Chapter 25: America in a World at War

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Which of the following fell to the Japanese in the first half of 1942?

- Burma - Singapore - the Dutch East Indies

The sinking of the American destroyer Reuben James led

- Congress to allow American ships to sail into belligerent ports. - to congressional approval of the arming of American merchant ships. - to an American naval war against Germany.

Who commanded the two major American offensives against the Japanese?

- Douglas MacArthur - Chester Nimitz

Following the fall of France, what actions did President Roosevelt take?

- He sent military aid to Great Britain. - He asked Congress to increase the defense budget.

How did the war affect life on Indian reservations?

- Talented young people left the reservations, creating workforce shortages. - Government subsidies dwindled.

By September 1941, which of the following were true?

- The American navy was protecting the flow of goods to Europe. - American industry was assisting Hitler's foes on two fronts.

By the beginning of the 1944, which of the following were true of American factories?

- Their output doubled that of all of the Axis countries combined. - They were producing more than the government needed.

Which of the following are true of organized labor during World War II?

- They secured automatic union memberships for new defense plant workers. - They agreed to a "no-strike" pledge and a 15 percent limit on wage increases.

Which of the following problems virtually vanished with the coming of the war?

- deflation - unemployment

The USO expected hostesses that served in their clubs to ______ and chat happily with lonely servicemen.

- dress nicely - dance well

Economic conditions in World War II led to the hiring of

- more minorities. - more women.

In which of the following areas did either Germany or Japan hold a significant lead at the start of the war?

- naval aviation - tanks - submarines

After the fall of France, as a result of a change in U.S. public opinion toward the war, Congress

- was more willing to expand assistance to the Allies. - authorized the first peacetime draft in American history.

The Allied bombers introduced during the war

- were produced in great numbers. - had more accurate navigation systems than previous models.

In November 1942, English and American forces landed in

Algeria and Morocco.

At the Battle of Coral Sea in May 1942,

American forces succeeded in turning back a Japanese fleet.

What caused Americans to imagine that Japanese Americans might be engaged in conspiracies on behalf of their ancestral homeland?

As a group they generally kept to themselves and preserved their traditional patterns.

Which group was drafted in a higher proportion than any other group?

Chinese Americans

The young general placed in charge of the American invasion of German-occupied France was

Dwight Eisenhower.

True or false: At the end of 1939, belligerents were still barred from buying arms in the United States.


True or false: The United States government knew that there was going to be an attack on American soil but did nothing to stop it.


True or false: The World War II experience was generally similar among all participants in the war, no matter in what position they served.


True or false: The vast majority of soldiers during the war had volunteered their service.


Why was passage of the lend-lease program necessary?

Great Britain was bankrupt and could no longer afford the cash-and-carry requirements.

Much of the intelligence gathered by the Allies about Germany originally came through

Great Britain.

What did Roosevelt do after Germany invaded Russia in June 1941?

He persuaded Congress to extend the lend-lease program to Russia.

How did Soviet leader Josef Stalin feel about the Allied war strategy in 1942-1943?

He was angry about the postponement of the planned cross-channel invasion of France.

Which of the following is true of Ernie Pyle?

He was killed by a Japanese sniper.

The systematic murder of European Jews and others by Hitler's forces is known as the


Which of the following is true of Roosevelt's decision to give fifty American destroyers to England?

It circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts.

Which of the following is true about swing music?

It was an African American musical form.

The Supreme Court case that upheld the internment of more than 100,000 Japanese Americans to detention camps was

Korematsu v. U.S.

The Allied invasion of Sicily toppled the government of


Who were the Native American "code talkers"?

Native Americans who used their native language to confound enemy attempts at intelligence gathering.

Facing the British and Americans in northern Africa were the German forces of General


Which of the following is true of the election of 1940?

Roosevelt won decisively despite an aggressive campaign by his Republican opponent, Wendell Willkie.

During World War II, female industrial workers were symbolized by a fictional worker known as

Rosie the Riveter.

How did American officials react to growing public pressure for an Allied effort to end the killing of Jews and other persecuted peoples in eastern Europe?

They consistently rejected almost all requests for action.

How did the Germans respond to the Allied invasion of Italy?

They invaded the country and established a defensive line south of Rome.

Which of the following best characterizes the declarations of war made by Congress in December 1941?

They were quick and almost unanimous.

True or false: After the German blitzkreig, there were only a few shattered remnants of British and French armies left in all of Europe to oppose the Germans.


True or false: Civil Rights leaders called their wartime efforts the "double-V" campaign—victory at home over racism, abroad over fascism.


After France fell to the Germans, a new French government largely controlled by the German occupiers was established in


During World War II, the regional impact of government spending was the greatest in the


By the end of the war, German technology was

advanced but could not produce in the numbers Allied industry could.

