Chapter 23-39 for Comprehensive Test

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Which of the following is true concerning a stillborn​ baby? A. Resuscitation must always be attempted. B. Infants born in cardiopulmonary arrest should not be resuscitated. C. The death may occur weeks before delivery. D. The parents should never be allowed to see the​ baby, especially if it has begun to deteriorate.

The death may occur weeks before delivery.

Concerning​ aging, which of the following statements is NOT​ true? A. Some elderly people have a low threshold for pain. B. The systolic blood pressure tends to increase with age. C. Many elderly patients have a high threshold for pain. D. The diastolic blood pressure tends to rise with age.

The diastolic blood pressure tends to rise with age

Which of the following is of concern in a patient who received burns to his hand when he grabbed a live electrical wire? A. The extent of tissue damage may be much greater than it appears on the surface. B. The burning will continue for hours, perhaps days. C. The patient remains an electrocution hazard to rescuers for several minutes after being removed from the source of electricity. D. Toxic gases were inhaled.

The extent of tissue damage may be much greater than it appears on the surface.

Your patient is a​ 26-year-old female with a history of ectopic pregnancies. She has called 911 for extreme abdominal pain and she is concerned that she has another ectopic pregnancy. Her vital signs are pulse​ 118, respirations​ 20, and blood pressure​ 100/76. Which of the following is true regarding ectopic​ pregnancies? A. The fertilized egg usually implants in the wall of the uterus. B. It usually occurs during the second trimester. C. It may cause painless bright red bleeding. D. The fallopian tubes cannot stretch to accommodate a fetus.

The fallopian tubes cannot stretch to accommodate a fetus.

46. You are examining a 48-year-old patient who has been burned. You decide to use the rule of palm to measure the extent of the burn. What does this mean? a. The palm of your hand represents 1 percent of the body's surface area. b. The palm of the patient's hand equals about 1 percent of the body's surface area. c. The palm of the patient's hand equals 9 percent of the body's surface area. d. You can only use the rule of palm for children, so you would use the rule of nines instead

The palm of the patient's hand equals about 1 percent of the body's surface area

Which of the following situations may warrant the use of helicopter transport from the scene to a medical​ facility? A. The patient is in cardiac arrest. B. The distance to the medical facility is 15 minutes away. C. The patient is located in a remote area. D. The patient may go into shock shortly.

The patient is located in a remote area.

You're an off-duty EMT who encounters a patient sitting behind the wheel of a vehicle that ran off the road along an isolated county road. It appears the patient was unrestrained, or not wearing a seat belt, and struck the steering wheel with his chest. On assessment, you notice a paradoxical motion to the patient's chest on inspiration and expiration. When you radio for dispatch of an ambulance, which of the following pieces of information would you be sure to include? A. The patient is showing signs of an open chest injury. B. The patient may have a flail chest. C. The patient may have an abdominal evisceration. D. The patient is showing signs of abdominal bleeding

The patient may have a flail chest.

You have responded to a local pool for a drowning patient. Lifeguards have pulled the patient out of the pool prior to your arrival. You find a 22-year-old male patient unresponsive with agonal respirations and a weak carotid pulse. Bystanders state the patient was not using the diving board and was found in the shallow end. Why are c-spine precautions necessary? A. The patient may have suffered a spinal injury by jumping in shallow water. B. The patient may have suffered a cervical spine injury when pulled out of the water. C. The patient may have been using the diving board after all and injured his cervical spine. D. The patient may have hit his head on the side wall while swimming laps.

The patient may have suffered a spinal injury by jumping in shallow water.

Which of the following statements concerning a concussion is true​? A. It is a bruising of the brain tissue. B. The patient may not have any symptoms of the injury. C. It is accompanied by recurrent episodes of unconsciousness. D. All of the above

The patient may not have any symptoms of the injury.

Upon your arrival for a medical call at a private residence, you find an elderly male patient complaining of difficulty breathing. Which of the following findings would provide you with the most valuable information about potential problems this patient may be experiencing? A. The patient's vital signs B. The patient's mental status C. The patient's positioning on the couch D. The temperature in the house

The patient's positioning on the couch

Which of the following BEST describes placenta​ previa? A. The placenta prematurely separates from the uterine wall. B. The placenta is implanted over the opening of the cervix. C. The umbilical cord is the presenting part. D. The pregnancy is lost before the 20th week of gestation.

The placenta is implanted over the opening of the cervix

Your patient is a 55-year-old male who was found in the parking lot behind a tavern. He states that he was assaulted and robbed by three individuals. He is complaining of being "hit in the face and kicked and punched in his ribs and stomach." Your examination reveals contusions and swelling around both eyes, bleeding from the nose, a laceration of his upper lip, and multiple contusions of the chest, abdomen, and flanks. Which of the following should cause the greatest concern regarding the prehospital care of this patient? A. Reducing the swelling around his eyes by applying a cold pack B. The possibility of a pneumothorax C. Getting a description of the assailants D. The presence of any defensive wounds the patient may have sustained

The possibility of a pneumothorax

5) Which of the following is characteristic of preschool-age children? A) They may believe their injury is a punishment for being bad. B) They do not mind being separated from their parents. C) They have few fears of anything. D) They are not especially embarrassed or modest about body exposure.

They may believe their injury is a punishment for being bad.

Which of the following is a characteristic of child abusers of special need patients? A. They rarely feel guilt or remorse B. They usually identify with the child's pain and suffering. C. Alcohol and drug abuse is uncommon. D. They usually want the child's injuries treated.

They rarely feel guilt or remorse

Which of the following is responsible for most of the signs and symptoms of early​ shock? A. Constriction of the peripheral blood vessels B. The​ body's attempts at compensation for blood loss C. Dilation of the peripheral blood vessels D. Increased respirations of the patient

The​ body's attempts at compensation for blood loss

Which of the following BEST describes the events that occur during the first stage of​ labor? A. Expulsion of the fetus through the birth canal B. Expulsion of the placenta C. Thinning and dilation of the cervix D. Rupture of the amniotic sac

Thinning and dilation of the cervix

To which of the following sections of the spine are the ribs​ attached? A. Cervical B. Lumbar C. Sacral D. Thoracic


Which of the following is a reason that the vehicle doors are removed to extricate the patient rather than pulling the patient through an open​ window? A. To avoid being cut by glass B. To avoid criticism from bystanders C. To allow for proper spinal immobilization D. To make the interior of the vehicle less accessible

To allow for proper spinal immobilization

Which of the following BEST describes why it is important for the EMT to understand the extrication​ process? A. To take over the extrication process if requested by the rescue technicians B. To provide direction to the rescue technicians if they appear to be making errors C. To anticipate any dangerous steps in the extrication process D. All of the above

To anticipate any dangerous steps in the extrication process

What is the purpose of a tracheostomy in an ill patient? A. To assist the patient with breathing B. To assist the patient with sleeping C. To assist the patient with waste removal D. To assist the patient with feedings

To assist the patient with breathing

Which of the following is a purpose for carrying sterilized aluminum foil on an​ ambulance? A. To control major arterial bleeding B. To care for amputated parts C. To keep a newborn warm D. None of the above

To keep a newborn warm

Which of the following is the most important reason for controlling external​ bleeding? A. To prevent the spread of infectious diseases B. To make​ clean-up of the ambulance and your equipment easier after the call C. To prevent the patient from becoming upset at the sight of blood D. To prevent hypoperfusion

To prevent hypoperfusion

Which of the following is the primary reason why ambulances should have two oxygen supply​ systems? A. To have a backup system in the event of failure of the primary system B. To provide oxygen to the patient in the event of vehicle breakdown C. To provide oxygen to two patients at one time D. To ensure a supply of oxygen for​ long-distance transports

To provide oxygen to two patients at one time

Which of the following types of bandages should NOT be used by the EMT providing wound care? A. Triangular bandage B. Tourniquet C. Self-adherent roller gauze D. Adhesive tape


Which of the following is an unreliable sign for determining the presence of a tension pneumothorax? A. Distended neck veins B. Signs and symptoms of shock C. Shortness of breath D. Trachea that shifts to the side opposite the injury

Trachea that shifts to the side opposite the injury

As an adult​ ages, the body experiences changes that​ cause: A. a decreased compensatory ability. B. disease processes to take place. C. an inability to maintain homeostasis. D. an increased blood pressure.

a decreased compensatory ability.

Disaster plans are a predefined set of instructions that should be written to address the events that are conceivable​ for: A. the United States including Alaska and Hawaii. B. the contiguous United States. C. a particular location. D. the North American continent.

a particular location.

A command organization in which a single agency controls all resources and operations​ is: A. an Incident Command System. B. a single incident command. C. an Incident Command. D. a unified command.

a single incident command.

31) Your patient is a 3-year-old male who developed sudden stridor while playing with some of his 5-year-old cousin's toys. The patient is alert and anxious, producing stridor when he cries. His skin is pink and warm, and capillary refill is less than 2 seconds. Which of the following is appropriate in the management of this child? A) Perform abdominal thrusts. B) Perform back blows and chest thrusts. C) Attempt a finger sweep to remove the foreign body from the child's airway. D) Transport the child in a restrained car seat with his mother by his side.

Transport the child in a restrained car seat with his mother by his side.

You respond to a boat dock for a diving injury. You find a 22-year-old female patient unresponsive with frothy blood in the mouth and lung sounds absent on the right side. The patient is breathing 28 times a minute. The patient's friends state they were diving when she unexpectedly came out of the water complaining of chest pains and then collapsed. The nearest hospital is 25 minutes away and the nearest specialty resource center with a hyperbaric chamber is 30 minutes away. What is the best decision when determining transport? a. Transport the patient by ground to the specialty center. b. Transport by air medical to the specialty center. c. Transport to the nearest facility. d. Transport by air medical to the nearest facility

Transport the patient by ground to the specialty center

You are stabilizing a patient who has just been stabbed in the chest to the right of the mediastinum. After placing the patient on supplemental oxygen, his shortness of breath resolves. You also cover the wound with an occlusive dressing. The patient is asymptomatic at the time you're making the decision to transport. Which of the following BEST encapsulates the correct strategy for transport? A. Transport the patient non-emergently because he's complaint free. B. The patient does not necessarily need transport, so allow him to refuse if he wants. C. Begin transport non-emergently and upgrade if the patient's condition deteriorates. D. Transport the patient emergently because of the high index of suspicion for a serious injury.

Transport the patient emergently because of the high index of suspicion for a serious injury.

When transporting patients from the scene of a​ mass-casualty incident, who should be responsible for contacting the receiving​ hospital? A. Incident commander B. Transportation supervisor C. Transporting EMT D. Triage supervisor

Transportation supervisor

Who is the person that is in charge of tracking the​ patient's final​ destination? A. Incident Commander B. Transportation supervisor C. Staging supervisor D. Treatment officer

Transportation supervisor

51) Which of the following is the MOST common cause of death in children? A) Environmental emergencies B) Poisonings C) Trauma D) Infectious disease


Your patient was working on a car when it fell off the jack and trapped him between the tire and ground. His face is very blue and his eyes are bloodshot. Which of the following has the patient most likely suffered? A. Traumatic asphyxia B. Pneumothorax C. Hemothorax D. Flail chest

Traumatic asphyxia

Which of the following measures is NOT appropriate for a patient with a significant isolated head​ injury? A. Try to keep the patient from being agitated. B. Keep the patient from becoming overheated. C. Treat for shock by elevating the foot of the backboard. D. Control bleeding from head wounds.

Treat for shock by elevating the foot of the backboard.

While treating a pregnant trauma​ patient, which of the following is the BEST way to keep the fetus​ alive? A. Transport the patient to the closest pediatric center. B. Treat the patient as any other trauma patient. C. Do an emergency cesarean section of the fetus. D. Do not put the patient on a spine board to prevent supine hypotensive syndrome.

Treat the patient as any other trauma patient.

Which of the following methods should the EMT use first to attempt to access a patient in a vehicle while awaiting arrival of a rescue​ crew? A. Use a​ spring-loaded punch to break the rear window. B. Try all of the​ vehicle's doors to see if they will open. C. Use a heavy tool to break the window closest to the patient. D. Use a​ pry-bar to release the Nader pin in the door latch.

Try all of the​ vehicle's doors to see if they will open.

If the​ baby's umbilical cord is noted to be wrapped around his neck after the head is​ delivered, which of the following should be​ done? A. Clamp the cord in two​ places, but do not cut it until the baby is delivered. B. Immediately cut the cord before delivering the baby. C. Try to slip the cord over the​ baby's head and shoulder. D. Transport emergently without further intervention.

Try to slip the cord over the​ baby's head and shoulder.

Which of the following serious health problems is related to​ homelessness? A. Hypertension B. Tuberculosis C. Heart disease D. Liver disease


You are on the scene of a vehicle collision involving a downed power line. You are walking in an area you feel is a safe distance from the line and begin to feel a tingling sensation in your feet. Which of the following would be a proper method of ensuring your safety while exiting the​ area? A. Turn 180 degrees to the direction you are walking and quickly run to a safe location. B. Turn 90 degrees to the direction you are walking and hop to a safe place on one foot. C. Turn 180 degrees to the direction you are walking and shuffle away from the danger area. D. Turn 90 degrees to the direction you are walking and shuffle away from the danger area

Turn 180 degrees to the direction you are walking and shuffle away from the danger area

Where should a constricting band be placed to reduce lymphatic flow after a venomous snake bite? A. Two inches above the bite B. Two inches below the bite C. Two inches above and two inches below the bite D. None of the above; constricting bands should not be used.

Two inches above and two inches below the bite

The U.S. Department of Transportation has issued specifications for all of the following types of ambulances ​except: A. Type IV. B. Type I. C. Type III. D. Type II.

Type IV.

Which of the following personal protective items must be used by EMS personnel caring for patients in a hazardous materials​ emergency? A. Tyvek or other chemical impermeable coveralls B. Structural firefighting gear C. Chemical permeable gloves D. HEPA mask

Tyvek or other chemical impermeable coveralls

You are on the scene of a riot following a decision in a controversial court case. A large group of people have set fire to​ vehicles, broken​ windows, and assaulted people in the area. Which of the following would be the BEST method of incident​ command? A. Unified command B. Singular command by EMS C. Singular command by law enforcement D. Singular command by fire service

Unified command

Which patient is the most​ unstable? A. Patient who only responds to verbal stimuli B. Unresponsive patient with tachycardia C. Unresponsive patient with hypotension D. Patient responsive to painful stimuli only

Unresponsive patient with hypotension

The maxillae form which of the following​ structures? A. Forehead B. Lower jaw C. Upper jaw D. Cheek bones

Upper jaw

52) Which of the following is LEAST common in a pedestrian child versus car incident? A) Spinal injuries B) Abdominal injuries C) Upper-extremity injuries D) Head injuries

Upper-extremity injuries

Which of the following is recommended in situations in which a tourniquet must be​ used? A. Apply the tourniquet over the elbow or knee. B. the tourniquet as soon as bleeding is controlled to minimize further damage to the limb. C. Apply a bulky dressing and bandage over the tourniquet. D. Use a material that is wide and thick.

Use a material that is wide and thick.

Your patient is a​ 16-year-old male who ran his truck off of the road and into a ditch. He was driving just fast enough to cause the air bag to deploy when he hit the ditch. He is complaining of some neck and shoulder pain. His vital signs are respirations​ 20, pulse​ 110, blood pressure​ 116/80, and pupils equal and reactive. How should you manage this​ patient? A. Use a short spine board or vest​ device, then transfer him to a long spine board. B. Perform a rapid extrication and spinal immobilize him on a long spine board. C. Place him on​ oxygen, and then slowly move him to the stretcher. D. Apply a cervical​ collar, and then rotate him to a long spine board.

Use a short spine board or vest​ device, then transfer him to a long spine board.

Which of the following is required in the management of all open soft-tissue injuries? A. Provision of high-concentration oxygen B. Use of Standard Precautions by the EMT C. Cervical spine precautions D. Application of a disinfectant solution

Use of Standard Precautions by the EMT

If the​ baby's head is delivered with the amniotic sac still​ intact, which of the following should be done​ first? A. Call medical control before taking action. B. Use the scissors in the obstetrics kit to cut the sac away from the​ baby's head. C. Use your fingers to tear the sac away from the​ baby's face. D. Leave the sac intact until the entire body is delivered.

Use your fingers to tear the sac away from the​ baby's face.

Which of the following is the MOST effective way of controlling external​ bleeding? A. Using an ice pack B. Running cold water over the wound C. Elevating the affected part D. Using direct pressure with a dressing

Using direct pressure with a dressing

Which of the following is the MOST common type of rescue across the United​ States? A. Hazardous materials response B. Farm rescue C. Vehicle rescue D. Water rescue

Vehicle rescue

Which of the following types of vessels have valves to maintain​ one-way blood​ flow? A. Capillaries B. Arterioles C. Arteries D. Veins


Your patient has had his throat slashed during a robbery attempt. You are concerned since it is apparent that the vessels in his neck have been lacerated. A breach in which of the following vessels would be most likely to lead to an air​ embolism? A. Veins B. Arterioles C. Capillaries D. Arteries


A patient uses a home ventilator connected to his tracheostomy tube to breathe. Which of the following is the correct procedure to use when moving this patient to the​ ambulance? A. Ventilate the​ patient's tracheostomy tube via a connected​ bag-valve mask at a normal rate and volume while the patient is disconnected from the ventilator. B. Ventilate the patient with​ mouth-to-mask ventilations at a normal rate and volume while the patient is disconnected from the ventilator. C. Ventilate the​ patient's nose and mouth with a​ bag-valve mask at a normal rate and volume while the patient is disconnected from the ventilator. D. Do​ nothing; there is no need to ventilate the patient between the house and the ambulance.

Ventilate the​ patient's tracheostomy tube via a connected​ bag-valve mask at a normal rate and volume while the patient is disconnected from the ventilator.

Rough handling of a patient with severe hypothermia may result in which of the following? A. Ventricular fibrillation B. Seizures C. Heart attack D. Rewarming shock

Ventricular fibrillation

Which of the following is a type of chemical​ weapon? A. Bomb containing radioactive material B. Vesicants C. Plastic explosives D. Bacterial toxin


Which of the following groups of people makes up the largest portion of the homeless​ population? A. Females B. Families C. Veterans D. Children


Reducing the pain of a marine animal sting can be accomplished by rinsing the affected area with which of the following? A. Sterile saline solution B. Gasoline or kerosene C. Cold water D. Vinegar


When involved in a​ multiple-casualty incident, staging refers to which of the​ following? A. Setting up a triage center from the back of your ambulance B. Staying on station until called upon to receive a patient C. Keeping a log of all patients transported D. Waiting in a designated location until called upon by the designated sector officer

Waiting in a designated location until called upon by the designated sector officer

Where is the decon corridor located where​ patients, personnel, and equipment are​ decontaminated? A. Cool zone B. Warm zone C. Cold zone D. Hot zone

Warm zone

You are at the scene of a vehicle collision on an interstate highway. There are two cars involved and both are out of the lanes against the median wall. As an EMS​ provider, what is your primary safety​ concern? A. Ensuring the patient is properly packaged for transport B. Searching for sharp edges of broken glass and torn metal C. Evaluating the risk of fire caused by ruptured fuel lines D. Watching for distracted drivers who are driving past the scene

Watching for distracted drivers who are driving past the scene

Disaster plans are a predefined set of instructions that should be written to address the events that are conceivable for a particular location and which other three parts? A. Written, realistic, and rehearsed B. Written, multijurisdictional, and rehearsed C. Well publicized, realistic, and rehearsed D. Well publicized, multijurisdictional, and rehearsed

Well publicized, realistic, and rehearsed

43) Which of the following is an early sign of respiratory distress in an 18-month-old patient? A) Wheezing B) Heart rate of 60 beats per minute C) Drowsiness D) Respiratory rate of 12 breaths per minute


28) You are dispatched to a 1-year-old child with respiratory distress. En route, you review how to assess and treat infants with respiratory problems. Which of the following would indicate an infant with respiratory distress? A) Wheezing upon inspiration B) Respiratory rate of 30 C) Capillary refill time of 2 seconds D) Abdominal movement when breathing

Wheezing upon inspiration

At which point may manual stabilization of the cervical spine be​ terminated? A. When the patient is secured to a long backboard B. After a cervical collar has been applied C. After a short immobilization device has been applied D. Only when directed to do so by medical control

When the patient is secured to a long backboard

Which of the following does NOT have an impact on the behavior of a chemical in a​ mass-casualty incident? A. Route of entry into the body B. Whether it was an intentional or accidental exposure C. Physical state of the agent D. Volatility of the agent

Whether it was an intentional or accidental exposure

Which of the following is the first concern when you are caring for a patient who has been in a vehicle​ collision? A. Your own safety B. Treating​ life-threatening injuries C. Preserving​ evidence, such as alcohol beverage bottles and vehicle positioning D. Helping law enforcement get the​ driver's name and insurance information

Your own safety

Failure to formally transfer the patient to medical staff in the emergency department could place the EMT in danger of being held liable​ for: A. patient endangerment. B. false imprisonment. C. abandonment. D. unlawful consent.


To assess skin temperature for a possibly hypothermic patient, the EMT should place the back of his hand against which part of the patient's body? A. Forehead B. Cheek C. Abdomen D. Inner wrist


A wound in which the epidermis is scraped away with minimal bleeding, such as commonly occurs when a child falls on his knees on a sidewalk, is called a(n): a abrasion. b contusion. c avulsion. d evisceration.


While assessing the mental status of an elderly patient who has been retired for several​ years, you notice he has difficulty answering your questions. He seems depressed. Based on this​ information, you​ should: A. consider the need for advanced provider care. B. suspect a​ life-threatening neurological event. C. consider his mental status as being decreased. D. acknowledge the patients fears and try to put them in perspective.

acknowledge the patients fears and try to put them in perspective.

Applying an external source of heat to the patient's body to rewarm him is called ________ rewarming. A. central B. active C. endogenous D. peripheral


The main perpetrators of elder abuse are: A. adult children B. grandchildren C. brothers and sisters D. spouses

adult children

Stabilizing a vehicle is unnecessary when a vehicle is on its roof​ with: A. all roof supports collapsed. B. the front edge of the hood in contact with the ground. C. the trunk lid in contact with the ground. D. the vehicle horizontal and resting entirely on the roof.

all roof supports collapsed.

Terrorist incidents typically involve all of the following agents except​: A. allergens. B. biological agents. C. nuclear agents. D. explosives.


61) Prehospital management of the abused child includes all of the following except: A) treating all injuries. B) eliciting a complete history from child and parents. C) allowing parent to drive child to hospital. D) reporting your findings to the emergency department staff.

allowing parent to drive child to hospital.

When interviewing the elderly​ patient, the EMT can increase the accuracy of the information he or she gains​ by: A. allowing sufficient time for the patient to answer. B. speaking louder than normal. C. having his or her partner assist with asking questions. D. asking multiple questions at the same time.

allowing sufficient time for the patient to answer.

When placing​ cribbing: A. kneel on both knees for stabilization. B. always​ squat, so you can move away quickly. C. kneel on one knee only so you can move away quickly. D. kneel or squat as necessary.

always​ squat, so you can move away quickly.

The KKK standards deal​ with: A. minimum standard medical protocols. B. training and education of field personnel. C. air evacuation of trauma victims. D. ambulance safety and design.

ambulance safety and design.

Dangerous organisms that can grow in a variety of environments and are capable of producing toxic substances are known​ as: A. biologicals. B. bacteria. C. toxins. D. viruses.


You respond to a landing zone to pick up a skier who was lost in the woods for 36 hours and found by the search and rescue helicopter. Your patient is a 19-year-old male patient. He is alert and oriented to time, person, place, and event. He is covered in blankets and shivering. He complains of not being able to feel his fingers. Physical exam reveals that the fingers of both extremities have a waxy appearance and feel "frozen" on the surface. After treating the patient for potential hypothermia and rapid transport, your next action is to: A. bandage the digits. B. actively rewarm the digits. C. gently warm the digits by slowly massaging them. D. keep the digits frozen on ice until they can be properly rewarmed at the hospital.

bandage the digits

When resuscitating a hypothermic patient in cardiac arrest, resuscitation attempts must continue until the patient has: A. been ventilated for at least 30 minutes with an oropharyngeal airway in place. B. developed rigor mortis. C. been defibrillated a total of nine times. D. been rewarmed.

been rewarmed

Your patient is a 17-year-old male baseball player found pulseless and apneic after being struck in the chest by a baseball 6 minutes ago. He is surrounded by other players and staff but no one is providing care. You should: A. attach the AED and analyze. B. place him on a backboard. C. begin chest compressions. D. elevate the patient's legs.

begin chest compressions.

You are treating a patient with paradoxical motion on the left side of the chest. He is breathing shallow at a rate of 4 breaths per minute. You should: A.roll the patient onto his left side. B. apply a bulky dressing to the chest. C. administer 15 lpm oxygen via mask. D. begin positive pressure ventilation.

begin positive pressure ventilation.

6) You have been called for a 2-year-old female who has fallen and is bleeding from a head laceration. Her mother states that she was running down the hallway when she fell, striking her head on a side table. You suspect that part of the reason she fell is that: A) her head is proportionately larger and heavier than an adult's. B) she has low blood sugar, making her unstable. C) she is still new to walking and may be unstable on her feet. D) both A and C are contributing factors.

both A and C are contributing factors.

When informing someone of the death of a loved one due to a multiple-casualty incident, you should use the term: A. expired B. sickly C. dead D. passed away.


The term gangrene means tissue: A. damage. B. discoloration. C. infection. D. death.


The elderly patient will most likely experience​ ________ as he or she continues to age. A. decreased chewing difficulty B. increased food absorption C. increased stomach acid secretion D. decreased intestinal tract movement

decreased intestinal tract movement

You are palpating the abdomen of a motor vehicle collision patient when you feel a pulsing mass. You should: A. defer further abdominal palpation. B. apply cold packs to the abdomen. C. ask your partner to verify your findings. D. bind the abdomen with an elastic bandage

defer further abdominal palpation.

When extrication will involve cutting the roof off a​ vehicle, stabilization of the vehicle should​ include: A. placing chocks on both sides of at least two wheels. B. deflating all tires by slashing them. C. deflating all tires by pulling the valve stems. D. placing wheel chocks on both sides of all wheels.

deflating all tires by pulling the valve stems.

A segment of the body associated with a specific nerve coming from the spinal​ cord, along which shingles can​ appear, is called​ a: A. myelin sheath. B. motor unit. C. dermatome. D. zoster.


A condition that interferes significantly with a​ person's ability to engage in activities of daily living is referred to as​ a: A. developmental disability. B. physical handicap. C. special need. D. disability.


The type of radiation that requires lead shielding for your protection​ is: A. gamma. B. beta. C. alpha. D. delta.


You have delivered a newborn and wrapped the baby in a dry blanket. During your reassessment of the​ mother, you note continued moderate vaginal bleeding. Care for this bleeding may involve all of the following EXCEPT​: A. elevating the​ mother's feet. B. massaging the uterus to control bleeding. C. having the mother squeeze her legs together to provide direct pressure. D. applying firm pressure with a sanitary napkin over the vaginal opening.

having the mother squeeze her legs together to provide direct pressure.

You respond to a construction site on a very hot summer day for a person "not acting right." You find a 44-year-old male patient seated in a work vehicle with the air conditioner on maximum. Coworkers state the patient was working for the last 2 hours pouring concrete when he started "speaking gibberish" and nearly collapsed. The patient is responsive to verbal stimuli. Your initial vital signs are blood pressure 90/60, pulse 136, and respiratory rate 24. The patient's skin is cool to the touch and dry, but his shirt is wet with visible salt rings. You suspect: A. heat cramps. B. hypernatremia. C. heat exhaustion. D. myocardial infarction

heat exhaustion

Localized cold injury occurs due to vasoconstriction and: A. chemical imbalance in the tissues. B. blood clots. C. ice crystal formation in the tissues. D. loss of calcium.

ice crystal formation in the tissues.

Your​ 38-year-old male patient has been injured in an assault. He has several facial lacerations and a large knot on his head. Bystanders say that he was thrown over a large table and landed on his head and shoulder. As part of your scene​ size-up and primary​ assessment, you​ should: A. wait for ALS to treat the patient. B. complete an initial set of vital signs. C. splint any other bone or joint injuries. D. immobilize his cervical spine.

immobilize his cervical spine.

Secondary injuries from a blast most likely​ include: A. liver lacerations. B. extremity fractures. C. lung injuries. D. impaled objects.

impaled objects

The pathophysiology of ________ is one in which the pericardial sac fills with blood to the point where the chambers of the heart no longer fill adequately, usually secondary to trauma. A. cardiac tamponade B. hemopneumothorax C. pericardial effusion D. commotio cordis

cardiac tamponade

Your patient has been injured by a fall down a flight of steps. He is alert and oriented but complains of back and neck pain. You spinal immobilize him on a long spine board with a cervical collar on his neck as a precaution because you know that​ the: A. coccyx is easily dislocated. B. cervical spine is the most vulnerable part of the spine. C. lumbar area is rarely injured due to the rib support. D. thoracic spine is especially vulnerable to injury.

cervical spine is the most vulnerable part of the spine.

When managing an electrical burn, the EMT should: A. always attempt to remove the patient from the electrical source. B. quickly check the pulse, even if the patient is still in contact with the electrical source. C. check for a source and ground burn injury. D. never attempt CPR unless it is within 4 minutes of contact.

check for a source and ground burn injury.

A young female was injured in an automobile​ wreck, striking her head on the windshield. She is unconscious and her breathing is irregular. She is bleeding from a scalp​ wound, but your assessment shows that her cranium is intact. Her vital signs are pulse​ 68, blood pressure​ 148/90, and her pupils are unequal. You should suspect​ a(n): A. open head injury. B. contusion. C. closed head injury. D. concussion.

closed head injury.

The mechanism of injury in which a patient's chest has struck an immovable object, such as a steering wheel, may most accurately be described as a(n): A. penetrating injury. B. coup contrecoup injury. C. compression injury. D. open trauma injury.

compression injury.

The use of a​ made-up experience to replace lost memories with imaginary ones is​ called: A. hysteria. B. denial. C. confusion. D. confabulation.


