Chapter 22 Italy 1500 to 1600 - Late Renaissance

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Isabella d'Este (1474-1539)

Most important Renaissance patron. Used her wealth to collect from all of Italy. Commissioned portraits from Leonardo, Mantegna, and Titian.

Interior of the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Rome, 1508

Narrative panels describing stories taken from Genesis; Separation of Light and Dark, and Drunkenness of Noah. As Viewers enter the chapel they review in reverse order the fall of humankind. The four pendentives are filled with Old Testament scenes with David, Judith, Haman, and Moses and the Braznen Serpent. The overall conceptualization of the ceilings design show a sweeping chronology of Christianity, including the conflict between good and evil, and youth and wisdom. One is drawn into the painting through moving from figure to figure in its most natural form.

What does the painting "Galatea" resurrect?

Naturalistic Art and poetry of the classical world.

What philosophy gained popularity in the 16th century?

Neoplatonism, based on the souls ascent through the levels of the underworld (the source of evil) the human world(pain, anxiety, frustration and exhaustion)

What projects did Julius II commission?

New design for St. Peter's Basilica, painting of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, decoration of the papal apartments, and the construction of his tomb.

Titian, Madonna of the Pesaro family, Oil on canvas, Pesaro Chapel, Santa Maria Glorioso dei Frari, Venice.

New type of pictorial design. Figures placed on steep diagonal, positioning madonna, focus of composition, off-center. Commander knelt the foot of thrown. May be ode to triumph of expedition against Turks by Biship Pesaro who led it. Turk shown as prisoner of war. Also shows other Pesaro male family members. Wordly transaction between a queen and her court and loyal servants. Renaissance protocol and courtly splendor. No horizontal and symmetrical arrangement. Banner brings design into equilibrium.

Did Michealangelo depict Giuliano and Lorenzos likenesses in the portraits in the Medici chapel.

No, he used generic faces, cared more about the overall human form.

What marked the High Renaissance for artists?

On par with poets, with their own rights of expression.

Michelangelo, Moses, Tomb of Pope Julius II Rome, Italy, 1513 -1515. Marble.

Original design called for two-story structure with 28 statues, scaled down to a wall tomb with one-third the original statues. This sculpture is in the spirit of the original design. The horns were a way for viewers to identify Moses. The head is turned and Again shows the pent-up energy of hellenistic sculptures.


an emblem bearing a coat of arms

What were Leonardo's interests?

botany, geology, geography, cartography, zoology, military engineering, animal lore, anatomy, aspects of physical science such as hydraulics and mechanics.


"design"; artists are intellectuals. Represented artists conception and intention.


(n.) a skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick; a clever skill; trickery

What is the Golden Legend?

13th Century collection of stories about the lives of saints.

How is Correggio's ceiling painting at Parma different than Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel?

Correggio's is not divided architecturally.

What did the virgins suitor need to have to marry Mary?

A flowering rod.

Michelangelo thought of himself first as this type of artist.

A sculptor, shares in the divine power to "make man". Believed that the artist could identify proportions, that one didn't require mathematics to determine size and utilize self-expression.

Michaelangelo, Bound Slave, Tomb of Julius II, Rome Italy, 1513 - 1516

A series of statues of captives win various attitudes of rebellion were planned. This deviant figure exhibits a violent contrapposto. Whatever can be said through sculpture and painting can be expressed through the human body.


A shallow column shape protruding from the wall


An idyllic pace of rural, rustic peace and simplicity. Region in Southern Greece.


Architect of High-Renaissance central plan church, influenced by Brunelleschi, Alberti, and maybe Leonard0. Architect of Tempietto. First to revive the classical style in Architecture.

Mannerist paintings can be characterized by what?


Raphael, Philosophy (school of Athens), Stanze della Signatura, Vatican Palace, Rome, Italy, 1509-1511, Fresco

Artist included himself in this gathering of philosophers. The setting resembles the interior of St. Peter's. Statues of Apollo and Athena oversee the activity. Plato and Aristotle are the central figures.Plato points to heaven and Aristotle points to the earth. Ancient Philosophers concerned with ultimate mysteries stand on Plato's side and scientists and philosopher's interested in nature and human affairs stand on Aristotle's. The calm of those portrayed convey reason. The mastery of pictorial science is evident.


Artistic movement against the Renaissance ideals of symmetry, balance, and simplicity; went against the perfection the High Renaissance created in art. Used elongated proportions, twisted poese and compression of space. Meaning is often ambiguous. Imbalanced composition and visual complexity. Movement away from architectural accuracy to dynamic perspectives and dramatic chiaroscuro of upcoming Baroque.

