Chapter 25 (Part 1) Test (AP US History) - Jaden Brescia

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What did homeless migrants set up?

squatting camps, often called little Oklahoma's along highways or close towns where they can get food and supplies. When one crop is harvested the migrants moved on to the next, carrying their belongings with them. When Farmers need them never called migrants and when they pick the crop they were bums and they got out.

What made the Great Depression so severe and so lasting?

It was a Global effect. Economic Distress fed the rise of totalitarian Regimes, Facism, and Nazism in Italy and Germany, Communism in the Soviety Union.

What did Oscar de priest, an African-American legislator do about the CCC?

Introduce an amendment requiring that the agency not discriminate on account of race, color, or Creed.

What was the Emergency Relief Act of 1932?

It authorized the RFC to make loans to States for construction projects.

What was Roosevelt's Second, more Radical Phase of the New Plan?

Federal Construction program to employ the Jobless Banking Reforms Increased Taxes on Wealthy Social Security to protect people of old age and illness

After the Shooting what did the Secretary of War then dispatch?

700 Soldiers to remove the Bonus Army (Commanded by Army Chief of Staff: General Douglas MacArthur) Using Horses / Tanks to Disperse the Veterans and their families 55 Veterans were injured and 135 were arrested.

When did the Economy do well and then how did it Slump?

1935 and 1936 it showed signs of revival. However, Roosevelt, worried about federal budget deficits and rising inflation, ordered sharp cuts in government spending. The economy stalled and slid into a slump. Unemployment rose to 2 million Congress was asked to adopt a new federal spending program and voted on $3.3 billion of expenditures.

What happened to Banks?

38 States had Total Ban Failure 700 Banks Failed People withdrew too much money and took too much money out of circulation.

What things did the CWA do? What happened to it?

4 Million Jobs 500k Miles of Roads Laid Sewer Lines Constructed 1k Airports 40k Public Schools Cost 1 Billion Dollars which made Roosevelt scared and he feared people would be dependent upon federal jobs and so he ordered the CWA to be dissolved.

What Fair Labor policies long shot by unions and social progressives did the NRA codes create?

40 Hour Work Week Weekly Wages of $13 and $12 in the South (Lower Living Cost Ban of Employment of Children under 16 Allowed Workers to Organize Unions

However what did the NRA set up from its lasting effects?

40-hour work week, work standards, national minimum wage, and helped end the views of child labor.

What are the requirements to be a part of the CCC?

60 to 78 Inches Weigh more than 107 Lb At least Six Teeth 1$ a Day Labor w/ 9 Months only and then must make room for others People selected for the program would have no chance of getting a normal job which is why they were. Given Shelter, Clothing, and Food and Took Classes on how to read. 3 Million Passed Women were excluded, but African Americans and Native Americans were in segregated facilities.

What happened when the Congressional Elections came and the House of Reps and Senate lost Democrats?

7 in Senate 80 in House He wanted only to preserve the reforms of the NEW Programs

What was the Dust Bowl?

A terrible drought created an ecological catastrophe. Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma hardest-hit, crops withered, and income plummeted. Strong winds scooped up topsoil into billowing dark clouds called black blizzards, which in Gulf farms and towns and 25 million Acres of Prairie Land no longer had topsoil.

Quiz 1.14 (10/30)

America- "The New Deal Under Fire," pp 1126-1136; FTR- "Huey Long: Share Our Wealth" As you read, consider: 1.Which groups of needy people received less help from the New Deal than others? 2.How might movies have helped people deal with the emotional effects of the depression? 3.Would you consider the programs of Long and Townsend to be socialist?

Reading for 11/1 (Quiz 1.15)

America- "The Second New Deal" and "Roosevelt's Second Term" pp 1136-1147; FTR- "Roosevelt's Court-Packing Plan" As you read, consider: 1.How was the Second New Deal different from the First Hundred Days, and how was it similar? 2.Some of Roosevelt's opponents considered him to be a socialist, destroying individual initiatve. Others considered him to be a would-be fascist dictator, bent on personal domination of America. How could the same man be accused of both of these? 3.Despite all these complaints, Roosevelt won re-election in 1936 and 1940. How could that happen?

Quiz 1.12 = 10/24

America- pp 1105-1114 and FTR- from "Two Views of the Great Depression," and two articles by Herbert Hoover. As you read, consider: 1. How did the Hoover Administration react to the Great Depression? 2. How did their actions relate to the causes of the depression that we studied using Nearpod?

