Chapter 25: The Child with Gastrointestinal Dysfunction

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A 3-year-old child with Hirschsprung disease is hospitalized for surgery. A temporary colostomy will be necessary. How should the nurse prepare this child? a. It is unnecessary because of child's age. b. It is essential because it will be an adjustment. c. Preparation is not needed because the colostomy is temporary. d. Preparation is important because the child needs to deal with negative body image.

ANS: B The child's age dictates the type and extent of psychologic preparation. When a colostomy is performed, it is necessary to prepare the child who is at least preschool age by telling him or her about the procedure and what to expect in concrete terms, with the use of visual aids. The preschooler is not yet concerned with body image.

Therapeutic management of most children with Hirschsprung disease is primarily which of the following? a. Daily enemas b. Low-fiber diet c. Permanent colostomy d. Surgical removal of affected section of bowel

ANS: D Most children with Hirschsprung disease require surgical rather than medical management. Surgery is done to remove the aganglionic portion of the bowel, relieve obstruction, and restore normal bowel motility and function of the internal anal sphincter.

A young child is brought to the emergency department with severe dehydration secondary to acute diarrhea and vomiting. Therapeutic management of this child will begin with: a. intravenous (IV) fluids. b. ORS. c. clear liquids, 1 to 2 ounces at a time. d. administration of antidiarrheal medication.

ANS: A In children with severe dehydration, IV fluids are initiated.

The nurse is caring for a child admitted with acute abdominal pain and possible appendicitis. Which of the following is appropriate to relieve the abdominal discomfort? a. Place in Trendelenburg position. b. Allow to assume position of comfort. c. Apply moist heat to the abdomen. d. Administer a saline enema to cleanse bowel.

ANS: B The child should be allowed to take a position of comfort, usually with the legs flexed.

A 3-day-old infant presents with abdominal distention, is vomiting, and has not passed any meconium stools. What disease should the nurse suspect? a. Pyloric stenosis b. Intussusception c. Hirschsprung disease d. Celiac disease

ANS: C The clinical manifestations of Hirschsprung disease in a 3-day-old infant include abdominal distention, vomiting, and failure to pass meconium stools. Pyloric stenosis would present with vomiting but not distention or failure to pass meconium stools. Intussusception presents with abdominal cramping and celiac disease presents with malabsorption.

A child with pyloric stenosis is having excessive vomiting. The nurse should assess for what potential complication? a. Hyperkalemia b. Hyperchloremia c. Metabolic acidosis d. Metabolic alkalosis

ANS: D Infants with excessive vomiting are prone to metabolic alkalosis from the loss of hydrogen ions. Potassium and chloride ions are lost with vomiting. Metabolic alkalosis, not acidosis, is likely.

What clinical manifestation should be the most suggestive of acute appendicitis? a. Rebound tenderness b. Bright red or dark red rectal bleeding c. Abdominal pain that is relieved by eating d. Colicky, cramping, abdominal pain around the umbilicus

ANS: D Pain is the cardinal feature. It is initially generalized, usually periumbilical. The pain becomes constant and may shift to the right lower quadrant. Rebound tenderness is not a reliable sign and is extremely painful to the child. Bright or dark red rectal bleeding and abdominal pain that is relieved by eating are not signs of acute appendicitis.

A mother calls the clinic nurse about her 4-year-old son who has acute diarrhea. She has been giving him the antidiarrheal drug loperamide (Imodium A-D). The nurse's response should be based on knowledge that this drug is: a. not indicated. b. indicated because it slows intestinal motility. c. indicated because it decreases diarrhea. d. indicated because it decreases fluid and electrolyte losses.

ANS: A Antidiarrheal medications are not recommended for the treatment of acute infectious diarrhea. These medications have adverse effects and toxicity, such as worsening of the diarrhea because of slowing of motility and ileus, or a decrease in diarrhea with continuing fluid losses and dehydration.

