Chapter 22 part b

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What is ovulation?

process of releasing cells from the follicles

Which of the following is not a function of the female reproductive system?

produce FSH and LH

A woman in mid life is in the period of ______ after menstruation has ceased for a year.


What is the term for the cessation of menstruation that occurs at midlife?


Which contraceptive method prevents pregnancy by interfering with ovulation?

morning after pill

The process in which egg cells (oocytes) are developed is called


The process of the maturation of an oocyte is called ______.


The solid, ovoid organs of the female reproductive system, located in shallow depressions in the lateral wall of the pelvic cavity, are called the


Which paired oval-shaped female reproductive organs lie in shallow depressions in the lateral walls of the pelvic cavity?


A couple abstains from intercourse for several days a month, around the time of ovulation. What is the name of the contraception method?

rhythm method

Which birth control method requires abstinence from sexual intercourse two days before and one day after ovulation?

rhythm method

Which of the following is a function of the vagina?

serves as a passageway for the elimination of menstrual fluids.

On average, a woman experiences menstruation every ___ days.


How does an intrauterine device (IUD) prevent pregnancy?

It inhibits endometrial growth so implantation does not occur.

List three components of the vulva.

clitoris, labia majora, labia minora

Indicate the birth control method that delivers estrogen-like and progesterone-like hormones to prevent pregnancy.

combined hormone contraceptives

An example of a mechanical barrier contraceptive is a sheath called a(n) ___ that prevents sperm from entering the vagina and/or reaching the cervix.


Which is an example of a mechanical barrier birth control method?


A method designed to avoid fertilization of an oocyte or to prevent implantation of a blastocyst containing the embryo is called


Which three of the following are functions of the vagina?

conveys uterine secretions to the outside of the body provides a passageway for the fetus to exit the body during birth receives the erect penis during sexual intercourse

After ovulation, the remnants of the follicle that released the oocyte form a temporary glandular structure in the ovary called a ______ that secretes estrogen and progesterone.

corpus luteum

What is an example of a chemical barrier contraceptive?

cream, foam, or jelly

Which two statements describe chemical barrier contraceptives?

-They create an unfavorable environment in the vagina for sperm cells. -They include creams, foams, and jellies.

The inner mucosal layer of the uterus is called the


Indicate which of the following statements are true about the injectable contraception method medroxyprogesterone acetate.

-It may take 10-18 months after the last injection for the effects to wear off. -It makes the uterine lining less hospitable for a developing embryo. -It prevents maturation and release of a secondary oocyte (ovulation).

Which three organs secrete hormones that control the maturation of oocytes and the development and maintenance of female secondary sex characteristics?

-ovary -anterior pituitary gland -hypothalamus

Identify three functions of the organs of the female reproductive system.

-produce and maintain female sex cells -produce female sex hormones -facilitate the development of the offspring

List the three layers of the uterine wall.

1.Perimetrium - outermost serosal layer 2.Myometrium -smooth muscle wall 3.Endometrium - mucosa composed of a simple columnar epithelium and an underlying lamina propria.

What occurs in the ovary during the first week or two of the reproductive cycle?

A follicle develops a fluid-filled cavity and fully matures.

Why is the term sexually transmitted infection replacing the term sexually transmitted disease?

Because a person may transmit the pathogen to others but not develop the symptoms of the disease.

During which time in the reproductive cycle does the follicle mature into a antral follicle?

Day 0-12

Maturation of ovarian follicles is stimulated by the hormone called ______.


The hormone that stimulates the maturation of ovarian follicles is


The hypothalamus secretes the hormone GnRH, which in turn stimulates the anterior pituitary to release the gonadotropins ___ and ___.

FSH and LH

Although mammary glands in males and females are similar, the development of mammary glands is different in males and females. Why?

Ovarian hormones stimulate development of mammary glands in females.

As a method of birth control, what is involved with coitus interruptus?

Withdrawal of the penis prior to ejaculation.

The uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, and external genitalia are examples of a female's ______ sex organs.


Select the correct sequence of components of mammary glands through which milk is secreted.

alveolar gland → alveolar duct → lactiferous duct → nipple

The female reproductive cycle is characterized by regular, recurring changes in the endometrium that usually begin ______ and continue until ______.

around age thirteen; around the early fifties

The lower one-third of the uterus is called the neck or ______.


The lower one-third, or neck, of the uterus is called the


Increasing concentrations of estrogens during the proliferative phase of the reproductive cycle causes thickening of the ______.


The female reproductive cycle is characterized by regular, recurring changes in the ______, which culminate in menstrual bleeding (menses).


Which is the inner mucosal layer of the uterine wall?


During the proliferative phase, thickening of the glandular endometrium is due to an increasing concentration of


Combined hormone contraceptives deliver ___ and ___ to prevent pregnancy.

estrogen and progesterone

The ______ secretes GnRH, which in turn stimulates the ______ to release gonadotropin FSH and LH.

hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland

At puberty, the ______ begins secreting increasing amounts of GnRH, which stimulate the ______ to release FSH and LH, which act on the ______ to promote female sex cell maturation and sex hormone release.

hypothalamus; anterior pituitary gland; ovaries

The term sexually transmitted ______ is replacing the term sexually transmitted ______ because a person can be infected with a pathogen and transmit the pathogen to others but not develop the symptoms of the disease.

infection and disease

What type of contraceptive is medroxyprogesterone acetate?

injectable contraceptive

The mammary glands are composed of 15-20 irregularly shaped ______, which each drain into ______ that open to the outside at the nipple.

lobes; lactiferous ducts

After an oocyte has been ovulated, the remnants of the follicle form a structure called the corpus


Organs of the female reproductive system that secrete milk following pregnancy are called ___ glands


The structures within the breasts of pregnant and lactating women are the ______ glands.


What is the term for a female's first menstrual period?


A morning-after-pill prevents pregnancy by interfering with ______.


At about day 14 of the ovarian cycle, a mature follicle will rupture and release an oocyte. This process is called


The rupture of the mature follicle and the release of a secondary oocyte and first polar body occur during the process of


Which event occurs on about day 14 of the ovarian cycle?


What is the definition of contraception?

prevention of pregnancy

At puberty, FSH levels increase and the ovaries enlarge. Throughout a woman's reproductive years, primordial follicles mature into ______ follicles.


Throughout a woman's reproductive years, primordial follicles first mature into ______.

primary follicles

Normally, where does fertilization occur?

uterine tube

Sperm needs to reach the ______ in order to fertilize the oocyte.

uterine tube

Name the ducts that extend from the ovaries to the uterus, conveying a fertilized ovum to the uterus.

uterine tubes

In females, the hollow, muscular organ that is shaped like an inverted pear is the ______.


The muscular organ that opens into the vagina and functions to harbor the fetus during pregnancy is the


List three female accessory sex organs.

uterus, vagina, uterine tubes

A tube that allows the discharge of menstrual fluid, receives the penis and semen during intercourse, and provides a passageway for the fetus to pass during birth is the


The fibromuscular tube that extends from the uterus to the outside of the body is the ______.


The female external accessory organs are collectively referred to as the ___, and include the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibular glands.


Indicate two names used to describe the birth control method that consists of the removal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation.

withdrawal method coitus interruptus

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