What happened to Huey Long?

An assassin, the son in law of a Louisiana judge whom Long sought to remove shot and killed the forty-two-year old senator.

What occurred at the end of 1929 and what were the effects 3 years later (1932)?

Began: End of 1929 By 1932 ¼ Americans Unemployed Half of the Adults were out of Work. 500,000 Homes or Farms Lost due to unpaid Mortgages 4,000 Banks Failed w/ $3.6 Billion Lost in Deposits.

Two Views of The Great Depression

Black: Why people could not deal with the standards of living which black people had such as food choices. The white man makes $60 in the black man X $25 he can go home with beans him and his wife will eat it but the white man is making big money and if he takes beans home his wife will laugh. the white man has been Superior for so long he can't figure out why he should come down. Facts about his friend who drank a bottle of poison after he was down $20,000 in stock. Was ready to hear a black man killing himself over financial situation or he might have killed himself over a woman. He worked as a Teamster for a Lumberyard making $0.40 an hour. there is no need to look for another job and most of the workers were white. Do you win money in playing pool antonyms and come home with a dollar and a half extra never replied to the Public Works Administration or works progress administration because he could Hustle and beat other people out of a job. Woman: the woman said there are no codes and no blankets and she was just struggling trying to be warm. What you came home when she did have a coat all she did was just go to bed cuz that's all she could do. She never had boots and she's only known the cold. She just ran in the rain and never experienced the luxury of boots. if she got sick no one would ever come to help them because there was no thermometer. the Croatian mother would always bring you oranges and bananas and said that there was nothing wrong with you. her father was immediately employed in the WPA and that meant she could survive because he could provide food. when people would have father's to her doctors and her mother would be a nurse. And her family there is no respectable employment and she thought that the other people didn't know what it was like and she didn't even want to defend them because she felt that they were in a different world experiencing something completely different.

What was the Civil Works Administration and how did it come to existence?

Civil Works Administration (CWA) Put people directly on the government payroll at competitive Wages. (Large scale Experiment) $0.40 an hour for Unskilled Labor $1 an hour for Skilled Labor.

What were the two factions of Democrats?

Conservative Southerners Didn't like growing dependence on votes from northern labor unions or African Americans Said they wouldn't see an African American as political and social equal Some said Roosevelt used too much power and too much money Liberal Northerners

What virtues did Roosevelt have?

Courage, good instincts, unrelenting optimism, and a Charming personality. He was not a deep thinker or masterful administrator. He was determined to help those who cannot help themselves. according to house, he was genuinely fond of people.

What was the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933?

Created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Guaranteed all bank deposits up to $5,000. Could intervene in financial emergencies Called for the Separation of Commercial Banking and Investment Banking to prevent conventional Banks from Investing the deposits of Conventional Banks.

Government's role in fighting the Great Depression from Herbert Hoover 1932

Dangerous is everyone using the radio on the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Is convinced Federal action is essential then in most cases it should limit its responsibilities to supplement the states and local communities and that it should not assume the major role or the entire on responsibility in replacement of the states or local government. The true growth of the nation is the growth of the character and its citizens. When the government is centralized air rises of limitation upon the liberty of the individual and a restriction of individual opportunity. The spread of government destroys initiative and this destroys character. The progress of the economy will be determined by the local people and governments to reach their own responsibilities. Is insisting upon local governments enter charity. the ultimate goal of the American Social ideal is equality of opportunity and individual initiative. They're going through. Workers and Faith are on trial.

What was United States v. Butler?

Declared the Agricultural Act's tax on middle men, the companies that processed food crops and commodities like cotton, unconstitutional. Roosevelt passed the Agricultural Act of 1938 which re-established the earlier crop reduction payment programs but left out the tax on the processors

What was the Economy Act of 1933?

Economy Act of 1933 Allows Roosevelt to cut salaries Reduce payments to military veterans for non service-connected disabilities Reorganize Federal Agencies to help organize government expenses.

What happened in the controversial case in Alabama pertaining the Scottsboro boys?

Eight of the Scottsboro Boys were sentenced to death (in the trial, not killed yet). They were convicted of raping two young white women while riding the freight train. It turned out the girls had been selling sex and one of the girls eventually recanted the rape charges and began appearing at rallies on behalf of the defendants before they were excuted. However, they still were executed which prompted two cases. Alabama eventually dropped the charges against four of the youngest defendants and granted paroles to the others.