What intervention is contraindicated in a suspected case of appendicitis? a. Enemas b. Palpating the abdomen c. Administration of antibiotics d. Administration of antipyretics for fever

ANS: A In any instance in which severe abdominal pain is observed and appendicitis is suspected, the nurse must be aware of the danger of administering laxatives or enemas. Such measures stimulate bowel motility and increase the risk of perforation. The abdomen is palpated after other assessments are made. Antibiotics should be administered, and antipyretics are not contraindicated.

What statement best describes Hirschsprung disease? a.The colon has an aganglionic segment. b.It results in frequent evacuation of solids, liquid, and gas. c.The neonate passes excessive amounts of meconium. d.It results in excessive peristaltic movements within the gastrointestinal tract.

ANS: A Mechanical obstruction in the colon results from a lack of innervation. In most cases, the aganglionic segment includes the rectum and some portion of the distal colon. There is decreased evacuation of the large intestine secondary to the aganglionic segment. Liquid stool may ooze around the blockage. The obstruction does not affect meconium production. The infant may not be able to pass the meconium stool. There is decreased movement in the colon.

The nurse is caring for a boy with probable intussusception. He had diarrhea before admission but, while waiting for administration of air pressure to reduce the intussusception, he passes a normal brown stool. Which of the following is the most appropriate nursing action? a. Notify practitioner. b. Measure abdominal girth. c. Auscultate for bowel sounds. d. Take vital signs, including blood pressure.

ANS: A Passage of a normal brown stool indicates that the intussusception has reduced itself. This is immediately reported to the practitioner, who may choose to alter the diagnostic-therapeutic care plan.

Which of the following is a high-fiber food that the nurse could recommend for a child with chronic constipation? a. Popcorn b. Pancakes c. Muffins d. Ripe bananas

ANS: A Popcorn is a high-fiber food.

A 2-year-old child has a chronic history of constipation and is brought to the clinic for evaluation. What should the therapeutic plan initially include? a.Bowel cleansing b.Dietary modification c.Structured toilet training d.Behavior modification

ANS: A The first step in the treatment of chronic constipation is to empty the bowel and allow the distended rectum to return to normal size. Dietary modification is an important part of the treatment. Increased fiber and fluids should be gradually added to the child's diet. A 2-year-old child is too young for structured toilet training. For an older child, a regular schedule for toileting should be established. Behavior modification is part of the overall treatment plan. The child practices releasing the anal sphincter and recognizing cues for defecation.

After surgery yesterday for gastroesophageal reflux, the nurse finds that the infant has somehow removed the nasogastric (NG) tube. What nursing action is most appropriate to perform at this time? a. Notify the practitioner. b. Insert the NG tube so feedings can be given. c. Replace the NG tube to maintain gastric decompression. d. Leave the NG tube out because it has probably been in long enough.

ANS: A When surgery is performed on the upper gastrointestinal tract, usually the surgical team replaces the NG tube because of potential injury to the operative site. The decision to replace the tube or leave it out is made by the surgical team. Replacing the tube is also usually done by the practitioner because of the surgical site.

Acute diarrhea is often caused by which of the following? a. Celiac disease b. Antibiotic therapy c. Immunodeficiency d. Protein malnutrition

ANS: B Acute diarrhea is a sudden increase in frequency and change in consistency of stools and may be associated with antibiotic therapy.

Pyloric stenosis can best be described as which of the following? a. Dilation of the pylorus b. Hypertrophy of the pyloric muscle c. Hypotonicity of the pyloric muscle d. Reduction of tone in the pyloric muscle

ANS: B Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis occurs when the circumferential muscle of the pyloric sphincter becomes thickened, resulting in elongation and narrowing of the pyloric channel.

An adolescent with irritable bowel syndrome comes to see the school nurse. What information should the nurse share with the adolescent? a. A low-fiber diet is required. b. Stress management may be helpful. c. Milk products are a contributing factor. d. Pantoprazole (a proton pump inhibitor) is effective in treatment.

ANS: B Irritable bowel syndrome is believed to involve motor, autonomic, and psychologic factors. Stress management, environmental modification, and psychosocial intervention may reduce stress and gastrointestinal symptoms. A high-fiber diet with psyllium supplement is often beneficial. Milk products can exacerbate bowel problems caused by lactose intolerance. Antispasmodic drugs, antidiarrheal drugs, and simethicone are beneficial for some individuals. Proton pump inhibitors have no effect.