While interviewing your​ patient, she tells you that her husband will be back from the store shortly and can get you a list of her medications. Her daughter tells you that the​ patient's husband died 15 years ago. This situation is known​ as: A. confabulation. B. imagination. C. hallucination. D. contemplation.


Chloe was born with a cardiac problem that she will have to manage the rest of her life. This disease is considered to​ be: A. genetic. B. congenital. C. acquired. D. autoimmune.


An injury in which the epidermis remains intact, but blood vessels and cells in the dermis are injured, is called a(n): A. contusion. B. abrasion. C. concussion. D. avulsion.


Your patient has an open abdominal wound with intestines protruding. You should: A. cover the organs with moist sterile dressings. B. cover the entire abdomen with a blanket. C. leave them alone and transport rapidly. D. attempt to place the organs back into the abdomen.

cover the organs with moist sterile dressings.

You have covered an open chest wound with your gloved hand and the patient's breathing has improved. In order to free your hand to provide further care, you should: A.cover the wound with a sterile dressing. B. remove your hand to see if the wound has closed. C. cover the wound with an occlusive dressing. D. apply a bulky dressing over the wound.

cover the wound with an occlusive dressing.

The sound or feeling of the ends of broken bones rubbing together is called: A. crepitus. B. krepitus C crapilation D. breakilation.


Two elements that differentiate a hazardous materials incident from a terrorist incident​ are: A. weapons of mass destruction and a political agenda. B. crime scene considerations and targeting responders. C. targeting responders and weapons of mass destruction​ (WMD). D. targeting responders and a political agenda.

crime scene considerations and targeting responders.

An injury caused by heavy pressure to the tissues, such as when an extremity is trapped under a fallen tree, that results in damage to muscle cells and the accumulation of waste products in the tissue is called a(n): A. crush injury. B. evisceration. C. contusion. D. abrasion.

crush injury.

When responding to an emergency located on an interstate highway in a​ medium-duty ambulance, the vehicle should be​ positioned: A. to one side of the damaged vehicles for easy egress. B. across as many lanes as possible to block oncoming traffic. C. in a safe location in the emergency lane of the interstate. D. in the same direction as other response vehicles in a single line.

in the same direction as other response vehicles in a single line.

19) All of the following are normal parental reactions to a child suffering from a sudden life-threatening illness or injury except: A) anger. B) denial. C) indifference. D) guilt.


Tests have shown that​ ________ ambulance operators tend to speed up by 10 to 15 miles per hour when the siren is sounding. A. inexperienced B. privately employed C. younger D. experienced


Standard management of a chemical burn caused by a terrorist incident​ includes: A. leaving any corrosive materials on the skin. B. rinsing the area with ice water. C. using a neutralizing agent. D. irrigating vigorously with cool water.

irrigating vigorously with cool water.

Common signs and symptoms following an injury to a hollow abdominal organ include: A. massive hemorrhage. B. increasing intrathoracic pressures. C. absence of unilateral pulses. D. irritation and peritonitis.

irritation and peritonitis.

Cold is sometimes used to help control bleeding. When using​ cold, the following guidelines and statements are true except​: A. it should not be left in place for more than 20 minutes. B. it should be applied directly to the​ skin; it will not be effective if anything is between the cold agent and the wound. C. it should not be used alone but rather in conjunction with other manual techniques. will reduce pain.

it should be applied directly to the​ skin; it will not be effective if anything is between the cold agent and the wound.

You respond for an imminent delivery of a baby in the breech position. As you examine the​ mother, you see that the umbilical cord is protruding from the opening of the cervix. You realize that the most important care you can provide for this baby is​ to: A. wrap the cord to prevent heat loss. B. provide oxygen to the mother. C. gently push the cord back into the vaginal space. D. keep the baby off of the cord.

keep the baby off of the cord.

You are transporting a resident of a nursing home to the hospital for a complaint of abdominal pain for 3 days. During your​ assessment, you note a tube protruding from the​ patient's nose, which is connected to a bag of​ milky-white fluid. This tube is known as​ a: A. gastric tube. B. tracheal tube. C. ​J-tube. D. nasogastric tube.

nasogastric tube.

When disconnecting a battery cable to disrupt a​ vehicle's electrical​ system, the EMT should disconnect​ the: A. negative cable from the battery. B. negative cable from the alternator. C. positive cable from the battery. D. positive cable from the alternator.

negative cable from the battery.

After responding to the scene of a patient complaining of difficulty​ breathing, you and your partner determine that the​ patient's condition is not life threatening based on a thorough assessment. You should transport the patient to an appropriate medical facility​ with: A. both lights and siren activated. B. neither lights nor siren activated. C. the emergency lights​ off, but activating the siren when traffic builds. D. the emergency lights​ on, but without activating the siren.

neither lights nor siren activated.

After responding to the scene of a patient complaining of difficulty​ breathing, you and your partner determine that the​ patient's condition is not life threatening based on a thorough assessment. You should transport the patient to an appropriate medical facility​ with: A. the emergency lights​ off, but activating the siren when traffic builds. B. both lights and siren activated. C. neither lights nor siren activated. D. the emergency lights​ on, but without activating the siren.

neither lights nor siren activated.

Your patient has a suspected cervical spine injury from falling from a rope swing. His vital signs are pulse​ 62, respirations​ 20, and blood pressure​ 90/56. He has no feeling below his​ mid-chest area but is able to breathe on his own. You should​ suspect: A. hypovolemic shock. B. cardiogenic shock. C. neurogenic shock. D. psychogenic shock.

neurogenic shock.

You are at the scene of a vehicle collision and have found that there is one patient who is in stable condition. At this​ point, the call can be categorized​ as: A. an unfounded call. B. a​ non-incident. C. no longer a true emergency. D. a refusal.

no longer a true emergency

You are called for a man who is not acting right. His wife says he was outside working in the garden but​ didn't come in for lunch when he was called. She went to check on him and found him sitting next to a​ stump, confused. You assessment shows a pulse rate of​ 58, blood pressure of​ 186/82, respirations of​ 16, and one of his pupils is dilated. You are unable to detect any signs of trauma and you​ don't see any obvious indication that he has fallen. You should suspect​ a(n): A. open head injury. B. closed head injury. C. insecticide poisoning. D. nontraumatic brain injury.

nontraumatic brain injury.

45) You have determined that your patient, a 6-year-old boy, most likely has epiglottitis. He has developed a high fever and appears very ill. You realize that this is a serious illness and you need to handle your patient carefully. You should: A) check his temperature regularly. B) not place anything in his mouth. C) give him ice chips to suck on. D) have him lie down with his head elevated.

not place anything in his mouth.

You are transporting a patient who is experiencing frequent discharges of her automatic implanted cardiac defibrillator​ (AICD). En route to the hospital you are caring for the patient in the back of the ambulance. To protect yourself from being shocked if the defibrillator​ discharges, you​ should: A. wear protective gloves that cannot conduct electricity. B. limit direct contact with the patient. C. not​ worry, since the defibrillator does not pose a danger to others. D. make sure you do not touch the patient directly.

not​ worry, since the defibrillator does not pose a danger to others.

The safest way to extinguish a road flare is​ to: A. pick it up and rub it onto the ground. B. let it burn out. C. douse it with a fire hose. D. pick it up and snuff it out with a gloved hand.

let it burn out.

While transporting a patient who has an indwelling Foley​ catheter, it is important to keep the collection​ bag: A. higher than the level of the patient. B. level with the patient. C. with the​ patient's caregiver. D. lower than the level of the patient.

lower than the level of the patient.

Primary injuries from a blast​ include: A. impaled objects. B. lung injuries. C. liver lacerations. D. extremity fractures.

lung injuries.

To determine the appropriate depth an EMT should insert a catheter tip into a tracheostomy tube in order to clear a blocked​ airway, the EMT​ should: A. insert the catheter until the tip is no longer visible. B. measure from the stoma to the carina. C. measure against the length of the obturator. D. multiply the internal diameter of the tracheal tube by 10.

measure against the length of the obturator.

As an​ EMT, your BEST clue indicating the possibility of internal bleeding may be the presence​ of: A. the absence of a​ tender, rigid, or distended abdomen. B. mechanism of injury. C. ​painful, swollen, or deformed extremities. D. ​bruising, swelling, or pain over vital organs.

mechanism of injury

Of the following​ patients, which injury is the highest priority to receive​ bag-valve-mask ventilations? A. ​70-year-old male who struck his head when he fell in the parking​ lot, has a large laceration on his​ forehead, and is disoriented B. ​25-year-old male who regained consciousness one or two minutes after being struck on the head by a baseball bat and is now asking repetitive questions C. ​15-year-old female who was ejected from a​ vehicle, struck her head on a​ tree, and displays decerebrate movements in response to painful stimuli D. ​25-year-old female victim of battery who is awake but complains of a headache and has bloody fluid draining from her nose and left ear

​15-year-old female who was ejected from a​ vehicle, struck her head on a​ tree, and displays decerebrate movements in response to painful stimuli

An oxygen level of​ ________ is required for normal breathing. A. ​16.5% B. ​10.5% C. ​25.5% D. ​19.5%


You respond to a major automobile collision involving multiple patients. Which of the following patients would receive Priority 1​ transport? A. ​6-year-old with lower leg fracture and normal vital signs B. ​25-year-old with abdominal bruising and signs of shock C. ​68-year-old with mild respiratory distress and seat belt burns D. ​45-year-old with no vital signs

​25-year-old with abdominal bruising and signs of shock

For which of the following patients would the use of a short spine immobilization device be​ appropriate? A. ​15-year-old male who struck a curb with his motorized scooter and flipped over the handlebars B. ​52-year-old female who crashed her vehicle into the front of a convenience store and who is​ awake, oriented, and complaining of neck pain C. Unresponsive driver who was found in the​ driver's seat of a pickup truck that crashed into a tree D. ​77-year-old female who fell down a flight of stairs and is in an awkward position lying on her side on the landing

​52-year-old female who crashed her vehicle into the front of a convenience store and who is​ awake, oriented, and complaining of neck pain

You are on the scene of a church bus rollover collision. There are 30 passengers involved. As triage​ officer, which one of the following patients should you assign the highest​ priority? A. ​30-year-old man with multiple lower extremity fractures who is​ awake, has a strong radial​ pulse, and is complaining of severe pain B. ​70-year-old woman who is awake but having difficulty breathing and has absent lung sounds on the right side C. Unresponsive​ 9-year-old male with an open skull fracture who is in cardiac arrest D. ​35-year-old pregnant woman with a cut on her​ head, neck​ pain, and numbness and tingling in her arms

​70-year-old woman who is awake but having difficulty breathing and has absent lung sounds on the right side

You are treating an unresponsive homeless patient found in an alley. During your assessment you notice bruising behind both​ ears, which is known as which of the​ following? A. ​Warrior's signs B. Fatigue signs C. Soldier's signs D. ​Battle's signs

​Battle's signs

You are en route to the trauma center with a patient who was injured when he was thrown from a horse. You suspect multiple trauma injuries including a closed head injury. You will monitor his mental status using the Glasgow Coma Scale​ (GCS) per your protocols. Which of the following will you​ check? A. Speech​ patterns, motor​ patterns, and mental status B. Motor​ response, verbal​ response, and attentiveness C. ​Eye-opening, motor​ response, and verbal response D. Verbal​ responses, motor​ skills, and mental status

​Eye-opening, motor​ response, and verbal response

What are the three elements of the Revised Trauma​ Score? A. Level of​ consciousness, systolic blood​ pressure, and pulse rate B. ​GCS, pulse​ rate, and respiratory rate C. ​GCS, systolic blood​ pressure, and respiratory rate D. ​GCS, systolic blood​ pressure, and pulse rate

​GCS, systolic blood​ pressure, and respiratory rate

Because of the extra equipment now placed on ambulances for specialty​ rescue, advanced life​ support, and hazardous materials​ operations, their gross vehicle weight has been easily exceeded in some communities. This has necessitated introduction of a​ ________ truck chassis built for rugged durability and large storage and work areas. A. ​Medium-duty B. Type I C. Type III D. Type II


Which of the following describes the proper position of the​ patient's head for spinal​ immobilization? A. Stabilized in position found B. Chin tilted upward for airway maintenance C. The​ "sniffing" position D. ​Neutral, in-line​ "eyes forward" position

​Neutral, in-line​ "eyes forward" position

Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment​ (START) is a system that relies on some simple commands and what three physiologic​ parameters? A. ​Respiration, sensory, and motor status B. ​Respiration, pulse, and mental status C. ​Respiration, pain, and mental status D. ​Circulation, sensory, and motor status

​Respiration, pulse, and mental status

What are three elements of successful trauma care that field practitioners can use which will ultimately translate into greater rates of​ survival? A. Ground​ ambulances, air​ helicopters, and trauma centers B. Physiological​ determinants, anatomic​ criteria, and mechanism of injury C. ​Teamwork, timing, and transport D. ​Lights, sirens, and diesel

​Teamwork, timing, and transport

Which of the following is the correct sequence for securing the straps on a long spine​ board? A. ​Head, torso, legs B. ​Legs, torso, head C. ​Torso, legs, head D. ​Head, legs, torso

​Torso, legs, head

Which of the following are desirable characteristics of the safe or​ "cold" zone in a hazardous materials​ incident? A. ​Downwind, uphill from the spill B. ​Downwind, downhill from the spill C. ​Upwind, uphill from the spill D. ​Upwind, on the same level as the spill

​Upwind, on the same level as the spill

You arrive on the scene of an unknown emergency. As you scan the surrounding​ area, you notice a large number of people wearing unique armbands and shouting​ anti-government comments though you are not aware of any public gathering scheduled for today. Your suspicions of a potential terrorist incident are the result​ of: A. the timing of the event. B. the type of event. C. the location of the call. D. ​on-scene warning signs.

​on-scene warning signs.

Three methods for minimizing exposure to harmful incidents​ are: A. ​technique, distance, and serum. B. ​time, decontamination, and shielding. C. ​time, distance, and shielding. D. ​time, decontamination, and serum.

​time, distance, and shielding.

Your patient has sustained a serious laceration to his neck. He appears to have lost a lot of blood and you are considering how you will control the bleeding. Your primary treatment should be to place​ a(n): A. pressure dressing. B. ​dry, sterile dressing. C. occlusive dressing. D. bulky dressing.

occlusive dressing.

Your patient is a​ 16-year-old centerfielder on his high school baseball team. He was injured when he and the left fielder collided trying to catch a fly ball. He is disoriented and is unable to tell you what happened. His vital signs are pulse​ 88, blood pressure​ 132/86, respiratory rate​ 16, and pupils equal. As you assess his​ head, you do not see any cuts or​ bleeding, but you feel a​ spongy, depressed area over his left ear. You should suspect​ a(n): A. closed head injury. B. skull injury. C. open head injury. D. direct injury.

open head injury.

The process of combining the patient and​ patient-carrying device into a unit ready for moving and transporting the patient is​ called: A. immobilizing. B. packaging. C. loading. D. wrapping.


Blood at the meatus of the penis (opening of the urethra) is a sign of: A. spinal fracture or injury. B. pelvic trauma/fracture. C. pelvic dislocation syndrome. D. priapism.

pelvic trauma/fracture.

You are caring for an unconscious​ 80-year-old trauma patient. You note the patient has dentures. You first action in managing this patient should​ be: A. perform a jaw thrust as needed. B. remove the dentures. C. prepare to insert an oral airway. D. tilt the head to a sniffing position.

perform a jaw thrust as needed.

42) You are called for a 6-year-old girl who is not well. Her mother says that the child has been sick for several days but today she has had trouble keeping her daughter awake. You note that the girl's capillary refill time is 4 seconds and she has a skin rash. The MOST important part of your assessment will be to: A) determine if she has a fever. B) get a full SAMPLE history. C) determine her level of consciousness. D) recognize any respiratory distress.

recognize any respiratory distress.

All of the following are signs of adequate breathing and circulation in the newborn​ except: A. vigorous crying. B. cyanosis of only the hands and feet. C. relaxation of the extremities. D. heart rate greater than 100.

relaxation of the extremities.

Gross decontamination is​ the: A. removal or chemical alteration of the majority of a contaminant. B. residual contamination that remains on a host following decontamination procedures. C. alteration or removal of most residual contamination. D. complete removal or neutralization of a contaminant.

removal or chemical alteration of the majority of a contaminant.

When an EMT becomes emotionally incapacitated on the scene of a​ large-scale MCI, you​ should: A. administer psychological first aid to the EMT until he feels capable of returning to duty. B. direct the EMT to the collection point for walking wounded triage patients. C. wave the EMT off the scene and tell him to return to the station. D. remove the EMT to a resting area and monitor him until a clinically competent provider can take over.

remove the EMT to a resting area and monitor him until a clinically competent provider can take over.

Your patient was ejected from his motorcycle when he struck a deer. He is drowsy and unable to communicate clearly. You determine that the helmet he is wearing will not allow you to securely immobilize the patient to the long spine board. You​ should: A. tip his head back to gain neutral alignment. B. pad under his shoulders to straighten his neck. C. place towels on either side of the helmet to stabilize it. D. remove the helmet to better manage proper alignment.

remove the helmet to better manage proper alignment.

When controlling the scene of an emergency involving damaged power poles and downed electrical​ wires, the EMT must remember​ to: A. use​ double-thickness gloves to insulate the body from electrocution. B. request appropriate personnel to cut the power source. C. use nonconductive implements to make a safe path to victims. D. render the scene safe before entering the danger zone.

request appropriate personnel to cut the power source.

11) As a rule, as a child gets older the blood pressure: A) falls and the pulse rate rises. B) rises and the pulse rate falls. C) falls and the pulse rate falls. D) rises and the pulse rate rises.

rises and the pulse rate falls.

An area near a hazardous materials incident that is on the same level as the​ incident, but​ upwind, is the BEST location for​ the: A. danger zone. B. safe zone. C. hot zone. D. warm zone.

safe zone.

55) The most common type of burn injury suffered in the home by children is: A) electrical. B) chemical. C) scald. D) direct fire.


Some drawbacks to using sterile aluminum foil as an occlusive dressing include: A. a flutter valve is difficult to create. B. foil cannot create an airtight seal. C. sterility cannot be ensured unless the materials were autoclaved. D. skin lacerations may occur from the sharp edges.

skin lacerations may occur from the sharp edges.

As you care for an elderly patient experiencing a serious medical​ condition, you would expect any deterioration to take​ place: A. slowly and steadily. B. rapidly. C. ​rapidly, with a later shift to slowly. D. slowly, with a later shift to rapidly.

slowly and steadily.

Inexperienced drivers tend to​ ________ when they hear a siren approaching. A. speed up B. pull to the right C. stop D. pull to the left

speed up

The best way for a terrorist to weaponize and disseminate a chemical nerve agent exposing a large number of people would be​ to: A. throw a paper bag loaded with nerve agent onto a busy subway train. B. steal a truck that sprays for mosquitos and aerosolized the nerve agent into a crowded subdivision. C. throw a Molotov cocktail loaded with nerve agent into a windshield of a passenger bus. D. put it in a paper bag in a crowded mall and puncture the bag with a stick.

steal a truck that sprays for mosquitos and aerosolized the nerve agent into a crowded subdivision.

When responding to an emergency in an authorized vehicle while functioning as an EMT for an authorized emergency​ service, the actions you take while driving​ are: A. covered by your​ service's insurance carrier. B. subject to laws that govern all drivers. C. not likely to result in an investigation in the event of a collision. D. ​allowable, provided you do not exceed 15 mph above the posted speed limit.

subject to laws that govern all drivers.

You have been called for a young female in labor. She is lying on the floor in obvious distress from the labor pains. While you are assessing her for​ crowning, your partner is getting a set of vital signs. She tells you that she is getting dizzy and nauseated. Vital signs are pulse rate​ 120, respiratory rate​ 22, and blood pressure​ 98/62. You should be concerned that she​ has: A. supine hypotensive syndrome. B. contracted food poisoning. C. ​Braxton-Hicks contractions. D. placenta previa.

supine hypotensive syndrome.

40) Usually the first sign of respiratory distress in infants is: A) bradycardia. B) tachycardia. C) bradypnea. D) tachypnea.


You are assessing a​ 67-year-old male patient who is experiencing a dissecting abdominal aneurysm.​ Typically, such a patient will describe the pain​ as: A. dull. B. achy. C. tearing. D. sharp.


2) You are at a friend's birthday party with people of all ages. There is an 11-month-old boy, just learning to stand up, who has fallen. He was holding onto the edge of a table and he toppled over. He is crying hard and his mother is trying to console him. She asks if you would mind checking him out, and you agree to take a look at him. You notice that his anterior fontanelle is bulging. This is most likely caused by: A) pressure built up because of his crying. B) an infection causing intracranial pressure. C) fluid loss from dehydration. D) the bones of the head not fusing properly.

the bones of the head not fusing properly.

36) You are called to a home where a family has been enjoying a Labor Day picnic and swim party. A 2-year-boy slipped to the bottom of the pool unnoticed. By the time you arrive, the child has been removed from the water and family members are administering CPR. You assess the child and note that he has a weak pulse and is trying to breathe on his own. You initiate transport and continue providing positive pressure ventilations. You are also very concerned about: A) the safety of the other children at the party. B) how the parents are handling the situation. C) the child being hypothermic. D) the last time the child ate something.

the child being hypothermic.

You are on an ambulance responding to a​ mass-casualty incident at a shopping mall on a warm Saturday afternoon. En​ route, you listen to the incident commander broadcast information to dispatch and all inbound units about 20 patients complaining of respiratory difficulty and a burning sensation in their eyes. Your suspicions of a potential terrorist incident are the result​ of: A. the location of the call. B. the timing of the event. C. the type of event. D. ​on-scene warning signs.

the type of event.

48. You are treating a 5-year-old for extensive burns. You know that burns pose a greater risk to infants and children. The reason for this is: A)the parents' interference with your assessment and treatment can delay your response. B) child will likely be upset and crying and therefore hard to evaluate C) child abuse is usually the reason for the burns. D) their body surface area is greater in relation to their total body size.

their body surface area is greater in relation to their total body size.

When arriving at the location of a motor vehicle collision on an interstate​ highway, you should position the ambulance so​ that: A. there is a safe area between the damaged vehicles and traffic behind the scene. B. there is a fire truck between you and oncoming traffic. C. you are nearest to the command post for easy communications with the incident commander. D. there is a safe area beyond the damaged vehicles.

there is a safe area beyond the damaged vehicles.

You have responded to a woman who has possible premature labor. She is 8 months pregnant and is experiencing labor pains. During your​ assessment, you note that the baby is not yet crowning. You need to determine whether delivery is imminent or not. You should​ next: A. time her contractions. B. check the level of the fundus. C. complete a set of vital signs. D. check for cervix dilation.

time her contractions.

The largest single hazard associated with EMS highway operations​ is: A. power lines. B. explosion. C. traffic flow. D. sharp objects.

traffic flow.

When several agencies work independently but cooperatively, rather than one agency exercising control over the others, this is called: A. NIMS B. single incident command C. ICS D. unified command.

unified command.

You are in charge of your department's personnel at the scene of a mass-casualty incident. As the incident progresses, you request additional resources and a neighboring department assists you. As part of this department's response, a battalion chief responds to oversee operations. At the command post, you and the battalion chief work together to manage the incident. This cooperative management effort is known as: A. redundant command B. incident command C. dual command D. unified command.

unified command.

When attempting to extinguish a fire inside the passenger​ compartment, it is important​ to: A. apply the extinguishing agent liberally to speed up the extinguishing process. B. aim the nozzle of the extinguisher away from the patient to avoid hitting the patient. C. use the extinguishing agent sparingly to avoid creating a cloud of powder. D. resist the urge to extinguish the fire and focus on extricating any patients.

use the extinguishing agent sparingly to avoid creating a cloud of powder

The muscular organ in which a baby develops during pregnancy is called​ the: A. placenta. B. fetal membrane. C. uterus. D. amniotic sac.


When a patient has a serious open wound to the​ neck, you are concerned about the possibility of an air embolism. The reason an air embolism can occur is because​ of: A. the negative pressure in the chest. B. damage to the trachea. C. vessel pressure that is lower than atmospheric pressure. D. the higher pressure in the vessels of the neck.

vessel pressure that is lower than atmospheric pressure.

Dangerous organisms that grow inside of living cells and reproduce are known​ as: A. bacteria. B. toxins. C. viruses. D. biologicals.


A​ 17-year-old girl was injured when her car was struck from behind while she was stopped at a red light. She is complaining of a headache with neck and back pain. You suspect she has sustained​ a(n): A. extension injury. B. whiplash injury. C. distraction injury. D. compression fracture.

whiplash injury.

Operators of emergency vehicles must drive with the safety of others in mind. This is known as​ driving: A. defensively. B. with emergency privilege. C. with due regard. D. as a public servant.

with due regard.

A pillow is frequently used to splint an ankle or foot injury. It is effective, rapid, and can be used formost patients. Its main weakness is A. it requires three people to apply B. you might not have a pillow on your ambulance C. you are not immobilizing the knee and the joint adjacent to the ankle D. it is hard to access distal pulses after application.

you are not immobilizing the knee and the joint adjacent to the ankle.

Your unresponsive adult patient has a head injury and inadequate breathing. Your​ bag-valve-mask ventilations should be delivered at a rate​ of: A. ​20-24 breaths per minute. B. ​16-20 breaths per minute. C. 10-12 breaths per minute. D. ​24-30 breaths per minute.

​10-12 breaths per minute.

A respiratory rate of less than​ ________ and greater than​ ________ in cases of trauma are criteria for immediate transportation to a trauma center according to the CDC physiologic guidelines. A. ​8; 32 B. ​12; 20 C. ​5; 45 D. ​10; 29

​10; 29

16) Which of the following would be an appropriate statement in gaining the cooperation of a 7-year-old pediatric patient during your assessment? A) "Joey, this is a splint that will help your arm feel better. I promise it won't hurt when I put your arm in it." B) "Big girls don't cry, Emily. You're a big girl, aren't you?" C) "I'm sorry Nick, but you can't see Mommy and Daddy until you let me take your blood pressure." D) "Katie, this is my stethoscope. I can use it to hear what your breathing sounds like. Would you like to look at it for a minute?"

"Katie, this is my stethoscope. I can use it to hear what your breathing sounds like. Would you like to look it it for a minute?"

You are on the scene of a​ mass-casualty incident in which the grandstand at a race track has collapsed. As the triage​ officer, you have encountered a​ 14-year-old male whose leg has been amputated above the knee. He is responsive to verbal​ stimuli, and he has an open​ airway, shallow rapid​ breathing, and a​ weak, rapid carotid pulse. This patient would be classified as a Priority​ ________ for treatment and transport. A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 D. 4


Traditionally an APGAR score is taken at what time intervals after​ birth? A. 1 and 5 minutes B. 5 and 10 minutes C. 1 and 6 minutes D. 2 and 7 minutes

1 and 5 minutes

For which of the following patients should the EMT carefully continue to monitor the patient's ventilatory status throughout treatment and transport due to the greatest risk of respiratory failure? A. A 17-year-old male with a blistering sunburn on his face B. A 34-year-old male who opened the radiator of his car and had hot fluid spray on his chest, resulting in redness and pain in an area about the size of the patient's hand C. A 28-year-old male who spilled a strong industrial acid on his legs D. A 16-year-old male whose shirt caught on fire, resulting in circumferential burns of his chest

A 16-year-old male whose shirt caught on fire, resulting in circumferential burns of his chest

Who is the most susceptible to hypothermia? A. A 21-year-old near-drowning patient on a warm spring day B. A 55-year-old male patient who sprained his knee snow skiing C. A 76-year-old male patient involved in a vehicle accident on icy roads D. An 80-year-old male patient on the ground who slipped and has a hip fracture

A 21-year-old near-drowning patient on a warm spring day

Which of the following patients has the greatest likelihood of being cared for in a burn center? a. A 45-year-old man who has a full thickness burn about 3 inches long by 1/2 inch wide on his posterior arm from backing into a barbecue grill b. A 30-year-old woman who has deep partial thickness burns on her hand and arm as a result of spilling hot cooking oil on herself c. A 12-year-old male with a superficial partial thickness burn involving his forearm as a result of making a torch by lighting aerosol from a can of hairspray d. A 16-year-old female who came into contact with a motorcycle exhaust pipe and has a full thickness burn on her leg about 2 inches in diameter

A 30-year-old woman who has deep partial thickness burns on her hand and arm as a result of spilling hot cooking oil on herself

Which of the following is NOT a type of avulsion? A. The skin is partially torn away from the foot. B. A finger is cut off with a butcher's saw. C. An ear is partially torn away from the head. D. The skin is stripped off the hand, like removing a glove.

A finger is cut off with a butcher's saw.

Which of the following BEST describes an avulsion? A. An injury caused by a sharp, pointed object B. A flap of skin that is partially or completely torn away from the underlying tissue C. The epidermis that is scraped away by a rough surface D. An accumulation of blood beneath the skin, resulting in swelling

A flap of skin that is partially or completely torn away from the underlying tissue

To rescue someone who has fallen through the ice, which of the following is the safest device to use? A. A jet-ski B. A flat-bottomed aluminum boat C. A ladder D. A ring buoy

A flat-bottomed aluminum boat

Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. A fracture is any break in a bone. B. A greenstick break is an incomplete break in a bone. C. A comminuted break is when a bone is broken in only one place. D. An angulated break is when the broken bone is bent at an angle.

A greenstick break is an incomplete break in a bone.