What did the American Federation of Labor do? (AFL)

Expelled the CIO

How did Roosevelt communicate with the Nation?

Fireside Chats

What does the New Deal attract?

Farmers (AAA and Mortgage Supports) Labor Unions (NLRB) Blacks (Some got help from New Deal) Working Class (PWA, CWA, Wga, CCC Progressive Intellectuals

Are the economic effects on those affected by the Dust Bowl?

First Farmers cannot pay their debts, Banks foreclosed on Family Farms, suicides roared, millions of people abandon their Farms, many headed towards California, Okies or arkies, most Dust Bowl refugees, lumped together. 800000 migrated to the Far West.

What were Herbert Hoover's responses to the Great Depression?

First it was he was in denial and that there was no crisis, and he argued let the economy cure itself.

Reading 10/28 for Quiz 1.13

For Monday, read pp 1114-1126 on First New Deal and readings from FDR in FTR Ch 25. As you read, consider: How did the incoming Roosevelt Administration differ from the Hoover Administration in its approach to the Great Depression? What problems did the actions of the First Hundred Days attempt to solve?

What was the Emergency Banking Relief act?

Four-Day Holiday for Banks Closed or Funded Weak Banks and Opened Gov't aided Banks

Who was against Roosevelt in the 1936 Election?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt accepted the Democratic party's nomination for a second term. He gained support from the agricultural programs, and revived labor union movements. The Republicans chose Governor Alfred M. Landon of Kansas, a progressive Republican who endorsed many New Deal Programs.

Why was the "Court-Packing Scheme" controversial?

He believed the Supreme Court was too conservative and would block the Social Security and Wagner Acts that were pending before the Court which came after the Anti-New Deal rulings. He asked Congress, who deems the size of the Supreme Court by the Constitution, to name up to six new Supreme Court justices for each justice over 76. The scheme scared Democrats into thinking he was becoming dangerous and the Republicans had lots of opposition.

When Herbert Hoover realize that Andrew mellon's do nothing plan wasn't going to work and what did he do?

He invited business, labor, government, and agricultural leaders to the White House and pleaded with State Governors to accelerate planned construction projects to keep people working. He urged companies to maintain employment and wage levels He asked union leaders to stop strikes, He formed committees and commissions to study various aspects of the economy and he cut the income tax. nothing worked however.

What argument was proposed by Roosevelt to Trust Banks?

He said it was safer.

Why did Roosevelt end prohibition?

He wanted the federal tax revenues from the sale of alcoholic beverages. 21st Amendment ended Prohibition.

Who was John L. Lewis?

Head of United Mine Workers (UMW) Rebuilt the UMW from 150k members to 500k within 1 YR

What was the Federal Emergency Relief Administration?

Headed by Harry L. Hopkins It sent grants to states to spend on unemployed and homeless, but the programs were not effective.

What did Franklin Delano Roosevelt believe was the goal?

Help people in distress not out of Charity, but out of obligation. Doles or Direct Federal Money

What was the Social Security Act?

History Like Francis Townshend stressed, old people and people with disabilities were hit hardest from the Great Depression which is why this Act was needed. Progressives during the 1900s proposed a federal system of social security which meant this idea was not new. By the 1950s, politicians soon viewed it as the primary source of income for working-class Actual Act What it Created As An Actual Act Self-financed federal retirement fund for people over sixty-five. Fact: Since 1937, workers and employers contributed payroll taxes to establish the fund. Regressive Tax because it used a single withholding tax rate for everyone regardless of income level. (Hurt the Poor more than the Rich) Set up Shared Federal-state unemployment insurance program financed by a payroll tax on employers. Aid for old-age, dependent children, for the blind, maternal, child-welfare, and public health services. Most Retirement Money Was Spent ON Taxes were mostly spent on pension payments to retirees Leftovers went into a trust fund Roosevelt's Opinion He wanted it to act as a supplemental source of income and aid to protect the elderly instead of guaranteeing everyone a comfortable life. Wanted them to view their retirement checks as entitlement (something they paid for and earned). Conservatives Viewpoint It was Radical, Tyrannical, and Socalistic as Hoover would Agree.

What was Hoover's excuse to not supporting the homeless?

