower in children born to mothers who used marijuana during their pregnancy, EXCEPT:

blood pressure

In the period shortly after birth, a connection between the parent and the infant forms. This attachment is known as:


The formation of a connection, especially a physical one, between parent and infant shortly after birth is known as ____________


A mother can infect her offspring with HIV/AIDS in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

by kissing and hugging the baby

Which of the following is a noninvasive test that can detect Down syndrome as early as 10 weeks into the first trimester?

cell-free DNA

A powerful magnet and a radio create images that generate a detailed picture of the body's organs and structures. This sort of screening is called a fetal

chorionic villus sampling

When a gamete is formed, sometimes the sperm or ovum does not have a normal set of 23 chromosomes. This is referred to as a(n) ______ abnormality. Multiple choice question.


There are times when abnormalities involve whole _____________ that do not separate properly, whereas other abnormalities are produced by harmful genes


There are times when abnormalities involve whole ________________ that do not separate properly, whereas other abnormalities are produced by harmful genes.


______ are threadlike structures made up of DNA that come in 23 pairs, with one member of each pair coming from each parent.


The two new cells created by mitosis:

contain the same DNA as the original cell.

The process by which the uterus return to it prepregnant size five or six weeks after birth is referred to as:


According to developmental psychologist David Moore, genetic factors

do not determine phenotypes idependently from the context in which they develop

In a gene pair, the ____________ gene will always override the potential influence of the other gene of a pair.


A caregiver who provides continuous physical, emotional, and educational support for the mother before, during, and after childbirth is known as a:


Which of the following is a chromosomally transmitted form of intellectual disability caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21?

down syndrome

FASD may occur in offspring whose mothers ______ during pregnancy.

drank alcohol

The neural tube develops out of the embryo's:


During which period the rate of cell differentiation intensifies, the support systems for cells form, and organs appear?


The period that occurs from two to eight weeks after conception is known as the ______ period.


The ______ view states that development is the result of an ongoing, bidirectional interchange between heredity and the environment.


Currently, in the United States, preterm birth is characterized by

ethnic variations

The symptoms of postpartum depression include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Zack is always smiling; as a result, his teachers tend to respond to him in a more pleasant and attentive way. This is an example of a(n)

evocative genotype-environment correlation.

In _____________ theory, what matters is that individuals live long enough to reproduce and pass on their characteristics.


Which psychological approach emphasizes the importance of adaption, reproduction, and survival of the fittest in shaping behaviors?

evolutionary psychology

Fertilization typically takes place in the:

fallopian tubes

Genes are passed from generation to generation through three processes, called mitosis, meiosis, and


The specialization of cells, also known as cell ______, begins the week after conception.


What is the process in which an egg and a sperm fuse to create a single cell?


The prenatal stage that begins about two months after conception is the __________ period


Which of the following is the prenatal period that lasts about seven months?


A cluster of abnormalities that may appear in the offspring of mothers who drink alcohol heavily during pregnancy is referred to as Multiple choice question.

fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

The use of opiate-related pain relievers or synthetic opioids during pregnancy is

fine under doctor supervision

In the trimester view of prenatal development, both the germinal and embryonic periods of development occur during the

first trimester

The basic architecture of the human brain is assembled during the:

first two trimesters.

Consumption of which of the following by women who are pregnant or about to be pregnant can help prevent neural tube defects?

follic acid

Approximately how many months after conception is the fetus about three inches long, actively moving its arms and legs and head, and exhibiting a distinguishable face, forehead, eyelid, nose, and chin?


Which of the following are chromosomal abnormalities?

fragile X syndrome Turner syndrome Down syndrome

In a twin study, the behavioral similarity of identical twins is compared with the behavioral similarity of:

fraternal twins

For a particular teratogen, the severity of damage to the embryo or fetus and the type of defect are influenced by which of the following?

genetic susceptibility the dosage time of exposure

Evocative genotype-environment correlations occur because a child's ______ elicit certain types of environments.

genetically influenced characteristics

All of a person's actual genetic material makes up his or her


The ____________ period includes the creation of the fertilized egg or zygote, cell division, and attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall.


