Chapter 2 - Types of Life Insurance Policies

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Ajustable life

Can assume the form of either term insurance or permanent insurance (flexible). The policyowner may adjust: the premium or premium-payment period, the face amount, the coverage period. Suitable for insureds whose incomes are unpredictable (people who work on commission).

Group Life

Group is formed for a reason other than buying group insurance (Employer and employee group) Group sponsor (usually employer) receives the master policy Insureds receive certificates of insurance Group underwriting it is very liberal Eligible groups (e.g., employer/employee, debtor/ creditor group, labor union, association)

Universal Life - Option B

Increasing death benefit (insurance amount plus cash account)

Joint Life

Insured 2 or more Premium based on joint average age Death benefit upon first death

Universal Life - Options A

Level death benefit

Graded Premium Whole Life

Lower premiums for the designated timeframe (typically 5-10 years); payments rise annually until leveling off Premium will start low then gradually increase till it levels out.

Uses for Term Insurance

Maximum protection for least amount initially Lowest cost Increasing term for riders Decreasing term for debt

Single Premium

One time premium payment, immediate cash value

Term VS Permanet

Term Life - temporary, specific period of time, no cash value. Whole Life - permanent, to age 100 lifetime protection, has cash value.

Who bears the investment risk on variable life?

The insured.

Who bears the investment risk on whole life?

The insurer

Variable Universal Life

Dually regulated by state (insurance Dept.) and federal (SEC/FINRA) entities because it is considered a securities product, regulated by the SEC and FINRA Agent must: be registered with FINRA, have a securities license, be licensed by the state to sell life insurance. Many features of whole life Investment component Flexible premium Combination of Universal Life and Variable Life

Modified Life

During the first few years, the premium is set for a lower amount, after that the premium adjusted.

Whole Life

Guaranteed death benefit and living benefits Cash value with a guaranteed interest rate Cash value in general account,

Variable Life Insurance

Have to have Life Insurance License and Securities Series 6 and Series 63. Separate Account Cash of second account varies every day Cash value death benefit no guarantees

Types of Term Insurance

Increasing Level Decreasing - used to payoff a debt

Survivorship Life

Insured 2 or more Premium based on joint average age Death benefit upon last death

Universal Life or Interest Sensitive

Interests rates are changed according to previews year interest rates Cash values, can take out loans and withdrawals

Limited Pay

Pay a set number of years or to a specified age. For retirements.

Straight Life

Pay until death or age 100

Features on Term Insurance

Renewable - can renew when term ends Convertible - in the future can convert the insurance to something else

Decreasing Term

The death benefit decreases, but premiums usually remain level for the policy term; often utilized as "Mortgage Redemption" or "Credit Life Insurance".

Increasing Term

The death benefit increases and the premium remains level throughout the term

Variable Life

Investment-based product Cash value in separate accounts Cash value fluctuates with performance of portfolio in which insurer has invested premiums.

Whole Life Insurance

Premium level, cash value increases Made to last for the whole life

Level Term

Premiums and death benefits stay the same (level) for the life of the policy

Term Insurance

Term = temporary coverage, it gets too expensive over time Least expensive initially NO cash value (pure protection) NO loans matures at death - payout to beneficiary when insured dies.

Universal Life

Flexible premium adjustable life, Insured may skip a payment as long as the cash value exceeds the premium.

Term Insurance

Life insurance coverage for a specified period of time, less expensive than whole life

Family policy

One family member has whole life insurance, while the rest of the family has term adjustable life, that they can later change to whole life

Family Income Policy

Same as Whole Life but with Decreasing Term rider; upon death, pays monthly income for REMAINING term AFTER which pays full death benefit.

Types of payment

Single Premium - one time payment Limited Pay - pay till a certain time Straight Life - pay till death or age 100

Group Conversion

Without proof of insurability within 31 days specified period Convert to whole life At least 5 years under the group plan Premium will go up

annually renewable term

renews each year, premium increases each year death benefit stays the same premium increases

Adjustable Life

Life insurance which permits changes in the face amount, premium amount, period of protection, and the duration of the premium payment period.

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