Hoover dismissed the concerns of the homeless and called them mongers and weeping men. Direct support to the oor would lead to socialism Believed in American's Mythic commitment to Rugged Individualism and Free Enterprise and Firm limits on Emergency Government Action. He stood for Self-Reliance and Individual Initiative and claimed government assistance would make people not desire to help themselves.

Why could Roosevelt potentially lose?

Huey Long , Charles E. Coughlin, and Francis E. Townsend could potentially take Democratic votes away from the president.

How did Franklin Roosevelt's presidential inaugural address go?

It was praised by the pro-republican Chicago Tribune, 500,000 Americans were letters to him to congratulate him, And his speech was extraordinarily uplifting. March 1933. he said that he did not have all the answers but did not want to become a dictator and said that he would try his best.

What was the Revenue Act of 1932?

It would take money out of consumers Pockets, the higher taxes accelerated the economy slowdown. People have less money to spend which crippled the economy.

What is everyone's perspective of FDR?

Loved because he was believed to have fought for the forgotten man. Visible and Accessible "Glittering Personality" Hated by business leaders and political conservatives who believed that the New Deal and the higher taxes it required were moving toward socialism. Cousin Alice called him a dictator. Leftists accused him of not doing enough to end the Depression Native Americans voted for him in Large Majorities.

When were the first hundred days?

March 9th to June 16th. First 100 Days where Congress approves 15 Major Pieces which are soon apart of the First New Deal

What happened near the federal buildings which accidentally triggered a shooting?

Most went home Leftover Veterans were situated in Vacant Federal Buildings and Shanty Towns within sight of the Capital. (For Shelter or to See the President) However, Hoover persuaded Congress to pay for train tickets home and Hoover ordered the government buildings to be cleared which scared a policeman who panicked and fired into the crowd killing 2. 700 Soldiers to remove the Bonus Army (Commanded by Army Chief of Staff: General Douglas MacArthur) Using Horses / Tanks to Disperse the Veterans and their families 55 Veterans were injured and 135 were arrested.

What were the complaints about the NRA?

People complained larger corporations dominated the NRA, whose price-fixing Rob small producers of the chance to compete. The wage codes excluded Agricultural and domestic workers, most African-Americans derive no direct benefit from the program. Soon the Supreme Court declared the NRA unconstitutional.

Why was the Great Depression in Endless cycle?

People were losing jobs and income, consumers and businesses could not buy enough goods and services to re-energize the economy.

Describe Francis E. Townshend.

Plan: Townsend Recovery Plan in 1934 Wanted the federal government to pay $200 a month to every American over sixty who agreed to quit working. He said, it would create jobs for young people, giving older people the means to retire, and energize the economy to enable retirees to buy more products. However, it would only serve 9% of the population and it would be more than half the total national income???

What were forms of Popular Culture?

Popular Cultural Outlets: Radio Programs and Movies 10M owned radios originally then to 30M "Fireside" Chats generated support for New Deal initiatives. "Talkies" featured sound, Double Features & Drive-IN-Theaters were popular too.

Describe Huey Long.

Populist, Nicknamed "Kingfish" , Lousianna's First Governor He appealed to the raw emotions of the masses, claimed to serve the poor, In order to reduce taxes, improve roads/schools, and provide public services, he used bribery, intimidation, and blackmail. He created: the Share-the-Wealth Society to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and redistribute the money to "the people" giving $5,000 to every poor family and an annual income of $2,500, enabling every student to attend college if qualified, giving bonuses to veterans, reducing working hours, and providing pensions. He did not like the NRA's efforts to cooperate with big business + he developed presidential aspirations and was jealous of FDR.

What two cases were prompted by the Scottsboro case?

Powell v. Alabama, Norris v. Alabama

What was the Fair Labor Standards Act?

Replaced Provisions from the NIRA which were unconstitutional The Federal Government (Prior to the Act): Established a minimum wage of $.40 an hour and a max workweek of forty hours. Applied only to business engaged in interstate commerce, also prohibited the employment of children under the age of 16.

Who did the Republicans nominated in the election of 1932 and who did the Democrats nominate in the election of 1932?

Republicans gathered in Chicago to nominate President Hoover for a second term and the Democrats arrived in Chicago and nominated Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Roosevelt used tactics such as saying Happy Days Are Here Again and that he would propose a new deal for Americans.

what 4 challenges did Roosevelt address within his first 100 days?