The period of prenatal development that takes place in the first two weeks after conception is known as the ______ period.


Dr. Turner is studying shyness. He finds that Blake and Luke, identical twins, are more alike in terms of level of inhibition than are Sam and Carl, who are fraternal twins. His research indicates that ______ plays an important role in shyness. Multiple choice question.


When individuals' genes may systematically relate to the types of environments they are exposed to, it is called:

heredity-environment correlations

Interpreting the results of adoption and twin studies is difficult because of the complexities of:

heredity-environment interactions

For an expectant mother, exercise during pregnancy is associated with decreases in all of the following EXCEPT:

immune functioning

Exposure to cocaine during prenatal development has been linked to which of the following?

impaired motor development impaired language development cognitive deficits

The attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall is referred to as:


According to evolutionary psychology, natural selection favors behaviors that:

increase reproductive success.

All of the following nutritional factors influence whether or not a baby will be born malformed, EXCEPT

intake of spicy food

_______________ care is a NICU procedure that involves skin-to-skin contact in which the baby, wearing only a diaper, is held upright against the parent's bare chest.


______ helps preterm infants stabilize their breathing, temperature, and heart rate through close physical contact.

kangaroo care

During waterbirth, what is a common consequence of mothers getting into the water too quickly?

labor slowing or stopping

Which of the following is a childbirth strategy similar to natural childbirth that includes a special breathing technique to control pushing in the final stages of labor?


The three stages of birth are not of equal length; the first stage is ______ than the others.


Scientists are searching for ______ genes that make an individual less vulnerable to certain diseases and more likely to live to an older age.


According to a large-scale study, pregnant women's caffeine intake was linked to which of the following in their offspring?

lower birth weight

XYY syndrome is a chromosomal disorder in which the:

male has an extra Y chromosome

Chromosomal abnormalities result when a chromosome does not separate properly during


An X-linked disease is more likely to harm ______ (men/women) than ______ (men/women).


A common outcome of fragile X syndrome is:

mental deficiency

The middle layer of the embryo, which will become the circulatory system, bones, and muscles, is called the:


A trained health practitioner who helps women during labor, delivery, and afterbirth is best referred to as a:


Most countries in the world practice infant delivery with a ______, such as 40 percent of births in Holland today.


At approximately 15 weeks after conception, neuronal ______ occurs and cells begin , moving outward from their point of origin


During the germinal period, the zygote is undergoing rapid:


The cellular reproduction in which the cell's nucleus duplicates itself and two new cells are formed is called


During ___________the cell's nucleus duplicates itself and the cell divides. During _____________ a specialized form of cell division occurs to form egg and sperm cells.

mitosis, meiosis

A ______ gene is marked by cellular damage from an environmental agent such as radiation.


The evolutionary process by which the best-adapted individuals of a species survive and reproduce is called ______ selection.


___________________ selection is the evolutionary process by which individuals of a species best adapted to their environment are the ones that survive and reproduce.


Genetic variability is most important for which of the following processes?

natural selection

The ______ tube is the beginning of the formation of the nervous system.


The generation of new neurons that takes place beginning at the fifth prenatal week is known as:


According to the U.S. surgeon general:

no alcohol should be consumed during pregnancy.

After birth, which of the following helps the uterus to rapidly contract back to its normal size?

nursing the baby

In a normal pregnancy, neurogenesis begins:

once the neural tube closes

The process of organ formation during the first two months of prenatal development is referred to as:


Sickle-cell anemia is a genetic disorder in which the red blood cells cannot carry ______ properly and die quickly.


______ genotype-environment correlations occur because biological parents, who are genetically related to the child, provide a rearing environment for the child.


Observable and measurable characteristics such as height, hair color, and intelligence are aspects of a person's


Which of the following is NOT one of behavior geneticist Sandra Scarr's hereditary-environment correlations?


Which of the following is a genetic disorder in which an individual cannot properly metabolize a certain amino acid and, if left untreated, causes intellectual disability?

phenylketonuria (PKU)

The umbilical cord contains two arteries and one vein, and it connects the baby to the:


The ______ period lasts from the end of delivery until the mother's body has returned to a nearly prepregnant state (in about six weeks).