A traction splint may be used on which of the following musculoskeletal injuries? A. A possible fracture of the cervical spine B. A possible fracture of the femur C. Suspected multiple fractures of the femur, tibia, and fibula D. A possible fracture of the humerus

A possible fracture of the femur

Which one of the following patients would justify the need to directly transport to a trauma center based on special patient​ considerations? A. An elderly patient on anticoagulants who slipped out of her wheelchair and is complaining of pelvic pain B. An unlicensed teenage driver who has a pulse rate of 120 after a MVC and a 4 minute EMS response C. A pregnant female in the third trimester who is spotting​ (showing small amounts of vaginal​ bleeding) following a low mechanism of injury MVC D. An​ end-stage renal disease​ (ERSD) patient who tripped and fell and is complaining of shoulder pain on the same side as his shunt

A pregnant female in the third trimester who is spotting​ (showing small amounts of vaginal​ bleeding) following a low mechanism of injury MVC

When heading back to​ quarters, on what should you place your​ emphasis? A. Documentation B. Refueling the ambulance for the next call C. Beginning to reorganize the ambulance D. A safe return

A safe return

Which of the following BEST describes the compartment syndrome? A. A serious condition caused by the amount of equipment that must be carried in the ambulance compartments. B. A life-threatening condition caused by trapping the blood flow by a fracture when the bone ends cut the blood vessels. C. A serious condition caused by the bleeding and swelling from a fracture or crush injury that becomes so strong that the body can no longer perfuse the tissues against that pressure. D. A non life-threatening condition caused by orthopedic injuries in which blood flow is stopped when the bone ends compress the blood vessels.

A serious condition caused by the bleeding and swelling from a fracture or crush injury that becomes so strong that the body can no longer perfuse the tissues against that pressure.

Who should receive psychological first​ aid? A. A patient moving to a collection point for Priority 3 patients B. An injured patient screaming for help C. A stable patient who has become overwhelmed by the horror of the scene D. A patient among the walking wounded who is applying pressure to another​ patient's wound

A stable patient who has become overwhelmed by the horror of the scene

Which of the following is a possible indication of abuse or​ neglect? A. A story that is inconsistent with the injuries B. Any injuries to the extremities C. Two or more calls to EMS within a year D. Concern for the​ patient's condition

A story that is inconsistent with the injuries

You are assessing a​ 27-year-old female who is 9 months pregnant with her first child. She has been having contractions for the past 6 hours. As you are about to assist her to your​ cot, she asks you to wait because she feels the need to use the bathroom first. Which of the following is the BEST course of​ action? A. Advise the patient that this could be an indication that the baby is ready to be born and you need to check to see if the​ baby's head is visible. B. Advise the patient that this could be a sign of a serious​ complication, have her lie on her left​ side, apply​ high-concentration oxygen, and transport immediately. C. Tell the patient she needs to be transported immediately and using the bathroom will have to wait until she arrives at the hospital. D. Allow the patient to use the bathroom as it will make​ transport, and also​ delivery, more comfortable.

Advise the patient that this could be an indication that the baby is ready to be born and you need to check to see if the​ baby's head is visible.

Which of the following is NOT a consequence of​ hypoperfusion? A. Cells are not supplied with oxygen. B. Cellular waste products are not removed. C. Aerobic metabolism will continue in the cell. D. Cells are not supplied with nutrients.

Aerobic metabolism will continue in the cell.

You have transported a patient to the emergency department and are in the process of cleaning the ambulance while your partner is completing all required paperwork. At what point is the final phase of an ambulance call​ complete? A. As soon as you put the stretcher back in the ambulance with a clean sheet and you notify your dispatch center you are available B. After your partner completes all required paperwork and you have the ambulance completely cleaned and restocked C. As soon as you get back to the station and notify your dispatch center you are in quarters D. As soon as your partner completes the patient care report and you are restocking the supplies used during the call

After your partner completes all required paperwork and you have the ambulance completely cleaned and restocked

On arrival at a vehicle​ collision, you observe a small fire in the engine compartment. A bystander is attempting to smother the fire with a jacket as you approach with an​ A-B-C extinguisher from your ambulance. Which of the following is the BEST method of extinguishing the​ fire? A. Aim the nozzle to the side of the fire​ and, with a sweeping​ motion, push the fire at its base. B. Aim at the base of the fire and use short bursts until the fire is out. C. Sweep the nozzle of the extinguisher left and right using short bursts until you are out of extinguishing agent. D. Close the hood to contain the fire within the engine compartment.

Aim at the base of the fire and use short bursts until the fire is out.

You arrive on the scene to find a scuba diver on board a boat slumped over in the captain's chair with frothy blood in his mouth. The captain states that the diver was down no more than 15 feet when he ascended rapidly and called for help. Which of the following is most likely? A. Decompression sickness B. The bends C. Air embolism D. Caisson's disease

Air embolism

You respond to a boat dock for a diving injury. You find a 24-year-old male patient unresponsive with frothy blood in the mouth and lung sounds absent on the right side. The patient's friends state they were diving when he came out of the water complaining of chest pains and then collapsed. What condition do you suspect? A. Air embolism B. Decompression sickness C. Near drowning D. Myocardial infarction

Air embolism

While assessing a patient with a laceration to the​ neck, the EMT must be aware that which of the following conditions may​ develop? A. Deep vein embolus B. Air thrombosis C. Air embolus D. Deep vein thrombosis

Air embolus

While assessing a patient with partial thickness burns to his chest and neck, what should be your highest priority (even if there are no symptoms presently)? A. None of the choices B. Airway C. Hypothermia D. Bleeding


Which of the following is NOT appropriate in caring for a patient with closed soft-tissue injuries and a significant mechanism of injury? A. Anticipate vomiting. B. Treat for shock if you think there are internal injuries even if the patient's vital signs are normal. C. Allow the patient to have small sips of water. D. Splint any swollen, deformed extremities.

Allow the patient to have small sips of water.

You are on a stand-by at a local high school football game. One of the football players comes over to the ambulance and complains that his face feels numb and that he has a burning sensation in his fingers. You notice that the patient's cheeks and fingers are bright red. How should you treat the patient? A. Allow the patient to warm up inside the ambulance by passive rewarming measures. B. Place the patient inside the ambulance and begin active rewarming measures. C. Warm the affected areas with gentle rubbing. D. Tell the patient that his condition is superficial and allow him to return to the game.

Allow the patient to warm up inside the ambulance by passive rewarming measures.

You are just leaving the scene of a multiple-casualty incident with two Priority 1 patients. Which of the following is appropriate regarding communication? A. Notify the receiving facility by radio of the nature of the patients' injuries B. Notify the receiving hospital by cellular phone of the nature of the patients' injuries C. Have dispatch relay your patient reports to the receiving facility D. Allow the transportation sector officer to notify the receiving facility.

Allow the transportation sector officer to notify the receiving facility.

Which of the following terms describes the temperature of the surrounding air? A. Wind chill index B. Shell temperature C. Core temperature D. Ambient temperature

Ambient temperature

Regarding the use of emergency​ sirens, which of the following is false​? A. Dense shrubbery may block the sound of the siren. B. EMTs should assume that other drivers cannot hear the siren. C. Ambulance operators are not affected by siren noise. D. The sound of the siren may increase the​ patient's anxiety.

Ambulance operators are not affected by siren noise.

When seeking expert advice on how to proceed at a hazardous materials​ incident, which of the following information is important to​ provide? A. Amount of the substance involved B. Your background in chemistry C. Your level of EMS certification D. Your suspicions as to cause

Amount of the substance involved

An outbreak of which of the following illnesses would be LEAST likely to occur​ naturally? A. Anthrax B. Smallpox C. Venezuelan encephalitis D. Botulism


Multiple trauma and multisystem trauma patients are situations in which the EMT is expected to perform which of the​ following? A. Provide the best quality care​ possible, including definitive care​ on-scene. B. Respond above and beyond the call of duty. C. Anticipate and treat problems with a greater level of complexity than usual. D. Practice outside the scope of practice in order to provide the greatest good.

Anticipate and treat problems with a greater level of complexity than usual.

You respond to a construction site on a very hot summer day for a person "not acting right." You find a 38-year-old male patient seated in a work vehicle with the air conditioner on maximum. Coworkers state the patient was working for the last 2 hours pouring concrete when he started "speaking gibberish" and nearly collapsed. The patient is responsive to verbal stimuli. Your initial vital signs are blood pressure 90/60, pulse 136, and respiratory rate 24. The patient's skin is cool to the touch and dry but his shirt is wet with visible salt rings. Which is the best treatment for the patient? A. Apply high-concentration oxygen and rapidly transport to the nearest medical facility. B. Have the patient slip water slowly to replace what he has lost. C. Cool the patient with tepid water. D. Have the patient drink at least 1 liter of water to replace what he has lost.

Apply high-concentration oxygen and rapidly transport to the nearest medical facility.

Bleeding from open abdominal injuries should initially be controlled with which one of the following techniques? A. Applying direct pressure to the wound B. Applying an ice pack or chemical cold pack C. Applying an occlusive dressing D. Packing the wound with rolled gauze

Applying direct pressure to the wound

Which of the following is acceptable when actively rewarming a hypothermic patient? A. Encouraging the patient to exercise B. Giving coffee or brandy to drink C. Warming the patient as quickly as possible D. Applying humidified oxygen

Applying humidified oxygen

You respond to a​ 32-year-old male who fell 20 feet off a ladder. He is responsive to painful stimuli. He has snoring respirations at 20 a minute with decent chest rise and fall. He has a broken​ femur, a broken​ wrist, and a lacerated radial artery that is bleeding profusely. Which of these injuries is the highest​ priority? A. Arterial bleed B. Femur fracture C. Broken wrist D. Snoring respirations

Arterial bleed

Which of the following occurs when gases leave a damaged lung in a diving accident and enter the bloodstream? A. Arterial thrombosis B. Arterial blood gases C. Hyperbaric arterial injury D. Arterial gas embolism

Arterial gas embolism

Which of the following vessels contain blood under the highest amount of​ pressure? A. Arteries B. Capillaries C. Veins D. Venules


Which of the following vessels has the thickest muscular walls that allow constriction and​ dilation? A. Lymphatic vessels B. Veins C. Arteries D. Capillaries


At which point should you complete your patient care report​ (PCR)? A. As soon as you are free from patient duties B. En route to the hospital C. At the end of your shift D. As soon as you arrive at the hospital

As soon as you are free from patient duties

While staffing an emergency services dispatch​ center, an Emergency Medical Dispatcher​ (EMD) receives a call from someone who is very upset and screaming that her friend was just shot. Which of the following would the EMD need to do in this​ situation? A. Ask the caller for her phone number. B. Determine the location of the shooter. C. Notify the​ victim's family of the incident. D. Provide the caller with information on local hospitals.

Ask the caller for her phone number.

You are on the scene of a pediatric patient who is on a specialized home monitoring system. This situation was not specifically addressed in your EMT class and your EMT partner has not encountered this​ situation, either. What is an advisable course of​ action? A. Load the patient and rapidly transport the patient to the closest hospital for evaluation. B. Ask the parent or caregiver what has been done in the past to correct the situation. C. Contact medical control and ask to speak to a specialist for advice. D. Request an advanced life support ambulance crew to respond for assistance.

Ask the parent or caregiver what has been done in the past to correct the situation.

Your patient is a​ 21-year-old male who slid​ head-first down a water slide at his fraternity house and impacted the bales of straw that his fraternity brothers had erected as a barrier to keep participants from sliding onto the adjacent highway. The patient is conscious and complaining of neck pain. Which of the following should be included in your​ assessment? A. Ask the patient to cautiously touch his chin to his chest to check for range of motion. B. If the patient has no numbness or​ tingling, ask him to stand and try to walk. C. Apply painful stimuli to his​ extremities, starting distally and moving closer and closer to the body. D. Ask the patient to grasp and squeeze your hands.

Ask the patient to grasp and squeeze your hands.

Your patient is a 14-year-old male who crashed his bicycle, landing prone and sliding along a gravel trail. He has deep abrasions to his hands, arms, chest, and knees. The patient has small pieces of gravel, twigs, and dirt embedded in the abrasions. Which of the following is the best way to manage this situation after taking cervical spine immobilization? A. Use your fingers to pick embedded debris from the wound, bandage with moist saline dressings in place, and transport. B. Do not attempt to remove any debris, apply pressure dressings over the embedded material if necessary, apply high-concentration oxygen, and transport. C. Use a tongue depressor to scrape large pieces of debris out of the wounds, place the patient on high-concentration oxygen, and transport. D. Assess for additional injuries, flush away large pieces of debris with a sterile dressing, place dressings on the abrasions, bandage them in place, and transport.

Assess for additional injuries, flush away large pieces of debris with a sterile dressing, place dressings on the abrasions, bandage them in place, and transport.

In cases of extreme hypothermia, you will find the patient unconscious, with no discernible vital signs, and skin cold to your touch with stiff joints as if they appear dead. What is the emergency care for these patients? A. Contact medical control for input into the best treatment for this patient. B. Call the coroner as indications are the patient is cold and deceased, which is a definitive sign of death. C. Check distal CSM, apply warming packs to the extremities, and transport the patient. D. Assess the carotid pulse for 30 to 45 seconds; if there is no pulse, start CPR immediately and prepare to apply the AED.

Assess the carotid pulse for 30 to 45 seconds; if there is no pulse, start CPR immediately and prepare to apply the AED.

You respond to a patient who was hit in the face with a chair. Upon​ arrival, you notice a patient leaning in the corner and bleeding profusely from the mouth and nose. Your first action should be which of the​ following? A. Assure scene safety. B. Place the patient on a nonrebreather mask​ (NRB) at 15 lpm. C. Suction the airway and have the patient lean back. D. Take cervical spine precautions

Assure scene safety.

Which of the following is NOT a common cause of chest pain in the​ elderly? A. Pneumonia B. Asthma C. Aneurysm D. Angina


Which of the following trauma triage criteria would justify transportation to a trauma center based on mechanism of injury​ alone? A. Intrusion into the occupant area greater than 8 inches B. Vehicle rollover C. Auto versus pedestrian D. Vehicle​ crash-generated telemetry data

Auto versus pedestrian

Which of the following is NOT essential equipment on an​ ambulance? A. Portable suction unit B. Automatic transport ventilator C. Pediatric oxygen administration devices D. Portable oxygen tanks

Automatic transport ventilator

Which of the following choices is NOT a justifiable reason for delaying transport of a critical trauma​ patient? A. Ventilating a patient in respiratory distress B. Awaiting arrival of the​ patient's parents​ on-scene C. Suctioning the airway D. Immobilizing the patient to a long spine board

Awaiting arrival of the​ patient's parents​ on-scene

Which of the following is true concerning​ disinfection? A. A solution of 1 part household bleach to 100 parts water is an effective disinfectant for health care purposes. B. A​ low-level disinfectant will kill germs on ambulance floors and walls. C. High level disinfection destroys all sources of infection. D. All of the above

A​ low-level disinfectant will kill germs on ambulance floors and walls.

At​ 0330, you responded to the scene of an overturned tanker truck. What organization could you contact to obtain information about the liquid the truck is​ carrying? A. Environmental Protection Agency​ (EPA) B. CHEMTREC C. OSHA D. Regional poison control center


​________ is the response​ agency, established in​ Washington, DC, as a service of the American Chemistry​ Council, that can provide either you or your dispatcher with information about the hazardous material and contact the shipper to provide you with information about the material. A. HAZMART B. EPA C. CHEMTREC D. OSHA


Which of the following is the BEST course of action for the EMT to take when caring for a patient with an AICD who goes into cardiac​ arrest? A. The AED should be applied and​ used, but CPR should not be started while​ on-scene or transporting the patient. B. CPR should be​ started, but the AED should not be used while​ on-scene or transporting the patient. C. No action beyond transport is required since the patient already has an implanted defibrillator. D. CPR and an AED should be used as indicated while​ on-scene and transporting the patient.

CPR and an AED should be used as indicated while​ on-scene and transporting the patient.

You have arrived at the scene of a motor vehicle collision to find that there are several critically injured patients. Which of the following should you do​ first? A. Begin extrication of the most critically injured patient. B. Call for additional rescue units and transporting ambulances. C. Begin triage of all patients before deciding on additional resources. D. Begin to care for the patient closest to your vehicle.

Call for additional rescue units and transporting ambulances.

You are enjoying some time at the beach on your day off when you hear a swimmer crying for help. As you spot the swimmer about 30 feet from shore, she cries out again but appears to be getting weaker. Although there is no lifeguard on duty, there is a rowboat and a ring buoy available. Assuming you do NOT know how to swim or consider yourself a poor swimmer, which of the following should you do first? A. Row the boat out to the swimmer. B. Use the buoy to float out to the swimmer. C. Find someone who can swim to try to swim out and save the swimmer. D. Call for help and try to throw the buoy to the swimmer.

Call for help and try to throw the buoy to the swimmer

In which of the following vessels does the vital exchange take place and also has the thinnest walls through which​ oxygen, nutrients, and wastes can​ pass? A. Veins B. Microvenules C. Capillaries D. Arterioles


Which of the following blood vessels cannot stop bleeding by​ constricting? A. Arterioles B. Vena cava C. Capillaries D. Arteries


Your patient is a​ 6-year-old child who has fallen down while running on a sidewalk. She has abrasions on both knees and the palms of both​ hands, which are oozing blood. This is an example of bleeding from which of the following types of​ vessels? A. Capillaries B. Veins C. Arteries D.Lymphatic vessels


External bleeding may be classified according to types. Which one of the following is one of those​ types? A. Brain bleeding B. Capillary bleeding C. Cardiac bleeding D. Liver bleeding

Capillary bleeding

53) Which of the following statements is true regarding the skin and body surface area of children as compared to adults? A) The skin of a child is thicker. B) Children have more subcutaneous fat. C) Children have a larger body surface-to-weight ratio. D) A child is not more prone than an adult to heat loss through the skin.

Children have a larger body surface-to-weight ratio.

Which of the following describes the normal appearance of amniotic​ fluid? A. Thin​ fluid, greenish-yellow in color B. Clear and colorless fluid C. A fluid containing blood and mucus D. Thick​ fluid, greenish-black in color

Clear and colorless fluid

In which of the following zones is the EMT expected to be staged at the scene of a hazardous materials​ incident? A. Hot zone B. Cold zone C. Warm zone D. Ground zero

Cold zone

Which of the following is NOT an acceptable way of attempting to identify a hazardous​ material? A. Using binoculars to obtain information from the placard on a container B. Asking the driver of the​ tractor-trailer truck involved in the incident C. Checking the material safety data sheet D. Collecting a sample of the material for laboratory analysis

Collecting a sample of the material for laboratory analysis

Which of the following is a principle of effective Incident​ Command? A. Anyone on the scene should report directly to Incident Command. B. Command is most effective when one person is responsible for not more than 6 other people. C. The command location must not be revealed to anyone on the scene. D. ​Police, fire, and EMS must establish separate command locations.

Command is most effective when one person is responsible for not more than 6 other people.

You are on an EMS standby for a boxing tournament. During one of the matches, one of the female boxers delivers a forcible uppercut to the chest of her opponent, who falls to the ground. The match is declared over on the basis of a TKO. However, the opponent fails to arise following a 1 to 2 minute interval. EMS is summoned to the ring. You find the patient pulseless and breathing agonal gasps. You suspect which of the following traumatic conditions? A. Cardiac tamponade B. Aortic dissection C. Commotio cordis D. Tension pneumothorax

Commotio cordis

Which of the following is appropriate in the examination of a painful, swollen extremity of a conscious patient? A. Gently attempting to flex the mid-portion of the bone to check for angulation B. Asking the patient to see if he can bear weight on the extremity C. Comparing the injured side to the uninjured side D. Seeing if you can elicit crepitus on palpation

Comparing the injured side to the uninjured side

One of the more serious conditions that EMTs are confronted with goes down as follows:A fracture or crush injury causes bleeding and swelling within the extremity.Pressure and swelling caused by the bleeding within the muscle compartment becomes so great that thebody can no longer perfuse the tissues against the pressure.Cellular damage occurs and causes additional swelling.Blood flow to the area is lost. The limb itself may be lost if the pressure is not relieved.What is this condition called? A. Compartment syndrome B. Crushing syndrome C. Perfusing syndrome D. Fracture syndrome

Compartment syndrome

Which of the following is a classification of the severity of​ shock? A. Compensated B. Uncompensated C. ​Non-compensated D. Consumption


Which of the following injuries is considered an indirect brain​ injury? A. Depressed skull fracture with cerebral penetration by bone fragments B. Cerebral laceration C. Concussion D. Gunshot wound to the head


Which of the following will worsen the condition of the patient in​ shock? A. Transporting without first splinting all extremity fractures B. Conducting oneself in a manner that increases the​ patient's fear and anxiety C. Applying​ high-concentration oxygen when it is not needed D. Elevating the​ patient's legs 8 to 10 inches

Conducting oneself in a manner that increases the​ patient's fear and anxiety

A patient who is lying on cold ground is losing the most amount of heat by what mechanism? A. Radiation B. Convection C. Conduction D. Shivering


A patient gives you a story of having gone out to the movies last​ night, but who according to family​ members, has not left the house in years. This condition is​ called? A. Apoplexy B. Confabulation C. Lying D. Depression


You respond to a farm for a possible snake bite. You find a 36-year-old male patient seated against a tree. Bystanders state the patient was bitten on the arm by a rattlesnake and is "really sick." As you approach, you notice that the patient appears in obvious distress, diaphoretic and holding his right wrist. What is your highest priority? A. Perform a primary assessment and identify any potential life threats. B. Confirm the type of snake and contact medical control for specific instructions. C. Immediately apply a constricting band to minimize the spread of the venom. D. Confirm the location and status of the snake.

Confirm the location and status of the snake.

Which of the following must be kept in mind when considering the severity of external​ bleeding? A. The amount of blood loss is easily estimated by the amount of blood visible on the ground. B. Signs of shock do not appear until a large amount of blood has been lost. C. A younger person can tolerate more blood loss than an adult. D. All of the above

B. Signs of shock do not appear until a large amount of blood has been lost.

32) Your patient is a 11-month-old male who began choking while his babysitter was feeding him some sliced peaches. The child has retractions of his intercostal muscles, is drowsy, and is grayish in color. Which of the following is the BEST intervention for this patient? A) Use of a flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device (FROPVD) B) Back slaps and chest thrusts C) Abdominal thrusts D) Blow-by oxygen at 10 to 15 liters per minute

Back slaps and chest thrusts

Which of the following should be checked with the vehicle engine turned​ off? A. Windshield wiper operation B. ​Dash-mounted gauges C. Battery D. Warning lights


Why is it important to remove constricting items such as rings before thawing a frozen extremity? A. Because thawed areas often swell B. To prevent damage to the property such as rings and watches C. Because thawing leaves clots behind in the veins D. All of the above

Because thawed areas often swell

Full immobilization of a trauma​ patient, including placing a cervical collar and securing the patient to a​ backboard, should take place at which of the following points in​ time? A. En route to the hospital B. After checking for cervical range of motion C. Before moving the patient to the ambulance D. Before the primary assessment

Before moving the patient to the ambulance

47) Your patient is a 3-year-old child who is in severe respiratory distress. She is cyanotic and responds only to painful stimuli. According to the patient's mother, the child had complained of a sore throat earlier and has had a fever since early in the morning. Which of the following is the BEST course of action? A) Perform abdominal thrusts and finger sweeps; attempt to ventilate. B) Suction the airway. C) Insert an oropharyngeal airway (OPA) and begin bag-valve-mask ventilations with supplemental oxygen. D) Begin gentle ventilations with a bag-valve mask (BVM) and supplemental oxygen.

Begin gentle ventilations with a bag-valve mask (BVM) and supplemental oxygen.

Which of the following is the highest priority to the EMT in delivery of an infant with​ meconium-stained amniotic​ fluid? A. Checking for feve. All of the abover B. Vigorously rubbing the​ infant's back immediately upon delivery to stimulate breathing C. Being prepared to suction the infant immediately before he takes a breath D. None of the above

Being prepared to suction the infant immediately before he takes a breath

Your patient has attempted suicide by slitting his wrists. You notice that he has run the knife across his​ wrist, perpendicular to the​ arm, and that the wound is not deep. Which of the following statements is true regarding the likelihood for serious blood​ loss? A. There is most likely tremendous internal blood loss. B. You should expect severe blood loss. C. Blood loss is probably not​ life-threatening. D. A tourniquet will probably be necessary.

Blood loss is probably not​ life-threatening.

You are on the scene of a​ 50-year-old male who lacerated his arm on a sheet of plate glass. He is​ pale, diaphoretic, and mumbling incoherently. You have controlled an arterial bleed with direct pressure. His blood pressure is​ 70/40, pulse​ 120, and respiratory rate of 28. Which of the following signs is the most​ concerning? A. Altered mental status B. Tachycardia C. Blood pressure D. Respiratory rate

Blood pressure

If you do not have a commercial tourniquet​ available, what common device found on the ambulance can be used as a​ substitute? A. Ice packs tied in place with triangle bandage B. Blood pressure cuff C. Use a rope​ tie-down to make a tourniquet D. Air or vacuum splint

Blood pressure cuff

Which of the following is part of the​ body's compensatory response to blood​ loss? A. Blood vessels dilate and the heart rate decreases. B. Blood vessels constrict and the heart rate increases. C. Blood vessels constrict and the heart rate decreases. D. Blood vessels dilate and the heart rate increases.

Blood vessels constrict and the heart rate increases.

Which of the following is the leading cause of internal​ bleeding? A. Crush injury B. Blunt trauma C. Penetrating trauma D. Aortic aneurysm

Blunt trauma

Which of the following describes a breech​ presentation? A. The infant presents buttocks first. B. The infant presents with both feet first. C. The infant presents face first. D. Both A and B

Both A and B

Which of the following describes an open extremity injury? A. A gunshot wound has penetrated the skin and then fractured the bone. B. Bone ends have lacerated the soft tissues and skin from the inside. C. The joint capsule has been torn open during a dislocation. D. Both A and B

Both A and B

When preparing to move a patient that is using a specialty medical device from his house to the​ ambulance, which of the following questions would be appropriate to ask the​ family? A. What worked best for moving the patient the last time he was transported by​ ambulance? B. How do you normally move the​ patient? C. Can you carry the patient to the ambulance since you know the best way to move the​ patient? D. Both A and B are correct.

Both A and B are correct.

Which of the following is NOT part of the circulatory​ system? A. Blood vessels B. Brain C. Blood D. Heart


Which of the following spiders can cause a characteristic wound with a bite that is often painless? A. Brown recluse spider B. Sheet web spider C. Argiope spider D. Black widow spider

Brown recluse spider

Your patient is a 40-year-old male who has been exposed to a dry chemical powder and is complaining of severe pain on both of his hands, the site of the contact. He is working in an illegal chemical manufacturing plant and there is no decontamination shower on site. Which of the following would be the BEST way to manage this situation? a. Have the fire department connect to a hydrant and spray down the patient from head to toe. b. Brush away as much powder as possible and then pour a bottle of sterile saline solution over his hands. c. Brush away as much of the powder as possible and then have the patient hold his hands under running water from a faucet or regular garden hose. d. Brush away the powder and bandage the hands in a position of function.

Brush away as much of the powder as possible and then have the patient hold his hands under running water from a faucet or regular garden hose.

You assess a 35-year-old female patient with a chemical burn to her right forearm and hand. As you assess the burn, you notice a white powder on the burn. What should be your next step? A. Transport the patient immediately to the closest burn center. B. Brush the powder off the patient's arm and hand, and then flush with copious amounts of water. C. Flush the arm and hand with copious amounts of water. D. Brush off the powder, bandage the arm, and transport the patient to the closest trauma center.

Brush the powder off the patient's arm and hand, and then flush with copious amounts of water.

Which of the following is a function of the autonomic nervous​ system? A. Constriction of blood vessels B. Running or walking C. Solving complex math problems D. Speaking

Constriction of blood vessels

Which of the following is NOT traditionally a responsibility of an EMT on the scene of a hazardous materials incident caused by​ terrorism? A. Scene​ size-up B. Assessment of the toxicological risk C. Containment and control D. Activation of the incident management system​ (IMS)

Containment and control

Which of the following is the MOST sensitive indicator of​ hypoperfusion? A. Dilation of the pupils B. Delayed capillary refill C. Increased heart rate D. Altered mental status

D. Altered mental status

What are some of the most important critical decisions an EMT can make on the scene of a serious​ trauma? A. Physiological​ determinants, anatomic​ criteria, and mechanism of injury B. Load and go versus stay and play C. Whether to await ALS care​ on-scene or begin BLS transport D. Determining patient​ priority, amount of time​ on-scene, and hospital transport decision

Determining patient​ priority, amount of time​ on-scene, and hospital transport decision

You are called to assess a pregnant woman who is approximately 7 months pregnant. She states that her pregnancy has been uneventful but she is experiencing intermittent headaches. Her vital signs are pulse​ 118, respirations​ 22, blood pressure​ 138/88, and blood sugar 148. Which of the following is true regarding a pregnant​ woman? A. Diabetes may be made worse during pregnancy. B. Her pulse rate should be lower than normal. C. Her blood pressure is usually higher during pregnancy. D. Her respirations usually remain the same during pregnancy.

Diabetes may be made worse during pregnancy.

By which of the following means does the​ fetus's blood pick up nourishment from the​ mother? A. Diffusion B. Direct circulation C. Indirect circulation D. Osmosis


Which of the following is the underlying cause of neurogenic​ shock? A. Failure of the heart to adequately pump blood B. Extreme emotional response to paralysis C. Dilation of blood vessels D. Blood loss from damaged spinal blood vessels

Dilation of blood vessels

Bleeding from soft-tissue injuries should initially be controlled with which one of the following techniques? A. Application of an ice pack or chemical cold pack B. Direct pressure C. Elevation of the injured part D. Running cold water over the wound

Direct pressure

Your patient is a​ 33-year-old man who has a gunshot wound to his right leg and has​ active, steady, dark red bleeding. He is​ awake, pale, and diaphoretic. He has a strong radial pulse of 112 per​ minute, a respiratory rate of 24 breaths per​ minute, and a blood pressure of​ 122/82 mmHg. He has no other injuries or complaints. Which of the following is the BEST sequence of steps in the management of this​ patient? A. ​High-concentration oxygen,​ tourniquet, PASG, and elevation of the extremity B. Direct​ pressure, high-concentration​ oxygen, and splinting the leg C. ​High-concentration oxygen, elevation of the​ extremity, and application of ice D. Cervical spine​ immobilization, high-concentration​ oxygen, direct​ pressure, and pressure point compression

Direct​ pressure, high-concentration​ oxygen, and splinting the leg

Which of the following refers to a condition that interferes significantly with a​ person's ability to engage in activities of daily​ living? A. Handicapped B. Terminal C. Disabled D. Disability


You are assessing a patient in the front seat of a vehicle that was involved in a​ head-on collision. As you examine the interior of the​ vehicle, you notice the air bags have not deployed. What action should you take in order to render the scene safe to​ work? A. Use a long spine board to shield yourself from the undeployed air bag. B. Disconnect the battery and wait 2 minutes before entering the vehicle. C. Turn the ignition to the​ "off" position and wait 2 minutes before entering the vehicle. D. Disconnect the battery and continue assessing the patient.