Enemas are ordered to empty the bowel preoperatively for a child with Hirschsprung disease. The enema solution should be: a. tap water. b. normal saline. c. oil retention. d. phosphate preparation.

ANS: B Isotonic solutions should be used in children. Saline is the solution of choice.

What procedure is most appropriate for assessment of an abdominal circumference related to a bowel obstruction? a. Measuring the abdomen after feedings b. Marking the point of measurement with a pen c. Measuring the circumference at the symphysis pubis d. Using a new tape measure with each assessment to ensure accuracy

ANS: B Pen marks on either side of the tape measure allow the nurse to measure the same spot on the child's abdomen at each assessment. The child most likely will be kept NPO (nothing by mouth) if a bowel obstruction is present. If the child is being fed, the assessment should be done before feedings. The symphysis pubis is too low. Usually the largest part of the abdomen is at the umbilicus. Leaving the tape measure in place reduces the trauma to the child.

What is a high-fiber food that the nurse should recommend for a child with chronic constipation? a.White rice b.Popcorn c.Fruit juice d.Ripe bananas

ANS: B Popcorn is a high-fiber food. Refined rice is not a significant source of fiber. Unrefined brown rice is a fiber source. Fruit juices are not a significant source of fiber. Raw fruits, especially those with skins and seeds, other than ripe bananas, have high fiber.

Constipation has recently become a problem for a school-age girl. She is healthy except for seasonal allergies, which are now being successfully treated with antihistamines. The nurse should suspect that the constipation is most likely caused by which of the following? a. Diet b. Allergies c. Antihistamines d. Emotional factors

ANS: C Constipation may be associated with drugs such as antihistamines, antacids, diuretics, opioids, antiepileptics, and iron. Because this is the only known change in her habits, the addition of antihistamines is most likely the cause of the diarrhea.

Which of the following is a parasite that causes acute diarrhea? a. Shigella organisms b. Salmonella organisms c. Giardia lamblia d. Escherichia coli

ANS: C G. lamblia is a parasite that represents 10% of nondysenteric illness in the United States.

The mother of a child with cognitive impairment calls the nurse because her son has been gagging and drooling all morning. The nurse suspects foreign body ingestion. What physiologic occurrence is most likely responsible for the presenting signs? a.Gastrointestinal perforation may have occurred. b.The object may have been aspirated. c.The object may be lodged in the esophagus. d.The object may be embedded in stomach wall.

ANS: C Gagging and drooling may be signs of esophageal obstruction. The child is unable to swallow saliva, which contributes to the drooling. Signs of gastrointestinal (GI) perforation include chest or abdominal pain and evidence of bleeding in the GI tract. If the object was aspirated, the child would most likely have coughing, choking, inability to speak, or difficulty breathing. If the object was embedded in the stomach wall, it would not result in symptoms of gagging and drooling.

An infant had a gastrostomy tube placed for feedings after a Nissen fundoplication and bolus feedings are initiated. Between feedings while the tube is clamped, the infant becomes irritable, and there is evidence of cramping. What action should the nurse implement? a. Burp the infant. b. Withhold the next feeding. c. Vent the gastrostomy tube. d. Notify the health care provider.

ANS: C If bolus feedings are initiated through a gastrostomy after a Nissen fundoplication, the tube may need to remain vented for several days or longer to avoid gastric distention from swallowed air. Edema surrounding the surgical site and a tight gastric wrap may prohibit the infant from expelling air through the esophagus, so burping does not relieve the distention. Some infants benefit from clamping of the tube for increasingly longer intervals until they are able to tolerate continuous clamping between feedings. During this time, if the infant displays increasing irritability and evidence of cramping, some relief may be provided by venting the tube. The next feeding should not be withheld, and calling the health care provider is not necessary.

Therapeutic management of the child with acute diarrhea and dehydration usually begins with which of the following? a. Clear liquids b. Absorbents, such as kaolin and pectin c. Oral rehydration solution (ORS) d. Antidiarrheal medications such as paregoric

ANS: C ORS is the first treatment for acute diarrhea.

