Chapter 25: The Sixties, 1960-1968

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What response did the Freedom Riders receive when they rode buses from Washington, D.C., through the Deep South?

They were violently attacked by a mob when they reached Alabama.

In Clyde Warrior's 1964 statement, "To Survive as a People," the Native American leader lists several grievances and demands on behalf of the National Indian Youth Council. Match each demand to the portion of the passage it summarizes.

1 Native Americans should be self-governing. 2 After centuries of discrimination, Native Americans demand economic and educational programs. 3 U.S.-Indian relations need to be improved, so legal actions involving Native Americans must be formally negotiated and agreed to.

Place the following events regarding the Cuban missile crisis in chronological order.

1. An American spy plane discovers Soviet missiles in Cuba. 2. U.S. military advisers propose invasion of Cuba. 3. JFK orders quarantine of the Cuban island by the U.S. Navy. 4. Soviets remove missiles from Cuba, and the United States removes missiles from Turkey.

Using the information provided by the following map, place the major events of the Vietnam War in chronological order.

1.) Tonkin Gulf incident 2.) Tet offensive 3.) invasion of Cambodia 4.) invasion of Laos 5.) surrender of South Vietnam

Identify the statements that describe the Bay of Pigs invasion.

Correct Answer(s) As a result of the failed operation, Cuba became even more closely tied to the Soviet Union. It was a CIA-led operation with Cuban exiles. Incorrect Answer(s) Led by the U.S. Navy, the conflict ended with the annexation of the island nation. The successful operation cut resources to the Castro government, allowing the United States to reinstate Fulgencio Batista.

Identify the statements that describe the March on Washington in August 1963.

Correct Answer(s) It represented significant collaboration between whites and Blacks to further the civil rights cause. It was the largest public demonstration in American history (at the time). Martin Luther King Jr. cited the Declaration of Independence in his speech. Incorrect Answer(s) Martin Luther King Jr. read his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail to the crowd.

The growing civil rights movement led to divisions among religious groups on the issue of social rights. Some Christian denominations were strongly supportive of racial and economic justice. Identify the statements that are true regarding religion and social change during the civil rights movement.

Correct Answer(s) Liberal, mainline Protestant denominations were more supportive of racial and economic justice. Some mainline Protestant churches began to see long-term membership decline because of their stance on civil rights. Incorrect Answer(s) Nondenominational evangelical churches experienced severe declines in membership as the civil rights movement continued.

At the 1964 Democratic convention, a political figure said, "The man who is hungry, who cannot find work or educate his children, who is bowed by want, that man is not fully free." Who was the speaker?

Correct Answer(s) Lyndon Johnson Incorrect Answer(s) John F. Kennedy Martin Luther King Jr.

Analyze the following passage from the "Statement of Purpose" by the National Organization for Women. What social changes does NOW believe are necessary to enable women to enjoy equality and freedom?

Correct Answer(s) NOW wanted more women to have the opportunity to participate in the public sphere. Incorrect Answer(s) NOW encouraged women to delay marriage and have fewer children. NOW sought more accessibility to contraceptives and information on reproductive health.

Review the following video featuring author Eric Foner. Why did social and political upheaval reach global proportions in 1968?

Correct Answer(s) New Left students were protesting the Vietnam War in France and Italy. The international community was outraged over the Tet offensive in Vietnam. Martin Luther King Jr., a leader of the civil rights movement, was assassinated. Incorrect Answer(s) John F. Kennedy was elected president.

Read the following selection from "Statement of Purpose," by Betty Friedan with the National Organization for Women (1966). What social changes does NOW believe are necessary to enable women to enjoy equality and freedom?

Correct Answer(s) Society should recognize the social and economic contributions of women who work as homemakers and mothers. Society needs an increase in child-care options so that men and women have equal opportunities to grow their careers outside the home. Incorrect Answer(s) Women do not need men or marriage. Women need to stop doing housework and caring for children, as society does not value their contributions.

During a second wave of feminism, there were concerns that the country was wasting its "woman power," which could otherwise be a potential weapon in the Cold War. Regardless, women made significant strides toward equality. Which of the following actions resulted from 1960s feminist activists?

Correct Answer(s) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination on the grounds of sex as well as race. Kennedy established the President's Commission on the Status of Women. Incorrect Answer(s) The Equal Pay Act upheld sex discrimination if the same jobs were grandfathered regarding established pay and/or tenure.

Using the information provided by the following map, what can you infer about the Vietnam War?

Correct Answer(s) The Geneva Accords divided Vietnam into northern and southern districts along the 17th Parallel demarcation line. The United States allied itself with South Vietnam. Incorrect Answer(s) Several European allies joined the war effort. The Vietnam War was notable for its strategic army maneuverings and fixed-site land battles.

As early as 1963, President Kennedy questioned the United States' involvement in Vietnam. Why did both the Kennedy and Johnson administrations opt to stay in Vietnam?

Correct Answer(s) The Johnson administration did not want to be responsible for losing another country to communism. Military advisers believed they could control internal uprisings in Vietnam. Incorrect Answer(s) They believed that the conflict in Vietnam would distract and slow down the civil rights movement in the United States.

The year 1968 had a profound impact on the psyche of the American spirit as one crisis after another made headlines. In many ways, 1968 signaled the end of the social liberalism of Sixties era. Which of the following climactic events that signaled this shift occurred in 1968?