This is distinct about 16th century Venetian painting.

Artists wanted to record the effect of the light on figures and landscape.

What is a characteristic of "High Renaissance" portraiture?

Attention to personality and psychic state.

Who who the wealthy banker that commissioned work from Raphael?

Augustino Chigi who hired him to paint decorate his palace on the Tiber River.

Gi0vanni Bellini and Titian, Feast of the Gods, Camerino d'Alabastro, Palazzo Ducale, Ferrara, Italy, 1529

Based on Ovids Fasti. Olympian deities appear as peasants enjoying a picnic. Commissioned by duke of Ferrara. Beauty of texture by using harmonized color.

Raphael, Galatea, Sala di Galatea, Villa Farnesina, Rome, Italy, 1513

Based on poem by Poliziano. Shows Galatea fleeing on the shell from the cyclops Polyphemus. Shows unrestrained pagan joy. Celebrates human beauty and zestful love.

Andrea Palladio

Began career as a stonemason and sculptor in Vicenza. He made several trips to Rome to study the architecture. He wrote his own book on architecture. His influence is most significant in England, and in colonial America and more lasting than any other architect.

Who trained Titian

Bellini and Giorgioni.

When did the High Renaissance take place?

Between 1495 and 1520. Marked by the deaths of da Vinci and Raphael.

When did Late Renaissance take place?

Between 1500 and 1600.

Michealangelo staple in figural art.

Body contortion.

Andrea Palladio, Villa Rotunda, near Vicenza, Italy. 1550-1570

Built by the chief architect of the Venetian Republic. Unlike other villas being built at the time for farming, this one was built for a retired monsignor who wanted it for social events. The porch in front of the a dome covered interior replicated the pantheon. Displays all the qualities of self-sufficiency and formal completeness of Renaissance architects.

Giacomo Della Porta, facade of Il Gesu, Rome Italy, 1575-1584

Built for the Jesuits. Shows the union of lower and upper floors, with scroll buttresses. Many 17th century churches emulated this style. The columns and pilaseters build to the central bay.

Who wrote the book "Book of the Courier"?

Castiglione, describing the character, noble birth, military achievement, classical education, and knowledge of art that a Renaissance courtier should have.

How did catholic and protestants vary in their approach to imagery in religious imagery.

Catholics believed that art was useful for cultivating piety. Protestants believed that art could lead to idolatry and could distract from developing a personal relationship with God.

Bramante, Plan for St. Peter's, the Vatican, Rome, Italy, 1505

Central plan consisting of a cross with arms of equal length, each terminating in an apse. Nine interlocking crosses and domes, five crosses supported by domes.


Central room of a temple.

Michelangelo, the last judgement, Sistine chapel, Vatican City, Rome Italy, 1536-1541

Christ depicted as the stern judge of the world. He raises his hand as if to condemn all mankind. Choirs of heaven surround him pulse with anxiety. Those worthy ascend and the damned descend. On the left the dead awake and assume flesh (very michelangelon). On the right demons(Romanesque Tympana) torment the damned. Figures are twisted. It also holds hope as shown by group of saved souls around Christ, especially with good thief therein.

Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper, 1495-1498, oil tempura on Plaster, Refectory, Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan.

Christ has just announced that one of his disciples will betray him. Austere setting amplifies dramatic action. Christ is isolated and calm. The window frames his figure. The pediment is the only curve in the architectural framework. Christ's head is the converging point of all the perspective lines. The 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, and pycho-dimensional perspectives are all the same. Used four clusters of three. Judas' face is in the shadow.

Which work was the name changed because the name was deemed inappropriate.

Christ in the House of Levi.

Bramante, Tempietto, San Pietro in Montorio, Rome, Italy, 1502

Commissioned by Ding Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to mark the location of St. Peter's crucifixition. Circular stylobate, Tuscan-style colonnade, give no indication of an interior altar or entrance, more like a sculpture.

Bronzino, Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time. 1546, Oil on Wood,*

Cupid fondling mother Venus demonstrates fondness for allegories with lascivious undertones. Cosimo I commissioned as a gift for King Francis I of France. The masks symbolize deceit. The meaning is ambiguous. Special attention paid to heads, hands and feet.

