Chapter 23 Respiratory System

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The respiratory membrane consists of an endothelial cell of a capillary and the plasma membrane of an alveolar type ______ cell.


In external respiration, oxygen diffuses down a partial pressure gradient. The PO2 in the alveoli is ______ mm Hg, while the PO2 in the blood is ______ mm Hg.

104; 40

The right lung has ______ tertiary bronchi and the left lung has ______ tertiary bronchi.

10; 8-10

Restful breathing has a typical rate of ______ breaths per minute and a tidal volume of ______ ml.

12-15; 500

A normal breathing rate is ______ to ______ breaths per minute

12; 20

During normal conditions, how much of the oxygen transported to systemic capillaries is released to the tissues?


How many oxygen atoms would be bound to a hemoglobin molecule that is 75% saturated?


During external respiration, the PCO2 in alveolar capillaries decreases from ______ mm Hg to 40 mm Hg.


Tidal volume typically averages ______mL.


During normal circulation, hemoglobin is ______ saturated in blood entering the lungs?


The V-shaped anterior projection of the thyroid cartilage is commonly called the ______ in males.

Adam's apple

The larynx serves as a passageway for ______.

Air only

The amount of air that moves into and out of the lungs with each breath is called ______


The condition that is directly related to the magnitude of a pressure gradient and inversely related to airway resistance is ______

Airflow, Ventilation, or Flow

The smallest respiratory bronchioles subdivide into thin airways called ______ ______

Alveolar ducts

The distal end of the alveolar duct terminates as a dilated ______ ______

Alveolar sac or sacs

Bronchioles and ______ form the terminal ends of the respiratory passageway.


The respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts contain small out pockets called ______

Alveoli or alveolus

The trachea is ______ to the esophagus, ______ to the larynx, and ______ to the primary bronchi.

Anterior; inferior; superior

In pulmonary ventilation, the movement of gases is between the ______ and the ______.

Atmosphere; alveoli

The movement of respiratory gases between blood and either alveoli or cells of systemic tissues is ______ ______

Blank 1: Gas or Internal Blank 2: exchange or respiration

Pulmonary ventilation consists of two cyclic phases, ______ , and ______ .

Blank 1: Inspiration or inhalation Blank 2: Expiration or exhalation

Hemoglobin binds not only to oxygen but also protons and _____ _____ .

Blank 1: carbon Blank 2: dioxide or monoxide

Hemoglobin binds not only to oxygen but also protons and ______ ______ .

Blank 1: carbon Blank 2: dioxide or monoxide

In hemoglobin, the effect of bound oxygen on the binding of additional oxygen molecules is known as the ______ ______ effect.

Blank 1: cooperative Blank 2: binding

The oxygen remaining bound to hemoglobin after passing through systemic capillaries is known as the ______ ______

Blank 1: oxygen Blank 2: reserve

The pressure exerted by each gas within a mixture is called the ______ ______

Blank 1: partial Blank 2: pressure

Which are the functions of the larynx?

Blocks food and drink from entering the airway Produces sound for speech Serves as a passageway for air

The respiratory membrane is the thin wall between the alveolar lumen and the ______.


Respiration affects all conditions except ______.

Blood K+ levels

The movement of gases into and out of the respiratory system follows ______ law.

Boyle's or boyles

Regulatory respiratory centers are located within the ______ through the medulla oblongata and the pons.


The involuntary, rhythmic activities that control breathing are located in which part of the CNS?


The ______ is a highly branched system of air conducting passages that originate from the left and right primary bronchi and progressively branch into narrower tubes ending in terminal bronchioles.

Bronchial tree

Contraction of the smooth muscle surrounding the bronchioles results in ______

Bronchoconstriction, wheezing, or constriction

The widening of a bronchiole diameter is ______.


The alveoli have thin walls specialized to promote the diffusion of gases between the alveolus and the ______.


Which statement describes the net movement of carbon dioxide during internal respiration?

Carbon dioxide diffuses from the tissues to the blood.

Which chemical changes can trigger chemoreceptor reflexes?

Changes in blood pH Changes in blood PCO2 Changes in CSF pH

The apex of the lung projects superiorly to a point that is slightly superior to the bone called the ______

Clavicle or sternum

Under normal, resting conditions, the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide remain ______

Constant, stagnant, or consistent

During inhalation, the external intercostals ______ to increase the transverse dimensions of the thoracic cavity.


During inhalation, the diaphragm ______ and ______.

Contracts; flattens

The ring-shaped ______ cartilage of the inferior portion of the larynx connects to the trachea inferiorly.


Depression of the ribs ______ the lateral dimensions of the thoracic cavity.


The flared components of the nose are composed of ______.