Which of the following is the viral pathogen that frequently causes acute diarrhea in young children? a. Giardia organisms b. Shigella organisms c. Rotavirus d. Salmonella organisms

ANS: C Rotavirus is the most frequent viral pathogen that causes diarrhea in young children.

14. When caring for a child with probable appendicitis, the nurse should be alert to recognize which sign or symptom as a manifestation of perforation? a. Anorexia b. Bradycardia c. Sudden relief from pain d. Decreased abdominal distention

ANS: C Signs of peritonitis, in addition to fever, include sudden relief from pain after perforation. Anorexia is already a clinical manifestation of appendicitis. Tachycardia, not bradycardia, is a manifestation of peritonitis. Abdominal distention usually increases in addition to an increase in pain (usually diffuse and accompanied by rigid guarding of the abdomen).

A child has a nasogastric (NG) tube after surgery for Hirschsprung disease. What is the purpose of the NG tube? a. Prevent spread of infection. b. Monitor electrolyte balance. c. Prevent abdominal distention. d. Maintain accurate record of output.

ANS: C The NG tube is placed to suction out gastrointestinal secretions and prevent abdominal distention. The NG tube would not affect infection. Electrolyte content of the NG drainage can be monitored. Without the NG tube, there would be no drainage. After the NG tube is placed, it is important to maintain an accurate record of intake and output. This is not the reason for placement of the tube.

The nurse is caring for a child admitted with acute abdominal pain and possible appendicitis. What intervention is appropriate to relieve the abdominal discomfort during the evaluation? a. Place in the Trendelenburg position. b. Apply moist heat to the abdomen. c. Allow the child to assume a position of comfort. d. Administer a saline enema to cleanse the bowel.

ANS: C The child should be allowed to take a position of comfort, usually with the legs flexed. The Trendelenburg position will not help with the discomfort. If appendicitis is a possibility, administering laxative or enemas or applying heat to the area is dangerous. Such measures stimulate bowel motility and increase the risk of perforation.

A 3-year-old child with Hirschsprung disease is hospitalized for surgery. A temporary colostomy will be necessary. The nurse should recognize that preparing this child psychologically is: a. not necessary because of child's age. b. not necessary because colostomy is temporary. c. necessary because it will be an adjustment. d. necessary because child must deal with a negative body image.

ANS: C The child's age dictates the type and extent of psychologic preparation. When a colostomy is performed, the child who is at least preschool age is told about the procedure and what to expect in concrete terms, with the use of visual aids.

A parent of an infant with gastroesophageal reflux asks how to decrease the number and total volume of emesis. What recommendation should the nurse include in teaching this parent? a. Surgical therapy is indicated. b. Place in prone position for sleep after feeding. c. Thicken feedings and enlarge the nipple hole. d. Reduce the frequency of feeding by encouraging larger volumes of formula.

ANS: C Thickened feedings decrease the child's crying and increase the caloric density of the feeding. Although it does not decrease the pH, the number and volume of emesis are reduced. Surgical therapy is reserved for children who have failed to respond to medical therapy or who have an anatomic abnormality. The prone position is not recommended because of the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Smaller, more frequent feedings are more effective than less frequent, larger volumes of formula.

The nurse is caring for an infant with suspected pyloric stenosis. Which of the following clinical manifestations would indicate pyloric stenosis? a. Abdominal rigidity and pain on palpation b. Rounded abdomen and hypoactive bowel sounds c. Visible peristalsis and weight loss d. Distention of lower abdomen and constipation

ANS: C Visible gastric peristaltic waves that move from left to right across the epigastrium and weight loss are observed in pyloric stenosis.

Which of the following observations made of the exposed abdomen is most indicative of pyloric stenosis? a. Abdominal rigidity b. Substernal retraction c. Visible peristalsis d. Marked distention of lower abdomen

ANS: C Visible gastric peristaltic waves that move from left to right across the epigastrium are observed in pyloric stenosis.