Disconnect the battery and wait 2 minutes before entering the vehicle.

If the steering wheel must be displaced during extrication and the air bag has not​ deployed, which of the following actions is recommended by air bag​ manufacturers? A. Secure a long backboard across the steering wheel to deflect the air bag from the patient should it deploy. B. Firmly strike the hub of the steering wheel with a mallet to deactivate the air bag before displacing the steering wheel. C. No action is​ required; only frontal impact will deploy air bags. D. Disconnect the battery cables.

Disconnect the battery cables.

64) Your patient has a tracheostomy and is on a ventilator. He presents in acute respiratory distress. You assess his trach tube and it appears clear, but there is something wrong with the ventilator. You do not notice any loose fittings or disconnected tubes. The airway is clear and he is sitting upright. What is your next step? A) Call the manufacturer's service hotline. B) Try to further troubleshoot the ventilator. C) Disconnect the patient and ventilate him with a bag-valve device. D) Connect your oxygen tank directly to the tracheostomy tube.

Disconnect the patient and ventilate him with a bag-valve device.

Blunt trauma resulting in a closed chest injury creates the potential for which of the following internal injuries? A. Abrasion B. Contusion C. Evisceration D. Avulsion


In addition to lacerations, blunt trauma resulting in a closed chest injury creates the potential for which of the following internal injuries? A. Abrasion B. Contusion C. Evisceration D. Avulsion


Which of the following is NOT an open tissue injury? A. Abrasion B. Contusion C. Avulsion D. Evisceration


Which of the following is NOT an open tissue injury? A. Contusion B. Abrasion C. Evisceration D. Avulsion


Which of the following is the process in which heat is lost from the body as wind passes over it? A. Convection B. Hydrodynamic cooling C. Exposure D. Condensation


Of the following venomous snakes, which one usually has the highest incidence of a "dry bite"? A. Coral snake B. Water moccasin C. Mississauga rattlesnake D. Copperhead

Coral snake

Which of the following types of snake is NOT a pit viper? A. Water moccasin B. Rattlesnake C. Coral snake D. Copperhead

Coral snake

Which of the following is the correct technique to check for crowning in the assessment of a woman in​ labor? A. Place your hand on the​ woman's abdomen, just above the​ umbilicus, and check for the firmness of the uterus during contractions. B. Ask the woman to​ "push" or​ "bear down" as you inspect the vaginal opening. C. Cover her with a​ sheet, have her remove her​ underwear, wait for a​ contraction, and then visualize the vaginal opening. D. None of the above

Cover her with a​ sheet, have her remove her​ underwear, wait for a​ contraction, and then visualize the vaginal opening.

Which of the following chemical agents prohibits the use of oxygen in the​ cells? A. Blister agents B. Cyanide C. Nerve agents D. All of the above


A​ 65-year-old man was doing some work on his roof when he lost his footing and fell to the​ ground, approximately 15 feet. He is unconscious but his respirations are normal. You note an obviously angulated left leg. You are more concerned about a possible head injury. Which of the following would indicate a possible head​ injury? A. Glasgow Coma Scale​ (GCS) of 15 B. Constricted pupils C. Increased pulse rate D. Increased blood pressure

Increased blood pressure

As pressure within the cranium​ increases, which of the following is the​ result? A. Decreased blood​ pressure, increased pulse B. Increased blood​ pressure, increased pulse C. Increased blood​ pressure, decreased pulse D. Decreased blood​ pressure, decreased pulse

Increased blood​ pressure, decreased pulse

25) A bulging fontanelle in a quietly resting child may be an indication of which of the following? A) Fever B) Dehydration C) Normal development D) Increased intracranial pressure

Increased intracranial pressure

You are treating a​ 54-year-old female patient who was involved in a domestic dispute. You notice an abrasion to the side of her head. The patient is unresponsive with a blood pressure of​ 200/110, a pulse of 60 beats per​ minute, and slightly irregular breathing. The​ patient's presentation is most likely caused by which of the​ following? A. Increased arterial pressure B. Increased intracranial pressure C. Minor closed head injury D. ​Coup-contrecoup injury

Increased intracranial pressure

Which of the following is NOT a warning sign or physical symptom of stress? A. Chest pain B. GI distress C. Heart palpitations D. Increased salivation

Increased salivation

15) Which of the following is NOT a normal response of a small child when approached by the EMT? A) Anxiety B) Indifference C) Fear D) None of the above


Which of the following should bring to mind the possibility of abuse or neglect of your special needs​ patient? A. A lack of knowledge of the​ patient's condition B. Indifference to the​ patient's condition C. An insistence that the patient be transported to the hospital D. Empathy for the​ patient's pain and suffering

Indifference to the​ patient's condition

Your patient is a 12-year-old female who fell onto her outstretched hands while rollerblading. She has a deformity of her forearm, about 2 inches proximal to her wrist. This injury is a result of which of the following mechanisms? A. Direct force B. Indirect force C. Sudden acceleration D. Twisting motion

Indirect force

Which of the following does NOT make infants and children more prone to hypothermia? A. Inefficient metabolism B. Large body surface area C. Small muscle mass D. Little body fat

Inefficient metabolism

Which of the following is optional​ equipment? A. Flashlights B. Infant oxygen masks C. Disinfectant solution D. Lubricating jelly

Infant oxygen masks

What is the BEST option an EMT has when encountering poor BVM compliance when attempting to ventilate a​ patient? A. Address ventilation en route to the hospital or ALS intercept. B. Begin chest compressions. C. Place the patient on supplemental oxygen. D. Involve two people in the procedure.

Involve two people in the procedure.

Which of the following would you expect to see in a patient with severe hypothermia? A. Irrational behavior B. Loss of muscle tone C. Rapid respirations D. Tachycardia

Irrational behavior

Which of the following is an appropriate question to ask while evaluating a woman in​ labor? A. Is this your first​ pregnancy? B. When was the last time you were sexually​ active? C. Do you know who the father is and what is his medical​ history? D. None of the above

Is this your first​ pregnancy?

Which of the following is NOT the purpose of making airway management the highest priority of patient care when managing the patient in​ shock? A. It minimizes the chances of aspiration of blood or vomit. B. It allows for improved elimination of carbon dioxide. C. It allows the bronchoconstriction of the smaller airways to be reversed. D. It allows for oxygenation of the lungs.

It allows the bronchoconstriction of the smaller airways to be reversed.

Which of the following is a characteristic of venous​ bleeding? A. It can be​ profuse, but is generally easily controlled. B. It commonly requires the use of pressure point compression. C. It often requires the use of a tourniquet. D. It cannot lead to​ life-threatening amounts of blood loss.

It can be​ profuse, but is generally easily controlled.

Which of the following statements is NOT true when you are​ on-scene and treating a patient that appears to be in​ shock? A. Prompt transportation is a very high priority. B. The patient should be promptly put on​ high-concentration oxygen. C. It is important to spend​ on-scene time to be sure you have corrected and dealt with any of the causes of the shock so that it does not get worse. This is more important than rapid transport. D. Airway management is of top priority.

It is important to spend​ on-scene time to be sure you have corrected and dealt with any of the causes of the shock so that it does not get worse. This is more important than rapid transport.

Which of the following is NOT a desirable characteristic of the rehabilitation sector of a hazardous materials​ incident? A. It is located in the warm zone. B. It is large enough to accommodate multiple rescue crews. C. It allows for rapid reentry to the emergency operation. D. It is protected from weather elements.

It is located in the warm zone.

Which of the following BEST describes the benefit of a three-sided occlusive dressing over a four-sided occlusive dressing for an open chest wound? A. It eliminates the need to continue monitoring the patient's respiratory status. B. It reduces the chances of developing a tension pneumothorax. C. It allows easy access for re-examination of the wound en route to the hospital. D. It prevents the development of a hemothorax by allowing blood to escape.

It reduces the chances of developing a tension pneumothorax.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of splinting an injury to bones and connective tissues? A. It prevents neurological damage due to movement of bone ends or fragments. B. It may prevent a closed injury from becoming an open injury. C. It restricts blood flow to the site of the injury to prevent swelling. D. It reduces pain.

It restricts blood flow to the site of the injury to prevent swelling.

53. Which of the following statements is not true concerning the proper transport of an avulsed ear? a. It should be labeled with the patient's name, as well as the date and time it was bagged. b. It should be kept as cool as possible. c. It should not be immersed in cooled water or saline. d. It should be in a dry sterile dressing.

It should be in a dry sterile dressing.

Which of the following statements is not true concerning a pelvic wrap? A. It can be used if the pelvis shows deformity B. It can be used if the pelvis shows instability C. It should not be used unless the patient shows signs of shock D. You can consider its use based on MOI.

It should not be used unless the patient shows signs of shock.

Which of the following is the rule of thumb for determining the stability of a vehicle that has been involved in a​ collision? A. It is stable if the ignition is turned off. B. It is stable if it is upright on all four wheels. C. It should only be considered stable after assessment by trained rescue personnel. D. It is stable if the transmission is in​ "Park" or the parking brake is on.

It should only be considered stable after assessment by trained rescue personnel.

Which of the following BEST describes the function of blood? A. It is a​ life-giving liquid that supports all the​ body's functions to maintain hypoperfusion. B. It flows from the heart with the vital gases and nutrients to maintain lack of perfusion. C. It transports gases along with​ nutrients, aids in​ excretion, and provides protection and regulation. D. It​ clots, flows,​ transports, protects, and excretes on a daily basis.

It transports gases along with​ nutrients, aids in​ excretion, and provides protection and regulation.

30) Which of the following is a consideration in airway management in the pediatric patient? A) Keeping the nose clear of secretions B) The need to hyperextend the head to achieve an open airway C) Using blind finger sweeps to clear a foreign body from the airway D) All of the above

Keeping the nose clear of secretions

Which of the following is classified as an open head​ injury? A. Contusion without a skull fracture B. Laceration with a skull fracture C. Laceration without a skull fracture D. Both A and B

Laceration with a skull fracture

Seizures due to complications of pregnancy generally occur during which of the following time​ periods? A. In the second trimester B. In the first trimester C. Before the mother even knows she is pregnant D. Late in pregnancy

Late in pregnancy

The technique for central rewarming requires the application of heat to which of the following areas of the patient's body? A. Chest, back, neck, and armpits B. Lateral chest, neck, armpits, and groin C. Head, neck, chest, and back D. Head, neck, chest, and groin

Lateral chest, neck, armpits, and groin

Which of the following provides the BEST protection for the​ EMT's hands during a vehicle rescue​ operation? A. Fabric work gloves with​ non-slip palms B. ​Elbow-length chemical-proof gloves C. ​Double-thickness latex gloves D. Leather gloves

Leather gloves

Your patient is a 32-year-old man with a fish hook that has perforated his hand between the thumb and index finger. Which of the following is the best way to manage the situation in the prehospital setting? A. Push the hook through the wound to avoid further damage from the barbed end. B. Leave the hook in place and try not to disturb it. C. Apply a pressure dressing over the hook. D. Pull the hook out from the same direction in which it entered the hand.

Leave the hook in place and try not to disturb it.

Which of the following transport positions is indicated for the patient in​ shock? A. Legs raised 8 to 12 inches B. Recumbent C. Sitting D. Left lateral recumbent

Legs raised 8 to 12 inches

Upon arrival at the scene of a motor vehicle​ collision, you find a vehicle that is on fire. The fire is confined to the engine compartment and the hood is tightly closed. Of the​ following, which is the BEST course of​ action? A. Discharge a dry chemical fire extinguisher onto the​ patient's clothing to protect him from the fire. B. Wet the interior of the vehicle to keep the fire from spreading. C. Let the fire burn and concentrate on extricating the patient. D. Use a​ long-handled pry-bar to open the hood and put out the fire with a fire extinguisher.

Let the fire burn and concentrate on extricating the patient.

You respond to a​ 22-year-old male patient who fell while exiting the local bar. Bystanders state he drank at least 10 beers and could not keep his balance. Physical exam reveals that the patient is alert to verbal stimuli only. He has a Glasgow Coma Scale of​ 3, 4,​ 6; slurred​ speech; and an obvious scalp laceration to the back of his head. He is refusing treatment and transport and wants his friends to drive him home. The nearest hospital is 5 minutes​ away, a Level II Trauma Center is 10 minutes​ away, and a Level I Full Service Trauma Center is 30 minutes away. Which of these is the most appropriate facility for the​ patient? A. The nearest community facility B. Level I Trauma Center C. ​Nowhere, since the patient is an adult and​ refusing; as​ such, you cannot take him D. Level II Trauma Center

Level II Trauma Center

You are at the scene of a motor vehicle collision in which a single vehicle has collided with a tree. You note that the​ driver's side air bag has deployed. Which of the following is recommended by air bag​ manufacturers? A. Sharply strike the front bumper to make sure the second air bag has deployed. B. Use a portable fan to ventilate the car to remove the powder from the air bag. C. Lift the air bag and inspect the steering wheel for damage. D. Cut away the fabric portion of the air bag to get it out of the way.

Lift the air bag and inspect the steering wheel for damage.

Which of the following structures connect bone ends, making joints more stable? A. Ligaments B. Cartilage C. Tendons D. Periosteum


Which of the following is a vascular organ in the abdomen that can produce blood loss quickly enough to result in life-threatening hemorrhage following high mechanism of injury blunt trauma? A. Intestines B. Pancreas C. Liver D. Kidneys


Which of the following signs is LEAST likely to indicate a traumatic brain​ injury? A. Low blood pressure B. Irrational behavior C. Irregular breathing pattern D. Vomiting

Low blood pressure

An elderly patient you are transporting to the hospital complains of feeling faint and abdominal pain. The patient states a recent history of​ "tarry stool". Which of the following conditions is most​ likely? A. Constipation B. Myocardial infarction C. Abdominal aortic aneurysm D. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding

Lower gastrointestinal bleeding

An elderly patient you are transporting to the hospital for complaints of feeling faint and having abdominal pain provides you with a list of medications he currently takes. Among the medications listed is naproxen. The patient's vital signs include a blood pressure of 148/92, pulse rate of 120, respiratory rate of 28, and clear bilateral breath sounds. Which of the following would be the most likely condition the patient is experiencing related to the abdominal pain? A. Abdominal aortic aneurysm B. Myocardial infarction C. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding D. Constipation

Lower gastrointestinal bleeding

During​ transport, where should the catheter bag be after loading the patient and stretcher into the ambulance if the patient has an indwelling urinary​ catheter? A. In the​ patient's lap, but not higher than his heart B. On the ambulance floor C. Lower than the​ patient, but not on the floor D. Hanging from the ceiling of the ambulance or IV pole higher than the patient

Lower than the​ patient, but not on the floor

Supine hypotensive syndrome is easily prevented by transporting the pregnant female into which of the following​ positions? A. On her hands and knees with her hips elevated B. Tilted slightly onto the right side C. ​Supine, with the head lower than the hips D. Lying on her left side

Lying on her left side

The purpose of a constricting band after a venomous snake bite is to impede the flow of which of the following? A. Lymph B. Arterial blood C. Venom D. Both A and C


While treating a patient of sexual​ assault, your treatment should follow which of the following​ sequences? A. Maintain scene​ safety, treat immediate life​ threats, allow the patient to shower if the patient is capable to help treat psychological​ needs, and transport. B. Treat immediate life​ threats, treat psychological​ needs, and protect criminal evidence. C. Maintain scene​ safety, treat immediate life​ threats, and treat only the secondary injuries that may become life threats to protect criminal evidence. D. Maintain scene​ safety, treat immediate life​ threats, treat medical and psychological​ needs, and protect criminal evidence.

Maintain scene​ safety, treat immediate life​ threats, treat medical and psychological​ needs, and protect criminal evidence.

Which of the following is important to remember when communicating with an elderly patient with a hearing​ impairment? A. It is not worth the effort to try to get information from an elderly person with a hearing impairment. B. Make sure the patient can see you when you are speaking to him. C. You may need to shout in order for the patient to hear you. D. Speak directly into the​ patient's ear.

Make sure the patient can see you when you are speaking to him

What is another name for the zygomatic​ bone? A. Maxillae B. Malar C. Temporal D. Mandible


Which of the following is a strategy to maintain an occlusive dressing to bloody or diaphoretic skin? A. Do not use occlusive dressings in this case. B. Do not use adhesive tape. C. Manually maintain pressure. D. Wrap the dressing circumferentially with gauze.

Manually maintain pressure.

You are dispatched to a motorcycle crash with one patient involved. Which of the following interventions should be performed​ first? A. Begin chest compressions. B. Suction the vomit and secretions from the airway. C. Manually stabilize the cervical spine. D. Stabilize the pelvis to a long spine board.

Manually stabilize the cervical spine.

What is the first step in a rapid takedown of a standing patient? A. Applying a properly sized cervical collar B. Positioning a long spine board behind the patient C. Manually stabilize the​ patient's head and neck D. Applying oxygen

Manually stabilize the​ patient's head and neck

What is a primary problem when treating musculoskeletal injuries? A. Many musculoskeletal injuries have a grotesque appearance, and the EMT cannot be distracted from life-threatening conditions by a deformed limb. B. All musculoskeletal injuries are life threatening due to the bone bleeding, leading to hypoperfusion. C. Splints do not adequately fit the patient's extremities and must be modified with padding to ensure immobilization. D. Most musculoskeletal injuries are simply splinted and not a life threat to the patient.

Many musculoskeletal injuries have a grotesque appearance, and the EMT cannot be distracted from life-threatening conditions by a deformed limb.

What is the MOST likely reason a garden center could become the site of a hazardous materials​ incident? A. Many people shop there. B. Many plants are sold there. C. Many people work there. D. Many​ fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals are sold there.

Many​ fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals are sold there.

Which of the following types of bleeding is most​ serious? A. Massive bleeding of any type B. External bleeding C. Arterial bleeding D. Internal bleeding

Massive bleeding of any type

What is the process that removes the biological​ (etiological) contamination​ hazards, as it destroys microorganisms and their​ toxins? A. Absorption B. Emulsification C. Dilution D. Disinfection


You are dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on a rural mountain highway. You have a patient who was unconscious on​ arrival, had a​ seizure, and is currently awake but combative. You suspect he may have a head injury. What is considered the BEST approach regarding transport of this​ patient? A. Begin transport to the trauma center on the​ ground, which is 1.5​ hours' driving time. B. Transport to a local community hospital approximately 15 minutes away via ground. C. Dispatch the medical helicopter to meet your unit at the community hospital. D. Dispatch and await the medical​ helicopter, which is 20 minutes away.

Dispatch and await the medical​ helicopter, which is 20 minutes away.

Which of the following actions may need to be taken by the EMT when treating and transporting a patient who was exposed​ to, and contaminated​ by, a hazardous​ material? A. Dispose of patient care equipment such as​ blood-pressure cuffs and backboards. B. Wear a​ gown, mask, and goggles to prevent secondary contamination. C. Wear heavy cloth gloves. D. Place towels on the floor of the ambulance to soak up contaminated runoff water.

Dispose of patient care equipment such as​ blood-pressure cuffs and backboards.

You are transporting a stable patient who was involved in a minor fall from a ladder at a height of about 10 feet to a local community hospital. You assumed full spinal precautions not only because the patient has midline back pain in the​ sacrum, but also because he was knocked unconscious. While​ transporting, the patient begins to become increasingly​ confused, develop an irregular respiratory​ rate, and experience a drop in heart rate with an increase in blood pressure. You just called in a radio report and are about 7 minutes from the hospital. A trauma center is about 10 minutes away. Which of the following is the BEST transport​ decision? A. Continue transporting to the local hospital because​ you've already given report and they accepted the patient. B. Divert to the trauma center because the patient is becoming symptomatic. C. Continue transporting to the local hospital since​ it's the closest facility. D. Call the trauma center for advice.

Divert to the trauma center because the patient is becoming symptomatic.

Which two types of terrorism does the Federal Bureau of Investigation define as occurring in the United​ States? A. Chemical and biological B. Violent and intimidation C. Domestic and international D. Psychological and economic

Domestic and international

Which of the following is a common reason that EMTs are struck by motor vehicles at the scene of motor vehicle collisions on​ roadways? A. Drivers who are angry at being delayed deliberately take out their frustrations on rescue workers. B. Drivers are distracted by the scene of the collision and do not pay attention to what they are doing. C. EMTs sometimes lose track of what they are doing and wander into traffic. D. All of the above

Drivers are distracted by the scene of the collision and do not pay attention to what they are doing.

Which of the following BEST describes when positive pressure is applied to the​ patient's airway using a CPAP​ machine? A. During inhalation only B. During exhalation only C. During both inhalation and exhalation D. Between inhalation and exhalation

During both inhalation and exhalation

You are treating a 16-year-old skateboarder who has fallen at the skate park. She has an angulated left forearm that she has in a guarded position. When do you splint this injury? A. En route to the hospital B. Immediately C. During the primary exam D. During the secondary exam

During the secondary exam

What criteria based on the CDC guidelines allows a discretionary approach to trauma​ triage? For​ example, a patient not meeting ordinary trauma triage criteria may be transported to a trauma center based on what​ consideration? A. Review of morbidity and mortality B. EMS provider judgment C. ​"Golden Hour" criteria D. CDC​ "No-protocol Protocol"

EMS provider judgment

You are an EMT on the scene of a​ mass-casualty incident in which there are 50 patients from a bus rollover. Incident Command has been established and​ EMS, law​ enforcement, and rescue sectors are established. You have just discovered that one of the bus passengers was carrying a suspicious package that is now leaking a white powdery substance. Which of the following entities should you contact about​ this? A. Incident Commander B. Dispatch C. EMS sector officer D. Medical direction

EMS sector officer

When​ log-rolling a patient with a suspected spinal​ injury, which of the following EMTs directs the​ move? A. EMT at the head of the patient B. EMT with the most seniority C. EMT at the heaviest portion of the patient D. EMT with the highest level of training

EMT at the head of the patient

Which of the following has been shown to actually interfere with the normal grieving and healing process after a multiple-casualty incident? A. Critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) sessions B. EMT engaging in psychoanalysis C. Mental health personnel available during the two months following a major incident D. Mental health personnel available on the scene

EMT engaging in psychoanalysis

Which of the following BEST describes a localized cold injury with a clear line of demarcation of its limits? A. Early frostnip B. Late frostbite C. Immersion foot D. Deep frostnip

Early frostnip

You are called to a local hardware store for a male patient complaining of difficulty breathing. As you pull into the parking​ lot, you notice several people in front of the building coughing and in obvious distress. What would be the BEST course of action at this​ point? A. Evaluate the scene further for indications of a hazardous environment and request a hazardous materials response. B. Locate the patient for whom you were requested and begin treatment while another ambulance is en route for the other patients. C. Request a hazardous materials incident response and begin treating all patients displaying respiratory difficulties. D. Move the people with respiratory difficulties to a distant corner of the parking lot and set up a treatment sector.

Evaluate the scene further for indications of a hazardous environment and request a hazardous materials response.

You are dispatched to a 42-year-old male who was shot in the abdomen and thrown from a vehicle. The patient is critical and a high-category trauma; however, due to the mechanism of injury, it is necessary to backboard the patient prior to transport. What is an important assessment before securing the patient? A. Examining the patient for entrance and exit wounds B. Performing a distal neurological assessment C. Searching for presence of diaphoresis, tachycardia, and hypotension D. Verifying trauma center ER bed availability

Examining the patient for entrance and exit wounds

Most state statutes allow an emergency vehicle operator to do which of the following on emergency​ calls? A. Pass a stopped school bus with its red flashers on B. Be exempt from liability in the event of a collision C. Drive around lowered​ cross-arms at a railroad crossing D. Exceed posted speed limits if life and property are not endangered

Exceed posted speed limits if life and property are not endangered

Which of the following is not a mechanism of musculoskeletal injury? A. Direct force B. Indirect force C. Twisting or rotational forces D. Extensive force

Extensive force

In a hypothermic patient the coldest blood is found in what part of the patient's body? A. Intestines B. Heart and lungs C. Head D. Extremities


Glasgow Coma Scale​ (GCS) is a neurological assessment that looks at which of the​ following? A. Verbal​ response, motor​ response, and AVPU B. Grip​ strength, verbal​ response, and eye opening C. Eye​ opening, verbal​ response, and motor response D. Motor​ response, arm​ movement, and speech

Eye​ opening, verbal​ response, and motor response

Which of the following can serve as appropriate eye protection for an EMT on the scene of an​ extrication? A. Shield of a​ Firefighter's helmet B. Prescription eyeglasses C. Plastic face shield of the type used for Standard Precautions D. Face conforming goggles

Face conforming goggles

Heat stroke is caused by which of the following mechanisms? A. Blockage of blood flow to the brain B. Extreme dilation of all the blood vessels C. Failure of temperature regulation mechanisms D. Heat-induced swelling of brain tissue

Failure of temperature regulation mechanisms

49) Which of the following is the MOST common cause of seizures in infants and children? A) Hypoglycemia B) Hypoxia C) Fever D) Poisoning


Which of the following is the BEST protection for an​ EMT's upper body during an extrication​ operation? A. Nylon jacket with asbestos lining B. Thick wool coat C. Firefighting turnout coat D. Thick fireproof blanket draped around the shoulders

Firefighting turnout coat

Your patient is a​ 30-year-old construction worker who fell from scaffolding and has been impaled by a piece of concrete reinforcement bar. The patient responds to verbal stimuli. You have determined the bar is too long to adequately secure during patient transport. Which of the following is your best course of​ action? A. Transport with the reinforcement bar in place to prevent delay at the scene. B. Test the reinforcement bar for stability and remove it only if it is loose enough to be easily pulled from the wound. C. Remove the reinforcement bar and pack the orbit with sterile moist dressings to keep the scene time under 10 minutes. D. Firmly stabilize the reinforcement bar in place so that the rescue crew can cut it short.

Firmly stabilize the reinforcement bar in place so that the rescue crew can cut it short.

Johnny is an EMT with a local ambulance service. As part of his​ job, he is trained to recognize the existence of a potentially dangerous scene involving hazardous materials and know when to request a hazmat response.​ Johnny's level of hazardous materials training is at the​ ________ level. A. First Responder Awareness B. Hazardous Materials Specialist C. Hazardous Materials Technician D. First Responder Operations

First Responder Awareness

Soraya is an EMT who volunteers for a local fire department. On the scene of a hazardous materials​ incident, she helps prevent the incident from becoming larger and ensures bystanders remain safe.​ Soraya's level of hazardous materials training is at the​ ________ level. A. First Responder Operations B. Hazardous Materials Specialist C. First Responder Awareness D. Hazardous Materials Technician

First Responder Operations

You are assessing a patient in labor. Her contractions are 2 minutes apart lasting 30 seconds with increasing pain. The patient states that she feels the urge to push. These signs indicate which stage of​ delivery? A. Third stage B. First and second stage C. Fourth stage D. Second stage

First and second stage

Which of the following is the correct way to time the frequency of contractions in the pregnant​ woman? A. From the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next B. After counting the number of contractions in a​ 15-minute period, multiply by 4 C. From the end of one contraction to the beginning of the next D. From the beginning of a contraction to the end of the same contraction

From the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next

A burn extending into the subcutaneous fat would be classified as which type of burn? a Deep partial thickness b Full thickness c Superficial partial thickness d Superficial

Full thickness

Which of the following types of radiation emits the most powerful​ rays? A. Gamma B. Alpha C. Delta D. Beta


Your patient is a 37-year-old man who tripped while walking down a hill and now has a painful, deformed right leg. Your assessment reveals that the foot is cold and mottled in appearance. You cannot detect a pulse in the foot or ankle. Which of the following is the BEST course of action? A. Explain to the patient that, because you cannot detect circulation in his foot, his leg will most likely have to be amputated above the site of the injury. B. Gently attempt to straighten the leg to regain a pulse before splinting. C. Splint the leg in the position in which it was found and transport without delay. D. Transport rapidly to the nearest trauma center.

Gently attempt to straighten the leg to regain a pulse before splinting.

Which of the following is NOT a principle of splinting that must be considered by the EMT? A. Immobilize the site of an extremity injury from the joint above it to the joint below it. B. Splint an isolated extremity injury before moving the patient to the stretcher. C. Check the distal neurovascular function before and after splinting. D. Gently replace protruding bone ends back beneath the skin to prevent further contamination.

Gently replace protruding bone ends back beneath the skin to prevent further contamination.

Your patient is a 44-year-old female with a history of alcoholism. She has been walking around at an outdoor fair on a hot, sunny day. She is disoriented to time; has hot, dry skin; and appears to be generally weak. Which of the following is the appropriate sequence of treatment for this patient? A. Have the patient drink an electrolyte solution or sports drink and apply cold packs to her neck, armpits, and groin. B. Get as much ice as possible from the food vendors at the fair, place the patient in a large container of ice, and apply oxygen by nonrebreather mask. C. Give oxygen by nonrebreather mask, have the patient sip a sports drink or electrolyte solution, remove heavy clothing, and place cold packs on her neck, armpits, and groin. D. Give oxygen by nonrebreather mask, remove heavy clothing, and place cold packs on her neck, armpits, and groin.

Give oxygen by nonrebreather mask, remove heavy clothing, and place cold packs on her neck, armpits, and groin.

Which of the following should be used to protect a patient during​ extrication? A. Goggles B. Plastic blanket C. Netting D. None of the above


Your patient is a 24-year-old man who smoked a cigarette dipped in formaldehyde and then went outside with no shoes on and walked in the snow for about an hour. He has deep local cold injuries to both feet. Which of the following should be included in your management of this patient? A. Break blisters before wrapping both feet in sterile dressings. B. Have the patient sit with his feet lower than the rest of his body. C. Gradually rewarm both feet. D. Massage the feet briskly.

Gradually rewarm both feet.

Which of the following should the EMT do during the treatment of localized cold injury? A. Encourage the patient to use the affected part. B. Rub the affected area with snow. C. Massage the affected area. D. Gradually warm the affected area.