Dense irregular connective tissue

Contraction of the internal intercostals ______ the ribs.


Partial pressure is the pressure exerted by ______ within a mixture of gases.

Each gas

During inhalation, the external intercostal muscles ______ the ribs.


The large, spoon or leaf-shaped piece of elastic cartilage that helps prevent food and liquid from entering the larynx is the ______.


When successful swallowing occurs, the ______ closes over the opening to the larynx to prevent materials from entering the larynx.


The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is composed of ______ and is ciliated in most portions of the conducting zone.

Epithelial tissue

The thoracic cavity dimensions return their original size during ______.


he external oblique is a muscle of forced ______.


The abdominal muscles and serratus posterior inferior muscles help with forced ______

Expiration, breathing, or exhalation

In the basic processes of respiration, alveolar gas exchange is also known as ______ respiration, and systemic gas exchange is also known as internal respiration.


Which events are associated with inhalation?

External intercostals contract Diaphragm contracts Sternum moves anteriorly

The vestibular folds are also called the ______ vocal cords.


True or false: A person breathing fast during a foot race is most likely hyperventilating.


True or false: Hyperpnea is another name for hyperventilation.


True or false: Lobar bronchi further divide into primary bronchi.


True or false: The ventral respiratory group is located in the posterior part of the medulla oblongata.


Which form the roof of the nasal cavity?

Frontal bone Nasal bones Sphenoid bone Reason: The palatine bones form the floor of the nasal cavity and the roof of the oral cavity.

The paranasal sinuses are named for the bones where they are located. Rank the bones in order starting with the most superior. Position 1 of 3 frontal correct toggle button unavailable frontal

Frontal, Ethmoid, maxilla

Which are among the four continuous and simultaneous processes of respiration?

Gas transport Systemic gas exchange Pulmonary ventilation Alveolar gas exchange

Hydrogen ions bind to the ______ portion of a hemoglobin molecule.


A partial pressure ______ exists when the partial pressure for a specific gas is higher in one region of the respiratory system than another.


A pressure ______ exists when two interconnected regions have gases at different pressures.

Gradient or differential

The ability of blood to transport oxygen is dependent on the solubility coefficient of oxygen and the presence of ______

Hemoglobin or Hb

A partial pressure gradient exists when the partial pressure for one gas is ______ the pressure of the gas in a different region.

Higher than

The parietal pleura meets the visceral pleura at the ______ of each lung.


The ______ fissure separates the superior and middle lobe, while the ______ fissure separates the middle from the inferior lobe.

Horizontal; oblique

Incomplete rings of ______ cartilage support the wall of the primary bronchi to ensure that they remain open.

Hyaline or tracheal

Incomplete rings of______ cartilage support the wall of the primary bronchi to ensure that they remain open.

Hyaline or tracheal

Exercise may cause an increase in the depth of breathing known as ______.


A breathing rate that exceeds the body's demand is called ______


The scalene muscles help to ______ the thoracic cavity dimensions.


Which are examples of chemoreceptor reflexes?

Increased breathing rate following increased blood PCO2. Increased respiration rate following lowered pH of CSF.

During inhalation, the dimensions of the thoracic cavity ______.


Elevation of the ribs ______ the lateral dimensions of the thoracic cavity.


The pressure of a gas decreases if the volume of the container ______


The cricoid cartilage is ______ to the thyroid cartilage.


The vocal folds are the ______ set of ligaments, in the larynx, that produce sound.


The dorsal respiratory group of the respiratory center controls ______.


When the diaphragm contracts and the vertical dimensions of the thoracic cavity increase, ______ occurs.

Inhalation or inspiration

When you ______, the inferior portion of the sternum moves anteriorly, slightly increasing the anterior-posterior dimensions of the thorax.


The sternocleidomastoid muscle is a muscle of forced ______.


Which brings air into the alveoli?


The ventral respiratory group of the respiratory center controls ______.

Inspiration and expiration

Which are classified as accessory muscles that assist in active exhalation, as in when you are pushing out extra air from your lungs?

Internal intercostals Serratus posterior inferior Abdominal muscles

The pressure within the pleural cavity is known as the ______ pressure.


Which is always higher, intrapulmonary pressure or intrapleural pressure?

Intrapulmonary pressure

The right lung is ______ than the left lung.


The structure that is also called the voice box is the ______


The trachea connects the ______ to the ______.

Larynx; bronchi

The sides of the nose are formed in part by a single pair of ______ cartilages and two pairs of ______ cartilages.

Lateral, alar

The secondary bronchi that branch off the primary bronchi are also called ______ bronchi.


If two regions are interconnected, then gases will tend to move to the region of ______ pressure


The trachea is part of the ______ respiratory system.