Reviving the industrial economy, relieving the widespread human misery, rescuing the ravage Farm sector, and reforming those aspects of the capitalist system that has helped cause the depression. He said it was no time for 10 min leadership and the defining characteristic of Roosevelt's approach was that he wanted action. He was a genius for leading others and his symbol the Brain Trust a brilliant specialist will feverishly developed a fresh path of ideas to address the nation's urgent problems.

How did Roosevelt respond to "Stand Up and Cheer!" + What other Famous movies were there?

Roosevelt appointed the Secretary of Amusement to distract people from the ravages of the Depression. w/ Shirley Temple (Escapism) Gone with the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, (Shoot-Up Films) It Happened One Night, My Man Godfrey, Mister Deeds Goes to Town, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, King Kong, The Invisible Man, and Werewolf of London. (Anarchic Antics) Animal Crackers, Monkey Business, Horse Feathers, and Duck Soup

What were the conclusive results of the election of 1932?

Roosevelt had 23 million votes to Hoover 16 million.

What were the Final Stats of the Election?

Roosevelt swept every state, but Maine and Vermont with 27.7 million popular to Landon's 16.7 million. Democrats dominated Congress, by 77 to 19 in the Senate and 328 to 107 in the House.

Describe Father Coughlin.

Said Roosevelt was "Anti-God" and claimed the New Deal was a Communist Conspiracy. Anti-Semetic, claiming Roosevelt was a tool of international Jewish Bankers and Re-Labeled the New Deal the "Jew Deal." Praised Adolf Hitler and the Nazis b/c he believed all Jews were Communists who must die...

Because the federal government had no programs to deal with homelessness and joblessness and state and local governments cut spending what happened all across the country?

Shantytowns in Vacant Lots Made of Cardboard, Scrap Wood, and Metal. Villages were called Hoovervilles to mock Hoover Newspapers were called Hoover Blankets

how did Eleanor Roosevelt impact Franklin Roosevelt?

She prodded her husband about social justice issues and sometimes scolded him, but always supported his Ambitions and decisions. she gave a voice to the voiceless and was on a crusade on behalf of women, blacks, and Youth. She was lonely and experience what an alcoholic father and aloof mother does to a child. Although quiet at first, she was an outspoken and Relentless activist and was the first woman to address the national policy convention coming to write a nationally syndicated newspaper column, and to hold regular press conferences. She spoke in support of the New Deal, met with African-American leaders, supported women's causes and labor unions, urged Americans to live up to their humanitarian ideals. She held a conference on the emergency needs of women Orchards the fer a to ensure that they pay particular attention to see that women are employed. Some 300,000 women wear at work within 6 months on various Federal projects.

What was the current status of African Americans?

Shifting from the Republicans ("Party of Lincoln") to the Democrats. Roosevelt failed to address patterns of racism and segregation in the South for fear of angering conservative southern Democrats in Congress. New Deal programs discriminated against blacks Mary White Ovington, treasurer of NAACP said racism varies agency to agency Payments from the AAA to farm owners to take out their own land forced hundreds of thousands of blacks and whites off their land FHA refused to guarantee mortgages on houses purchased by blacks in white neighborhoods CCC and TVA practiced racial segregation

Who was Sidney Hillman and David Dubinsky?

Sidney Hillman Amalgamated Clothing Workers David Dubinsky The International Ladies Garment Workers BOTH Organized workers in the clothing industry. Leaders of unskilled and skilled workers (restrictive craft unions) found skilled male workers (non-restrictive craft unions) only to be obstacles of organizing workers. They Formed a Committee for Industrial Organization using the Wagner Act

What was the official ruling of the Sit-Down Strike + Roosevelt's Opinion?

Supreme Court later deemed illegal Roosevelt found it displeasing

What was Grovey v. Townshend? Hint: NAACP

Supreme Court ruling upheld the Texas Democrats' whites only election primary. (Racial Prejudice)

What was the Revenue Act of 1935?

The Revenue Act of 1935 or the Wealth-Tax Act "Soak the Rich Tax" Raised tax rates on annual incomes above $50,000 due to many stories of wealthy Americans not paying taxes Who was Against It J.P. Morgan created fictitious sales of stock that enabled him to pay no taxes. William Randolph Hearst said it was essentially communism. Roosevelt countered by saying he is fighting communism and can only do it by first re-balancing capitalism.