Michalangelo, David, Piazza della Signoria, Florence, Italy, 1501 - 1504

David in heroic, classical nudity, capturing tension of Lysippos athletes (nervous energy and more slender body) and emotionalism of Hellenistic statuary (unseen presence beyond the statue). Symbol of liberty for the palace. David seems to be watching Goliath come and tension shows of strength to come. Does not have Goliath's head. M

Cardosso, medal. 1506.

Depicts Bramante's design for St. Peter's, including cultural treatment of walls and piers.

Raphael, Marriage of a Virgin, Chapel of St. Joseph, San Francesco, Citta di Castello, Italy, 1504, Oil on Wood

Depicts the marriage of the Virgin to Saint Joseph, shows mastery of foreshortening and of the perspective system he learned from Perugino. Temple in background is version of centrally planned building featuring Brunelleschian arcades.


Describes Venetian art which was sensual and lyrical meant to invoke moods.

Parmgianino,Madonna with the Long Neck, Biardi Chapel, Santa Maria dei Servi, Parma, Italy, 1534 - 1540.*

Displays stylish elegance that was principal aim of Mannerism. Mary had a small oval head, a long slender neck, attenuated hands and a sinuous body.

Main difference between early and high Renaissance architecture.

Early had detailing on flat walls and High emphasized sculptured handling of architectural masses.

Raphael, MaDonna in the Meadow, 1505-1506, Oil on Wood

Emulates Leonardo's pyramidal composition. Set in well-lit landscape imbued with grace, dignity and beauty. Showed preference for clarity.

Leonardo da vinci, the fetus and the lining of the Uterus, 1511 - 1513, Pen and ink with wash over red chalk and traces of black chalk.

Epitomizes the anatomical and scientific spirit of the renaissance. Shows a cut-away view.

Titian, Venus of Urbino, 1538, Oil on Canvas, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. *

Established the compositional elements of the reclining female nude. At her feet is a pendant (balancing figure) which is the dog. Curtain helps to place her at the foreground and indicates a vista into the background. Painted divisions of space into progressively smaller units. Titian used color not just to record surface appearance but also to organize placement of forms.

Giorgione da Castelfranco, Pastoral Symphony, 1508-1510, Oil on Canvas

Example of Poesia and arcadian scenes. Pastoral mood. Shepard symbolizes the poet the lute and pipes his poetry. Women may be muses. Voluptuous bodies of women a standard in Venetian painting, personifying abundance.

Villas built in Venice

Example of wealthy families building aristocratic farms surrounded by service outbuildings, like American plantations.

Tintoretto, Last Supper, 1594, Oil on Canvas,San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice *

Figures appear in dark illuminated by single light in upper left. Halos establish biblical nature. In keeping with the didactic nature of religious art. Imbalanced composition and visual complexity. Christ is above and beyond perspective lines that race away diagonally from picture. Monumental drama and deep perspectives.

MaDonna and Child Cartoon, Leonardo da Vinci

Figures are reminiscent of the Greek Statues of goddesses, though must be copies of Roman imitations as he had never been to Greece.

Benventuto Cellini, Saltcellar of Francis I, Gold, enamel, and ebony, 1540 -1543

First to write auto-biography. The elongated proportions show the manneristic approach to form.

Location of major art centers during 16th century.

Florence and Rome in Central Italy and Florence in the South.

Where were the artistic centers in Italy during the 16th century?

Florence and Rome.

Which countries dominated over Italy in the 16th centuries?

France and Spain.

Where did Leonardo die?

France in 1515

Who commissioned "La Pieta"?

French Cardinal Jean de Bilheres Lagraulas for the chapel in St. Peter's where he was to be buried.

Michelangelo, St. Peter's, West End, Vatican City, 1546-1564

Giant pilisters march around the undulating wall surfaces.

Who sculpted Abduction of Sabine Women?

Giovanni de Bologna

Titian, Assumption of the Virgin, 1516 - 1518, Oil on Wood, Santa Maria Glorioso dei Frari, Venice.

Gold clouds seem to glow and radiate light in this altarpiece. Almost 23 feet high. God awaits Mary with open arms. Infused with drama and intensity.


Greatest architect of the high Renaissance Pope Julius, his patron, commissioned him to design the new St Peters.

What is Michelangelo's painting technique that shows his disposition to which type of art?

He always painted from a sculpture's viewpoint.

How does Tintoretto's Last Supper differ from previous works?

He diffused the drama by creating a huge wait staff for the banquet.

What was Raphael able to capture in his paintings for Julius II?

He harmonized paganism and christianity.

Who influenced Raphael?

His father Giovanni Santi, Perugino, Leonardo and others.