A histamine-receptor antagonist such as cimetidine (Tagamet) or ranitidine (Zantac) is ordered for an infant with GER. The purpose of this is to: a. prevent reflux. b. prevent hematemesis. c. reduce gastric acid production. d. increase gastric acid production.

ANS: C The mechanism of action of histamine-receptor antagonists is to reduce the amount of acid present in gastric contents and perhaps prevent esophagitis.

A health care provider prescribes feedings of 1 to 2 oz Pedialyte every 3 hours and to advance to 1/2 strength Similac with iron as tolerated postoperatively for an infant who had a pyloromyotomy. The nurse should decide to advance the feeding if which occurs? a. The infant's IV line has infiltrated. b. The infant has not voided since surgery. c. The infant's mother states the infant is tolerating the feeding okay. d. The infant is taking the Pedialyte without vomiting or distention.

ANS: D After a pyloromyotomy, feedings are usually instituted within 12 to 24 hours, beginning with clear liquids. They are offered in small quantities at frequent intervals. Supervision of feedings is an important part of postoperative care. The feedings are advanced only if the infant is taking the clear liquids without vomiting or distention. Feedings would not be advanced if the infant has not voided, the IV line becomes infiltrated, or the mother states the infant is tolerating the feedings.

A school-age child with diarrhea has been rehydrated. The nurse is discussing the child's diet with the family. Which of the following statement by the parent would indicate a correct understanding of the teaching? a. "I will keep my child on a clear liquid diet for the next 24 hours." b. "I should encourage my child to drink carbonated drinks but avoid food for the next 24 hours." c. "I will offer my child bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast for the next 48 hours." d. "I should have my child eat a normal diet with easily digested foods for the next 48 hours."

ANS: D Easily digested foods such as cereals, cooked vegetables, and meats should be provided for the child. Early reintroduction of nutrients is desirable. Continued feeding or reintroduction of a regular diet has no adverse effects and actually lessens the severity and duration of the illness.

Which of the following types of dehydration results from water loss in excess of electrolyte loss? a. Isotonic dehydration b. Isosmotic dehydration c. Hypotonic dehydration d. Hypertonic dehydration

ANS: D Hypertonic dehydration results from water loss in excess of electrolyte loss. This is the most dangerous type of dehydration. It is caused by feeding children fluids with high amounts of solute.

What term describes invagination of one segment of bowel within another? a. Atresia b. Stenosis c. Herniation d. Intussusception

ANS: D Intussusception occurs when a proximal section of the bowel telescopes into a more distal segment, pulling the mesentery with it. The mesentery is compressed and angled, resulting in lymphatic and venous obstruction. Atresia is the absence or closure of a natural opening in the body. Stenosis is a narrowing or constriction of the diameter of a bodily passage or orifice. Herniation is the protrusion of an organ or part through connective tissue or through a wall of the cavity in which it is normally enclosed.

A stool specimen from a child with diarrhea shows the presence of neutrophils and red blood cells. This is most suggestive of which of the following conditions? a. Protein intolerance b. Parasitic infection c. Fat malabsorption d. Bacterial gastroenteritis

ANS: D Neutrophils and red blood cells in stool indicate bacterial gastroenteritis.

The nurse should instruct parents to administer a daily proton pump inhibitor to their child with gastroesophageal reflux at which time? a. Bedtime b. With a meal c. Midmorning d. 30 minutes before breakfast

ANS: D Proton pump inhibitors are most effective when administered 30 minutes before breakfast so that the peak plasma concentrations occur with mealtime. If they are given twice a day, the second best time for administration is 30 minutes before the evening meal.

A toddler's mother calls the nurse because she thinks her son has swallowed a button type of battery. He has no signs of respiratory distress. The nurse's response should be based on which premise? a. An emergency laparotomy is very likely. b. The location needs to be confirmed by radiographic examination. c. Surgery will be necessary if the battery has not passed in the stool in 48 hours. d. Careful observation is essential because an ingested battery cannot be accurately detected.