Which of the following most contributed to the Allies' growing ability to limit the effectiveness of German submarines?

advances in radar and mine detection technology

Under the lend-lease system, the federal government was authorized to lend or lease armaments to

any nation deemed vital to American defense.

The United States government acquired definite knowledge of the Holocaust

as early as 1942.

During World War II, African American soldiers were

barred from the Marines and Army Air Force.

Why did correspondent Ernie Pyle believe that no one at home saw the war as he and the soldiers fighting it did?

because of censorship

Over the course of the war,

both the federal debt and income taxes increased.

Reports filed by journalists from the war zone were

censored by government and military officials.

In the summer of 1941, A. Philip Randolph threatened to lead a massive protest on Washington to pressure the government to require integration of

companies with defense contracts.

Scientists working for Allied intelligence also built the Colossus II, which was a


A central point of many wartime films was the

contribution of certain immigrant groups to the American military machine.

As the result of efforts by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the

culture of civil rights activism in the black community was strengthened.

When did interned Japanese Americans receive reparations from the government?

decades after the war

During the years of World War II, the entertainment industry

did record business.

During World War II, Chinese Americans

experienced less prejudice than before.

One impact of the military on Native Americans was that it

exposed them to the material benefits of capitalist America for the first time.

The most important agent of the economic change that came with the war was

federal spending.

In 1942-1943, the British plan to fight the Nazis prioritized

fighting in North Africa.

While living in internment camps, Japanese Americans were

forced to give up their jobs and businesses.

As Japan continued its aggressive policies, Franklin Roosevelt

froze all Japanese assets in the United States.

Roosevelt's campaign of 1940 was unprecedented in that

he was running for a third term.

Japanese Americans interned during World War II were

housed in grim facilities in the western United States.

The war ______ immigration from Mexico.


The Fair Employment Practices Commission was established to

investigate racial discrimination in war industries.

The results of the fighting at Stalingrad convinced Roosevelt to

join the British in invading Sicily.

During the war, Mexican workers

landed factory jobs for the first time.

Destroyed at Pearl Harbor were

many naval vessels, but no aircraft carriers.

The labor shortage during the war was the result of

millions taken out of the workforce to go fight.

The main American strategy to fight Japan was to

mount two offensive campaigns and attack the Japanese from two directions.

During World War II, Allied bombers targeted

only targets that would help them win the war.

During the World War II era, Mexican American teenagers in the Los Angeles area who sometimes joined street gangs were called


Which of the following best describes the duties of Office of War Information during World War II?


As a result of the fighting around Midway Island, the United States

regained control of the central Pacific.

In the midst of the war, Congress ______ the Chinese Exclusion Acts.


Over the course of the war, union membership

rose significantly.

The fighting at Guadalcanal lasted

roughly six months.

The elevation of General Hideki Tojo to lead Japan made it more likely that Japan would

seek oil and other supplies by seizing British and Dutch possessions in the Pacific.

Following the outbreak of hostilities in Europe in September 1939, Roosevelt

sought a revision of the Neutrality Acts.

In response to German torpedoing of American vessels, Roosevelt allowed the United States to fire upon German ______ on sight.


The Office of Price Administration was

successful but unpopular.

Which of the following occurred first?

the American declaration of war against Japan

Rocket-propelled bombs were used by

the Germans.

Ten hours after the strike at Pearl Harbor, much of America's remaining air power in the Pacific was lost in an attack on

the Philippines. :(

What country pressed for an Allied invasion of France to take place at the earliest possible moment?

the Soviet Union

As a result of the "zoot-suit riots" in Los Angeles,

the city outlawed the wearing of zoot suits.

Guadalcanal marked

the end of the Japanese advance in the south Pacific.

During the war, the West Coat was

the launching point for the war against Japan.

How did the Americans and British seize the advantage of the air war beginning in 1942?

the production of a new bomber that flew higher and had better navigation

Attacks by German submarines caused Roosevelt to declare

the western Atlantic a neutral zone.

Why did Roosevelt argue that the United States should be able to make armaments available to the Allied armies?

to counter the military advantage that the large German munitions industry gave Hitler

The war ______ efforts to revive tribal autonomy for Native Americans.


Subject to the government's internment program were

unnaturalized Japanese immigrants and citizens of Japanese descent, whether naturalized or native-born.

By the end of the conflict, domestic production was meeting ______ of the nation's critical war needs.

virtually all

By 1940, the majority of Americans believed that Germany

was a menace to the United States.

In 1940 and 1941, German submarines

were having a major impact on shipping throughout the Atlantic.

Members of the America First Committee

were staunch isolationists.

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