Gradually warm the affected area

24) You are assessing a 2-year-old child whose mother states she has had a fever for several hours. Which of the following signs is cause for concern? A) Crying B) Absence of nasal flaring with inhalation C) Grunting at the end of expiration D) Respiratory rate of 28 breaths per minute

Grunting at the end of expiration

For which of the following wounds should the EMT apply an absorbent dressing moistened with sterile saline and then cover it with an occlusive dressing? A. Gunshot wound (GSW) to the abdomen from which a loop of intestine is protruding B. Laceration to the neck C. The stump of an amputated extremity D. Stab wound to the chest

Gunshot wound (GSW) to the abdomen from which a loop of intestine is protruding

Where could you find the phalange bones? A. Upper extremities B. Lower extremities C. Skull and neck D. Hands and feet

Hands and feet

Which of the following is NOT generally recognized as a form of terrorist​ incident? A. Industrial sabotage B. Biological weapons C. Explosion D. Harassment


Which of the following is NOT recommended when controlling​ epistaxis? A. Having the patient tilt the head backward to elevate the nose B. Placing the unconscious patient in the recovery position C. Keeping the patient calm and quiet D. Pinching the nostrils together

Having the patient tilt the head backward to elevate the nose

Andrea is an EMS supervisor with a combined​ EMS/Fire department. On the scene of a hazardous materials​ incident, she uses her knowledge of hazardous materials to support the activities of other responders and manage the scene.​ Andrea's level of hazardous materials training is at the​ ________ level. A. Hazardous Materials Technician B. First Responder Operations C. First Responder Awareness D. Hazardous Materials Specialist

Hazardous Materials Specialist

Eduardo is an EMT with a major metropolitan fire department. He is assigned to a station within an industrial complex. On the scene of a hazardous materials​ incident, Eduardo functions on a team where he plugs a leaking drum.​ Eduardo's level of hazardous materials training is at the​ ________ level. A. First Responder Awareness B. First Responder Operations C. Hazardous Materials Specialist D. Hazardous Materials Technician

Hazardous Materials Technician

12) You are called for a child that has had a fever for a couple of days. The parents tell you that two of the other children have been home with a stomach virus and fever. As you attempt to assess the child, he pulls away from you and grabs onto his mother. Which of the following behaviors would be considered "normal" for a 4-year-old? A) He doesn't make eye contact as you approach. B) He begins to cry when you try to touch his booboo. C) He runs up to you when you enter the room. D) He flares his nostrils when he breathes.

He begins to cry when you try to touch his booboo.

22) You are called for a sick 2-year-old boy. When you arrive, you see the boy sitting quietly on his mother's lap. You note that he is not crying and has his head tucked against his mother's chest. However, he does lift his head and look at you when you enter. As you approach, he withdraws deeper toward his mother. What have you learned about the patient so far? A) He probably does not have a fever. B) He is alert and probably acting appropriately. C) His front fontanelle is sunken, likely from dehydration. D) His skin is warm and dry.

He is alert and probably acting appropriately.

You walk up the stairs of a house to respond to a call of an elderly man. You notice that the stairs do not have any handrails. After responding to the reason why he called​ 911, what suggestion would you give to this patient to avoid falls in the​ future? A. ​Nothing, there is no problem. B. He should install a handrail on the front steps to avoid any falls. C. It is a good idea there are no handrails on the front steps as this negatively impacts his balance as he walks up the stairs. D. It is illegal to not have a handrail on the front steps and it must be fixed immediately.

He should install a handrail on the front steps to avoid any falls.

When using a short spine immobilization​ device, which part of the body is secured​ last? A. Head B. Arms C. Torso D. Legs


Which of the following is the correct position to use when transporting a patient who has a tracheostomy​ tube? A. Shock position B. Head slightly elevated C. Prone D. Supine

Head slightly elevated

You are dispatched to a multiple vehicle collision on a busy interstate highway. Your crew identifies a critical patient entrapped in a small sedan with significant intrusion into the occupant area on the front and left side. One of your crew​ members, dressed in fully protective​ gear, volunteers to enter the vehicle to begin assessment and treatment. Given that access to the patient is​ limited, you tell him to concentrate on assessing which of the following parts of the​ patient's body? A. ​Torso, pelvis, and lower extremities B. ​Head, chest, and upper extremities C. ​Head, chest, and torso D. ​Head, posterior​ torso, and lower extremities

Head, chest, and torso

Your patient has been involved in a motor vehicle collision. He has a contusion on his​ forehead, is​ confused, and is bleeding from his nose. His heart rate is 90 beats per​ minute, blood pressure is​ 80/58 mmHg, respirations are 20 breaths per​ minute, and his skin is cool and clammy. Which of the following sets of injuries should you​ suspect? A. Head injury and spine injury B. Head​ injury, spine​ injury, and internal bleeding C. Head injury D. Head injury and internal bleeding

Head​ injury, spine​ injury, and internal bleeding

34) Which of the following is NOT a common cause of shock in infants and children? A) Heart failure B) Blood loss C) Infection D) Dehydration

Heart failure

Which of the following is the major cause of shock that the EMT will​ encounter? A. High blood pressure B. Excessive sweating C. Vomiting D. Hemorrhage


The greatest danger to the pregnant woman and her fetus involved in trauma is which of the​ following? A. Neurogenic shock B. Hemorrhagic shock C. Supine hypotensive shock D. Distributive shock

Hemorrhagic shock

Which of the following questions is MOST helpful in distinguishing between normal​ age-related changes and the effects of an illness when assessing an elderly​ patient? A. When was the last time you had a bowel​ movement? B. Are you taking your medications the way you are supposed to be taking​ them? C. How is your​ appetite? D. How do you feel today compared to last​ week?

How do you feel today compared to last​ week?

Which of the following should NOT be considered during the scene​ size-up of a hazardous materials​ emergency? A. Potential for spread of the substance B. How quickly the materials may be cleaned up C. The properties and potential dangers of the substance D. Identification of the substance

How quickly the materials may be cleaned up

Which of the following fluids is NOT checked by an​ EMT? A. Oil B. Hydraulic C. Transmission D. Coolant


Which of the following may result from the application of a cervical collar that is too large for the​ patient? A. Excessive lateral movement of the mandible B. Rotation of the head and neck C. Hyperextension of the neck D. Hyperflexion of the neck

Hyperextension of the neck

Which of the following describes the condition of having an abnormally high body temperature? A. Hyperthermia B. Septic shock C. Hyperdynamic state D. Heat shock


Shock is the circulatory​ system's failure to provide sufficient blood and oxygen to all the​ body's tissues. Which of the answers is NOT a major type of​ shock? A. Cardiogenic B. Hypovolemic C. Hypervolemic D.Hemorrhagic


Which of the following is another name for describing the condition of​ shock? A. Hypoperfusion B. Hypotension C. Internal bleeding D. Hemorrhage


Which of the following signifies a failure in the​ patient's compensatory response to blood​ loss? A. Hypotension B. ​Pale, cool skin C. Tachypnea D. Tachycardia


Your trauma patient is​ anxious, tachycardic,​ pale, and hypotensive. Which of these signs indicates failure of the​ body's compensatory​ mechanisms? A. Hypotension B. Anxiousness C. Tachycardia D. Pallor


Which of the following is NOT a classification of localized cold injury? A. Hypothermia B. Frostbite C. Frostnip D. All of the above are localized cold injuries.


In which of the following circumstances should a helmet be​ removed? A. If the helmet interferes with airway management B. If you want to place a nasal cannula on the patient but cannot because his ears are covered by the helmet C. If you suspect a skull fracture and need to palpate the head D. If the helmet fits so snugly that you cannot inspect the ears for the presence of blood or fluid

If the helmet interferes with airway management

Which one of the following is incorrect in the application of a​ tourniquet? A. A blood pressure cuff can be used as a tourniquet. B. The tourniquet should be placed approximately 2 inches above the bleeding. C. If​ possible, the tourniquet should be placed on a joint. D. The tourniquet should be 2 to 4 inches wide.

If​ possible, the tourniquet should be placed on a joint.

Which of the following complications may arise from properly splinting an injured extremity? A. Converting a closed fracture to an open one B. Compromising circulation to the extremity C. Ignoring life-threatening problems while focusing on an extremity injury D. All of the above

Ignoring life-threatening problems while focusing on an extremity injury

Which of the following complications may arise from properly splinting an injured extremity? A. Converting a closed fracture to an open one B. Compromising circulation to the extremity C. Ignoring life-threatening problems while focusing on an extremity injury D. All of the above

Ignoring life-threatening problems while focusing on an extremity injury

When deciding where to transport a patient who is in hypovolemic shock or who has the potential for developing hypovolemic​ shock, which of the following is the MOST important service to be provided by the receiving​ hospital? A. Availability of a chaplain B. Immediate surgical capabilities C. ​Critical-care nursing D.Rehabilitation services

Immediate surgical capabilities

Your patient is a 28-year-old male who was ejected from his motorcycle after striking a parked vehicle. He has multiple deformities to his upper and lower extremities on both sides. Which of the following would be the BEST way to immobilize this patient's extremities prior to transport? A. Use traction splints for the lower extremities and allow the upper extremities to be immobilized by the long backboard. B. Use padded board splints for the upper extremities and PASG for the lower extremities. C. Use moldable splints for the upper and lower extremities, padding any voids to fully stabilize the fractures. D. Immobilize the patient to a long backboard without splinting the extremities individually.

Immobilize the patient to a long backboard without splinting the extremities individually.

Which of the following phases of extrication follows the other three​ phases? A. Immobilizing and extricating the patient B. Stabilizing the vehicle C. Gaining access to the patient D. Recognizing and managing hazards

Immobilizing and extricating the patient

Which of the following is NOT a consideration in the general protection against agents used in terrorist​ attacks? A. Shielding from the agent B. Distance from event C. Duration of exposure D. Immunization


Which of the following causes worsening of the damage in a brain​ injury? A. Allowing seepage of cerebrospinal fluid​ (CSF) from the ears or nose B. Improper management of airway and ventilation C. Failure to keep the patient awake and talking D. Administration of​ 100% oxygen

Improper management of airway and ventilation

Distinguishing between a knee dislocation and a patella dislocation can sometimes be difficult. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. In a knee dislocation, the tibia is forced anteriorly or posteriorly in relation to the distal femur. B. You should always check for a distal pulse. C. In a patellar dislocation, the knee will be stuck in flexion but the knee cap will not be displaced. D. The lack of a distal pulse could be a signal of a real emergency.

In a patellar dislocation, the knee will be stuck in flexion but the knee cap will not be displaced.

Where are automatic implanted cardiac defibrillators typically placed in patients who require​ one? A. In the lower left chest B. In the lower right chest C. In the upper left chest D. In the upper right chest

In the upper left chest

You are on the scene of a probable terrorist attack with several other​ agencies, both local and federal. In order to operate in an efficient​ manner, all agencies should follow​ the: A. Incident Command System. B. Interagency Communication System. C. Interagency Command System. D. Incident Control System.

Incident Command System.

The senior EMT on the first vehicle that arrived on a scene with multiple patients should assume which of the following roles until relieved by a senior​ official? A. Incident Commander of the scene B. Staging supervisor C. Transport sector supervisor D. Triage sector supervisor

Incident Commander of the scene

Which of the following contributes MOST significantly to the occurrence of ambulance​ crashes? A. Size of the vehicle B. Weather conditions C. Time of day D. Speed of the vehicle

Speed of the vehicle

The bony bumps you feel along the center of a​ person's back are known as which of the​ following? A. Transverse processes B. Foramen magnum C. Spinous process D. Vertebrae

Spinous process

Limiting time spent at a scene can be especially important if the mechanism of injury suggests that the patient could go into shock. In order to keep the time at the scene to a​ minimum, which of the following assessments or treatments should not be performed on the​ scene? A. Rapid trauma exam B. Splinting swollen extremities C. Immobilization D. ABCs with spinal precautions

Splinting swollen extremities

What is the term for when the fetus and placenta deliver before the 28th week of​ pregnancy? A. Induced abortion B. Stillbirth C. Eclampsia D. Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion

Which of the following is a characteristic of arterial​ bleeding? A. Steady flow B. Spurting under pressure C. Dark red color D. Both B and C

Spurting under pressure

43. You are dispatched to the local elementary school for an injured student. Upon arrival you find that two 7-year-olds got into a fight and one of them jabbed a pencil in the other's cheek. The pencil is still sticking out of the child's cheek. When you examine the patient, you cannot see the end of the pencil that went through the cheek, as it appears to be stuck in the palate. There is not significant bleeding, and the child is not having any difficulty breathing. The child is very upset and wants you to pull the pencil out. What should you do? a. Stabilize the object, but do not try to remove it. b. Remove the object and put a bandage on the outside of the cheek. c. Call the parents and see what they want you to do. d. Let the child carefully pull the object out.

Stabilize the object, but do not try to remove it.

Which of the following is adequate protection for the​ EMT's head while at the scene of an auto​ extrication? A. Firefighting helmet B. Standard construction hardhat C. Nomex hood D. Watch cap

Standard construction hardhat

You have arrived at the scene of a vehicle collision in which there are utility wires down around the vehicle. The three occupants appear dazed and other responding units have not yet arrived. Which of the following is the BEST course of​ action? A. Stay at a distance and caution the occupants to stay inside the vehicle. B. Encourage the occupants to exit the vehicle by jumping free of the vehicle before touching the ground. C. Push the wires out of the way with a long​ pry-bar in order to access the patients. D. Cool the wires with large amounts of water to prevent a fire from starting.

Stay at a distance and caution the occupants to stay inside the vehicle

Which of the following is a desirable characteristic of dressings used in the prehospital management of most open wounds? A. Absorbent B. Occlusive C. Adherent D. Sterile


Which of the following is a desirable characteristic of dressings used in the prehospital management of most open wounds? A. Occlusive B. Adherent C. Nonabsorbent D. Sterile


Which of the following bones is found in the chest? A. Tarsals B. Ilium C. Sternum D. Metacarpals


Which of the following is NOT a role of dialysis in a renal failure​ patient? A. Stimulate blood cell production B. Remove waste from the body C. Filter and detoxify the blood D. Remove fluid from the body

Stimulate blood cell production

Which of the following is an injury to the musculature of an extremity? A. Luxation B. Strain C. Fracture D. Sprain


14) What is the tendency for a frightened child to act younger than his age? A) Repression B) Regression C) Retreat D) Retraction


The current trend in international terrorism is that it tends to be motivated by which of the​ following? A. Environmental issues B. Religion C. Ethics D. Politics


Which of the following is acceptable in the management of a patient stung by a honey bee? A. Soak the affected area in warm water. B. Pull the stinger out using tweezers. C. Remove jewelry from any affected limbs. D. Elevate the affected site above the level of the heart to reduce swelling.

Remove jewelry from any affected limbs.

48) Your patient is a 2-year-old female who has suffered a seizure but does not have a previous history of seizures. The patient's father states that the child has been pulling at her ear and has had a fever. They were getting ready to leave for a doctor's appointment when the child had a brief seizure. The patient is drowsy and has hot, flushed skin. Which of the following is recommended in the prehospital management of this patient? A) Sponge the child's back and arms with rubbing alcohol. B) Place ice packs in the armpits, groin, and around the head. C) Remove the child's clothing down to her underpants or diaper. D) Cover the child with a towel soaked in ice water.

Remove the child's clothing down to her underpants or diaper.

Which of the following BEST explains the reason for minimizing​ scene-time for the trauma patient with significant hemorrhage or the potential for significant​ hemorrhage? A. The clock for the​ "golden hour" of trauma begins at the time of your arrival. B. Studies have indicated that trauma patients who receive surgery within 1 hour of injury have better chances of survival. C. There is nothing the EMT can do for a patient in shock. D. It gives the EMT less opportunity to make mistakes in the​ patient's care.

Studies have indicated that trauma patients who receive surgery within 1 hour of injury have better chances of survival.

Which of the following layers of the skin is the most important in insulating the body against heat loss? A. Parietal layer B. Subcutaneous layer C. Epidermis D. Subdural layer

Subcutaneous layer

When blood accumulates between the brain and the dura​ mater, what is the​ result? A. Subdural contusion B. Subdural hematoma C. Epidural hematoma D. Epidural contusion

Subdural hematoma

What is the correct terminology for a wound in which a vacuum has been created within the chest, drawing air into the thorax with each breath? A. Closed tension pneumothorax B. Sucking chest wound C. Gurgling chest wound D. Open chest wound

Sucking chest wound

You respond to a professional volleyball tournament for a potential heatstroke. Upon arrival you find a 28-year-old male patient seated inside the air-conditioned first aid trailer. He is alert and in obvious distress. He is complaining of severe cramping of his arms and legs. His vital signs are stable. What is the most likely cause of the cramping? a. Heat exhaustion b. Drinking too many sports drinks c. Sweating too much d. Cooling off too quickly

Sweating too much

41. You are dispatched to the local high school for a "person struck with a baseball." You arrive on the scene and find a 16-year-old male sitting on the bench. Apparently he was the pitcher and was struck in the abdominal area by a line drive ball that was hit very hard. He states that nothing is hurting except he has some mild pain in the area where he was struck. He is upset that the ambulance was called and wants to go back into the game and continue pitching. Your exam reveals nothing remarkable except mild pain when you palate the injured area. Vital signs are normal. What is the next step? a. Have the coach apply cold to the area and let the pitcher back in the game if he does not get worse in the next 15 minutes. b. Have the patient walk to the ambulance and take him to the ED. No other care needs to be provided, as there is really no significant sign of any injury. c. Take appropriate Standard Precautions, apply high-concentration oxygen by nonrebreather mask, and transport the patient ASAP, carefully monitoring the patient during transport. d. Tell the coach the patient is okay and he can go back into the ball game.

Take appropriate Standard Precautions, apply high-concentration oxygen by nonrebreather mask, and transport the patient ASAP, carefully monitoring the patient during transport.

You encounter an accident on a busy intercity street while on duty. Calling into​ dispatch, you make note that the occupants of both vehicles are​ outside, and you request additional units to proceed​ non-emergently. You approach an elderly male who is rubbing his back and left shoulder. During secondary assessment of past medical​ history, you make note of several important​ details: the patient is on high blood pressure​ medications, and has had a heart attack in the past. He is complaining of midline thoracic pain on palpation of his spine and left shoulder​ pain, which may have been from the seat​ belt, but is refusing care and transport. The patient did not lose consciousness. Based on this​ information, which transport decision would be most appropriate for this​ patient? A. Call for ALS intercept. B. Allow the patient to sign a refusal. C. Take the patient to a local community hospital. D. Take the patient to a trauma center.

Take the patient to a local community hospital.

When grossly decontaminating a patient who is not wearing personal protective equipment in a hazardous materials incident, which of the following techniques should be used? A. Using a high pressure water jet system B. Taking a low-pressure decontamination shower C. Scrubbing with a long-handled brush D. Sponging with a dilute solution of water and white vinegar

Taking a low-pressure decontamination shower

58) For the EMT who has cared for a pediatric patient in tragic circumstances, which of the following would be an appropriate way of dealing with stress accompanying the experience? A) Get together with others who participated in the care of the child and unwind with some alcoholic beverages. B) Talk to a compassionate coworker who has had similar experiences in the past. C) Vent your rage in a letter to the person responsible for the child's circumstances. D) Put the incident as your social media status and encourage others talk about it.

Talk to a compassionate coworker who has had similar experiences in the past.

Which of the following describes the proper application of an occlusive dressing for an open chest wound? A. Tape the occlusive dressing on two sides only to create dual flaps for relief pressure build-up. B. Tape the dressing securely on three sides. C. Use a porous material such as a 4double prime′′ by 4double prime′′ gauze pad. D. Trim the dressing so that it is the exact size of the wound.

Tape the dressing securely on three sides.

42. You are dispatched to an auto repair shop for an "accident." You arrive and are told by the owner that one of the workers apparently got his hand in the way while using a high-pressure grease gun and injected the grease into his hand. You find the patient seated in a chair with a coworker applying ice to the injured hand. Your examination reveals a minor round laceration in the hand. The patient is complaining of pain in the area but wants to let the wound take care of itself and go back to work. What should you do? a. The patient is correct. This type of wound will heal on its own and he can go back to work. b. Remove the ice from the wound, then elevate and splint the limb. Transport the patient high priority. c. Continue to apply cold, elevate and splint the limb, and transport the patient high priority. d. Tell the patient that if it does not get better within the next few days he should consult his own doctor

Remove the ice from the wound, then elevate and splint the limb. Transport the patient high priority

Your patient is a​ 28-year-old male who cut his thigh with a chainsaw. Bleeding is significant and difficult to control. Which of the following is NOT part of the proper management of this​ patient? A. Replacement of fluid level by giving the patient adequate amounts of water B. Administering oxygen C. Use of a tourniquet D. Using direct pressure to control the bleeding

Replacement of fluid level by giving the patient adequate amounts of water

Which of the following is NOT the role of the first arriving EMT at the scene of a possible hazardous materials​ emergency? A. Request special resources to respond. B. Recognize a hazardous materials emergency. C. Establish a safe zone. D. Rescue any victims still in the area of the spill.

Rescue any victims still in the area of the spill.

39) Which of the following is the MOST common cause of cardiac arrest in the pediatric patient? A) Hypoglycemia B) Congenital heart defects C) Ventricular fibrillation D) Respiratory failure

Respiratory failure

41) Which of the following signs may signify impending cardiac arrest in a child? A) Respiratory rate over 60 B) Pulse rate over 120 C) Pulse rate 80 in a 5-year-old D) Blood pressure of 105 systolic in a school age child

Respiratory rate over 60

Biological warfare is MOST effective when the agent can gain access through which of the following​ routes? A. Respiratory tract B. Blood C. Skin D. Gastrointestinal tract

Respiratory tract

56) Which of the following statements is true regarding child abuse injuries? A) Splash burns indicate child abuse. B) Rib fractures in young children suggest child abuse. C) Shaken baby syndrome never causes death of the infant. D) Head injuries are usually the first sign in child abuse.

Rib fractures in young children suggest child abuse.

Which of the following statements is true regarding child abuse injuries of special needs patients? A. Splash burns indicate child abuse B. Shaken baby syndrome never causes death of the infant C. Head injuries are usually the first sign in child abuse D. Rib fractures in young children suggest child abuse.

Rib fractures in young children suggest child abuse.

Which of the following pieces of equipment is acceptable for use in the prehospital stabilization of suspected cervical spine​ injuries? A. 2double prime′′ times ×4double prime′′ wood cribbing B. Soft cervical collars C. ​Five-pound sand bags D. Rigid cervical collars

Rigid cervical collars

You have assisted in the delivery of a​ full-term infant by suctioning the mouth and nose as the head was delivered and again following complete delivery. The infant is not yet breathing. Which of the following is the correct sequence of​ interventions? A. Rub the​ infant's back, tap the bottom of his​ foot, begin​ bag-valve-mask ventilations, and check the pulse. B. Transport without further intervention. C. Begin​ bag-valve-mask ventilations, suction the airway with a rigid tonsil​ tip, and begin CPR. D. Perform a series of back blows and chest thrusts interposed with​ mouth-to-mouth ventilation.

Rub the​ infant's back, tap the bottom of his​ foot, begin​ bag-valve-mask ventilations, and check the pulse.

Concerning the threat of nuclear devices used in terrorist​ attacks, which of the following is MOST likely to be used in such an​ attack? A. Radiological dispersal device B. Military nuclear device C. Sabotage of facilities for nuclear research D. Improvised nuclear weapon

Sabotage of facilities for nuclear research

What source will provide first aid information about hazardous materials for employees at a work​ site? A. Placard B. Safety data sheets C. Bill of lading D. Shipping manifest

Safety data sheets

Heat cramps occur due to loss of which of the following substances? A. Water B. Salt C. Magnesium D. Water and potassium


Which of the following is recommended when caring for an amputated part? A. Rinse away debris with saline solution and place the part in a container of ice. B. Wrap the part in aluminum foil to preserve body temperature. C. Seal the part in a plastic bag and place it in a pan of water cooled by an ice pack. D. Always transport the amputated part with the patient.

Seal the part in a plastic bag and place it in a pan of water cooled by an ice pack.

During which stage of labor is the baby​ born? A. Third B. First C. Primary D. Second


Which of the following is an accurate definition of a flail chest? A. Section of the chest wall that is unstable, leading to breathing problems B. Fracture of one rib in two or more consecutive places C. Fracture of at least four ribs in two or more places D. Lung that has been punctured by a fractured rib, resulting in a buildup of air

Section of the chest wall that is unstable, leading to breathing problems

Which of the following may help in minimizing the stressful effects of the disruption in circadian rhythms seen in EMS multiple-casualty incidents work? A. Eat a heavy meal just before bedtime B. Seek help from a trained professional C. Keep your bedroom light on and warm D. Sleep as much as possible on days off.

Seek help from a trained professional

Which of the following considerations should be determined when conducting a scene​ size-up at night of a single vehicle collision involving a​ rollover? A. How many EMS supervisors are needed for command B. Make and model of the vehicle involved C. Mechanism of injury D. Which patient is the least injured

Mechanism of injury

While assessing a 78-year-old male patient who escaped an apartment fire with partial thickness burns to both arms, the EMT must be aware of which of the following? a. Being involved in a crime makes the patient part of the chain of evidence, requiring a police officer to ride with you to the hospital. b. The burn is the most serious injury to the patient. c. Medical conditions may be aggravated by the burn. d. The patient may need to be questioned by police and fire officials about the cause of the fire.

Medical conditions may be aggravated by the burn

Upon your arrival for a medical call at a private​ residence, you find an elderly male patient complaining of difficulty breathing. Which of the following findings would provide you with immediate information about the​ patient's condition? A. Baseline vital signs B. Temperature in the house C. Medication list D. Mental status

Mental status

On assessment of the midsection of a 32-year-old male who was struck by a car, you find an abdominal evisceration with several loops of his large intestine exposed. The abdomen appears to have a clean-cut laceration and the bleeding is controlled. Which of the following is the BEST approach toward managing the exposed intestines? A. Leave the abdominal contents in the place in which they were found and transport immediately. B. Cover the abdomen with an occlusive dressing of aluminum foil. C. Gently replace the intestines after moistening with sterile saline solution. D. Moisten a sterile dressing with saline solution and cover the abdominal contents.

Moisten a sterile dressing with saline solution and cover the abdominal contents.

You respond to the scene of a local campground. Your patient is a 15-year-old female patient who was stung in the arm by a bee. The patient is anxious and hyperventilating at 28 times a minute. The patient is alert and oriented to time, place, person, and event. Lung sounds are clear bilaterally. The left arm is swollen and the stinger is not present. Blood pressure is 118/72 and pulse is 110. The patient's mother states she is allergic to bee stings and has an epinephrine auto-injector. She called 911 because she was afraid the patient would stop breathing. Select the best treatment plan. A. Place a constricting band around the arm to minimize the spread of the venom. B. Assist the patient in administering her epinephrine auto-injector. C. Monitor the patient for shock and transport. D. Place the patient in the Trendelenburg position.

Monitor the patient for shock and transport.

Which of the following is of greatest concern for the EMT in the prehospital care of a woman with vaginal​ bleeding? A. Preventing infection B. Finding out if the patient is currently sexually active C. Monitoring for hypovolemic shock D. Obtaining a thorough gynecological history

Monitoring for hypovolemic shock

Which of the following statements is true regarding helicopter​ transport? A. Helicopter transport is relatively inexpensive. B. Patient care is seldom affected during the flight. C. Pressure changes do not affect equipment such as​ PASG, ET​ tubes, and so on. D. Most treatment should be done prior to loading the patient.

Most treatment should be done prior to loading the patient.

Which of the following is the MOST common type of​ multiple-casualty incident that EMS providers will respond​ to? A. Hazardous materials incidents B. Structure fires C. Outbreaks of influenza D. Motor vehicle collisions

Motor vehicle collisions

8) Because infants and small children rely more heavily on the diaphragm for breathing, respiratory distress can be detected by observing which one of the following signs that is not prominent in adults? A) Bulging of the intercostal spaces B) Use of the sternocleidomastoid muscles of the neck C) Movement of the abdomen with respiratory effort D) None of the above

Movement of the abdomen with respiratory effort

Which of the following situations are frequently problematic for patients who have tracheostomy​ tubes? A. Air embolism B. Mucus buildup C. Tracheal tears D. Tube malplacement

Mucus buildup

What is the definition of multisystem​ trauma? A. Trauma in which the patient has more than one serious injury B. Multiple injuries that affect more than one body system C. A trauma that requires the response of multiple agencies D. A trauma in which there are multiple casualties

Multiple injuries that affect more than one body system

Chemical cold packs are carried on the ambulance for treatment of which of the​ following? A. Abdominal pain B. Seizures C. Musculoskeletal injuries D. Snake bites

Musculoskeletal injuries

Which safety device prevents car doors from opening during a​ collision? A. Nader jam B. Safety lock C. Nader pin D. Safety pin

Nader pin

7) You are assessing a child who is having problems breathing. Her mother states that she has been diagnosed with asthma and has recently started using an inhaler. Which of the following would indicate early respiratory distress? A) Cyanosis of the nail beds and lips B) Slow heart rate C) Respiratory rate of 12 D) Nasal flaring

Nasal flaring

You are treating a​ 35-year-old male patient that has been involved in a motorcycle incident. The patient is unresponsive with a blood pressure of​ 60/40, a pulse of 66 beats per​ minute, and respirations of 18 breaths per minute. The​ patient's presentation is most likely caused by which of the​ following? A. Cardiogenic shock B. Neurogenic shock C. Increased intracranial pressure D. Septic shock

Neurogenic shock

Which of the following statements is true when talking about neurogenic​ shock? A. Neurogenic shock is sometimes caused by spinal injuries. B. Neurogenic shock is caused by the blood vessels overfilling with​ blood, causing leaking into the nerves. C. Neurogenic shock is very common in the field. D. Neurogenic shock is the result of the blood vessels decreasing in size.

Neurogenic shock is sometimes caused by spinal injuries.

