Chapter 23

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**Describe the course of the Korean War. What happened at Chosin Reservoir?**

(?)Korea was split into North and South after the defeat of Japan, which were controlled by Soviet Union and the US respectively. North Korea invaded the South in 1950. At Inchon, MacArthur pushed the North Koreans back, where they then invaded the North. China then intervened as the North's ally. The US Army's X Corps were to flank the Chinese at the Chosin Reservoir, though the Chinese launched their attack first. Still the US won.

What was To Secure These Rights?

A report about racial inequality in the US — stated that the federal government should take action.

What happened to Alger Hiss? Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?

Alger Hiss was arrested for passing secret documents to a reporter, who would then pass said documents to the Soviet Union. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were arrested and executed for treason; Julius passed on 'atomic secrets' to the Soviet Union, likely advancing their atomic technology forward.

Describe the Occupation of Japan.

At General MacArthur's arrival, Japan adopted a democratic constitution and adopted many new economic reforms. He assisted in the rebuilding of Japan's industrial base and development, and turned Japan into an anti communism core.

Who did Truman fire for speaking out his decisions in the Korean War?

General MacArthur

How did Senator Joseph McCarthy rise to prominence?

He accused people left and right of being communists just to keep up his own name.

What was the Taft-Hartley Act?

It outlawed "closed shops", and banned restrictions that would make people unable to leave unions. Overall restrained the power of labor unions.

What was Containment?

Policy of containing or restricting the spread of communism.

Describe the Truman Doctrine

Purpose was to counter Soviet expansion in the Cold War.

**What was the Fair Deal?**

Reforms promised by President Truman, including higher minimum wage, better national health insurance, better housing, extended social security, better funding for education, etc.

What was the reason for the Berlin Airlift?

Stalin cut off all ground access to West Berlin, and so air corridors had to be opened in order to get supplies/resources delivered there.

Who were the Dixiecrats? Who endorsed the Progressive Party in 1948? Who defeated Truman?

The Dixiecrats were the States' Rights Party, or Southern Democrats. Progressives were endorsed by the American Communist Party. Truman was defeated by Dewey (Republican).

What was NATO? NSC-68? The Warsaw Pact?

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, set up between the US and other European countries to prevent communist expansion. NSC-68 — a policy paper issued that characterized the Cold War as a battle between freedom and slavery. Resulted in increased US defense spending. Warsaw Pact was a militarized alliance between the communist nations of Europe, though was centered mainly around the Soviet Union.

What was the reason for the Marshall Plan? GATT?

To help rebuild the economy in Europe — wanted to stop political/economic instability to prevent communism from spreading. The GATT was to create market for American goods and to have trade agreements.

What were the Nuremberg Trials? What were some of the verdicts?

Trials for nazis for war crimes. 19/22 of the defendants were found guilty, 12 sentenced to death, 3 to life imprisonment, 4 to twenty to thirty years in prison.

What was the "Do Nothing 80th Congress?"

Truman held a special session of congress during his campaign, in which they got nothing done.

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