Chapter 22

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Areas outside of Europe were drawn into the Seven Years' War because _________. A. they hoped to double-cross the European combatants B. their economies were connected to the economies' of the European combatants C. their governments were forced into the war by the Europeans D. they suspected that the Europeans would attempt to colonize them

their economies were connected to the economies' of the European combatants

Before the eighteenth century, European mariners were able to learn about the Earth's geography because they could accurately measure __________. Choose all that apply A. latitude B. direction C. longitude D. time

latitude, direction

All of the following were domestic animals brought to the Americas from Europe via the Columbian exchange except __________. A. horses B. llamas C. cows D. goats


Governments, private investors and merchants scrambled for __________ routes to bypass the powerful Ottoman empire created in 1453.


A key factor in determining the success of a country in the Seven Years' War, a war partly about shipping, was the strength of its __________. A. navy B. agriculture C. aristocracy D. judiciary


In the mid-sixteenth century Russia, explorers often traveled by way of geographical features such as the Volga, which is a notable. A. ocean B. river C. lake D. sea


Commander Afonso d'Alboquerque had the Portuguese crown's interest in mind when he had tried to force all ships trading near Hormuz, Gao, and Melaka to purchase __________ passes. A. safe-conduct B. trade-conduct C. safe-voyage D. capital-gains E. fair-trade


Assuming that the indigenous people he dealt with in the Bahamas were culturally inferior and had no religion, Columbus believed that they could make good __________ and readily adopt __________. A. servants; Christianity B. soldiers; Christianity C. farmers; European ways D. mercenaries; humanism

servants; Christianity

European merchants developed trade by buying cowry shells imported from India and then trading them in Africa for __________. A. silver B. spices C. slaves D. oil


Diseases that ravaged previously unexposed populations in the New World included diphtheria, influenza, measles, and whooping cough, but the most devastating was ___________. A. cholera B. the mumps C. polio D. smallpox


Which of the following examples of biological exchange most dramatically demonstrates the impact of an unintentional exchange? A. the introduction of pigs to every continent B. the introduction of new disease to new continents C. the introduction of nonindigenous plant life D. the introduction of ship cats in Australia

the introduction of new disease to new continents

Who did Columbus think was capturing the natives he met in the Bahamas? A. Muslim slavers B. the natives of nearby lands C. rival European powers D. forest-dwelling tribes

the natives of nearby lands

Which continents did Portuguese explorers reach during Henry the Navigator's lifetime (1394-1460)? Choose all that apply A. Africa B. Asia C. Australia D. North America

Africa, Asia

Following his first landing int he Bahamas, Columbus returned to Europe and told the king and queen of Spain that he had reached islands off the coast of the continent of _________ A. Australia B. Asia C. Antarctica D. Africa


As the first Europeans to establish fortified trading posts, the __________ set the militaristic tenor of later European incursions. A. English B. Dutch C. Portuguese D. Russians E. Spanish

C. Portuguese

In the eighteenth century, Russia expanded its presence around the Caspian Sea and gained control of much of the multiethnic area known as the __________. A. Azores B. Caucasus C. Crimean Peninsula D. Malay Peninsula


What was Columbus's most important contribution to word history? A. He found rich sources of precious metals in the Caribbean B. He proved that the world was round C. He made crucial innovations in ship design D. He connected the western and eastern hemispheres

He connected the western and eastern hemispheres

The new connections between the eastern and western hemispheres in the late 1400s resulted in the __________ __________, the first global exchange of people, animals, plants, and diseases.

Columbian exchange

Although the Portuguese tried to increase their income by controlling the traffic of merchant ships, the groups that focused on achieving the highest returns with improved shipping and on reducing the liability of individual investors were the _________. Choose all that apply A. Russians B. Spanish C. Dutch D. French E. English

Dutch, English

Which European state aided Britain in the Seven Years' War by holding off enemies in continental Europe itself? A. France B. Poland C. Portugal D. Prussia


Which of the following European countries had mariners who sailed around Africa to set up coastal trading posts in Asia financed by joint-stock companies? Choose all that apply A. England B. France C. Italy D. Netherlands E. Portugal

England, France, Netherlands, Portugal

English trading posts in Asia included posts in Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta, all cities in which modern country? A. Saudi Arabia B. China C. India D. Indonesia


Vasco de Gama's voyages were influential in establishing __________. A. a Portuguese pope in the Vatican B. English military presence in Portugal C. India as a major center of Portuguese trade D. Portuguese colonies in North America

India as a major center of Portuguese trade

Which of the following statements best describes why smallpox was so devastating? A. It caused blindness and deafness in survivors B. It killed every person it came into contact with C. It was extremely contagious D. It was believed by native peoples to be a curse from the gods

It was extremely contagious

From where in the Americas did Spanish ships depart for either eastward- or westward-bound voyages? A. Peru B. Mexico C. Santo Domingo D. Colombia


