Chapter 24: World War 1

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American soldier


three reasons for US joining the war

-Lusitania attacked -Zimmerman Telegram -Russian revolution

four tensions leading up to WW1

-nationalism -militarism -alliances -imperialism

Woodrow Wilson

28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize

the national War Labor Board pressured businesses to adopt the __________________ work day



A Russian emperor


A group of revolutionary Russian Marxists who took control of Russia's government in November 1917


A nickname for the inexperienced but fresh American soldiers during WWI

Fourteen Points

A series of proposals in which U.S. president Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for achieving a lasting peace after World War I.

Importance of battle of Argonne Forest

Allies break enemy line AKA: invade Germany


An agreement to stop fighting

US enters WW1 date

April 6, 1917

Franz Ferdinand

Archduke of Austria-Hungary assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. A major catalyst for WWI.

which battle made it clear that neither side could win World War 1 quickly or easily

Battle of the Marne

Triple Entente

Britain, France, Russia

site of the AEF's first significant combat


Herbert Hoover's ____________________________encouraged American farmers to produce more and the public to eat less

Food Administration

whose assassination sparked WW1

Franz and Sophie Ferdinand

headed the Committee of Public Information

George Creel


German emperor

who voluntarily left office while Germany considered Wilson's armistice demands

German kaiser


German submarines

which country did the Treaty of Versailles force to accept full responsibility for world War 1


Treaty of Versailles

Germany has to take full responsibility; give up some land; pay reparations; disarm military; June 28, 1919

Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

which three countries made up the Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

Who had the world's largest and strongest navy during WW1

Great Britain

which three countries made up the triple Entente

Great Britain, Russia, France

Henry Cabot Lodge

Henry Cabot Lodge was a Republican who disagreed with the Versailles Treaty, and who was the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He mostly disagreed with the section that called for the League to protect a member who was being threatened.

US Congressperson who voted against American entry into World War 1

Jeannette Rankin

Date for when WW1 begins

July 28, 1914

assassination date

June 28, 1914

Vladimir Lenin

Leader Russia's Bolshevik movement.

celebration of military ideals


WW1 ends date

November 11, 1918

surrendered to the Allied Powers in 1918

Ottoman Empire

where was the 1919 international peace conference held

Paris, France

the Committee on ______________________________ promoted WW1 as a battle for democracy and freedom

Public Information

terms of the German armistice required Germany to withdraw all forces west of what

Rhine River

situation that lead to Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Russia has revolution and wants to pull out of war. Sign treaty with Germany to get out and Germany gains land. (will be short answer on test)

Allied Power

Russia, USA, Britain, France, Italy, Japan,

which law was used by the US government to silence opposition to war

Sabotage Act

in 1918 the ________________made it a crime to criticize the United States government


John J. Pershing

Supreme Commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF)

Gavrilo Princip

The assassin of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria, a member of the Black Hand; from Serbia; Serbia helping Bosnia

ended fighting between Germany and Russia

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

which country rejected the Treaty of Versailles in 1920

United States

Leader of the Bolsheviks

Vladimir Lenin

Sophie Ferdinand

Wife of Franz Ferdinand

Big Four plus countries they represent

Wilson-US George-Britain Orlando-Italy Clemenceau-France

Which intercepted document caused Americans to react angrily against the Germans in 1917?

Zimmerman Telegram

subject of the last of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points

a League of Nations


a feeling of intense loyalty to a country or group


a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.


a government in which one person with unlimited power rules


a group of ships that escort and protect other ships


a person who is opposed to the use of violence


a person wo believes industries should be publicly owned


a situation in a conflict in which neither side can make progress against the other

alliance system

a system in which countries agree to defend each other

defense agreements among nations

alliance system

balance of power

an equality of power among different countries that discourages any group from acting aggressively

ended WW1


How did WW1 begin

assassination of Franz and Sophie Ferdinand

prevents a single nation from dominating the others

balance of power


celebration of military ideals, and a rapid buildup of military power

what did President Wilson claim was endangered by the Central Powers of WW1



disagreement or opposition

an understanding among nations


true or false: during World War 1 most Americans favored the Germans over the British

false: British over Germans

true or false: the United States remained neutral throughout World War 1

false: for the beginning of World War 1

Jeannette Rankin

first female congress member

"Heatless Mondays" and Daylight Savings Time were two methods the government used to save _________ during WW1


Espionage Act

get in trouble for spying

What ended President Wilson's speaking tour in support of the League of Nations?

he suffered a stroke


information used to influence opinion

Selective Service Act

law requiring men to register for military service


limiting use

importance of the Battle of the Marne

long and difficult war

Importance of Battle of Verdun

longest and bloodiest battle

Sedition Act

made it a crime to write, print, utter, or publish criticism of the government

the gathering of resources in preparation for war


Great Migration

movement of over 300,000 African American from the rural south into Northern cities between 1914 and 1920

describes people opposed to the use of violence



payment for damages caused during a war

Sabatoge Act

penalized anyone who damaged or destroyed war supplies, property, or transport

Which new weapon or strategy did the Germans use against Allied troops beginning in April 1915?

poison gas

League of Nations

preserve peace and prevent war

which methods of dispensing information was used by both the Allies and the Central Powers to gain public support


John J. Pershing

supreme commander of the AEF

which battle marked the biggest American attack in history

the Battle of Argonne Forest

what name is given to the northward relocation of African Americans during the years from 1914 to 1920

the Great Migration

German promise to warn neutral ships of impending attacks

the Sussex Pledge


the process of assembling troops and supplies and making them ready for war

national self-determination

the right of people to decide how they should be governed

true or false: Henry Johnson was the first American soldier awarded Frances Cross of War


true or false: the Russian monarchy was an example of an autocratic government




3 new war weapons used

zeppelin, poisonous gas, planes, tanks, U-boat, grenades

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