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Why were Watt and Boulton a winning combination?

Boulton provided Watt with CAPITAL(money) and SALESMENSHIP for Watt's INVENTIONS

What was Thomas Malthus's dire warning in "Essay on the principle of population"?

POPULATION tends to INCREASE beyond the means of SUBSISTENCE.

How did Fritz Harcort affect German industrialization?

Significant for attempts to bring ENGLISH STEAM ENGINES AND MACHINE TECHNOLOGY to Germany

Know the crystal palace!!!

Spectacular achievement in engineering , SHOWCASING MANAFACTURED PRODUCTS from Britain. used as a show in power, that Britain was the leader.

What was the most important demand of the chartists?

That all MEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE...gave hope to millions of common people.

By 1850, what percentage of workers were still employed in agriculture?


Who was Friedrich Engles?


Which country on the continent was the next to industrialize following GB?


Explain David Ricardo's "Iron Law of Wages."


Who were the Luddites?

Group of HANDICRAFT WORKERS who ATTACKED FACTORIES in northern England in 1811 and later, smashing the new machines that they believed had put them out of work.

How was James Hargreaves contribute to the textile industry?

Hargreaves invented the cotton SPINNING JENNY

How did iron become the basic building block of the British economy in the nineteenth century?

Iron soon became CHEAP to make, as it became the INDESPENSABLE BUILDING BLOCK OF BRITISH ECONOMY.

What was the result of the development of the British economy between 1780 and 1851

Much of the growth in the gross national product was eaten up by POPULATION GROWTH.

Factory act of 1833

Progressively limited the workday of child labors, also set minimum safety and hygiene requirements

Why was there little wood in GB by the 18th c. to use for fuel?

The IRON INDUSTRY was using up the wood for heating up the BLAST FURNACES-wood was over harvested for heat

What was the pattern of work adopted in the "separate spheres" by married women?

The MEN WOULD EARN MONEY... while the WOMEN WOULD STAY HOME to keep the house clean and the children taken care of.

Why were cottage "putting out" workers reluctant to work in the new factories?

The cottage works didn't want to have to KEEP UP WITH THE PACE OF THE RELENTLESS MACHINES...factories also looked like a POOR HOUSE which was demeaning to the workers.

How did James Watt bolster industrialization?

Watt IMPROVED on James Newcomen's 1712 STEAM ENGINE

Why were there so few opportunities for women in this era?

While there were many new job opportunities, men were frequently the pick, as WOMEN were EXPECTED TO STAY HOME with the children.

How did banking change in the continent in a way that favored industrial investment?

the banks became more STABLE, therefore the people were more likely to invest. Banks also became PUBLIC as well as had LIMITED LIABILITY.

Why was cotton able to transform the textile industry?


Why did France continue its tradition of artisanal goods during the era of industrialization?

Allowed the French to, instead of being backward REFUSAL TO MODERNIZE ,it represented a choice to have the French CAPITALIZE ON THE INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION FOR FINE GOODS.

How did Richard Arkwright contribute to the textile industry?

Arkwright invented the WATER FRAME

How did class-consciousness form during the Industrial Revolution?

As modern industry created conflict between industrialists and laborers, INDIVIDUALS BELIVED DIFFERENT CLASSES existed and developed a sense of class feeling

Combination act of 1799

British law that outlawed unions; repealed in 1824

How did Henry Cort affect the industrial revolution?

Cort developed the PUDDLING IRON, which allowed pig iron to be refined with coke

Why did people support sex-segregated employment?

It was CHEAPER to have the woman STAY AT HOME to take care of the babies and the house , rather than have someone take care of it for her.

Why did factories hire whole family units for early factories?

It was normally the wishes of the family, and it could be used as an assembly line, also NO ONE WOULD BE HOME TO TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN

How did living and working conditions change for the poor change over the course of industrialization?

Living conditions were POOR... WORKING CLASS STANDARDS DIDNT RISE TILL 1840 at the earliest.

Identity Robert Owen and his relation to labor unions?

Owen was one of the founders of UTOPIAN SOCIALISM and the cooperative movement. Owen is best known for his efforts to IMPROVE the WORKING CONDITIONSof his factory workers and his promotion of experimental socialistic communities.

Mines act of 1842

Prohibited underground work for all women and children, as well as boys under the age of 10

How did the advent of the railroad affect industrialization?

REDUCED COST and UNCERTIANTY of shipping over land ...MARKETS would also become NATIONAL

Why did it become harder for industrialist to start businesses as the industrial revolution developed?

leading industrialist were more likely to have INHERITED THEIR WELL-ESTABLISHED ENTERPRISES...a formal education became more important as a means of success, but it was expensive

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