Which of the following methods of decontamination is NOT usually a prehospital activity during a terrorism​ incident? A. Isolation B. Dilution C. Absorption D. Neutralization


62) Pop-off valves should be functional when ventilating the pediatric patient: A) to avoid overinflation of the lungs. B) to avoid causing a pneumothorax. C) to avoid barotrauma to the lungs. D) None of the above

None of the above

A 36-year-old male was accidentally shot with a nail gun into the chest. You see the nail, which protrudes about 2 to 3 centimeters from the thorax, when you visualize the injury site. Under which of the following circumstances should you remove the nail from the injury site? A. The patient begins to complain of shortness of breath. B. The patient develops a tension pneumothorax. C. Bleeding from the patient's wound is minimal. D. None of the above

None of the above

A 36-year-old man has accidentally shot a nail into his thigh while using a nail gun. Under which of the following circumstances should the EMT remove the nail from the injury site? A. The nail is less than 2 inches in length. B. The patient's distal pulse, motor function, and sensation are intact. C. Bleeding from the wound is minimal. D. None of the above

None of the above

A​ 36-year-old male was accidentally shot with a nail gun into the head. You see the​ nail, which protrudes about 2 to 3 centimeters from the​ skull, when you visualize the injury site. Under which of the following circumstances should you remove the nail from the injury​ site? A. The patient begins to complain of shortness of breath. B. The patient develops excessive intracranial pressure​ (ICP). C. Bleeding from the​ patient's wound is minimal. D. None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following is a good choice for preventing further injury to a patient during auto​ extrication? A. Sheet B. Disposable blanket C. Placing your body over the top of the patient D. None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following statements is believed to be true regarding domestic elder​ abuse? A. The elders are usually in good health. B. There is seldom a family history of elder abuse. C. The abusers are usually​ well-adjusted. D. None of the above.

None of the above.

Which of the following is an unsafe behavior that contributes to most injuries at the scene of vehicle​ collisions? A. Not wearing proper protective gear B. Antagonizing bystanders C. Using improvised tools D. Unknowingly walking into hazardous materials situations

Not wearing proper protective gear

Which of the following agencies have developed regulations for dealing with hazardous materials emergencies? A. NHTSA and NRC B. OSHA and EPA C. NAEMT and NHTSA D. DOT and FCC


Bariatrics is defined as the branch of medicine that deals with the​ cause, prevention, and treatment of which of the following​ diseases? A. Blindness B. Sleep apnea C. Obesity D. Diabetes


Occlusive dressings must be carried on an ambulance to treat which of the following​ injuries? A. Impaled object in the eye B. Tension pneumothorax C. Open pneumothorax D. Amputations

Open pneumothorax

Which of the following BEST describes an evisceration? A. Flap of skin that is partially or completely torn away from the underlying tissue B. Accumulation of blood beneath the skin, resulting in swelling C. Open wound of the abdomen from which organs protrude D. Epidermis that is scraped away by a rough surface

Open wound of the abdomen from which organs protrude

When working at a nighttime emergency on a​ roadway, which of the following safety considerations should the prudent EMS provider do to increase​ safety? A. Switch the headlights to the​ "high beam" position for maximum lighting. B. Operate amber warning lights​ only, if the option is available. C. Keep only the fog lights on to keep the light out of​ drivers' vision. D. Keep all available response lights on to warn oncoming traffic.

Operate amber warning lights​ only, if the option is available.

Which of the following is meant by the​ "1 percent​ rule" of​ aging? A. About 1 percent of the population makes it to their 85th birthday. B. We lose about 1 percent of our memory capacity every year beginning at age 50. C. Our organ systems lose about 1 percent of function per year beginning at age 30. D. About 1 percent of the population older than age 65 has significant organ function decline.

Our organ systems lose about 1 percent of function per year beginning at age 30.

When transporting a patient who is morbidly obese to the​ hospital, it is important to monitor which of the following vital​ signs? A. Oxygen saturation B. Blood pressure C. Blood glucose level D. Pulse rate

Oxygen saturation

Compare the pain a patient experiences when receiving a shock from a pacemaker against the pain felt when receiving a shock from an automatic implanted cardiac defibrillator​ (AICD). A. Both are painful. B. Both are painless. C. Pacemakers are painful and AICDs are painless. D. Pacemakers are painless and AICDs are painful.

Pacemakers are painless and AICDs are painful.

Which of the following is NOT part of a basic obstetrics​ kit? A. Packet of suture material B. Surgical scissors C. Umbilical cord clamps D. Baby blanket

Packet of suture material

When the EMT is assessing compromise to an extremity, perhaps due to an orthopedic injury, the EMT should initially check what "Six Ps"? A. Pain, pallor, position, pulses, placement, and pressure B. Pain, pallor, paresthesia, pulses, placement, and pressure C. Pain, pallor, position, pulses, placement, and pad D. Pain, pallor, paresthesia, pulses, paralysis, and pressure

Pain, pallor, paresthesia, pulses, paralysis, and pressure

Your patient is a​ 27-year-old male who has been involved in a motorcycle collision in which he was not wearing a helmet. He does not respond when you speak to​ him, but he makes incomprehensible sounds when you press your knuckles on his sternum. Which of the following BEST describes his level of​ consciousness? A. Verbal B. Painful C. Unresponsive D. Alert


46) You are responding to a 6-year-old child with a fever and difficulty breathing. His mother reports that he was playing normally this morning but when he came in for lunch he had spiked a fever. Now, he is sitting up with his mouth open, drooling. Which of the following signs would point to epiglottitis? A) Loud "seal bark" cough B) Painful swallowing C) Low grade fever D) Some hoarseness

Painful swallowing

If assisting in a prehospital delivery while​ off-duty, which of the following would be the BEST choice for tying or clamping the umbilical​ cord? A. Section of wire coat hanger B. Clothespin C. White cotton thread D. Pair of shoelaces

Pair of shoelaces

A method of assessing compromise to an extremity when a musculoskeletal injury is suspected is to learn and follow the six Ps. Which of the items below is not one of the six Ps? A. Pain B. Pallor C. Paresthesia D. Parenthesis


You respond to the scene of a motor vehicle collision involving a small pickup truck that struck the rear of a moving​ tractor-trailer. The driver of the​ tractor-trailer is walking around and complains of neck pain. The driver of the pickup truck is​ conscious, but cannot exit the vehicle because the door is stuck and the steering wheel is displaced onto his lap. The passenger of the pickup truck is sitting upright in the passenger​ seat, is​ unconscious, but has radial pulses. Access to the passenger is not obstructed. A fourth​ patient, who was sitting in the pickup truck​ bed, is found about 10 feet away and responds to commands appropriately. Assuming your ambulance is the only emergency vehicle on the scene​ currently, which of the following patients should be packaged for transport first by the next arriving​ ambulance? A. Pickup truck driver B. Passenger ejected from the pickup truck bed C. Passenger in the pickup​ truck's front seat .D. Tractor trailer driver

Passenger in the pickup​ truck's front seat

Allowing a patient's body temperature to increase by preventing further heat loss is referred to as which of the following? A. Core rewarming B. Passive rewarming C. Active rewarming D. Natural rewarming

Passive rewarming

You respond to the scene of a 14-year-old patient. He is unresponsive and hypothermic. Emergency Medical Responders have moved the patient inside and secured the airway prior to your arrival. What is your next action? A. Vigorously rub the patient to increase the body temperature. B. Actively rewarm the patient. C. Passively rewarm the patient. D. Assess for signs of frostbite and treat immediately

Passively rewarm the patient.

Which of the following is the​ EMT's key role at the scene of an auto​ extrication? A. Incident commander B. Patient advocate C. Rescue technician D. Safety officer

Patient advocate

Which patient is the highest​ priority? A. Patient with a penetrating chest injury B. Patient with a Revised Trauma Score of 12 C. Patient with a Glasgow Coma Scale of 15 D. Patient with a broken femur

Patient with a penetrating chest injury

Which trauma patient is the most​ critical? A. Patient with a Glasgow Coma Scale of 7 B. Patient with decorticate posturing C. Patient who withdraws to painful stimuli D. Patient with decerebrate posturing

Patient with decerebrate posturing

Burns pose a greater risk to infants and children for which of the following reasons? a. Pediatric patients have a greater risk of heart problems associated with the burn. b. Pediatric patients have a greater risk of shock from the burn. c. Infants and children have a greater risk of infection from the burn. d. None of the above

Pediatric patients have a greater risk of shock from the burn.

Which of the following BEST describes the delivery of oxygen and nutrients at the​ body's cellular​ level? A. Circulation B. Perfusion C. Hydrostatic pressure D. Osmosis


Which of the following systems includes the pairs of nerves that enter and exit the spinal cord between each pair of​ vertebrae? A. Central nervous system B. Peripheral nervous system C. Autonomic nervous system D. All of the above

Peripheral nervous system

Which of the following is the main advantage of peritoneal dialysis over​ hemodialysis? A. Peritoneal dialysis is likely to be done at the​ patient's home. B. Peritoneal dialysis is more effective. C. Peritoneal dialysis is much faster. D. Peritoneal dialysis is less prone to infection.

Peritoneal dialysis is likely to be done at the​ patient's home.

Which of the following is the most significant way in which the body cools itself? A. Respiration B. Perspiration C. Radiation D. Vasoconstriction


Which of the following is NOT relevant in determining whether or not delivery is imminent for a woman in​ labor? A. Asking how long ago the contractions began B. Determining if the patient feels as if she needs to move her bowels C. Phoning the​ patient's obstetrician for advice D. Finding out how many pregnancies the patient has had

Phoning the​ patient's obstetrician for advice

What trauma triage guidelines did the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention​ (CDC) release in order to guide the most injured patients into trauma​ centers? A. Physiological​ determinants, anatomic​ criteria, and mechanism of injury B. ​Lights, sirens, and diesel C. Determining patient​ priority, amount of time​ on-scene, and hospital transport decision D. ​Teamwork, timing, and transport

Physiological​ determinants, anatomic​ criteria, and mechanism of injury

Your patient is an infant who has just been delivered 3 weeks before her due date. She is breathing​ adequately, has a heart rate of 140 beats per​ minute, and has cyanosis of her face and chest. Which of the following interventions should be done​ first? A. Place oxygen tubing near the infant's face at a flow rate of 10 to 12 liters per minute. B. Begin CPR with a compression rate of​ 120/minute. C. Perform ventilations with a​ bag-valve-mask device and supplemental oxygen. D. Place a neonatal nonrebreather mask on the​ infant's face.

Place oxygen tubing near the infant's face at a flow rate of 10 to 12 liters per minute.

Which of the following is indicated in the prehospital management of a prolapsed umbilical​ cord? A. Use your gloved hand to push the umbilical cord back up through the cervix. B. Encourage the mother to push forcefully in order to speed delivery. C. Immediately clamp the cord in two places and cut it between the clamps. D. Place the mother in a​ head-down position with pillows under her hips.

Place the mother in a​ head-down position with pillows under her hips.

Your patient is pregnant at 20​ weeks' gestation and has been thrown from a horse. She is complaining of back pain. Which of the following is the correct procedure for immobilizing her​ spine? A. Use a short immobilization device and transport the patient in a sitting position. B. Place the patient supine on the​ backboard, then put a pillow under the right side of the backboard. C. Place the patient on her left side on the backboard. D. Place the patient supine on the backboard.

Place the patient supine on the​ backboard, then put a pillow under the right side of the backboard.

What is the temporary organ of​ pregnancy, which functions to supply the developing fetus with oxygen and​ nutrients? A. Uterus B. Placenta C. Amnion D. Cervix


Your patient is a 21-year-old male who has a gunshot wound to the chest. Which of the following is the highest priority in managing this patient? A. Placing an occlusive dressing over the wound B. Performing a rapid trauma assessment C. Placing a pressure dressing over the wound to control bleeding D. Placing the patient in the shock position

Placing an occlusive dressing over the wound

A suspected musculoskeletal injury of the shoulder is BEST managed by which of the following techniques? A. Placing the arm in a sling and using a triangular bandage to secure it to the body B. Using an upper extremity traction splint C. Placing two long padded board splints on either side of the extremity, extending from the shoulder to the wrist D. Using a long-arm air splint

Placing the arm in a sling and using a triangular bandage to secure it to the body

Which of the following is the most serious complication of a fall injury with hip fracture in a​ 75-year-old patient? A. Pneumonia B. Collapsed lungs C. Bruised ribs D. Blood clots


Which of the following lung conditions is the fourth leading cause of death among the​ elderly? A. Tuberculosis B. Chronic bronchitis C. Pneumothorax D. Pneumonia


For which of the following reasons are newborns, infants, and the elderly more readily affected by the heat than other age groups? A. Faster metabolism B. Increased body mass C. Inadequate salt intake D. Poor ability to regulate body temperature

Poor ability to regulate body temperature

Which of the following may provide the EMT with an indication of physical neglect of an elderly​ patient? A. Poor hygiene B. Misuse of a​ person's personal belongings C. Evidence of sexual assault D. Injuries from a fall

Poor hygiene

Which phase of an ambulance call is characterized by receiving a report from the​ off-going shift and checking the functionality of​ equipment? A. Transferring the patient to the ambulance B. Terminating the call C. Receiving and responding to a call D. Preparing for the ambulance call

Preparing for the ambulance call

Which of the following phases of extrication comes before the other three​ phrases? A. Recognizing and managing hazards B. Sizing up the situation C. Gaining access to the patient D. Preparing for the rescue

Preparing for the rescue

Which of the following BEST describes the term crowning​? A. Delivery of the head during a breech​ birth, completing delivery B. Discharge of bloody mucus C. Presenting part of the baby being visible at the vaginal opening D. Complete dilation of the cervix

Presenting part of the baby being visible at the vaginal opening

Once access to the patient is​ gained, which of the following is the next goal during an auto​ extrication? A. Disentanglement of the patient B. Extrication of the patient from the vehicle C. Stabilization of the vehicle D. Primary assessment and rapid trauma exam

Primary assessment and rapid trauma exam

Using START triage​ guidelines, a patient on the scene of a​ mass-causality incident who has no pulse is deemed a​ ________ patient. A. Priority 2 B. Priority 0 C. Priority 3 D. Priority 1

Priority 0

Using START triage​ guidelines, a patient on the scene of a​ mass-causality incident who is not breathing​ initially, but begins breathing when the airway is​ open, is deemed a​ ________ patient. A. Priority 2 B. Priority 3 C. Priority 0 D. Priority 1

Priority 1

Using START triage​ guidelines, a patient on the scene of a​ mass-causality incident who is alert with respirations less than 30 a minute and has a capillary refill time of less than 2 seconds is deemed a​ ________ patient. A. Priority 2 B. Priority 1 C. Priority 3 D. Priority 0

Priority 3

With START​ triage, when you arrive on the​ scene, you ask all the patients who can walk to move to one area. These patients are categorized​ as: A. red tagged. B. Priority 3 walking wounded. C. yellow tagged. D. Priority 4 walking wounded.

Priority 3 walking wounded.

You arrive on the scene where a school bus has been hit by a train. The bus was in its early stages of picking up students and you have 5 patients. Your closest unit is 30 minutes away. Triage a​ 16-year-old female patient with respirations​ 38, pulse​ 132, and altered mental status with cool clammy skin using START triage criteria. A. Priority​ 3, green tag B. Priority​ 4, black tag C. Priority​ 2, yellow tag D. Priority​ 1, red tag

Priority​ 1, red tag

You arrive on the scene where a school bus has been hit by a train. The bus was in its early stages of picking up students and you only have 5 patients. Your closest unit is 30 minutes away. Using START triage​ criteria, triage a​ 13-year-old female with the following vital​ signs: respirations​ 8, pulse​ 124, and nonresponsive with blood from the ears and nose. A. Priority​ 2, yellow tag B. Priority​ 4, black tag C. Priority​ 3, green tag D. Priority​ 1, red tag

Priority​ 1, red tag

You arrive on the scene where a school bus has been hit by a train. The bus was in its early stages of picking up students and you only have 5 patients. Your closest unit is 30 minutes away. Using START triage​ criteria, triage an​ 8-year-old male patient with respirations 10 and pulse 102 who is ambulatory with an alert mental status and warm dry skin. A. Priority​ 4, black tag B. Priority​ 2, yellow tag C. Priority​ 1, red tag D. Priority​ 3, green tag

Priority​ 3, green tag

You arrive on the scene where a school bus has been hit by a train. The bus was in its early stages of picking up students and you only have 5 patients. Your closest unit is 30 minutes away. Using START triage​ criteria, triage a​ 17-year-old male patient with the following vital​ signs: respirations​ 18; pulse​ 104; alert,​ crying, and wanting his​ mother; ambulatory. A. Priority​ 4, black tag B. Priority​ 3, green tag C. Priority​ 1, red tag D. Priority​ 2, yellow tag

Priority​ 3, green tag

You arrive on the scene where a school bus has been hit by a train. The bus was in its early stages of picking up students and you only have 5 patients. Your closest unit is 30 minutes away. Using START triage​ criteria, triage a​ 38-year-old female patient with the following vital​ signs: respirations​ 0, pulse​ 0, and nonresponsive. A. Priority​ 1, red tag B. Priority​ 4, black tag C. Priority​ 3, green tag D. Priority​ 2, yellow tag

Priority​ 4, black tag

Your patient is a​ 30-year-old female involved in a motorcycle crash. She was not wearing a helmet and struck her head on the pavement. She is unresponsive and has a blood pressure of​ 152/110 mmHg. Her pulse is 60 beats per minute and respirations are 8 breaths per minute and shallow. Which of the following is an appropriate​ intervention? A. Provide cervical spine immobilization. B. Apply a pressure dressing to her scalp lacerations. C. Hyperventilate at a rate of 24 breaths per minute using supplemental oxygen. D. Elevate the legs.

Provide cervical spine immobilization.

Which of the following is the correct order of operations when transferring a stable patient from his or her house to the​ ambulance? A. Select the proper​ patient-carrying device, move the patient to the​ ambulance, package the patient for​ transport, and load the patient into the ambulance. B. Select the proper​ patient-carrying device, package the patient for​ transport, move the patient to the​ ambulance, and load the patient into the ambulance. C. Package the patient for​ transport, select the proper​ patient-carrying device, move the patient to the​ ambulance, and load the patient into the ambulance. D. Package the patient for​ transport, move the patient to the​ ambulance, select the proper​ patient-carrying device, and load the patient into the ambulance.

Select the proper​ patient-carrying device, package the patient for​ transport, move the patient to the​ ambulance, and load the patient into the ambulance.

Which of the following is controlled by the left side of the​ brain? A. Movement of both lower extremities B. Sensation of the right leg C. Sensation in the left arm D. Movement of the left arm

Sensation of the right leg

Messages from the body to the brain are carried by which of the following types of​ nerves? A. Cranial B. Motor C. Sensory D. Skeletal


Which of the following measures can the EMT take to create a safer extrication​ scene? A. Setting up road flares every 10 feet for a safe distance to divert traffic away from the collision B. Setting up road flares around hazards such as spilled fuel C. Dropping road flares from the ambulance as you are approaching the scene D. Both B and C

Setting up road flares every 10 feet for a safe distance to divert traffic away from the collision

Which of the following is NOT a contraindication for the use of a traction​ splint? A. Severe swelling and redness at a midshaft femur B. ​Pelvis, hip, or knee injury C. Injury to the lower third of the leg that would interfere with the ankle hitch D. Avulsion or partial amputation where traction could separate the extremity

Severe swelling and redness at a midshaft femur

Which of the following is true concerning trauma in the pregnant​ woman? A. She may lose up to​ 35% of her blood volume before exhibiting signs of shock. B. The​ mother's body will preferentially protect the life of the fetus over that of the mother. C. The increase in blood volume during pregnancy makes shock an unlikely cause of death. D. She may lose up to​ 15% of her blood volume before exhibiting signs of shock.

She may lose up to​ 35% of her blood volume before exhibiting signs of shock.

In which of the following ways does the body produce heat in response to being cold? A. Excreting more urine B. Burning fewer calories C. Shivering D. Increasing the respiratory rate


Which of the following signs would you NOT expect to see in a patient suffering from severe hypothermia? A. Numbness B. Shivering C. Drowsiness D. Skin cool to touch


You are managing a patient who is being extricated from a vehicle by a rescue crew using hydraulic tools. Which of the following items should you use in order to protect your patient during the extrication​ process? A. Oxygen mask to prevent inhalation of noxious fumes B. Wool blanket to protect the patient from broken glass C. Aluminized rescue blanket to protect the patient from sharp edges D. Short spine board to prevent debris from contacting the patient

Short spine board to prevent debris from contacting the patient

An elderly patient who is experiencing a myocardial infarction is more likely to complain of which of the following symptoms than a younger patient​ would? A. Shortness of breath with chest pain B. No chest pain or shortness of breath C. Shortness of breath without chest pain D. A rash caused by shingles

Shortness of breath without chest pain

Which one of the following is NOT a key decision for the EMT when faced with a multisystem or multiple trauma​ patient? A. Is the patient seriously​ injured? B. Do I need to minimize​ on-scene time? C. Should I allow police to interview the patient​ on-scene? D. Should I transport to a trauma​ center?

Should I allow police to interview the patient​ on-scene?

65) Which of the following is a surgically implanted drainage device that runs from the brain to the abdomen? A) Gastrostomy tube B) Central intravenous line C) Shunt D) Tracheostomy tube


Which of the following statements regarding elder abuse is​ correct? A. Signs of elder abuse may be difficult to detect. B. Abused elderly patients will always have physical signs of abuse. C. Signs of elder abuse are usually obvious. D. EMTs should ask elderly patients to point out their abuser.

Signs of elder abuse may be difficult to detect.

Which of the following is NOT a phase of the extrication​ process? A. Gaining access to the patient B. Simplification C. Terminating the rescue D. Disentanglement


Why is it important to keep patients at rest when they are hypothermic? A. Since the blood is warmest in the extremities, exercise or unnecessary movement could quickly circulate the warm blood and raises the core body temperature. B. Since the blood is coldest in the extremities, exercise or unnecessary movement could quickly circulate the cold blood and drop the blood pressure. C. Since the blood is coldest in the extremities, exercise or unnecessary movement could quickly circulate the cold blood and lower the core body temperature. D. None of the above

Since the blood is coldest in the extremities, exercise or unnecessary movement could quickly circulate the cold blood and lower the core body temperature.

In which of the following situations would a person lose heat by conduction? A. Sitting on cold metal bleachers at a football game B. Wearing wet clothing in windy weather C. Breathing D. Going outside without a coat during a cold but calm day

Sitting on cold metal bleachers at a football game

Which of the following BEST defines domestic terrorism​? A. Politically motivated act of violence that occurs within the United States B. Interpersonal violence between family members C. Acts of violence perpetrated by American citizens against the government of another country D. Small group of people directing violent acts at the population or government without foreign influence

Small group of people directing violent acts at the population or government without foreign influence

Which of the following is NOT a form of elder abuse or​ neglect? A. Financial B. Social C. Physical D. Psychological


The formula dose multiplied by time represents which of the​ following? A. Exposure B. Lethal dose C. Critical level D. Concentration


While listening to an otherwise healthy elderly​ patient's lungs, you note decreased breath sounds. Which of the following may explain this​ finding? A. Decreased blood flow to the lungs B. Decreased lung capacity C. Previous abdominal injuries D. Increased chest wall flexibility

Decreased lung capacity

44) Which of the following is a sign of the MOST severe respiratory distress in a 1-year-old pediatric patient? A) Wheezing B) Decreased muscle tone C) Respiratory rate greater than 60 D) Grunting

Decreased muscle tone

Which of the following is the likely result of diminished thyroid function in the​ elderly? A. Increased toxicity of medications B. ​Thin, dry, wrinkled skin C. Decreased tolerance of heat and cold D. Difficulty chewing and swallowing

Decreased tolerance of heat and cold

Which of the following is a potential complication of hyperventilating a patient with a brain​ injury? A. Decreasing blood flow to the brain B. Decreasing the​ patient's blood pressure C. Increasing blood flow to the brain D. Increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood

Decreasing blood flow to the brain

Which of the following is NOT a common field finding in spinal​ injuries? A. Pain B. Deformity C. Tenderness D. Impaired breathing


26) Which of the following is NOT a cause of altered mental status in the pediatric patient? A) Traumatic brain injury B) Diabetes C) Dementia D) Infection


Which of the following is NOT a mechanism of decontamination from hazardous​ materials? A. Disinfecting B. Emulsifying C. Disposing D. Deodorizing


Which of the following is defined as an area of the body surface that is innervated by a single spinal​ nerve? A. Transverse process B. Malar C. Dermatome D. Spinous process


Which of the following circumstances may result in​ hypoperfusion? A. The heart is damaged. B. Blood vessels are dilated. C. There is external bleeding. D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following conditions should be present before the umbilical cord is​ cut? A. The cord is no longer pulsating. B. The cord is clamped in two places. C. The infant is breathing on his or her own. D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following human factors can lead to an increased risk of injury for an EMT at the scene of a vehicle​ collision? A. Physical problems that impede strenuous effort B. Careless attitude toward personal safety C. Lack of proficiency in the use of rescue tools D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following injuries may produce distended neck veins (JVD)? A. Tension pneumothorax B. Cardiac tamponade C. Traumatic asphyxia D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following injuries requires the use of an occlusive dressing? A. An open wound to the neck B. An open wound to the abdomen from which a loop of intestine is protruding C. An open wound to the chest D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following injuries requires the use of an occlusive dressing? A. Open wound to the abdomen from which a loop of intestine is protruding B. Open wound to the neck C. Open wound to the chest D. All of the above

All of the above

When performing chest compressions on a pregnant patient that has gone into cardiac​ arrest, what change do you need to make in the placement of your​ hands? A. 0.5 to 1 inch lower on the sternum B. 0.5 to 1 inch higher on the sternum C. 1 to 2 inches higher on the sternum D. 1 to 2 inches lower on the sternum

1 to 2 inches higher on the sternum

Which of the following is NOT appropriate in caring for a patient with closed soft-tissue injuries and a significant mechanism of injury? A. Treat for shock if you think there are internal injuries even if the patient's vital signs are normal. B. Anticipate vomiting. C. Splint any swollen, deformed extremities D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a cause of gynecological​ emergencies? A. ​Soft-tissue trauma to the external genitalia B. Sexual assault C. Disorders of the female reproductive organs D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a complication of bone fractures? A. Nerve damage B. Swelling C. Hemorrhage D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a consideration when responding to a terrorist​ incident? A. Presence of booby traps such as secondary explosive devices B. Crime scene considerations C. Presence of mass casualties D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a feature of a good disaster plan? A. It has been practiced in mock disasters B. It is based on the availability of resources in a particular area C. It is specific to the geographical location. D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a function of the rehabilitation sector in a hazardous materials incident? A. Taking baseline vital signs before rescuers enter the operations area B. Providing for hydration of rescue crews C. Performing medical assessment of rescue crews D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a major function of the skin? A. Excretion of wastes B. Protection from the environment C. Temperature regulation D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a sign of possible brain​ injury? A. Projectile vomiting B. Irregular breathing pattern C. Deep laceration of the scalp D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is an advantage of removing the roof of a vehicle that has sustained major damage in a​ collision? A. The EMT can better access the patients. B. It makes the entire interior of the vehicle accessible. C. It creates a large exit through which to remove the patient. D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is an important reason for controlling spectators at the scene of an extrication​ incident? A. Spectators may interfere with rescue efforts. B. It ensures respect for the​ patient's privacy. C. Spectators may get injured. D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is of concern with a puncture wound? A. An object that remains impaled in the body B. Hidden internal bleeding with minimal external bleeding C. A strong possibility of contamination D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is of concern with a puncture wound? A. Hidden internal bleeding with minimal external bleeding B. The object that remains impaled in the body C. Strong possibility of contamination D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is often associated with water-related emergencies? A. Hypothermia B. Cardiac arrest C. Alcohol use D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is true concerning lacerations? A. They may indicate deeper underlying tissue damage. B. They may be caused by penetrating trauma. C. They may be caused by blunt trauma. D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is true of premature​ infants? A. They are more susceptible to infection. B. They are at risk for respiratory difficulty. C. They can easily develop hypothermia. D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following may be a clue that an incident is the result of terrorist​ violence? A. Occurrence on the anniversary of a significant or symbolic historical event B. Number of people present C. Function of the target D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following may be a hazard of an improperly fitting cervical​ collar? A. Allows hyperextension of the neck B. Prevents the patient from opening his mouth C. Allows flexion of the neck D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following may occur when there is bleeding from a large​ vein? A. Hypoperfusion B. Transmission of bloodborne illnesses C. Air embolism D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following may result from a woman in her third trimester of pregnancy lying in a supine​ position? A. Compression of the inferior vena cava B. Supine hypotensive syndrome C. Fetal compromise D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following should be done when the​ infant's head has been​ delivered? A. Check to see if the umbilical cord is around the neck. B. Suction the mouth. C. Suction the nose. D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following should increase the​ EMT's suspicion of internal​ bleeding? A. Fall from a height three or more times the​ patient's height B. Penetrating trauma to the chest or abdomen C. ​High-speed motor vehicle collision D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following should the EMT consider when protecting a patient during​ extrication? A. Debris B. Weather C. Noise D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following should the EMT do to control maternal bleeding after delivery of the​ baby? A. Massage the uterus until it is firm and​ grapefruit-sized. B. Allow the infant to​ nurse, if possible. C. Apply direct pressure with a sanitary napkin over any perineal lacerations. D. All of the above

All of the above

While on the scene of an emergency call involving a patient who is dependent upon a medical device for survival, the EMT can ask which of the following individuals about the specifics of the device? A. Patient's home health aide or nurse B. Patient C. Patient's family D. All of the above

All of the above

While ventilating a conscious​ patient's tracheostomy tube with a connected​ bag-valve mask, the EMT should verify the​ patient's comfort level for which of the​ following? A. Ventilation pressure B. Ventilation volume C. Ventilation rate D. All of the above

All of the above

You are called for a women who is about to deliver. During the labor​ process, your​ patient's water breaks. She experiences a rush of warm water and an increase in uterine contractions. The purpose of the amniotic fluid is​ to: A. provide lubrication during the delivery of the baby. B. allow the fetus to float during development. C. help maintain a constant fetal body temperature. D. All of the above

All of the above

Your patient is a 70-year-old male whose tractor rolled over onto him. Your assessment makes you suspicious that the patient has a fractured pelvis. Which of the following complications should you anticipate? A. Shock B. Damage to internal organs C. Damage to the nerves of the lower extremities D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is NOT true concerning lacerations? A. They may indicate deeper underlying tissue damage. B. They may be caused by penetrating trauma. C. They may be caused by blunt trauma. D. They may be degloving injuries to the skin or tissue.