ANS: B Button batteries can cause severe damage if lodged in the esophagus. If both poles of the battery come in contact with the wall of the esophagus, acid burns, necrosis, and perforation can occur. If the battery is in the stomach, it will most likely be passed without incident. Surgery is not indicated. The battery is metallic and is readily seen on radiologic examination.

A 6-month-old infant with Hirschsprung disease is scheduled for a temporary colostomy. What should postoperative teaching to the parents include? a. Dilating the stoma b. Assessing bowel function c. Limitation of physical activities d. Measures to prevent prolapse of the rectum

ANS: B In the postoperative period, the nurse involves the parents in the care of the child with a temporary colostomy, allowing them to help with feedings and observe for signs of wound infection or irregular passage of stool (constipation or true incontinence). Some children will require daily anal dilatations in the postoperative period to avoid anastomotic strictures but not stoma dilatations. Physical activities should be encouraged. There is not a risk of prolapse of the rectum in Hirschsprung disease, just strictures.

What type of dehydration is defined as "dehydration that occurs in conditions in which electrolyte and water deficits are present in approximately balanced proportion"? a. Isotonic dehydration b. Hypotonic dehydration c. Hypertonic dehydration d. All types of dehydration in infants and small children

ANS: A Isotonic dehydration is the correct term for this definition and is the most frequent form of dehydration in children.

A child is being admitted to the hospital with acute gastroenteritis. The health care provider prescribes an antiemetic. What antiemetic does the nurse anticipate being prescribed? a. Ondansetron (Zofran) b. Promethazine (Phenergan) c. Metoclopramide (Reglan) d. Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)

ANS: A Ondansetron reduces the duration of vomiting in children with acute gastroenteritis. This would be the expected prescribed antiemetic. Adverse effects with earlier generation antiemetics (e.g., promethazine and metoclopramide) include somnolence, nervousness, irritability, and dystonic reactions and should not be routinely administered to children. For children who are prone to motion sickness, it is often helpful to administer an appropriate dose of dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) before a trip, but it would not be ordered as an antiemetic.

Nurses must be alert for increased fluid requirements when a child has which of the following? a. Fever b. Mechanical ventilation c. Congestive heart failure d. Increased intracranial pressure (ICP)

ANS: A Fever leads to great insensible fluid loss in young children because of increased body surface area relative to fluid volume.

What is the purpose in using cimetidine (Tagamet) for gastroesophageal reflux? a. The medication reduces gastric acid secretion. b. The medication neutralizes the acid in the stomach. c. The medication increases the rate of gastric emptying time. d. The medication coats the lining of the stomach and esophagus.

ANS: A Pharmacologic therapy may be used to treat infants and children with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Both H2-receptor antagonists (cimetidine [Tagamet], ranitidine [Zantac], or famotidine [Pepcid]) and proton pump inhibitors (esomeprazole [Nexium], lansoprazole [Prevacid], omeprazole [Prilosec], pantoprazole [Protonix], and rabeprazole [Aciphex]) reduce gastric hydrochloric acid secretion.

A 4-month-old infant has gastroesophageal reflux (GER) but is thriving without other complications. Which of the following should the nurse suggest to minimize reflux? a. Place in Trendelenburg position after eating. b. Thicken formula with rice cereal. c. Give continuous nasogastric tube feedings. d. Give larger, less frequent feedings.

ANS: B Small, frequent feedings of formula combined with 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of rice cereal per ounce of formula has been recommended. Milk thickening agents have been shown to decrease the number of episodes of vomiting and to increase the caloric density of the formula. This may benefit infants who are underweight as a result of GER disease.

An infant is brought to the emergency department with poor skin turgor, weight loss, lethargy, and tachycardia. This is suggestive of which of the following? a. Overhydration b. Dehydration c. Sodium excess d. Potassium excess

ANS: B These clinical manifestations indicate dehydration.

What immunization is recommended for all newborns? a. Hepatitis A vaccine b. Hepatitis B vaccine c. Hepatitis C vaccine d. Hepatitis A, B, and C vaccines

ANS: B Universal vaccination for hepatitis B is recommended for all newborns. Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for infants starting at 12 months. No vaccine is currently available for hepatitis C.

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