When the NIRA was still in power, what did they affirm?

That every industry allow workers' rights to organize through their own rules/code, union-ists quickly translated it to mean "the president wants you to join the union."

What was the agricultural adjustment Act of 1933?

The Agricultural Adjustment Administration, AAA, Santa raised the prices for crops and herds but paying Farmers to cut back production. The money for such payments came from a tax levied on the processors of certain basic Commodities Cotton Gins, flour Mills come in slaughterhouses. the AA organized a plow under program in which farmers were paid to kill the sprouting seeds in their fields and in order to raise more prices, some six million baby pigs are slaughtered and buried. farm income increased by 58%.

What was the most successful New Deal Job Program?

The CCC, Civilian Conservation Corpse Managed the War Department Built 2,500 Camps to house up to half a million unemployed, unmarried young men between 17 to 27. Clear brush, Bill Trails, roads, Bridges, campgrounds, fire Towers, fish hatcheries, 800 Parks, planted 3 billion trees, call Farmers how to control soil erosion, and fought fires. Worked on National Forests, Parks, Soil Projects 150k Unemployed Veterans + 85,000 Native Americans were Housed in Camps which soon brought the total around half a million.

What is Norris v. Alabama?

The Court ruled that the systematic exclusion of African Americans from Alabama juries had denied the Scottsboro defendants equal protection under the law.

How did the Democrats take advantage of Hoover and what did Hoover see the elections as?

The Democrats exploited his predicament and gain their first national election victory winning a majority in the house and a near majority in the Senate. Hoover refused to see the elections as a warning and he grew more resistant to Federal intervention in the struggling economy.

What was the Wagner Act?

The National Relations Act, The Wagner Act Drafted by NY Senator Robert Wagner Guaranteed workers the right to organize unions and bargain directly about wages and other issues with management. Created National Labor Relations Board to oversee unions.

What was Franklin's program for recovery?

The New Deal, a series of trial-and-error actions rather than a comprehensive scheme. Nothing works perfectly and some failed miserably. However, the combined effect was to restore hope and energy to the nation.

What did John Collier, commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) do?

The New Indian Deal Increased number of Native Americans employed Ensured Native Americans gained access to relief programs. Designed the Indian Reorganization Act (Attempt) Restored Land to Tribes Allowed Them to Create Business Self-Governed Constitutions Receive Federal Funds for Vocational Training and Economic Development Congress's Version of the Indian Reorganization Act Partial Improvement / Much Diluted But! Tribes gave women the right to vote and hold office

What was the National Industrial Recovery Act And NIRA of 1933

The Public Works Administration Granted 3.3 Billion Dollars for the Construction of Government Buildings, Highways, Port Facilities, Dams, and Sewage Plants. The National Recovery Administration NRA (Controversial) Headed by Hugh S. Johnson (Retired General/Drinker) Set Prices, Wages, and Standards for Working Conditions

After Congress was won over by mostly Democrats what they set up?

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), to make Emergency Loans to Banks, Life insurance companies, and Railroads. some argue the federal government should help if they could help Brent Hoover signed the emergency relief act instead.

Roosevelt utilized the Securities Exchange Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 which did what?

The Securities Exchange Act of 1933 Regulated the sale of stocks and bonds. Corporations that issued stock to the public must disclose information about their operations and management of the company so purchasers knew what they were buying. What was the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Established a Securities and Exchange Commission which enforced new laws and regulations governing the issuance and trading of stocks and bonds.

What is the biggest failure and blunder of Roosevelt's career that got overwhelming support against the idea from Congress?

The Senate overwhelming voted down his Court-Packing Bill.

Why did Companies not cooperate with pro-union provisions?

The Supreme Court did not get the Wagner Act until 1937 Employers used intimidation to fight unions Automobile workers tried the Sit-Down Strike to grant them bargaining rights which failed. Led by Walter Reulther, employees at General Motors stopped production and police were called to harass strikes, spies were sent to union meetings, and people were threatened with the loss of their jobs or even fired. Lasted a month, then the company signed a contract reorganizing the United Automobile Workers (UAW) a legitimate union.

What was Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States?

The U.S. Supreme Court killed the NIRA by a unanimous vote. Congress gave too much authority to the president when making the NIRA allowed to make the NRA Additionally, giving power to NIRA to bring business and labor leaders together to create codes/rules to "Attempt at" fair competition which violated antitrust laws.