Paolo Veronese, Triumph of Venice, 1585, Oil on canvas, Ceiling of the Hall of the Grand Council, Doge's Palace, Venice

Huge scale. Master of imposing illusionistic ceiling compositions. Venice is shown crowned by Fame between two twisted columns and attended by figures symbolic of its glories. Unlike di motto in su, perspective is at a 45 degree angle verse straight up. A technique later used by many Baroque painters.


In classical architecture, the lintel or lowest part of an entablature, sometimes called the epistyle.

Andrea Palladio, interior view of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy, began 1566

In contrast to San Giorgio Maggiore, ti interior is strictly logical, consistent with classical architectural theory. Design created illusion of 3-dimensional depth. Shows strong roots in High Renaissance architectural style with its rational organization.

What skill did Leonardo sell in his attempt to work for the Sforza family?

Military Engineering and architecture and painting and sculpting as an aside.

Buonarroti, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Rome, Italy, 1508 -1512.

More than 300 biblical figures illustrating the creation and fall of humankind.

Where is the vanishing point in the "School of Athens" painting.

It falls on Plato's left hand, drawing attention to Timaeus.

What was the controversy regarding the restoration of the Sistine Chapel?

It was once believed that the artist had painted his figures dark on purpose.


Italian, "colored" or "painted." A term used to describe the application of paint. Characteristic of the work of 16th-century Venetian artists who emphasized the application of paint as an important element of the creative process. Poetry, beauty and pleasures of humanity.


Italian, "drawing" and "design." Renaissance artists considered drawing to be the external physical manifestation (disegno esterno) of an internal intellectual idea of design (disegno interno). Sculpturesque. Intellectual. Epic of humanity, masculine virtues, religious themes involving heroic and sublime.

Who was an avid art patron that understood propagandistic value of art?

Julius II.

Who was the "Warrior Pope"?

Julius II.

Who was best known for scientific illustration?

Leonardo da Vinci

Three of the greatest artists of the Renaissance period.

Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo.

He was the master of chiaroscuro and atmospheric perspective.

Leonardo di Vinci.

Which of the High Renaissance artists preferred painting to other types?

Leonardo, he felt it required more skill and mental analysis and perspective, which isn't offered in sculpting.

Who sits across from Giuliano in the new sacristy in the Medici Chapel?

Lorenzo, deep in thought. With Giuliano represent the two ways to achieve union with God, through meditation or active life .

Giorgione da Castelfranco, Tempest, 1508-1510, Oil on Canvas

Lush landscape dominates. Enigmatic theme.

Bronzino, Portrait of a Young Man, Oil on Wood.

Mannerist often achieved in portraiture the sophisticated elegance they sought. Shows a proud youth, of intellectual society rather than a laborer. Cool demeanor of nonchalance. Asserts the rank, but not the personality. Muted background against asymmetrical silhouette contradicts his pose.

Giulio Romano, interior courtyard facade of Palazzo del Te, Mantua Italy, 1525-1523.

Manneristic architecture uses classical elements in a highly personal and unorthodox manner, rejecting balance, order and stability. The keystones appear not to have settled and seem to be slipping from the arches. Voussoirs are placed in the pediments over the rectangular niches. The Tuscan columns carry narrow architraves.

These are some of the artistic attributes of the High and Late Renaissance.

Many artists employed by Popes, further development in perspective, anatomy, and classical components.

Who challenged Papal authority in early 16th century?

Martin Luther and John Calvin in the Holy Roman Empire.

Michelangelo Buonarroti, Pieta, 1498 - 1500. Marble, St. Peter's, Vatican City, Rome.

Mary cradles Christ corpse, capturing the sadness and beauty of the young virgin. Controversial because MaDonna seems younger than her son.

Prime characteristic of high renaissance painting.

Massing of monumental figures, within a weighty and majestic architecture.


Means beautiful view.

Temperamental genius who's first love was sculpting as is seen in his heroic treatment of pent-up energy in his physiques.


Who took over the building of St. Peter's after Bramante?

Michelangelo, in 1546, Pope Paul III felt pressure on church want to get the building completed.

The difference between mid-Italian artists and southern Italian artists in the 16th century.

Mid-Italian artists(Florence and Rome) emphasized careful design preparation based on disegno(design), and Southern-Italian artists (venetian) focused on color and the process of paint application.(colorito)


Middle piece of an arch.

Why did Leonardo leave Milan?

The French occupied it in 1499.