The Lamaze method, a method similar to natural childbirth, is also known as:

prepared childbirth

Recent research indicates maternal depression during pregnancy is linked to

preterm infants

Genes direct cells to replicate themselves and to assemble:


The building blocks of cells that regulate and direct body processes are called:


The general term for drugs that act on the nervous system to alter states of consciousness, modify perceptions, and change moods is:

psychoactive drugs

In a gene pair, the ______ gene does NOT always exert its influence.


Researchers have found that massage used during labor can

reduce pain

Exposure to cocaine during prenatal development is associated with:

reduced birth weight, length, and head circumference.

Human traits and characteristics that are genetically influenced have an evolutionary history that is

retained in our DNA

Women who plan to have children should be given a blood test before they become pregnant to determine whether they are immune to:


During the ______ stage of birth (which is called the "descent and emergence of the baby" stage), the mother bears down hard to push the baby out of her body; this stage typically lasts less than 2 hours.


Newborn Amanda gets a total combined score of 2 on the Apgar Scale. This signals:

she is in a state of emergency, and she may not survive.

When a woman is or might be pregnant,

she should weigh the risks of undergoing an X-ray.

It becomes possible for the fetus to survive outside the womb as early as the ______ month of pregnancy.


When babies are either full term or preterm and their birth weight is below normal for their age, they are called ______ infants.

small for date

Which of the following can cross the placental wall?

small molecules

Sudden infant death syndrome, preterm births and low birth weights, respiratory problems, and cardiovascular problems are more common among the offspring of mothers who ______ during pregnancy.


In the United States today, about 8 percent of births include the attendance of a midwife, which represents a ______ from the percentage of those who used a midwife in 1975.

substantial increase

Research indicates that prescription drugs can act as a(n) ____________to the unborn fetus.


Any agent that can potentially cause a birth defect or negatively alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes is referred to as a(n):


Prenatal diagnostic tests include all of the following EXCEPT

the apgar scale

Which statement describes a part of the second stage of birth?

the baby's head moves through the cervix

Which of the following would NOT be an aspect of the genetic susceptibility of an embryo or fetus to a teratogen?

the dose of the teratogen

About 70 percent of new mothers in the United States experience ______, in which they begin to feel depressed, anxious, and upset a few days after birth.

the postpartum blues

Fragile X syndrome is a chromosomal disorder in which:

there is an abnormality on the X chromosome, which becomes constricted and often breaks.

The birth process occurs in ______ stages.


Prenatal development is sometimes described in terms of equal three-month periods called


The outer layer of cells that will eventually provide nutrition and support for the embryo is called the:


True or false: During the first stage of the birth process, which is the longest of the three stages, the uterine contractions will cause the woman's cervix to stretch and open to about 10 centimeters.


True or false: HIV can be transmitted through breast feeding.


True or false: Humans take longer to become reproductively mature than any other mammal.


True or false: Most mutated genes are recessive.


True or false: Neuronal migration is when nerve cells begin moving outward from their point of origin to their appropriate locations.


A chromosomal disorder in females in which either an X chromosome is missing or part of one X chromosome is deleted is referred to as

turner syndrome

Which of the following would be most commonly used by a behavior geneticist?

twin or adoption studies

Organogenesis takes place primarily during the first ______ months of prenatal development.


Fatty tissues develop, various organ systems function more regularly, and the fetus grows longer and gains about four pounds during the last ______ of pregnancy.

two months

The postpartum blues is when a new mother begins to feel depressed, anxious, and upset ______ after birth.

two to three days

Normally conducted seven weeks into the pregnancy, ______ is used to detect structural abnormalities in the fetus and, when used later in the pregnancy, can help determine whether the baby is a boy or a girl.

ultrasound sonography

Nutrition and oxygen flow from the placenta to the fetus through the ______ cord.


Susceptibility genes make an individual more

vulnerable to specific diseases.

A single cell formed through fertilization is a(n)


What is the term for the single cell formed through fertilization?


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