What is Powell v. Alabama?

The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the original convictions because the judge had not ensured that the accused were provided adequate defense attorneys.

What were the major parts of the Second New Deal?

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) managed the $4.8 Billion Emergency Relief Appropriation Act. Hired 2 Million People Annually over 4 years Writers, Artists, Actors, and Musicians Cultural Program: Federal Theatre Project, Federal Art Project, Federal Music Project Built LaGuardia Airport, St. Louis River Front, Managed Bankrupt City of Key West, Florida The National Youth Administration (NYA) provided part-time employment to students and aided jobless youths. Statistics: 3 of 10 Million Helped at one time, 9 Million Total

What conditions were veterans and farmers in?

The annual income for families was $240. Farmers took their Own Products to Market because the prices were so low Unemployed Veterans converged on the nation's capital in the Bonus Expeditionary Force which was made up of Veterans from the American expeditionary force and they pressed Congress to pay cash bonuses owed to nearly 4 million veterans.

What was Franklin Roosevelt's upbringing like?

The child of wealthy, aristocratic parents which meant he did not have to worry about a job or a paycheck. Educated by tutors near his father's River State near Hyde Park, north of New York City. He attended Harvard College and Columbia University although he did not graduate. One of our student, he married Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, the niece of Theodore Roosevelt. he was athletic, handsome and blessed with a personality and an infectious smile. he was first appointed as Secretary of the Navy during World War Wilson and was James Cox's vice president.

What was Roosevelt's opinions on paying the Homeless and Unemployed?

The government should NOT give cash or "dole," but the federal government should get the homeless jobs. Soon to be called the "Welfare State."

What was the result of the bonus expeditionary Force pressing Congress?

The house passed the Bonus Bill, but the Senate voted it down because it would have forced a tax increase to Grant the money to the veterans.

What did Hoover believe what would help the American people without the government?

The natural generosity of the American people and charitable organizations would be sufficient and he believed that volunteers what relieve the social distress caused by the depression. Relief agencies were overwhelmed of course, as we're churches and charitable organizations like the Salvation Army and the Red Cross. The Natural Generosity of the American People, Charitable Organizations, and Volunteers would be sufficient in relieving the social distress caused by the depression. Relief agencies, Churches, and Charitable Organizations were overwhelmed

What did the Court say about the Wagner Acts and the Social Security Act and who was appointed to the Court?

They allowed the Acts One conservative justice resigned and New Dealer, Senator Hugo Black of Alabama took his place.

Who is Roosevelt and his advisers initial plan?

They had a three-pronged strategy to revive the economy. Relief, Recovery, and Reform Help the Desperate, Recover the Economy, and Setup the Economy for Success Advisers: Lawyers, Journalists, Professors, Economists, Social Workers, and Political Appointees. They were called the Brain Trust They attempted to provide short-term emergency relief for the jobless They attempted to raise depressed commodity prices for Farm goods by paying Farmers subsidies to reduce the size of their products (Crops/Animals) to help them increase their income. )Lower Supply and Increase Demand)

How did the Wagner Act give Sidney Hilllman and David Dubinsky more Organizational Power? (History of CIO)

Through the Wagner Act, they formed the CIO (Committee for Industrial Organization) Craft unionists feared unskilled workers would take over Then the American Federation of Labor (AFL) expelled them They formed the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) Worked on organizing the automobile and steel industries.

What was the main purpose of the Farm Credit Administration?

To help farmers deal with their crush indents and lower their mortgage payments to avoid bankruptcy.

What was the primary purpose of the NRA?

To promote economic growth by ignoring antitrust laws and allowing Executives of competing businesses to negotiate among themselves and with labor unions to create codes of Fair competition that would set prices, production levels, minimum wages, and maximum hours within each industry, no matter how small.

What was the Tonic Effect? What Did F. Scott Fitzgerald say about the needed economic revolution?

Tonic Effect: The breakdown of our cult of business success and optimism, the miraculous disappearance of our famous American complacency. F. Scott Fitzgerald: Thought utilizing the Communist Party might bring on a revolution, but Josef Stalin was practicing violent, tyrannical Communism which made most people abandon Communism.

What was the best policy revive the economy?

Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon advised to liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate. Letting events run their course but Purge the wrongness out of the capitalist system. However melons do nothing approach did not work.

What tax increase plan did President Hoover follow which backfired?