Paolo Veronese, Christ in the house of Levi, refectory of Santi Giovanni e Palo, Venice Italy, 1573, Oil on Canvas *

Originally called the last supper. Christ sits at the center. Chief steward welcomes guests. Robed lords, their retainers, dogs and dwarfs crowd into the loggio. Painted during the counter-revolution this painting received criticism from the Catholic Church. Veronese accused on impiety because the creatures were so close to Christ. The Holy Office of the Inquisition ordered him to make changes, instead he changed the title. High Renaissance composition though used half-colors.

Titian, Isabella d'Este, 1534 - 1536. Oil on Canvas

Painting of one of the prominent women of the Renaissance. Emphasis on head and hands. Detail on sleeves draw eyes to hands. Painted when Isabella was 60, shows her in her 20s.

Andrea Palladio, aerial view of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy, began 1566

Palladio superimposed a tall and narrow classical porch on a low broad one to integrate a high central nave and lower aisles into a unified facade.

Which rooms did Raphael paint?

Papal library, and Private Audience Room. His pupils completed the rest. The two frescos of Theology and Philisophy face each other, to present a pope as knowledgeable and divinely ordained.

What allowed artists to experiment more in the late 15th century?

Paper developed for the printing industry.

Doctrine of Protestantism

Personal faith is more important than decreed Church practices. Relationship with God is personal, didn't need church.

Who succeeded Julius II as Raphael's patron?

Pope Leo X, 2nd son of Lorenzo de' Medici.

Council of Trent

Pope Paul the III convened to review church doctrines. The findings

Sacra Conversazione

Popular theme for religious paintings from the mid 15th century where saints from different periods occupy the same space and seem to talk with each other or the audience.

Michelangelo, Tomb of Giuliano de Medici, New Sacristy (medici chapel) San Lorenzo, Florence, Italy,

Portrait of Giuliano de Medici clad in ancient Roman armor, shows the deceased as the model of the active and decisive man. Below are the anguished and twisting figures of Night and Day. It is believed that the tomb was meant to display the soul's ascent through the levels of Neo-Platonism, the underworld, the human world(Night and Day) and the Divine world.

Antonio Da Sangallo Teh Younger, Pallazo Farnese (looking southeast, Rome Italy 1517-1550, completed by Michelangelo.

Private lavish palace of Pope Paul III reflects his ambitions for the papacy. The facade has a rusticated central doorway and alternating triangular and segmental pediments. Shows Bramante's influence in the central row with the alternating triangular and segmental pediments. Window frames are not flush with the walls unlike the Pallazzo Medici.

Who is in the lower left corner of the School of Athens painting?

Pythagoras, writing as a servant holds up the harmonic scale.

He liked lighter tonalities than Leonardo, clarity over obscurity, and perfect perspective.


Which artist painted the rooms of the Papal apartments?


Sofonisba Anguissola, Portait of the Artists's Sisters and Brother, 1555,

Relaxed poses and expressions, her personal presentation, graceful treatment of forms caused her to be praised by her contemporaries. She gave advice to Van Dyck

What is Grisaille?

Renaissance altarpiece technique using black, white, gray to imitate sculpting.

Jacopo da Pontormo, Entombment of Christ, Capponi Chapel, Santa Felicia, Florence Italy, 1525-1528, Oil on wood* 22-42

Represent a departure from composition of Renaissance. Rotated figures along a vertical axis. Omits the cross and Christ's tomb. Lack of center figure creates a void where the hands meet, symbolic of loss and grief. Shows ambiguity. Bearded man that looks out at audience is probably self-potrait.


Rusticated building corners.

Michelangelo, Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Rome, Italy, 1511 -1512

Shows the communication between gods and hers, so familiar in classical myth, is here concrete. Depicts how High Renaissance joined classical and Christian traditions. The viewer's eye moves from left to right, which is dramatically off-center. Twisting bodies, heavy musculature, and reclining figures are inherent in Michelangelo's style.

Antonio Da Sangallo Teh Younger, Pallazo Farnese courtyard, Rome Italy 1517-1550, third story and attic completed by Michelangelo.

Stately column enframed arches on first two levels like the Roman Colosseum. The palace set the standard for the Italian Renaissance palaces and expresses classical order, regularity, simplicity, and dignity of High Renaissance.

New type of painting introduced during Mannerist period?

Still life.


Subtle play of light and dark

Michelangelo, Plan for St. Peter's. Vatican City, Rome, Italy 1546

The Central component is reduced from interlocking crosses to domed Greek cross inscribed in a square.

What aided in the decline of Venice during the 16th century?

