Chapter 22 - Rehabilitation and Reconditioning

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Tendons contusion


Tendons strain


General role of team physician MD or DO

Provides medical care should be proficient in care of MS injuries and sport-related conditions -Participation examinations, on-field emergency care, injury and illness eval and dx, referrals to other health care professionals

General role of Physical therapist PT

Specialization in orthopedics or sports med i. Reduce pain and restore function, develop specific tx strategies or manage long-term rehab i. SCS serve in dual capacity as ATC and PT (Eval, tx, and rehab of acute injuries)

General role of Members of sports medicine team

a. educate coaches and athletes about injury risks, precautions, and txs, prevent injuries, and rehab injuries


a. specific, sudden episode of overload injury to a given tissue, resulting in disrupted tissue integrity

NM control is the ability of muscles to respond to what? in order to do what?

afferent sensory info (proprioception) -to maintain joint stability

3rd Muscle strain

i. complete, weak, painless] , rupture

Microtrauma Causes

i. training errors, suboptimal training surfaces, faulty biomechanics or technique, insufficient MC, decreased flexibility, skeletal malalignment and predisposition

Tendons rupture


After return to sport, deficits in strength, biomechanics, and functional performance generally < than what to be considered acceptable?

10% difference side-to-side

Fibroblastic repair timing? Symptoms?

2 days - 2 mo i. Collagen fiber production (type III) ii. Decreased collagen fiber organization (transverse) iii. Decreased inflammatory cells

General role of Exercise physiologist

Assist w/design of conditioning program w/special consideration to body's metabolic response and its aid w/healing process

1st Muscle strain

[partial, strong, painful]


a. (aka overuse) repeated, abnormal stress applied to tissue by cont training or training w/too little recovery -Examples: bone stress, tendinitis or tendiopathy

Inflammatory response timing? Symptoms?

a. 2-3 days -i. Pain, swelling, redness ii. Decreased collagen synthesis iii. Increased inflammatory cells

tissue healing phases

a. Inflammatory a. Fibroblastic repair a. Maturation-remodeling

need progressive therapeutic stress to optimize what?

collagen matrix formation

3rd Ligamentous sprain

complete, weak, painless,rupture

DARE? Set/rep/%?

daily adjustable progressive resistive exercise -4x 10 6 max ? a. Set 1 10 reps of 50% 1RM b. Set 2 6 reps of 75% 1RM c. Set 3 max # reps of 100% 1RM d. Set 4 based on set 3 (see chart p633)

General role of athletic trainer ATC

day-to-day care works under team physician -i. Management and prevention of injuries eval, ther ex, modalities i. Serves as administrator for sports med team and key role in communication

General role of counselor, psychiatrist, psychologist

i. Coping w/mental stress

General role of Nutritionist or registered dietician

i. Ensure proper nutrition

General role of Strength and conditioning professional CSCS

i. Strength, power, and performance enhancement i. Understand proper technique, develop reconditioning program, suggest exercises for advanced rehab and reconditioning

Maturation-remodeling timing? Symptoms?

mo - yrs i. Proper collagen fiber alignment (type I, longitudinal) Increased tissue strength 1. Note: never as strong as the tissue it's replacing

2nd Ligamentous sprain

partial, minor instability

1st Ligamentous sprain

partial, no instability

2nd Muscle strain

partial, weak, painful

Oxford? Set/rep/%?

progressing from heavy to light -3x10 -i. 10 reps of 100% 10RM ii. 10 reps of 75% 10RM iii. 10 reps of 50% 10RM

De Lorme? Set/rep/%?

progressing from light to heavy resistance -3x10 i. 10 reps of 50% 10RM ii. 10 reps of 75% 10RM iii. 10 reps of 100% 10RM

who makes final decision on athlete's return to play and prescribes meds

team physician MD or DO

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