Trying to balance the federal budget, he raised taxes and cut budgets and pushed through Congress the Revenue Act of 1932, the worst peacetime tax increase in American history.

What other tactics to raise the economy did not work from Hoover?

Upbeat Messages, "Business is Better" or "Keep Smiling" or "Depression is Over" or "No one has yet starved" Told Chamber of Commerce that they passed the worst and soon things will be better

Franklin D Roosevelt, from first inaugural address.

Very confident the only thing that we have to fear is fear itself. He believes the problems ahead are not as bad as the ones that the forefathers have had to deal with. his primary task is to put people at work and it can be accomplished by the government doing it itself as if they were in the emergency of War. He just needs to stimulate projects and to reorganize the use of Natural Resources. by preventing the tragedy of homeless in foreclosure. The cost of the federal government and local governments to act can be drastically reduced. There must be a strict supervision of all Banking and credits and Investments and there must be a provision for an adequate but sound currency.

The Only Major New Deal Initiatives were the Wagner-Steagall National Housing Act and Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Actwhich all did what?

Wagner-Steagall National Housing Act Developed by Senator Robert F. Wagner Set up federal Housing Authority, which extended long-term loans to cities to build public housing projects in blighted neighborhoods and provide subsidized rents for poor people. The Farm Tenant Act Developed by Bankhead and Jones Created the Farm Security Administration (FSA) Provided loans to keep farm owners from losing their land to bankruptcy Sometimes tided a few farmers over.

Catchup on 1939 as the New Deal's Momentum Slowed

War erupting in Europe and Asia Social Security, Federal Regulation of Stock Markets and Banks, Minimum Wage Levels, Federally insured Bank Accounts, and Right to join Unions showed unprecedented amounts of Federal involvement. Led Blacks into Democratic Party through Optimism Landmark Laws established new regulatory agencies and laid the foundation of Social Welfare Systems. Encouraged people to be hopeful, faithful, and prideful. Government was used aggresivelyt to regulate industries and businesses to ensure that people had an equal opportunity to pursue the American Dream. People felt protected from Bank-Deposit Insurance, Unemployment Benefits, Minimum Hourly Wage, Wagner Act, and Social Security Pensions. . Failure of New Deal: Inability to restore prosperity and record levels of unemployment (10 million were jobless (17%))

What did Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath explain? What did Richard Right write about in the Native Son?

Workers are treated as people instead of variables in political formula. Influenced from his journey with Okies from the Dust Bowl.

What did Roosevelt contract?

he contracted polio that left him permanently disabled and forced him to use cumbersome leg braces to stand or walk. However, he strengthened himself to walk with the help of his wife Eleanor. it opened up his mind to more problems and thus he became more considerate.

What's at Roosevelt Apart?

he was willing to experiment with different ways of using government power and resources to address problems. you complained about the bloated bureaucracy that the federal government would incur more budget deficits than all his predecessors combined.

Why did Roosevelt convince Congress to create the home owners loan corporation?

it helped people refinance their mortgages at lower interest rates so that they could avoid bankruptcy. He created the FHA, the federal housing Administration, which offered Americans much longer home mortgages 20 years in order to reduce their monthly payments.

Franklin Roosevelt declare that the south is the nation's number one problem, how did the Tennessee Valley Authority help deal with this?

the TVA, wood burning electrical power, flood control efforts, and jobs to Appalachia, the desperately poor mountainous regions and stress from West Virginia through Western Virginia and North Carolina, Kentucky, eastern Tennessee, and Northern Georgia and Alabama. they constructed 21 hydroelectric dams and produce enough electricity to the entire region at about half the average National rate. They also dredged rivers to allow for boat and barges to pass oh, they promoted soil conservation and Forestry management, drew the industries into the region, encourage the formation of labor unions, and improve schools and libraries. They gave 1.5 million Farms access to electricity and indoor plumbing for the first time.

Is it to be murder, mr. Hoover 1932?

the person says that Herbert Hoover is killing people by starvation, disease, and killing all hope and the soul. He says the responsibility rests entirely upon Herbert Hoover and as the day goes cities are personal line of bankruptcy and unions are getting worse. he blames children adults dying because the government is that acting through Direct Federal relief. the relief bill granted 300 million dollars by the RFC. people are revolting people are dying families are no longer supported by plans anything's that the money from the RFC will not last.

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