The discovery of the New World by Spain and the Netherlands, and the Turks began to vie with the Venetians for control of the eastern Mediterranean.

Giovanni, da Bologna, Abduction of the Sabine Woman, Loggia dei Lanzi, Piazza della Signoria, Florence Italy. 1579-1583, *

The first large scale group since classical antiquity designed to be seen from multiple viewpoints. The bodies interlock to create a vertical spiral movement.

Why did Leonardo leave Florence?

The political situation was unstable and greater opportunity in Milan.

What issues caused the Papal authority to be challenged.

The selling of indulgences, nepotism, and the accumulation of personal wealth of church officials.

What obstacles did Michelangelo have to face in painting the Sistine Chapel?

The space, over 5800 square feet, the height above the pavement, the complicated perspective problems the height and curve of the ceiling created, and inexperience in Fresco.


The sublime shadowed by the awesome and fearful.


The uppermost course of the platform of a Greek temple, which supports the columns.

Michelangelo, vestibule of the Laurentian Library, Florence, Italy, 1524-1534, Staircase 1558-1559

There were two contrasting spaces that Michelangelo had to unite, The long horizontal of the library and the vertical of the vestibule. The space is much taller than wide counter to Classical Architecture. He used double columns and sank them into the walls where they don't support anything. He put scroll corbels on the walls beneath columns. Foreshadowed the dramatic movement of the Baroque. Created the same tension found in his statues in the design of the room.

What purpose does the rusticated doorway and second balcony on the Pallazo Farnese serve?

They emphasize the central axis and bring the designs horizontal and vertical forces into harmony. This door is the external opening to a central corridor that runs through the entire building and continues into garden.

Raphael, Baldassare Castiglione, 1514, Oil on Canvas, Louvre, Paris.

This painting typifies the High Renaissance portraiture in the attention artist paid to personality and psychic state. Figure is half-length and three-quarter view. Background is neutral.

What was to the Counter-Revolution?

This was the catholic church's response to people leaving the church for Protestantism.

Titian, Meeting of Bacchas and Ariadne, Camerino d'Alabastro, Palazzo Ducale, Ferrara, Italy, 1522-1523. Oil on Canvas.

Titian's nod to classical art with figure entwined with snakes.

The most prolific and official of the Venetian painters.

Titian, master at portraying light through color.

Giovanni Bellini

Trained in the International style, but as a result of his contact with Antonello and the new oil painting so Bellini abandoned the linear style and developed the sensuous coloristic characteristic which defines Venetian painting. Famous for painting many half-length Madonnas on small devotional panels and full-length on large monumental altarpieces. Venetians used color, Florentines and Romans

Giovanni Bellini, San Zaccaria Altarpiece, 1505, Oil on wood transferred to canvas, San Zaccaria, Venice

Used Sacra Conversazione with saints identified with their attributes; Saint Lucy with plucked out eyes on tray, St. Peter with keys and book, St. Catherine with palm of martyrdom and broken wheel, St. Jerome with book (translated bible into latin). Feeling of serenity is the effect of the balanced use of color and light. Line is not the chief agent of form as was in paintings in Rome and Florence. The color produces soft radiance that forms and atmospheric haze.

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 1503 -1504, Oil on wood, Lourve, Paris.

Used chiaroscuro, sfumato, and atmospheric perspective and displayed individual personality, which was new in painting. Doesn't serve just as a icon of status.

How did Leonardo use his scientific interests?

Used it in his art, and his notes on the various subjects are pieces of art in themselves. Study of optics helped him use perspective in his art.

Leonardo da Vinci, Madonna on the Rocks, Altarpiece, San Fransisco Grande, Milan, Italy began in 1483, Oil on Wood.

Uses chiaroscuro to show emotional state. Figures shown in pyramidal group sharing the same environment. Light veils and reveals the forms. Gestures visually unite the individuals.

Who were the only two Italian sovereignties to maintain independence in 16th century?

Venice and the Papal States.

What Villa has four identical facades, each resembling a roman temple with columnar porch and center dome covered rotunda.

Villa Rotunda

Corregio, Assumption of the Virgin, 1526-1530, Fresco, Parma Cathedral, Parma.

Working long before Veronese, won little fame in his day but his illusionistic ceiling design inspired many 17th century painters.

Did Leonardo return to Milan?

Yes, to work for King Francis I.

Who is at the far right holding globes in the "School of Athens" painting?

Zoroaster and Ptolemy, both astronomers.


roof slanted, creating triangles


wedge shaped blocks holding the curve of the arch

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