They may be degloving injuries to the skin or tissue.

10) Capillary refill should be assessed in which of the following age groups? A) Younger than 6 years B) Younger than 1 year C) 2-years-old and younger D) Younger than 12 years

Younger than 6 years

When using the rule of palm to estimate the approximate body surface area burned, the patient's palm equals about what percentage of the body's surface area? A. 1 percent B. 2 percent C. 5 percent D. 3 percent

1 percent

You will frequently be called upon to deal with internal bleeding. Blunt trauma is the leading cause of internal injuries and bleeding. Which of the following are mechanisms of blunt trauma that may cause internal bleeding? 1. Falls 2. Motor vehicle or motorcycle crashes 3. Auto-pedestrian collisions 4. Blast injuries A) 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 3, 4 C) 1, 4 D) 1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3, 4

Which of the following is NOT appropriate in caring for a patient with closed soft-tissue injuries and a significant mechanism of injury? A. Treat for shock if you think there are internal injuries even if the patient's vital signs are normal. B. Anticipate vomiting. C. Splint any swollen, deformed extremities. D. All of the above are appropriate.

All of the above are appropriate.

Although many of the signs and symptoms of shock are the same no matter what the cause, the symptoms follow a logical progression as shock develops and worsens. Arrange the following signs and symptoms in the likely order that they will appear. 1. Altered mental status 2. Dropping blood pressure 3. Nausea and vomiting 4. Pale, cool, and clammy skin 5. Increased pulse 6. Increased respirations A) 2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 1 B) 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2 C) 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 2 D) 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 1

1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 2

In the average adult, the sudden loss of ________ cc of blood is considered serious. A) 150 B) 1,000 C) 500 D) 750


What is an​ appropriate-sized landing zone for a​ helicopter? A. 75 feet by 75 feet B. 25 feet by 25 feet C. 50 feet by 50 feet D. 100 feet by 100 feet

100 feet by 100 feet

When actively rewarming a frostbitten extremity in warm water, you should change the water when the temperature falls below ________ °F. A. 115-120 B. 100-105 C. 85-95 D. 80-90


3) In general, a child is considered an adolescent when he reaches the age of ________ years. A) 9 B) 7 C) 12 D) 4


1) The anterior fontanelle should be closed between the ages of ________ and ________. A) 3 months; 6 months B) 24 months; 36 months C) 6 months; 10 months D) 12 months; 18 months

12 months; 18 months

33) Artificial ventilations for a 5-year-old child should be provided at a rate of ________ per minute. A) 24/28 B) 28/32 C) 12/20 D) 22/26


What is the Glasgow Coma Score​ (GCS) measurement of altered mental​ status, which according to CDC guidelines necessitates transport to a trauma​ center? A. 13 B. 12 C. 8 D. 14


What is the Glasgow Coma Scale​ (GCS) of your adult male patient who has fallen off a​ horse, has his eyes​ open, can follow your commands to squeeze his​ hands, but is confused about what happened and his​ whereabouts? A. 12 B. 13 C. 15 D. 14


According to the Rule of Nines for infants and young children, the patient's head and neck account for what percentage of the total body surface area? A. 13.5 percent B. 14 percent C. 9 percent D. 18 percent

18 percent

Your patient is a 40-year-old man who was burned when he spilled gasoline on his pants as he was standing near the pilot light of his hot water heater. He has partial thickness burns from his feet to just above his knees, and circumferentially around both legs. Using the rule of nines, which of the following most accurately represents the extent of body surface area burned? A. 18 percent B. 9 percent C. 36 percent D. 4.5 percent

18 percent

The elderly population is at least​ ________ times as likely to use the EMS system as patients in other age groups. A. 5 B. 10 C. 2 D. 0.5


You arrive on the scene and find an unresponsive homeless man lying in the alleyway clutching a wine bottle. He is wearing a long-sleeved shirt, but does not have pants on. His skin feels cold to the touch. The week's temperatures have not been above 50°F. Which of the following should you do immediately after ensuring the patient has an adequate airway? A. Apply the AED. B. Provide manual stabilization of the cervical spine. C. Begin passive rewarming. D. Check the pulse.

Check the pulse

A respiratory rate of less than​ ________ in infants is a significant finding and indicates a critical​ patient, who should be immediately transported to a trauma center if secondary to trauma. A. 25 B. 20 C. 18 D. 30


Hyperventilation of a patient with a severe brain injury due to an impaled object means that bag-valve-mask ventilations are provided at a rate of ________ per minute. A. 34 B. 24 C. 30 D. 20


What is the height from which an adult fall would meet trauma triage criteria set forth by the​ CDC? A. 20 feet B. 15 feet C. 10 feet D. 25 feet

20 feet

Of the older patients seen in the emergency department due to a​ fall, ________% will die within 1 year. A. 10 B. 50 C. 35 D. 25


When the body is in water, how many times faster does it lose heat than when it is in still air? A. 2 B. 100 C. 10 D. 25


A patient-carrying device should have at least ________ straps to hold the patient securely. A. 3 B. 2 C. 5 D. 1


The chest cavity can hold up to ________ liter(s) of blood in an adult, leading to the possibility of massive internal hemorrhage without any external blood loss. A. 5 B. 0.5 C. 3 D. 1


When submerged in water, biological death may be delayed if the water temperature is below ________ °F. A. 70 B. 98.6 C. 50 D. 32


You are assessing a newborn patient 1 minute after delivery. You notice the patient has blue extremities with a pink​ trunk, a pulse of​ 120, and strong crying with good movement of all extremities. What is the​ newborn's APGAR​ score? A. 8 B. 7 C. 10 D. 9


A diastolic blood pressure over​ ________ mmHg is considered hypertensive. A. 65 B. 80 C. 50 D. 90


According to CDC​ guidelines, a systolic blood pressure​ (BP) of less than​ ________ indicates a patient should be transported to a trauma center. A. 110 B. 90 C. 100 D. 80


A body mass index​ (BMI) above​ ________ is considered obese. A. 40 B. 30 C. 35 D. 25


Obesity is defined as a body mass index greater​ than: A. 35. B. 40. C. 30. D. 25.


In a patient with extreme hypothermia who appears to be in cardiac arrest, you should assess the pulse for how long? A. 30 to 45 seconds B. 20 to 30 seconds C. 5 to 10 seconds D. 15 to 20 seconds

30 to 45 seconds

By​ definition, a premature infant is one who is born before how many weeks of the​ pregnancy? A. 28 B. 37 C. 40 D. 34


Jarl is a male who is 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighs 250 pounds. What is​ Jarl's body mass index​ (rounded to the nearest​ tenth)? A. 36.5 B. 38.4 C. 39.1 D. 35.2


54) A 3-year-old child who burns both legs and arms has burned approximately ________% of his entire body surface area. A) 54 B) 45 C) 72 D) 36


An​ infant's birth weight is considered low if it is less than​ ________ pounds. A. 3.5 B. 5.5 C. 4.5 D. 2.5


Safety studies have shown that drivers of other vehicles do not usually see or hear ambulances or other emergency vehicles until they are within ________ feet of it. A. 150 to 200 B. 50 to 100 C. 100 to 150 D. 200 to 250

50 to 100

Normal maternal blood loss during delivery of an infant usually does not exceed how​ much? A. ​1,000 cc B. 500 cc C. 250 cc D. 100 cc

500 cc

ICS systems recognize that the manageable span of control is: A. 24 people B. 18 people C. 12 people D. 6 people.

6 people.

How many cervical vertebrae are​ there? A. 7 B. 5 C. 4 D. 12


When clamping the umbilical​ cord, the clamp closest to the baby should be approximately​ ________ inch(es) from the​ infant's body. A. 12 B. 1 C. 7 D. 3


What is the definition of multiple​ trauma? A. A trauma that requires the response of multiple agencies. B. A trauma in which the patient has more than one serious injury. C. A trauma in which there are multiple casualties. D. Multiple injuries that affect more than one body system.

A trauma in which the patient has more than one serious injury.

Which of the following is caused by trapped nitrogen gas in the tissues due to a rapid ascent from a scuba dive? A. "Squeeze" injuries of the ear and sinuses B. Pulmonary embolism C. Decompression sickness D. Nitrogen narcosis

Decompression sickness

21) Which of the following is NOT a component of the pediatric assessment triangle? A) Appearance B) Breathing C) Circulation D) Abdomen


Your patient is an​ 80-year-old male complaining of lower back pain that radiates through to the abdomen. He describes the pain as​ "ripping" in nature. He is​ pale, diaphoretic, and​ anxious, and has a blood pressure of​ 210/100 mmHg, a pulse of 112 beats per​ minute, and a respiratory rate of 20 breaths per minute. Which of the following conditions is MOST​ likely? A. Abdominal aortic aneurysm B. Bowel obstruction C. Diverticulitis D. Gallbladder disease

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

The condition in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall is known as which of the​ following? A. Placenta previa B. Preeclampsia C. Abruptio placentae D. Ectopic pregnancy

Abruptio placentae

Someone who has more hair than average on his body is at a higher risk than someone with less hair to be exposed to a toxin by which of the following​ routes? A. Ingestion B. Absorption C. Injection D. Inhalation


Which of the fol lowing BEST describes the origins of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? A. Acquired disease B. Congenital disease C. Either a congenital or acquired disease D. Neither a congenital nor acquired disease

Acquired disease

Which of the following is NOT an example of a specialty rescue​ team? A. Confined space B. Water rescue C. High angle rescue D. Advanced cardiac life support

Advanced cardiac life support

Which of the following is a consideration in determining a burn's severity? A. Other illnesses or injuries the patient may have B. Body surface area involved in the burn C. The type of agent that caused the burn D. All of the above

All of the Above

20) Careful assessment and ongoing evaluation of the pediatric patient is critical for which of the following reasons? A) Childhood injuries and illnesses as a result of abuse or neglect may be missed if the EMT is not thorough. B) Signs of significant illness and injury may be subtle and easily overlooked. C) A sick or injured child who initially appeared stable can deteriorate very rapidly. D) All of the above

All of the above

35) Which of the following is an indication of shock in an infant or small child? A) Capillary refill greater than 2 seconds B) Absence of tears when crying C) Not producing wet diapers D) All of the above

All of the above

4) Which of the following should be considered by the EMT as a result of the proportionally larger size of a small child's head? A) Adaptations in positioning for cervical spine immobilization B) Different injury patterns than in adults C) Differences in positioning to maintain an open airway D) All of the above

All of the above

57) Which of the following should increase your suspicion of child abuse? A) Indications of alcohol and/or drug abuse in the home B) Improperly healed fractures, resulting in deformity of extremities C) Bruises on the back and/or buttocks in various stages of healing D) All of the above

All of the above

59) Which of the following children may be at a higher risk for child abuse? A) Child with disabilities B) Twin child C) Premature child D) All of the above

All of the above

60) Which of the following is a classic characteristic of a child abuser? A) Parent who spends majority of time with child B) Parent who was abused as child C) Parent who is experiencing financial or marital stress D) All of the above

All of the above

63) Your patient is an infant being treated for bronchopulmonary dysplasia. He is being weaned off his respirator by a process called intermittent mandatory ventilation. When you arrive, you find the infant obviously hypoxic and sick-looking. Which of the following treatments is indicated? A) Oxygen administration B) Ventilator support C) Prompt transport to a neonatal center D) All of the above

All of the above

A terrorist incident may have features in common with which of the following types of​ incidents? A. Mass casualty B. Infectious disease C. Hazardous materials D. All of the above

All of the above

Anthrax can infect an individual through which of the following routes of​ exposure? A. Inhalation B. Skin C. Ingestion D. All of the above

All of the above

At which of the following locations is an EMT likely to encounter a patient using an advanced medical​ device? A. Private residence B. Nursing home C. Specialty care center D. All of the above

All of the above

A​ 44-year-old male involved in a collision at 50 mph struck the windshield of his vehicle with his face. Which of the following injuries should you prepare to​ treat? A. Brain injury B. Airway obstruction C. Cervical spine trauma D. All of the above

All of the above

During a power​ failure, how should the EMT verify adequate ventilations are being administered to an unresponsive patient with a tracheostomy tube using a​ bag-valve mask? A. Observe for improving skin color. B. Observe for chest rise and fall. C. Ensure a good connection between the​ bag-valve mask and the tracheostomy tube. D. All of the above

All of the above

In which of the following settings should the EMT be alert to the possibility of hazardous materials emergencies? A. Shipping ports B. Manufacturing industries C. Farm service agencies D. All of the above

All of the above

In which of the following situations should the mother be transported​ immediately? A. Delivery is not imminent and there is about 500 cc of​ painless, bright red bleeding. B. The mother experiences a​ severe, tearing sensation in her abdomen during labor and the outline of the fetus can be felt through the abdominal wall. C. The​ infant's arm is the presenting part. D. All of the above

All of the above

Obesity increases the risk for which of the following health​ problems? A. Type 2 diabetes B. Respiratory problems C. Liver disease D. All of the above

All of the above

The extent of radiation depends on which of the following​ factors? A. Shielding from the source B. Duration of exposure C. Distance from the source D. All of the above

All of the above

Under which of the following conditions are safety vests with reflective trim effective in increasing the visibility of the​ EMT? A. On sunny days B. At night C. On cloudy days D. All of the above

All of the above

9) Which of the following is true regarding the EMT's approach to the pediatric patient? A) An EMT does not have to attempt to obtain a blood pressure on patients younger than 3 years old. B) It is not necessary to use Standard Precautions when dealing with pediatric patients. C) Scene safety is not an important consideration in the care of pediatric patients. D) It is not possible to develop an initial impression of the pediatric patient without a detailed physical examination.

An EMT does not have to attempt to obtain a blood pressure on patients younger than 3 years old.

Although it can be difficult to definitively determine hip dislocation in the field, certain signs and symptoms are usually there. Which of the following statements is false? A. A posterior hip dislocation presents with a bent knee and the foot may hang loose. B. An anterior hip dislocation would probably present with the entire lower limb rotated inward and the hip would usually be flexed. C. Often there is lack of sensation in the limb. D. The posterior hip dislocation is the most common.

An anterior hip dislocation would probably present with the entire lower limb rotated inward and the hip would usually be flexed.

What constitutes a​ multiple-casualty incident​ (MCI)? A. An event that places a great demand on EMS equipment and personnel resources B. An incident with 3 to 15 patients that the service handles without calling for additional resources C. Any event that requires more than one ambulance to adequately transport the patients from the scene D. An event that unfolds over a long period of time and requires​ federal, state, and local response

An event that places a great demand on EMS equipment and personnel resources

Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of an EMT at the scene of a hazardous materials​ emergency? A. Decontaminating injured victims B. Staying in the cold zone C. Treating injured patients D. Rehabilitating the hazmat team

Decontaminating injured victims

You are beginning triage at the scene of a mass-casualty incident in which a commuter train has derailed. Which of the following should you do first? A. Announce that everyone who can get up and walk needs to go to the parking lot of a nearby building B. Do a quick pulse check on all patients at the scene C. Identify all Priority 1 patients D. Check the airway status of all patients who do not appear to be moving.

Announce that everyone who can get up and walk needs to go to the parking lot of a nearby building

What type of trauma triage criteria regarding transport would a finger amputation​ receive? A. ​Patient's choice of destination B. Any hospital C. Any hospital with surgical facilities D. Trauma center

Any hospital with surgical facilities

A fracture of which of the following bones would be considered a skull​ fracture? A. Nasal bones B. Temporal bone C. Maxilla D. Any of the above

Any of the above

Which of the following traumatic chest injuries may result in massive, often fatal internal hemorrhage? A. Aortic dissection B. Hemopneumothorax C. Cardiac tamponade D. Hemothorax

Aortic dissection

23) Your protocols call for you to use the pediatric assessment triangle when assessing young children. You know that the second leg of the triangle assesses the "work of breathing" and the bottom leg of the triangle assesses "circulation to the skin." What does the first leg of the triangle stand for? A) Appearance B) Airway C) Alteration of mental status D) Assessment


Your patient is a 25-year-old man who picked up an iron skillet with a very hot handle. He has a reddened area with blisters across the palm of his hand. Which of the following must be avoided in the prehospital management of this wound? A. Application of a dry, sterile dressing B. Application of antibiotic ointment C. Elevation of the wound above the level of the heart D. Keeping the site clean

Application of antibiotic ointment

Which of the following could worsen the effects of a snake bite? A. Application of ice B. Cutting and suctioning out the venom C. Constricting bands above and below the bite D. All of the above

Application of ice

Your patient is a​ 38-year-old male driver of a vehicle that left the roadway and struck a bus stop shelter and a tree. He is conscious and​ alert, he has some abrasions on his​ forehead, his skin is warm and​ dry, and he has a strong radial pulse and no difficulty breathing. Which of the following descriptions represents the MOST appropriate way for removing the patient from the​ vehicle? A. Place the backboard on the stretcher and have the patient​ stand, turn, and lie down on the backboard while you maintain manual​ in-line stabilization of the cervical spine. B. Apply a cervical collar and short spine immobilization device before removing to a long backboard. C. Apply a cervical collar and perform rapid extrication onto a long backboard. D. Have the patient stand up and then do a​ "standing take-down" onto a long backboard.

Apply a cervical collar and short spine immobilization device before removing to a long backboard.

Your patient is a 35-year-old female who spilled a cup of hot coffee on herself. She has an area about twice the size of the palm of her hand on her right thigh that is red and painful, but without blisters. When caring for this injury in the prehospital setting, which of the following is appropriate? A. Apply an antibiotic ointment. B. Apply a lotion containing a topical anesthetic and aloe vera. C. Apply a plastic bag full of ice to the skin. D. Apply a dry sterile dressing.

Apply a dry sterile dressing.

50. A 37-year-old male was hit by a trolley and his foot was almost severed. It is only connected by some skin and crushed bone. What should you do? a. Immediately apply a tourniquet to control bleeding. b. Complete the amputation. It will make the injury much easier to handle. c. Because of the seriousness of the injury, wait for ALS before providing any care. d. Apply a pressure dressing to control bleeding, stabilize the foot by splinting, apply oxygen, and transport as a priority patient.

Apply a pressure dressing to control bleeding, stabilize the foot by splinting, apply oxygen, and transport as a priority patient.

In caring for a 27-year-old male who has a large laceration on his anterior forearm, you have noticed that your pressure dressing has become saturated with blood. Which of the following should you do next? A. Remove the saturated dressings and apply a large trauma dressing. B. Apply an ice pack over the original dressing. C. Apply a tourniquet. D. Apply additional dressing material over the top of the original dressing and bandage it in place.

Apply additional dressing material over the top of the original dressing and bandage it in place.

When assisting with a delivery in the​ field, which of the following should be done as the head begins to emerge from the​ vagina? A. Check for crowning. B. Pull on the baby. C. Advise the mother not to push or strain. D. Apply gentle pressure to the head with your gloved hand.

Apply gentle pressure to the head with your gloved hand

44. You are dispatched to an industrial plant for a burn. You arrive and find a 60-year-old male who came in contact with a broken steam line and appears to have partial thickness burns on both hands and arms. He is lying on the ground and coworkers are gently spraying him with water from a nearby hose. What should you do? a. Because of his age, immediately put him in your ambulance and transport him to a burn center. b. Call for air transport and continue to pour water on the burns until transport arrives. c. Care for the burn and do a complete patient assessment, including cervical spine precautions. d. Before doing treatment, call the local burn center for instruction.

Care for the burn and do a complete patient assessment, including cervical spine precautions.

51. Which of the following is not considered soft tissue? a. The skin b. Muscles c. Membranes d. Cartilage


Which of the following allows for smooth movement of bone surfaces against one another at joints? A. Smooth muscle B. Ligaments C. Peritoneum D. Cartilage


Which of the following may be a source of ignition when an ambulance is parked off the roadway in a field of dried​ grass? A. Mobile radio B. Leaking coolant C. Battery D. Catalytic converter

Catalytic converter

Which of the following distinguishes decompensated shock from compensated stage of​ shock? A. Altered mental status B. Cell damage and death in the vital organs C. Low blood pressure D. Delayed capillary refill time

Cell damage and death in the vital organs

Which portions of the spine are the most vulnerable to​ injury? A. Thoracic and lumbar B. Cervical and lumbar C. Thoracic and sacra D. Cervical and sacra

Cervical and lumbar

Your patient is a​ 10-year-old male whose jacket hood caught on a branch as he jumped out of a tree. He was momentarily suspended about 12 inches off the ground but was immediately lowered to the ground by his brothers. Which of the following injuries should you​ suspect? A. Thoracic spine injury B. Cervical spine injury C. Lumbar spine injury D. ​Soft-tissue injury of the neck only

Cervical spine injury

A painter falls from his ladder and tells you he has dislocated his shoulder again. When you attempt to splint the shoulder it "pops back into place." What should your next step be? A. Contact medical control for input into the best treatment for this patient. B. Check distal CSM, apply a sling and swathe, and transport the patient. C. Check distal CSM, apply a traction splint, and transport the patient. D. Continue splinting and report the popping sound to the triage nurse when you arrive at the hospital.

Check distal CSM, apply a sling and swathe, and transport the patient.

Your patient is an 11-year-old male who has a swollen, painful, and angulated right lower arm after falling from his bicycle onto his hands. Which of the following should be considered in the immobilization of his injured extremity? A. Check pulse, movement, and sensation distal to the injury before and after splinting. B. Immobilize from the shoulder to the wrist. C. Use an upper extremity traction splint. D. Do not attempt to realign the extremity before splinting.

Check pulse, movement, and sensation distal to the injury before and after splinting.

Assessing blood pressure on a patient with an AV​ shunt, fistula, or graft could lead to which of the​ following? A. Inaccurate blood pressure readings B. Damage to the AV​ shunt, fistula, or​ graft, requiring surgery C. Uncontrollable hemorrhage in the extremity D. ​Nothing, as there is no need to avoid assessing blood pressure in a​ patient's arm with an AV​ fistula, shunt, or graft.

Damage to the AV​ shunt, fistula, or​ graft, requiring surgery

You are called for a young man who was diving head first off a dock into a lake. Bystanders say he struck his head on the bottom because the water was too shallow. They said he was not breathing when they pulled him from the water and they have been performing rescue breathing for him. He is​ awake, but he is unable to breathe on his own. What type of damage or injury does this​ indicate? A. Open head injury B. Damage to his thoracic spine C. Closed head injury D. Damage to​ C-3, C-4, or C5

Damage to​ C-3, C-4, or C5

Which of the following is the most significant mechanism of injury for a driver in a vehicle​ accident? A. ​Rear-end collision B. Spidering of the windshield C. Encroachment greater than 12 inches of the​ driver's compartment D. Death of a passenger in the same vehicle

Death of a passenger in the same vehicle

50) Which of the following statements is true regarding SIDS? A) It usually occurs between the ages of 1 and 3 years. B) Death usually occurs during sleep. C) It is usually caused by external suffocation. D) All children are at equal risk.

Death usually occurs during sleep.

Which of the following BEST describes a disease such as​ deafness? A. Neither a congenital nor acquired disease B. Either a congenital or acquired disease C. Acquired disease D. Congenital disease

Either a congenital or acquired disease

Which of the following groups is MOST likely to be successful in a suicide​ attempt? A. Young women B. ​Middle-aged men C. Teenagers D. Elderly men

Elderly men

Your patient is a​ 12-year-old boy who ran his arm through a glass window and has an​ 8-inch laceration on his anterior forearm. You have applied a pressure dressing and​ bandage, but these have become saturated due to continued bleeding. Which of the following should you do​ now? A. Remove the pressure dressing and​ bandage, apply direct pressure with your gloved​ hand, and elevate the arm. B. Apply additional dressing​ material, bandage it in​ place, and apply pressure to the brachial artery. C. Remove the pressure dressing and​ bandage, apply an ice pack to the​ wound, and bandage it in place with an elastic bandage. D. Elevate that arm and prepare to apply a tourniquet or consider administering a hemostatic agent.

Elevate that arm and prepare to apply a tourniquet or consider administering a hemostatic agent.

Which of the following is the LEAST effective method of controlling​ bleeding? A. Direct pressure B. Hemostatic agent C. Tourniquet D. Elevation


The medical acronym EMD stands for which of the​ following? A. Emergency Medical Dispatch B. Emergency Medical Director C. Emergency Medical Doctor D. Emergency Medical Driver

Emergency Medical Dispatch

Which of the following is a resource for specific actions to be taken by personnel dealing with a hazardous materials​ incident? A. Medical dictionary B. Emergency Response Guidebook C. Medical protocols D. Food and Drug Administration​ (FDA) toll-free hotline

Emergency Response Guidebook

38) Which of the following is NOT likely to be a cause of respiratory distress in a 2-year-old child? A) Epiglottitis B) A cold C) Foreign body airway obstruction D) Emphysema


When should the EMT calculate a GCS with a patient who suffered a fall of 20 feet from his apartment​ building? A. En route to the hospital B. Before departing from the scene C. As he approaches the patient D. At the hospital before writing the care report

En route to the hospital

Which of the following is the highest priority during​ extrication? A. Controlling major bleeding B. Gaining access to the patient C. Ensuring your personal safety D. Maintaining the​ patient's airway

Ensuring your personal safety

Which of the following is the outermost layer of the skin? A. Dermis B. Epidermis C. Adipose tissue D. Fascia


If you are first on scene of a​ multiple-casualty incident, what should you do first in determining where and how should you park your​ apparatus? A. Establish Command and confirm the exact location of the incident with the dispatch center before parking. B. Use apparatus to institute​ "downstream blocking" of the scene to protect the work area. C. Provide downstream blocking if you are driving one of the larger units. D. Immediately park in the same direction and in single file.

Establish Command and confirm the exact location of the incident with the dispatch center before parking.

Your patient is a 60-year-old woman who stepped off a curb and injured her ankle. Your exam shows that her left ankle is swollen and painful. Which of the following should you do? A. Explain to the patient that her ankle is fractured and you must splint her ankle to prevent further injury and reduce pain. B. Explain to the patient that you cannot tell if her ankle is sprained or fractured until she is X-rayed at the emergency department, then splint the ankle. C. Transport the patient immediately to a trauma center, applying high-concentration oxygen en route. D. Explain to the patient that her ankle is sprained and transport her with her ankle elevated on a pillow and a cold pack applied to the injury.

Explain to the patient that you cannot tell if her ankle is sprained or fractured until she is X-rayed at the emergency department, then splint the ankle.

Based on the following presentations of patient​ injuries, which one would be considered MOST​ severe, justifying immediate transportation to a trauma​ center? A. Open​ (compound) midshaft femur fracture B. Flail chest C. Midline cervical spine pain D. Scalp laceration

Flail chest

Which of the following animals is the direct source of exposure of the bacterium that causes the plague to​ humans? A. Squirrels B. Rats C. Fleas D. Bees


Which of the following is a common hazard associated with the inner circle of a typical auto​ extrication? A. Penetrating injury from extrication tools B. Flying glass and metal fragments C. Carbon monoxide poisoning D. Both A and C

Flying glass and metal fragments

Which of the following increases a scuba diver's risk of decompression sickness? A. Taking cold or sinus medications before a dive B. Flying within several hours after a dive C. Diving on a full stomach D. Breathing 100 percent oxygen before a dive

Flying within several hours after a dive

Which of the following is the opening at the base of the​ skull? A. Temporomandibular joint B. Spinous process C. Orbits D. Foramen magnum

Foramen magnum

The PASG may be used as a splinting device for patients with which of the following suspected injuries? A. Hip dislocation B. Compression fracture of the lumbar or sacral spine C. Fractured pelvis D. None of the above

Fractured pelvis

Which one of the following statements is NOT true concerning a knee​ injury? A. Fractures can occur to the proximal femur. B. Fractures can occur to the proximal tibia and fibula. C. There could be pain and tenderness. D. Fractures can occur to the patella.

Fractures can occur to the proximal femur.

You are caring for a 27-year-old male who has a puncture wound to the right upper chest. The patient was stabbed with a serrated steak knife by his ex-girlfriend. You have placed an occlusive dressing to the site and began emergent transport to the closest trauma center. However, while en route the patient begins to complain of increasing shortness of breath. You notice a decrease in ventilatory volume and an increase in thoracic diameter. Which of the following options would be the best step to perform next? A. Call dispatch for an ALS intercept en route to the hospital. B. Begin providing CPR to the patient. C. Begin providing BVM-assisted ventilations to the patient. D. Free a corner or edge of the dressing and have the patient exhale to release pressure buildup. And re-seal the wound.

Free a corner or edge of the dressing and have the patient exhale to release pressure buildup. And re-seal the wound.

Which of the following features increases the appeal of an infectious agent for use in terrorist​ attacks? A. Low virulence B. Low potency C. Instability D. High infectivity

High infectivity

What is the underlying cause of bluish or reddish facial discoloration following a traumatic asphyxiation? A. High pressure on the chest leads to blood being forced from the right atrium into the face and neck. B. Bluish or reddish facial discoloration is not associated with traumatic asphyxiation; a pale discoloration is usually present. C. The patient has become hypoxic due to a chest injury and the finding suggests central cyanosis. D. The physiological strain of the body results in a flushed appearance and increased risk of a hypertensive event.

High pressure on the chest leads to blood being forced from the right atrium into the face and neck.

You are assessing a 30-year-old male patient that had his arm caught in a piece of machinery. By the time you arrive he has been freed. The patient tells you that he does not understand why you were called, but as you inspect the injured limb you notice a small puncture wound. You should have a high index of suspension of which of the following injuries? A. Puncture B. Crush injury C. Chemical burn D. High-pressure injection

High-pressure injection

Which of the following is NOT indicated in the management of a patient in​ shock? A. ​High-speed ambulance transportation B. Minimizing​ on-scene time C. ​On-scene spinal​ precautions, if indicated D. Delaying a detailed exam until en route to the hospital

High-speed ambulance transportation

Which of the following is NOT advisable following complete birth of the​ infant? A. Place the infant on his side with his head slightly lower than his body. B. Hold the infant by the ankles to allow the airway to drain. C. Keep the infant at the level of the​ mother's vagina until the cord is clamped and cut. D. Dry the infant and wrap him in a blanket.

