Chapter 20 World History q1

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The end of the fourteenth century marked the stunning rise of Temur Gurgan, who was widely known from the Persian rendering of his name as Timur the _____.


Aurangzeb spent much of the last two decades of his life campaigning against the _________.

Hindu Marathas

The Mughals appointed members of the new _________ elite to positions in the provincial governments and state ministries.


For the English, the acquisition of Bombay (Mumbai) from the _________ in the 1660s gave the British East India Company a superb harbor.


Akbar wore his hair long under his turban like the __________.


Muhammad Ghauth Gwaliori's ___________ tapped sources from Hindu and Muslim astrology, Jewish Kabbala traditions, and Sufi mysticism.

The Five Jewels

Zahir ud-Din Muhammad was better known by his nickname, Babur, which means "leopard" or "tiger" in __________.


Mughal relations with Safavid Persia, where _________ was the official state religion, meant a certain influence on the Mughal court was unavoidable.

Shia Islam

Inconsolable after the loss of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, Shah Jahan built a magnificent tomb complex in her honor near _________.


Indian _________ calicoes (named for the Indian port of Calicut) proved immensely popular in Europe for underwear and summer clothing.


The familiar term "pajamas" comes from the __________ word pajama, the lightweight summer garments worn in India and popularized as sleepwear in Europe.


Akbar married the Rajput princess Manmati, despite her adherence to:


In the 1550s, Mughal forces secured the eastern, southern, and western flanks of their lands, anchoring Islam with the territory they called "__________".


Jahangir's son Khusrau was forced to watch as his comrades were put to death by ____________.


________ turned the running of his empire over to his wife, the striking Persian princess Nur Jahan, on several occasions, and she mediated the succession wars after his death.


__________ reimposed the hated jizya tax on non-Muslims, which had been abolished by Akbar.


A four-way struggle broke out among the sons of Shah Jahan upon his death in ________.


The Golden Temple in the city of ________ became the religious center of the Sikhs, and they defended their faith against the repressive policies of Aurangzeb.


The Mughals built fortresses at strategic points throughout their inner domains as well as along the frontier, and the largest was the Red Fort in _______.


The Gunpowder empires, named for their reliance on cannons and small arms in their military campaigns, included all of the following except:

the Habsburgs

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