Chapter 2 Terms

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Anne Hutchinson

(1591-1643) was a Puritan living in the Massachusetts Bay colonies who became a leader of a dissident church discussion group. She held Bible meetings for women in the town which quickly became for men as well. Later on she eventually moved on from just Bible meetings in to more of her own theological interpretation of sermons. She was quickly banished from the Colony.

Massachusetts Bay

First major English settlement in New England which was settled by English Puritans led by John Winthrop in England in 1630. The colony was founded by owners of the Massachusetts Bay Company and a part of Dorchester Company. The colony was economically successful, by engaging in trade with England and the West Indies.


Florida was owned and discovered by the Spanish where Spanish Colonies made the production of raw materials for Spain. Florida was purchased from Spain by the United States in 1819. In 1835 a distressing warfare broke out between the fierce Seminole Indians, who inhabited some of the better portions of florida. The United States gained control and created a new colony and member of the Union.

City Upon A Hill

A phrase that was entered in to early American History by a Puritan sermon by the name of John Winthrop in 1630. Winthrop used this phrase while still being aboard on the ship to the America's and warned the future of the colonies and the new community would be a "city upon a hill", watched by the world. The sermon gave a rise to the widespread belief in American customs that the United States of America is God's country because of the statement made by Winthrop.

Pueblo Revolt

The Pueblo Revolt of 1680 was an uprising of Pueblo natives against the Spanish colonization in the Americas in the province of Santa Fe of New Mexico.

Spanish Missionaries

a comprise of a series of religious and military ouposts established by Spanish Catholics. The reason to spread the Christian faith among the local Native Americans.


a group of English Protestants during the 16th and 17th centuries who regarded the Reformation of the Church of England under Queen Elizabeth I as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate of forms of worship.


a member of the Religious Society of Friends, a Christian movement founded by George Fox in 1650 and devoted to peaceful principles. Central to the Quakers' belief is the doctrine of the "Inner Light", or sense of Christ's direct working in the soul. In which has led them reject both formal ministry and all set forms of worship.

Proprietors (proprietary colonies)

a proprietary colony was a colony in which one or more individuals retained rights that are today regarded as the privilege of the state. This type of colonial government was based on the County Palatine which was a county in which royal privileges and exclusive rights of jurisdiction were held by its earl or lord. Was used by England's colonization along the Atlantic Coast.

John Winthrop

a wealthy English Puritan lawyer who was on of the leading figures in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which was the first major colony in New England, after Plymouth. John Winthrop served as governor of the colony for 12 years of the colony's 20 years of existence. His vision of the Puritan colony as a "city upon a hill" dominated the colonial development of New England and influenced government and religion of neighboring colonies.

Maryland Act of Toleration (1649)

passed by the assembly of the Maryland colony, it was the second law which required religious tolerance in the British North American colonies. It created the first legal limitations on hate speech in the world.


piece of property first owned by the French and then was sold to the United States for 15 million dollars or 60 million francs. Was a huge expansion to the United States and created and opportunity of exploration and pioneering for Americans and the opportunity of a new start, Manifest of Destiny.

Lord Berkeley

was a colonial governor of Virginia, and one of the Proprietors of the Colony of Carolina; who was appointed by King Charles I, whom he was a favorite. He was rebelled on by Nathaniel Bacon for his friendly policies on the Natives.

Town Meeting

was a form of direct democratic rule which is a form of government in which people make decisions for themselves. Which was used in portions of the United States since the 17th century. Resulted as in which most or all the member of the community came together to solve and decided on problems for local government.

General Courts

was a legislative body having judicial powers in colonial New England. Decision center for laws and decisions on state legislation in the community.

Salem Witch Trials

was a series of hearings before the court of Salem and colonies around of people being accused of witchcraft. 19 people were hung and executed in suspicion of witchcraft, 150 people were arrested and imprisoned, many being women and social outlaws of the colony.

Indentured Servants

was a work type fairly popular in the 16th century and 17th century where a person served a lord in the return of housing and food for a period of time, depending on the contract made. Was popular in Europe and in the America's.

King Philip's War

was an armed conflict between Native Americans in Southern New England and English colonists and Native American allies in 1675-1676. The name was named after the main leader of the Native Americans known to the English as "King Philip". Nearly half of the regions towns were destroyed, economy was ruined, and most of the population was killed.

New Netherlands/ New Amsterdam

was the 17th century province of the Dutch on the East Coast of North America. The province claimed territories such as the Delmarva Peninsula to the extreme southwestern Cape Cod. The colony was established for the exploitation of fur trade in North America.

Roger Williams

(1603-1683) he was an English Protestant theologian who believed in civic and religious liberty. In 1636, he began a colony of his own named Providence, which provided a refugee for religious minorities in America. Williams started the first Baptist church in America, and in Providence. He was very close with Native Americans and was a student of Native American languages.

James II Duke of York

(1633-1701) was King of England and King of Ireland as James II and King of Scotland as James VII. He was the last Catholic monarch to reign of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. James fled England in the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and was replaced by William of Orange who became William III.

Pequot War

(1636-1638) it was a conflict between the Pequot Tribe against the Massachusetts Bay colonies who were aided by the colony's Native American allies (the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes). At the end of the war, about seven hundred Pequots had been killed or enslaved. The result was the elimination of the Pequot people's civil government or polity.

Rhode Island

an American Colony better known as the Providence Plantation colony of the English founder Roger Williams in 1636. Anne Hutchinson purchased land on the Aquidneck Island from Native Americans, settle in Pocasset, which is now known as Portsmouth, Rhode Island. The land was known for its civic and religious liberty for the people in the area. A refugee home for many religious minorities during the time.

Bacon's Rebellion

an uprising in 1676 in Virginia which was led by Nathaniel Bacon. The rebellion rose because of Virginia Governor William Berkeley, and his friendly policies towards the Native Americans. Thousands of Virginias arose to rebel and was the first rebellion recorded in the American colonies.

Praying Towns

developed by the Puritans in New England from 1646 to 1675. The cause of the towns was to help support the conversion of Christianity to local Native American tribes. The mentality of the Puritans and the reason of having these towns was so Natives would convert to Christianity and give their old way of life.

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