What was smallpox's effect in there eastern hemisphere? Choose all that apply A. It killed around 50% of the adult population there B. Most smallpox victims there were 10 or younger C. Many adults there had immunity to the disease D. It did not affect children there

Most smallpox victims there were 10 or younger, Many adults there had immunity to the disease

the Reconquista in 1492 was the Christian reconquest of Spanish lands held by __________. A. Muslims B. Buddhists C. Hindus D. Jews


The Seven Years' War was a global conflict because it involved not only parts of the Eurasian continent but also the Caribbean, part of the west African coast, and ___________. A. South America B. India C. New Zealand D. North America

North America

Governments, private investors, and merchants scrambled for maritime routes to bypass the powerful __________ empire created created in 1453, which led to sailing around Africa and into the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans.


Captain James Cook is most famous for his explorations in the ___________. A. Arctic Ocean B. Pacific Ocean C. Indian Ocean D. Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Which European country was first to sail around Africa and set up coastal trading posts in Asia financed by joint-stock companies? A. France B. Portugal C. Italy D. Netherlands E. England


Why did Portugal send out long-distance maritime explorers? A. there was an excess of raw material for Portuguese industry B. The government desired a cultural exchange with non-European peoples C. Portugal was weak compared to other European powers D. A population boom motivated the search for new lands

Portugal was weak compared to other European powers

What was the volta do mar technique of sailing? A. Sailing an indirect route in order to take advantage of prevailing winds B. Navigating by the stars C. Relying on the knowledge of native sailors and fisherman for navigation D. Following the equator to and from South America

Sailing an indirect route in order to take advantage of prevailing winds

Because Portugal did not want to risk a Pacific expedition, Ferdinand Magellan pursued his goal of finding a western route to Asia under the sponsorship of ___________. A. Spain B. England C. Italy D. France


What technological advancements in sailing facilitated Europeans' search for new ocean routes to India and eastern Asia? A. Stronger ships, mixed types of sails, cross-staffs, and accumulated information on wind currents B. Smaller ships, lateen sails, ocean maps, and sky maps for charting longitude C. Larger ships, square sails, astrolabes, and Chinese information about Atlantic wind currents D. Flat-bottomed ships, larger sails, quadrants, and charts of ocean currents

Stronger ships, mixed types of sails, cross-staffs, and accumulated information on wind currents

How did English and Dutch ships compare to those of the Portuguese? A. They were cheaper and more powerful B. They were smaller and weaker C. They were more expensive D. They were roughly the same

They were cheaper and more powerful

What was the Dutch attitude toward religious conversion? A. They were basically indifferent B. They tried to convert native peoples to Protestantism C. They sometimes converted to native religions D. Like the Spanish, they were zealous Catholics

They were basically indifferent

What were early European explorers' experiences of the Pacific like? A. Most sailors settled among island peoples B. Their voyages were successful C. They were all lost at sea D. The voyages were terribly difficult and deadly

The voyages were terribly difficult and deadly

Why did the European trading powers not try to colonize lands in Asia when they first arrived? A. They did not like local tastes or tropical climate B. European settlers in Asia became too homesick C. Europeans were only interested in religious conversions D. There already existed powerful states that made colonization impossible

There already existed powerful states that made colonization impossible

Why did the Portuguese doubt Christopher Columbus when he proposed sailing west to reach the spice markets? A. They already knew of a route to the spice islands B. They disliked his heritage C. They did not believe that the world was round D. He was a known madman

They already knew of a route to the spice islands

which of the following statements best describes the trading conducted by European merchants with Asia in the late sixteenth century? A. They transported Asian goods to Europe B. They traded North American goods at Asian and European ports as middlemen C. They transported European goods to Asia and Asian goods to Europe and between Asian ports D. They transported only Asian goods between Asian ports E. They transported European goods to Asia

They transported European goods to Asia and Asian goods to Europe and between Asian ports

What effect did the Columbian exchange have on the world's populations? A. a major, but delayed effect B. no effect at all C. very little effect D. a sudden, major effect

a major, but delayed effect

The primary difference between explorations of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and explorations of the Indian Ocean was that ___________. A. a body of knowledge already existed regarded the Indian Ocean B. it took more preparation to sail the Indian Ocean because of its seasonal winds and tides C. ships were always within sight of a coastline in the Indian Ocean D. explorers did not know that the only Indian Ocean had seasonal winds

a body of knowledge already existed regarded the Indian Ocean

The Columbian exchange was unprecedented in that it __________. Choose all that apply A. resulted in catastrophic depopulation B. allowed pathogens to infect previously isolated populations C. introduced exotic flora and fauna to Europe D. involved biological regions that had been virtually isolated from each other E. isolated people who formally had close contact with each other

allowed pathogens to infect previously isolated populations, introduced exotic flora and fauna to Europe, involved biological regions that had been virtually isolated from each other.