Hold the infant by the ankles to allow the airway to drain

In most​ cases, which of the following is the correct way to provide initial management of a suspected cervical spine​ injury? A. Maintain the​ patient's head and neck in the position they are found. B. Gently apply pressure to the top of the​ patient's head. C. Hold the​ patient's head still in a​ neutral, "eyes​ forward" position. D. Provide approximately 15 pounds of upward cervical traction.

Hold the​ patient's head still in a​ neutral, "eyes​ forward" position.

Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding an electrical injury? A. Treatment of a source burn is the same as for other thermal burns. B. Patients with burns that appear insignificant are treated as having critical injuries. C. Injury is usually limited to the area around the source and ground burns. D. Patients with electrical burns may be treated with the automated external defibrillator (AED) and CPR.

Injury is usually limited to the area around the source and ground burns.

Your patient is a​ 16-year-old male who was ejected from an​ all-terrain vehicle and struck his head on a large rock. He was not wearing a helmet. He is unresponsive with​ shallow, irregular​ respirations; a blood pressure of​ 170/110 mmHg; and a heart rate of 50 beats per minute. Which of the following interventions would be MOST​ appropriate? A. Insert an oropharyngeal airway and give oxygen by nonrebreather mask at 10 lpm. B. Insert an oropharyngeal airway and ventilate via bag-valve mask at 20 breaths per minute. C. Insert an oropharyngeal airway (OPA) and ventilate via bag-valve mask (BVM) at 30 breaths per minute. D. Insert a nasopharyngeal airway and give oxygen by nonrebreather mask (NRB) at 15 lpm.

Insert an oropharyngeal airway and ventilate via bag-valve mask at 20 breaths per minute.

You have responded to a local pool for a drowning patient. Lifeguards have pulled the patient out of the pool prior to your arrival. You find the 16-year-old patient unresponsive with agonal respirations and a weak carotid pulse. What is your first action? A. Apply high-concentration oxygen by nonrebreather mask. B. Apply high-concentration oxygen by bag-valve mask. C. Insert a Combitube. D. Insert an oropharyngeal airway.

Insert an oropharyngeal airway.

You respond to a boat dock for a diving injury. You find a 24-year-old male patient unresponsive with frothy blood in the mouth and lung sounds absent on the right side. The patient is breathing 28 times a minute. The patient's friends state they were diving when he unexpectedly came out of the water complaining of chest pains and then collapsed. What is your first action? a. Insert an oropharyngeal airway. b. Place the patient on high-concentration oxygen by nonrebreather mask. c. Place the patient on high-concentration oxygen by bag-valve mask. d. Suction the airway

Insert an oropharyngeal airway.

Your patient is a​ 35-year-old woman who was driving a minivan that was struck in the​ driver's side door by another vehicle. You notice that when you apply pressure to her sternum with your knuckles she extends her legs and flexes her arms and wrists. When giving your radio​ report, which of the following terms should you use to describe​ this? A. ​Tonic-clonic activity B. Posturing C. ​Cushing's reflex D. ​Battle's sign


Your patient is a 55-year-old male who was found in the parking lot behind a tavern. He states that he was assaulted and robbed by three individuals. He is complaining of being "hit in the face and kicked and punched in his ribs and stomach." Your examination reveals contusions and swelling around both eyes, bleeding from the nose, a laceration of his upper lip, and multiple contusions of the chest, abdomen, and flanks. Which of the following should cause the greatest concern regarding the prehospital care of this patient? A. The presence of any defensive wounds the patient may have sustained B. The swelling around his eyes, which may be reduced by applying a cold pack C. Potential internal injuries D. Getting a description of the assailants

Potential internal injuries

Your patient is a 20-year-old college student who has fallen from a third-level balcony onto a wooden deck below. The patient responds to verbal stimuli, is pale in color with moist skin, and has a very obvious deformity with protruding bone ends of his right forearm. Which of the following is the BEST sequence of intervention for this patient? A. Provide manual in-line stabilization of the cervical spine along with assessment of breathing, pulse, and the presence of significant hemorrhage; apply high-concentration oxygen; perform a rapid trauma exam; immobilize to a long backboard; transport; and splint the extremity en route if time and resources allow. B. Open the airway; assess breathing; check the carotid pulse; splint the forearm injury; immobilize the patient to a long backboard; apply high-concentration oxygen; and transport. C. Provide immediate manual in-line stabilization of the cervical spine; apply high-concentration oxygen by nonrebreather mask; perform a focused history and assessment; apply the cervical collar; apply a padded board splint, sling, and swathe to the forearm injury; and transport. D. Provide manual in-line stabilization of the cervical spine along with assessment of breathing, pulse, and the presence of significant hemorrhage; apply high-concentration oxygen; perform a rapid trauma exam; immobilize to a long backboard; and check with medical control about the need to splint the forearm injury prior to transport.

Provide manual in-line stabilization of the cervical spine along with assessment of breathing, pulse, and the presence of significant hemorrhage; apply high-concentration oxygen; perform a rapid trauma exam; immobilize to a long backboard; transport; and splint the extremity en route if time and resources allow.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the rehabilitation sector in a hazardous materials​ incident? A. Taking baseline vital signs before rescuers enter the operations area B. Providing a decontamination corridor from the hot zone C. Performing medical assessment of rescue crews D. Providing for hydration of rescue crews

Providing a decontamination corridor from the hot zone

Which of the following activities should NOT occur during the scene​ size-up? A. Determining the mechanism of injury B. Determining the need for additional resources C. Providing airway management D. Determining the extent of the​ patient's entrapment

Providing airway management

Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the Emergency Medical Dispatcher? A. Coordinating with other public safety agencies B. Prioritizing calls that come in C. Providing medical direction to the responding units D. Providing emergency instructions to the caller

Providing medical direction to the responding units

Which of the following fractures is most common among elderly women due to​ falls? A. Distal femur B. ​Mid-shaft femur C. Proximal femur D. Pelvis

Proximal femur

Which type of wound has a small opening into the skin, but may be quite deep, and is often caused by instruments such as nails, ice picks, or pencils? A. Avulsion B. Laceration C. Puncture D. Incision


Which of the following correctly states characteristics of blast injuries? a. Primary injuries occur because of the intense high pressure that hits the patients. b. Secondary injury is the result of projectiles such as debris hitting the patient. c. Tertiary injuries can include not just soft-tissue injuries but also fractures, avulsions, and amputations. d. Quaternary injuries involve the lower quarter of the body, which is almost always injured during a blast.

Quaternary injuries involve the lower quarter of the body, which is almost always injured during a blast

While performing night​ operations, which of the following combinations of lights provide maximum​ visibility? A. ​Red/amber warning lights​ ON, headlights​ ON, fog lights​ OFF, and traffic directional boards ON B. ​Red/amber warning lights​ ON, headlights​ OFF, fog lights​ OFF, and traffic directional boards ON C. ​Red/amber warning lights​ ON, headlights​ ON, fog lights​ ON, and traffic directional boards ON D. ​Red/amber warning lights​ ON, headlights​ OFF, fog lights​ OFF, and traffic directional boards OFF

Red/amber warning lights​ ON, headlights​ OFF, fog lights​ OFF, and traffic directional boards ON

An unresponsive patient is found sitting in the front seat of a vehicle with his legs pinned under the dash. Once his legs have been​ freed, which of the following methods should be used for removal of the​ patient? A. Rapid​ take-down B. Rapid extrication technique C. Scoop stretcher D. Quick extraction

Rapid extrication technique

What is the most important intervention an EMT can perform for an unstable multisystem trauma patient? A. Oxygen B. Cervical spine precautions C. Rapid transport D. Airway management

Rapid transport

Which of the following describes vehicle glass that is designed to break into small pieces rather than shattering into sharp​ fragments? A. Alloy glass B. Tempered glass C. Leaded glass D. Plexiglas

Tempered glass

Which one of the following statements is NOT true? A. Ligaments are connective tissues that connect bone to bone. B. Muscles are the tissues or fibers that cause movement of body parts or organs. C. Tendons are bands of connective tissue that bind the ligaments to muscles. D. Cartilage is connective tissue that covers the outside of the bone end and acts as a surface for articulation.

Tendons are bands of connective tissue that bind the ligaments to muscles.

Which one of the following definitions is NOT true? A. Tendons connect muscles to ligaments. B. Joints are places where bones articulate. C. A sprain is the stretching and tearing of ligaments. D. Another name for manual traction is tension.

Tendons connect muscles to ligaments.

A patient with jugular vein distention (JVD) is most likely suffering from which of the following injuries? A. Pneumothorax B. Tension pneumothorax C. Hemopneumothorax D. Hemothorax

Tension pneumothorax

Which of the following patients is at greatest risk of respiratory failure and should be carefully monitored for ventilatory status throughout treatment and transport? A. Flail chest B. Abdominal evisceration C. Hemopneumothorax D. Tension pneumothorax

Tension pneumothorax

Which of the following is true in regards to touching a patient who is being shocked with an automatic implanted cardiac defibrillator​ (AICD)? A. It depends on the AICD model as to whether or not the EMT can feel the shock. B. The EMT will always feel the​ shock, but it is not very painful. C. The EMT cannot feel the shock of an AICD when delivered to the patient. D. The EMT will always feel the​ shock, and it is very dangerous to the EMT as well.

The EMT cannot feel the shock of an AICD when delivered to the patient.

17) Which of the following is a concern when dealing with an adolescent patient? A) The adolescent patient will generally be more truthful about what happened in front of his parents than in front of his peers. B) Physiologically, adolescents are very different from adults. C) The adolescent patient fears permanent disfigurement from injuries. D) Adolescents usually lack the sophistication to understand explanations of what you are doing and why.

The adolescent patient fears permanent disfigurement from injuries.

A new EMT who is treating a suspected femur injury asks his partner, "How much traction should I pull?" The partner's BEST reply is which of the following? A. No traction splint applied in the field pulls true traction; they must pull 20 pounds of countertraction. B. Pull enough traction to give the patient some relief from the pain. C. The amount of traction applied should be roughly 10 percent of the patient's body weight and not exceed 15 pounds. D. The amount of traction applied should be 15 pounds.

The amount of traction applied should be roughly 10 percent of the patient's body weight and not exceed 15 pounds.

Regarding drowning in adults, which of the following statements is true? A. Colder water improves survival chances in saltwater drowning but not in freshwater drowning. B. Water temperature makes no difference in the chances of survival in either saltwater or freshwater drowning. C. The colder the water, the better the chances of survival in either saltwater or freshwater drowning. D. The warmer the water, the better the chances of survival in saltwater drowning.

The colder the water, the better the chances of survival in either saltwater or freshwater drowning.

You are assessing an​ 83-year-old female who is having hip pain. When you count her pulse you notice that the rate is irregularly irregular. What is your treatment for this​ patient? A.Check distal​ circulation, sensory, and motor​ sensation, apply a pelvic​ wrap, place on a traction​ splint, and transport the patient. B. The irregularity is not a reason for concern in itself. C. Contact medical control for permission to have the patient transported by helicopter from the scene. D. Alert paramedics to respond for a possible cardiac patient.

The irregularity is not a reason for concern in itself.

Most radiant heat is lost through which part of the body? A. The hands and feet B. The head C. The buttocks D. The torso

The head

You have just delivered a​ full-term baby girl and she is doing well. You have dried her off and wrapped her in a warm blanket. You are preparing to cut the umbilical cord. Which of the following is normally true regarding cutting the umbilical​ cord? A. You should hold the baby above the level of the mother when cutting the cord. B. The infant must be breathing on his or her own before you cut the cord. C. The cord should be cut immediately following delivery. D. You must try to cut the cord before it stops pulsating.

The infant must be breathing on his or her own before you cut the cord.

Which of the following is true concerning prehospital delivery of​ twins? A. This is a true emergency and cannot be managed outside the hospital setting without additional help. B. There are always two placentas. C. The umbilical cord of the first infant must not be cut until the second infant is born. D. The infants will probably be smaller than a single infant and need attention in keeping them warm.

The infants will probably be smaller than a single infant and need attention in keeping them warm.

Regarding ambulance warning​ devices, which of the following statements is NOT​ true? A. The large lights on the outermost corners of the ambulance box should blink alternately. B. ​Four-way flashers should not be used as emergency lights. C. The use of strobes is controversial. D. In most states it is illegal to drive at night with only one headlight.

The large lights on the outermost corners of the ambulance box should blink alternately.

55. Which of the following is a description of the rule of nines for an adult? A) The rules of nines assigns 9 percent to the head and neck, each upper extremity, the chest, the abdomen, the upper back, the lower back and buttocks, the front of each lower extremity, and the back of each lower extremity, then 1 percent to the genital region B) The rules of nines assigns 9 percent to the head and neck, as well as each upper extremity; 10 percent to the chest, the abdomen, and the upper back; 8 percent to the lower back and buttocks, the front of each lower extremity, and the back of each lower extremity, then 1 percent to the genital region. C) The rules of nines assigns 9 percent to the head and neck, each upper extremity, the chest, the abdomen, the upper back, and the lower back and buttocks; 8 percent to the front of each lower extremity; and 10 percent for the back of each lower extremity, then 1 percent to the genital region. D) The rules of nines assigns 9 percent to the head and neck; 6 percent to each upper extremity; 12 percent to the chest and abdomen; 9 percent to the upper back, the lower back and buttocks, the front of each lower extremity, and the back of each lower extremity, then 1 percent to the genital region.

The rules of nines assigns 9 percent to the head and neck, each upper extremity, the chest, the abdomen, the upper back, the lower back and buttocks, the front of each lower extremity, and the back of each lower extremity, then 1 percent to the genital region.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the skin's status in the case of a closed chest injury? A. The skin is not penetrated. B. Internal contusions and lacerations cannot occur. C. The skin may be penetrated and occluded. D. The skin is penetrated.

The skin is not penetrated.

Which of the following BEST describes a partial thickness burn? A. The skin is red, but dry and painful. B. The skin is charred or blackened and lacks sensation. C. The skin is white and dry with no sensation of pain. D. The skin is red and moist with blister formation.

The skin is red and moist with blister formation.

You are getting ready to transport an unresponsive​ 25-year-old female patient. She was hit by a vehicle while crossing the street. She is 26 weeks pregnant. You are 10 minutes away from the nearest​ facility, 15 minutes away from a Level I Trauma​ Center, and 15 minutes away from a hospital that specializes in​ high-risk obstetrics. You should transport the patient to which​ hospital? A. The trauma​ center: the patient will need specialized trauma surgeons B. The​ high-risk obstetric​ hospital: the fetus will need specialized neonatology surgeons C. The nearest​ facility: she is unresponsive and unstable D. The trauma​ center: the fetus will need specialized neonatology surgeons

The trauma​ center: the patient will need specialized trauma surgeons

Which of the following is required in the management of all open soft-tissue injuries? A. Application of a disinfectant solution during clean-up B. Cervical spine precautions C. Provision of high-concentration oxygen to the patient D. The use of Standard Precautions by the EMT

The use of Standard Precautions by the EMT

Which of the following observations may the EMT use to rule out a spinal injury in a trauma​ patient? A. Patient is able to walk at the scene. B. There is a lack of numbness and paralysis of the extremities. C. There is a lack of mechanism of injury. D. Patient denies pain in his spine.

There is a lack of mechanism of injury.

Which of the following is a common sign of a​ pre-delivery emergency? A. The placenta fails to deliver within 20 minutes of the​ infant's birth. B. The amniotic sac ruptures. C. Contractions become more intense and closer together. D. There is profuse vaginal bleeding.

There is profuse vaginal bleeding.

Which statement regarding the​ diamond-shaped placards involved in the transportation of dangerous goods is​ FALSE? A. These placards are always carefully vetted and accurate. B. These placards bear a division number for the material. C. These placards may have a​ four-digit identification number for the material. D. These placards show the hazard class.

These placards are always carefully vetted and accurate.

37) You are standing in line waiting to get a prescription filled for your mother. A woman walks in with a young boy in her arms. As she places him in a nearby chair, he begins to seize. Which of the following is true regarding childhood seizures? A) They usually accompany a high fever. B) Most are due to head injuries. C) They usually last from 1 to 2 minutes. D) They are due to a rapid rise in temperature.

They are due to a rapid rise in temperature.

Why are infants and young children more prone to hypothermia than adults? A. Their immune system is not fully developed B. They are unable to recognize how cold they are C. They shiver more than adults D. They have less fat than adults

They have less fat than adults

45. You are dispatched to a local industrial plant for an "electrical injury." You arrive on-scene and find a 46-year-old male lying supine in front of an electrical panel. You are told he was attempting to make a repair and somehow received an electrical shock and was thrown to the ground. The scene is safe and the electricity is off. Your initial exam reveals a conscious person, breathing adequately. Vital signs are normal and there are no obvious signs of burns. Coworkers state that he was unconscious until your arrival. What is the next step? a. Load and go—conduct any other care in the ambulance en route due to the potential seriousness of the burns. b. Put the patient on oxygen and help him into your ambulance. c. Stay with the patient awhile, and if he does not appear to be in distress, encourage him to refuse care. d. While on the scene, rapidly do a complete assessment, provide oxygen, provide care for potential spine injuries, and transport as soon as possible after the exam.

While on the scene, rapidly do a complete assessment, provide oxygen, provide care for potential spine injuries, and transport as soon as possible after the exam

The term blanching, used to describe localized cold injury, means the tissue has turned to which of the following colors? A. White or lighter B. Blue or purple C. Red D. Black

White or lighter

Which of the following is NOT used to calculate a​ patient's GCS? A. Motor response B. Eye movement C. Verbal response D. Work of breathing

Work of breathing

47. You are treating the amputation of three fingers on a 40-year-old male. The fingers were torn off while he was cleaning his snow blower. You have stopped the bleeding. What should you do with the amputated fingers? a. Fingers cannot be reattached so you can discard them in red bag trash. b. Because it is cold out, you merely need to wrap them in a 5 x 9 dressing and give them to the staff at the ED. c. Wrap them in a sterile dressing, put them in a plastic bag, and keep them cool. d. Place the fingers directly on ice or use cold packs, as they must be kept very cold.

Wrap them in a sterile dressing, put them in a plastic bag, and keep them cool.

Which of the following is appropriate when caring for a premature​ baby? A. Deeply suctioning the airway with a rigid​ tonsil-tip B. Applying​ high-concentration oxygen with a neonatal nonrebreather mask C. Encouraging family members to hold the infant D. Wrapping the infant in a​ blanket, covering his​ head, and keeping the temperature in the ambulance between 90°F and 100°F

Wrapping the infant in a​ blanket, covering his​ head, and keeping the temperature in the ambulance between 90°F and 100°F

Which of the following is the easiest way for an EMT to communicate with a patient with drastic hearing​ loss? A. Speak loudly and directly into the​ patient's ear. B. Use a​ TDD/TYY telephone. C. Slow down your speech so that the patient can read your lips. D. Write your questions using paper and pen.

Write your questions using paper and pen.

If you do not have specialized training in hazardous​ materials, which of the following statements is​ TRUE? A. You may render a scene involving hazardous materials safe. B. You are a layperson when it comes to hazardous materials. C. You may work at a scene involving hazardous materials. D. You understand hazardous materials.

You are a layperson when it comes to hazardous materials.

You have transported a stable patient with complaints of having abdominal pain for the last three weeks to the hospital. On​ arrival, you notice the emergency department is very busy and there are no empty beds to be found. You have attempted to get the attention of a hospital staff member to transfer the​ patient, but all are currently helping other patients. Your partner tells you to take the patient to the waiting room and leave him since the dispatcher of your service is holding several serious calls. What could possibly happen to you if you leave the patient in this​ fashion? A. ​Nothing; there are other people who are in need of an ambulance. B. You could possibly be charged with false imprisonment. C. You could possibly be charged with abandonment. D. ​Nothing, provided that your supervisor authorizes this action.

You could possibly be charged with abandonment.

49. You are caring for a 23-year-old female who fell off of a bicycle and sustained a severe laceration on the inside of her upper thigh. Her slacks are torn, and you can see most of the wound. What is the next step? a. You can treat the wound without total exposure as exposing a wound in that area of the body could be embarrassing. b. You need to expose the wound completely because you need to clear away any embedded particles and debris from the wound. c. You need to expose the wound completely, control bleeding, clean the surface by simply removing large pieces of foreign matter if any, and dress and bandage the wound. d. You need to make sure the wound is very clean before trying to control bleeding by exposing the wound completely and cleaning it with alcohol.

You need to expose the wound completely, control bleeding, clean the surface by simply removing large pieces of foreign matter if any, and dress and bandage the wound.

You are called for a possible imminent delivery. Your patient is a​ 15-year-old girl who is in your estimation about 8 months pregnant. She tells you that she has been hiding her pregnancy. You are especially concerned about problems she might have during the delivery. Which of the following are findings that may indicate the need for neonatal​ resuscitation? A. Patient with a blood pressure of​ 130/82 B. Mother who has had five previous births C. Patient whose water has already broken D. Young mother who has not had prenatal care

Young mother who has not had prenatal care

When an elderly patient complains of abdominal​ pain, the EMT should consider this symptom to​ be: A. ​cardiac-related until proven otherwise. B. an indication of a potentially serious problem. C. ​non-life-threatening unless accompanied by other symptoms. D. related to a gastrointestinal problem.

an indication of a potentially serious problem.

When palpating the pulse of an elderly​ patient, you notice that there is an irregular pulsation without any kind of pattern or cycle to it. This is​ called: A. pulsus paradoxus. B. pulsus alternans. C. an irregularly irregular pulse. D. heart failure.

an irregularly irregular pulse.

54. The meatus is: a. an orifice of the urethra. b. in a male, the area between the scrotum and the anus. c. the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder. d. the canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder to the exterior of the body.

an orifice of the urethra.

While palpating the radial pulses of a patient who was involved in a motor vehicle crash, you notice a difference in the strength of the pulses bilaterally. This is a finding that you suspect may be associated with: A. commotio cordis. B. aortic dissection. C. tension pneumothorax. D. flail chest.

aortic dissection.

A teenage male has fallen onto a railing while skateboarding. He complains of right-sided chest pain and moderate dyspnea. Exposure of the chest reveals a section of his ribs that is moving opposite of the rest of the ribs. You should: A. apply a bulky dressing over the section. B. roll the patient over onto his right side. C. cover the wound with an occlusive dressing. D. begin positive pressure ventilation.

apply a bulky dressing over the section.

18) You are trying to assess Judy, a 16-year-old girl, who has abdominal cramps with nausea and vomiting. Her mother, Mrs. Smith, is attempting to give you her daughter's past medical history. It is important that you get the history of the present illness. Therefore, you should: A) ask Mrs. Smith to go write down their physician's name and phone number. B) ignore Mrs. Smith and ask Judy if she is sexually active. C) ask Mrs. Smith if there is a chance Judy could be pregnant. D) skip the history of current illness and suggest that Judy should visit her physician.

ask Mrs. Smith to go write down their physician's name and phone number.

A study of emergency collisions demonstrated that the majority of collisions occurred A. at night. B. during turning. C. at intersections. D. during inclement weather.

at intersections.

The part of the skeleton that is made up from the skull and spinal column is called the: A. appendicular skeleton. B. boney skeleton. C. axial skeleton. D. torso.

axial skeleton

A type of harm that you may be exposed to as an EMT responding to a terrorist incident that is characterized by a resulting​ post-traumatic stress disorder​ (PTSD) is typically called​ a(n): A. etiological harm. B. radiological harm. C. psychological harm. D. thermal harm.

psychological harm.

As it pertains to hazardous​ materials, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires employers​ to: A. document the appropriate level of training for each employee. B. ensure there is at least one person​ on-site trained at the technician level. C. have knowledge of all hazardous materials on the premises. D. train employees to handle any type of hazardous materials incident.

document the appropriate level of training for each employee.

The most common form of a hemostatic agent is​ hemostatic: A. tourniquet. B. dressings. C. granules. D. powders.


Police escorts of ambulances driving at emergency status are typically discouraged​ because: A. there is no guarantee that the police officer knows where the call is located. B. police officers are not accustomed to driving an ambulance. C. drivers who pull over for the police officer often pull back in front of the ambulance. D. ambulances do not move as fast as police cruisers.

drivers who pull over for the police officer often pull back in front of the ambulance.

You are called for a woman with severe abdominal pain. During your assessment and​ interview, she tells you that she is sexually active and there is a chance she could be pregnant. Her vital signs are pulse​ 122, respirations​ 22, blood pressure​ 96/62, and skin cool and pale. You should immediately​ suspect: A. internal bleeding. B. placenta previa. C. ectopic pregnancy. D. appendicitis.

ectopic pregnancy.

Tertiary injuries from a blast​ include: A. extremity fractures. B. lung injuries. C. bowel perforations. D. impaled objects.

extremity fractures

The term for a baby developing inside the​ mother's womb after week 8​ is: A. neonate. B. chorion. C. infant. D. fetus.


Your pregnant patient is in active labor. You note that her contractions are getting closer together and much stronger as the baby moves deeper into the birth canal. The muscle contraction mechanism that moves the baby toward birth is the same mechanism that​ moves: A. fluid into and out of the cell. B. food from the esophagus to the stomach. C. air down the bronchial tubes to the alveoli. D. sweat to the surface of the skin.

food from the esophagus to the stomach.

Your patient is a 3-year-old girl who is unable to move her elbow after her mother picked her up by the forearm. Proper splinting of this injury would be to immobilize from the ________ to the ________. A. wrist; elbow B. wrist; shoulder C. forearm; humerus D. fingertips; shoulder

forearm; humerus

27) You respond to a 5-year-old child who has been injured while playing in his backyard. It appears that he has broken his arm, but you cannot tell how it occurred. You will need to gather some information regarding what exactly happened. Therefore, you should: A) speak only to the mother to find out what happened. B) tell the child that you will not hurt him. C) get down to the child's eye level to talk to him. D) tell the child that big boys don't cry.

get down to the child's eye level to talk to him.

You have been called for a​ 32-year-old female who is in active labor. During your assessment and​ interview, you note that she is 37 weeks​ along, this is her first​ child, and her contractions are 5 minutes apart. She also tells you that her pregnancy is considered​ "high risk." Your first concern should​ be: A. completing a thorough secondary exam. B. calling for a​ back-up unit. C. getting to the hospital. D. assembling your delivery kit.

getting to the hospital

You are the first on the scene of a​ two-car vehicle collision. Your patient is a front passenger who is unresponsive inside the vehicle. The patient is trapped and the vehicle is on fire. The fire department is still en route. You​ should: A. have the fire department rescue the patient. B. perform an emergency move. C. use your fire extinguisher to put out the fire. D. perform an urgent move.

have the fire department rescue the patient.

An EMT trained at a First Responder Awareness level would be able​ to: A. ​plug, patch, or stop the release of a hazardous material. B. recognize a hazardous materials incident and initiate a response from the proper organizations. C. respond to releases or potential releases of hazardous materials to protect​ people, property, and the environment. D. command and support activities at the incident site.

recognize a hazardous materials incident and initiate a response from the proper organizations.

29) You are trying to ventilate an 18-month-old baby who has stopped breathing. You have laid him down on a flat surface to ventilate him, but you are unable to get his chest to rise. You should: A) tip his head back farther to open his airway. B) flex his neck toward his chest. C) place a folded towel under his shoulders. D) suction his mouth to clear secretions.

place a folded towel under his shoulders.

Your pregnant patient is in active labor. She has been lying on her back throughout her labor and is experiencing signs and symptoms of shock. Her vital signs are pulse rate​ 118, respirations​ 22, blood pressure​ 96/62, and skin cool and diaphoretic. The BEST way to treat her is​ to: A. give her some fluids to drink to help elevate her blood pressure. B. cover her up with a blanket to maintain body heat. C. place a rolled blanket under her left hip to displace the uterus. D. elevate her legs to increase the blood return to the heart.

place a rolled blanket under her left hip to displace the uterus

When delivering a​ baby, you should do all of the following except​: A. place your fingers in the armpit to assist with delivery of the shoulders. B. have someone stay at the​ mother's head if possible. C. position your gloved hands at the vaginal opening. D. suction the mouth​ first, then the nose.

place your fingers in the armpit to assist with delivery of the shoulders.

You find a middle-aged male is sitting against a wall in obvious distress. The patient appears to be extremely short of breath and has an open wound to his chest that is making a sucking sound. You should: A. cover the wound with an occlusive dressing. B. place a trauma dressing over the wound. C. place your gloved hand over the wound. D. place the patient on high-concentration oxygen.

place your gloved hand over the wound.

You are assessing a pregnant woman whose chief complaint is vaginal bleeding. She is 8 months pregnant and has​ moderate, bright red bleeding. She says that her doctor was concerned about the location of the placenta. This condition is known​ as: A. placenta previa. B. placenta disruption. C. abruptio placenta. D. unstable placenta.

placenta previa.

When deciding whether or not to drive to the hospital with lights and siren activated for any​ patient, the driver should​ consider: A. the​ patient's preference for lights and siren. B. how many calls are waiting for an available ambulance. C. potential risks of making the​ patient's condition worse. D. the​ patient's past medical history.

potential risks of making the​ patient's condition worse.

An​ EMT's BEST defense against potential legal liability​ is: A. practicing excellent prehospital care. B. relying on Good Samaritan immunity. C. documenting as little as possible on the run sheet. D. purchasing medical malpractice insurance.

practicing excellent prehospital care.

You respond to a call for a patient in active labor with her second child. Your interview with the patient shows that she is 40 weeks pregnant and has been in active labor for several hours. You determine that her vital signs are all within normal limits. After your physical​ exam, you determine the baby is crowning. You should​ next: A. begin transport and plan to deliver in the ambulance. B. delay delivery until arrival at the hospital. C. contact medical direction for orders. D. prepare to deliver the baby​ on-scene.

prepare to deliver the baby​ on-scene.

13) A 4-year-old child is generally categorized as a(n): A) preschooler. B) toddler. C) school-age child. D) adolescent.


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