Correct Answer(s) The Tet offensive in Vietnam shattered public confidence in Lyndon Johnson's administration. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis while supporting a garbage workers' strike. Incorrect Answer(s) Lyndon Johnson was sworn into office, which marked the end of civil rights gains.

Which of the following were results of the Hart-Celler Act of 1965?

Correct Answer(s) The law set the first limit on the number of immigrants to the country from the Western Hemisphere. It established new, racially neutral criteria for immigration, notably, allowing immigrants entry for purposes of family reunification. The category of "illegal alien" was first created. Incorrect Answer(s) The law upheld the national-origins quota system of immigration, which was focused on excluding Asian Americans.

The Alliance for Progress was Kennedy's attempt to do for Latin America what the Marshall Plan did for Western Europe. Why did the Alliance fail in Latin America?

Correct Answer(s) The local elites who controlled the aid money enriched themselves, rather than helping the poor. The plan involved far smaller sums of money than the Marshall Plan. Incorrect Answer(s) The new loans quickly solved the indebtedness in the region and Latin America refused to accept future American loans. The United States provided wholehearted support to only those countries that supported communism.

Analyze the following image. What does it reveal about public reaction to the president's death?

Correct Answer(s) The president's death captivated the nation. Incorrect Answer(s) Americans were more interested in news about the civil rights movement. News outlets' coverage of the president's assassination tended to vary widely depending on the organization's political slant.

Lyndon Johnson forcefully pushed a comprehensive civil rights bill called the 1964 Civil Rights Act through Congress. Identify the elements of this legislation.

Correct Answer(s) banned racial discrimination in restaurants, even if privately owned prohibited discrimination by employers and unions Incorrect Answer(s) maintained segregation in hospitals

The counterculture was a youth movement that exposed the generation gap between the baby boomers and their parents. What values were endorsed by the counterculture?

Correct Answer(s) community personal liberation Incorrect Answer(s) suburban housing conformity

Analyze the following map. What is the logical reason why the United States and South Vietnam would have wanted to invade Laos in 1971?

Correct Answer(s) to disrupt North Vietnam's supply route to South Vietnam Incorrect Answer(s) to gain access to naval bases to have a staging area for an attack on Cambodia as retaliation for the Tonkin Gulf incident

The Kennedy administration lasted less than three years and saw few tangible accomplishments, yet President Kennedy's short term in office remains significant today among the general public. Which of the following characteristics describe Kennedy and his administration?

Correct Answer(s) youthful glamour He inspired hope and belief that tomorrow could be better. Incorrect Answer(s) He emphasized that the United States should isolate itself from the rest of the world's problems. vigorous civil rights support

Select on the map the site of the incident that prompted Congress, in August 1964, to pass the Gulf of Tonkin resolution.

In the Gulf of Tonkin, press the red X.

1968 was a tumultuous year that witnessed movements and demonstrations across the globe challenge existing institutions and power structures. Match each of the following events of 1968 to the location where they occurred.

Mexico City, Mexico: soldiers fire on student protesters on the eve of the Summer Olympics Paris, France: workers join a student protest, creating a general strike effectively shutting down the country for more than a month Belfast, Northern Ireland: a peaceful march advocating religious freedom for Catholics is attacked by police

In the election of 1964, Lyndon Johnson won by an electoral landslide. His opponent, ultraconservative Barry Goldwater, who had voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, won the Deep South. What did this election demonstrate about the country in the mid-1960s?

Most Americans were ready to grant African-American rights.

Throughout most of its existence, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) thwarted change. When Chief Justice Earl Warren's SCOTUS moved from the political right (ideologically) to the political center, enough to allow for more rights for many more groups in the United States, conservatives dubbed it "judicial activism." Match the following court cases with the group that benefited from SCOTUS decisions during Warren's leadership.

New York Times v. Sullivan (1964) - journalists and newspaper editors Miranda v. Arizona (1966) -citizens who are indicted on criminal charges Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) -married couples who wanted privacy Engel v. Vitale (1962) -agnostics and atheists Baker v. Carr (1962) -voters in cities

When North Vietnamese patrol boats fired on an American vessel, Johnson proclaimed that the United States was a victim of "aggression." In response, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, authorizing the president to take "all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Vietnam. Only two members of the U.S. Senate voted against it and everyone in the House of Representatives approved it, giving Johnson a blank check in his attempt to expand military involvement in Indochina.

North Vietnamese Gulf of Tonkin Indochina

The Old Left largely focused on economic equality and social citizenship, whereas the New Left challenged mainstream America. The New Left, inspired largely by the Black freedom movement, hungered for authenticity that affluence could not provide.

Old Left New Left the Black freedom movement

Kennedy's plan for Cuba escalated from fanning a revolt to an amphibious landing by several hundred Cubans trained by the CIA in Guatemala, known as the Bay of Pigs invasion. Identify the ultimate result of this expedition.

The invasion failed with more than 100 killed and many more captured.

In the late 1960s, the American Indian Movement made great strides when it staged protests and occupied Alcatraz Islandclaiming that it had been illegally seized from its original inhabitants. This protest ultimately launched the Red Powermovement.

the American Indian Movement Alcatraz Island Red Power

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