In the fourteenth century, populations in Europe and northern Africa were drastically reduced because of deaths caused by ___________. A. cholera B. bubonic plague C. smallpox D. influenza

bubonic plague

As Russians explorers made their way across Siberia which of the following impeded their progress? A. rivers B. mountain ranges C. dense forests D. deserts

dense forests

In southeast Asia the Dutch made alliances with local authorities to maintain order because the Dutch __________. A. did not have enough people to rule their holdings directly B. did not speak the languages and needed intermediaries C. knew the locals would rebel if they tried to rule directly D. were not interested in dominating the local trade

did not have enough people to rule their holdings directly

The Portuguese set up fortified outposts in or near key cities in order to extract __________. A. slaves from the local populations B. tribute from the local authorities C. duties from all merchant ships passing through D. goods from local merchants at bargain prices

duties from all merchant ships passing through

The Seven Years' War is also know as "the great war for __________. A. democracy B. empire C. religion D. peace


Commander d'Alboquerque's goal in controlling ships' movements was to ___________. A. enrich himself and his officers personally B. intimidate locals into converting to Christianity C. ensure Portugal's complete domination of Indian Ocean trade D. allow only allied kingdoms to trade in the Indian Ocean

ensure Portugal's complete domination of Indian Ocean trade

Desirous of Asian luxury goods and aware of the loss of formally Christian lands to the expansion of Islam, Europeans took to the oceans in the hope of __________. A. finding new markets for their products and reconnecting with foreign Christian communities B. establishing direct access to Asian markets and extending the boundaries of Christianity C. colonizing the people of Asia and retaking the Holy Land D. finding new peoples with whom to trade

establishing direct access to Asian markets and extending the boundaries of Christianity

The population of the native Yakut people of Russia sharply declined due to __________. Choose all that apply A. fighting with Russians B. a devastating earthquake C. political exiles D. epidemic diseases

fighting with Russians, epidemic diseases

The most important motivations for European maritime exploration included which of the following? Choose all that apply A. finding new lands for crop cultivation B. spreading Christianity C. respect for foreign people and culture D. establishing new trade routes to Asia

finding new lands for crop cultivation, spreading Christianity, establishing new trade routes to Asia

The end of the Seven Years' War __________. A. left the French without any possessions in the Americas B. left the Spanish in control of all their American territories C. disrupted the flow of trade from the Indian subcontinent D. found the British ousting commercial rivals from India and North America

found the British ousting commercial rivals from India and North America

One of the most valuable animal products in early global trade was ___________. A. meat B. suede C. fur D. blubber


Russia expanded into sparsely populated northeastern Eurasia in its quest for its quest for land and __________ lucrative commodity. A. fur B. diamonds C. coal D. gold


The African commodity most sought after by Europeans was __________. A. sugar B. fur C. slaves D. spices E. gold


Because they had no inherited or acquired ___________ to diseases from the eastern hemisphere, indigenous peoples of the western hemisphere often became infected by these new diseases. A. capability B. immunity C. responsibility D. susceptibility


Which of the following statements best describes the Dutch traders in southeast Asia? A. they were individual businessmen who used only cargo ships, not fighting vessels B. They sent a military force to capture Batavia, their primary source of spices on Java C. they used private fleets to intimidate growers into selling their spices only to their companies D. They tried to gain influence by conquering the islanders and converting them to Christianity

they used private fleets to intimidate growers into selling their spices only to their companies

In the Americas, European manufactured goods were exchanged for agricultural products suck as __________ and __________, which were in great demand in Europe. Choose all that apply A. tobacco B. maize C. sugar D. soybeans E. silver F. gold

tobacco, sugar

Prince Henry of Portugal's capture of a port in Morocco was jumping-off point for further exploration of the west cost of Africa, where Portuguese merchants established fortified __________ __________.

trading posts

With access to the Volga River and Caspian Sea, the Russians had the opportunity to increase their wealth substantially by __________. A. fishing the waterways and sea B. farming the Volga River valley C. trading with their neighbors to the south D. conquering the Ottoman empire

trading with their neighbors to the south

What maritime innovation did Vasco da Gama pioneer? A. charting his course by the stars B. traveling in well-armed merchant ships C. using a clock to calculate longitude D. using native translators in his explorations

traveling in well-armed merchant ships

With limited resources and manpower, the Portuguese did not intend to conquer southeast Asian countries but instead __________. A. were only interested in controlling trade B. married their nobles' daughters to southeast Asian princes C. planned simply to take over regions capitals D. instigated conflict between rival countries while establishing trade deals.

were only interested in controlling trade

All pf the following were native American transported to Europe va the Columbian exchange except __________. A. corn B. potatoes C. yams D. tomatoes


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