The trachea is part of the ______ respiratory tract.


The oxygen saturation curve is steeper at ______ partial pressures of oxygen. This means that ______ oxygen unbinds from hemoglobin when blood flows into the systemic tissues.

Lower; more

Which is not part of the upper respiratory system?


Central chemoreceptors are found in the ventrolateral surface of the ______


According to the oxygen-hemoglobin saturation curve ______ oxygen is bound to hemoglobin at a higher PO2


The dorsal respiratory group of the respiratory center controls the ______ neurons that stimulate the muscles of ______.

Motor; inspiration

The mucosa in the respiratory system is also known as the ______ membrane.

Mucous or respiratory

The pharynx is made of three separate regions. Choose those regions from the list.

Nasopharynx Laryngopharynx Oropharynx

The structure that is the initial conducting airway for inhaled air is the


The nasal cavity extends from the ______ to the ______.

Nostrils; choanae

How does oxygen binding to one site on hemoglobin affect the binding of oxygen to the remaining sites?

Oxygen can bind more easily.

Which statement describes the movement of oxygen during external respiration?

Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli to the blood.

Which describes the partial pressures of systemic cells under resting conditions?

PCO2 of 45 mm Hg Relatively constant partial pressures PO2 of 40 mm Hg

Four bones of the skull contain paired air spaces called ______ ______ that help to lighten the heavy load of the head.

Paranasal sinuses

Where is the pneumotaxic center located?


The movement of gases between blood in pulmonary capillaries and the alveoli of the lungs is called ______ gas exchange.


The process of moving air in and out of the lungs is called ______ ventilation. The same term may also refer to the amount of air moved in and out of the lungs in one minute.


The oxygenated blood leaves the lungs through the ______ and returns to the ______.

Pulmonary veins; left atrium

The ______ lung is divided into superior, middle, and inferior lobes.


The ______ primary bronchus enters the lung more vertically and is wider and shorter than the other one.


Aspirated foreign objects are more likely to become lodged in the ______ primary bronchus.

Right Reason: The right primary bronchus is straighter than the left; therefore, foreign objects are more likely to become lodges in the right bronchus.

Deoxygenated blood is pumped from the ______ through the pulmonary trunk into ______, which enters the lungs.

Right ventricle; pulmonary arteries

If all iron sites are bound to oxygen, a hemoglobin molecule is said to be 100% _____


The muscles that increase the thoracic cavity by elevating the first and second ribs during forced inhalation are the ______ muscles.

Scalene or scalenes

Lobar bronchi are ______ in diameter than main bronchi.


Which are the functions of the respiratory system?

Sound production Detection of odors Allows air passage Exchange of O2 and CO2

Which activities are associated with exhalation?

Sternum moves posteriorly Internal intercostals contract Diaphragm relaxes

The parietal pleura lines which structures?

Superior surface of the diaphragm Lateral surfaces of the mediastinum Internal thoracic walls

The thyroid cartilage enlarges at puberty due to the increase of ______.


If a partial pressure gradient exists for a particular gas, how will this affect the movement of gas molecules?

The gas will move from higher to lower partial pressure.

What is the effect of the oxygen reserve on the body's ability to undergo vigorous exercise?

The oxygen reserve is used when PO2 falls very low in exercising tissue.

Which affects the ability of blood to carry oxygen?

The presence of hemoglobin The solubility coefficient of oxygen

Which is true of central chemoreceptors?

They directly detect changes in hydrogen ions concentrations.

The lungs are located in the ______.

Thoracic cavity

The growth of the ______ cartilage is stimulated by testosterone; thus, Adam's apple is usually prominent and larger in males after puberty.


The largest cartilage of the larynx is the ______ cartilage, which forms the anterior and lateral walls of the larynx.


The volume of air inhaled and exhaled during quiet breathing is known as the ______ volume.


Pulmonary ventilation can be calculated using the following formula:Pulmonary ventilation = respiration rate x ______

Tidal volume

Superior to the larynx is the laryngopharynx. Inferior to the larynx is the ______ and posterior to the larynx is the ______

Trachea, esophagus

The pneumotaxic center is located in the pons.


True or false: Contraction of the internal intercostals is not necessary during exhalation at rest.


True or false: During exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and returns to its original shape.


True or false: The vestibular folds that attach to the corniculate cartilage protect the vocal folds.


The vocal folds of the larynx are called the ______.

True vocal cords

During exercise, when one is breathing deeply and forcibly, the ______ is activated.

Ventral respiratory group

During normal quiet breathing, the ______ is inactive and exhalation is a passive event that does not require nervous stimulation.

Ventral respiratory group

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