Chapter 28 Quizzes

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Match each early-twentieth-century muckraker below with the target of his or her exposé. A. David G. Phillips 1. The United States Senate B. Ida Tarbell 2. The Standard Oil Company C. Lincoln Steffens 3. City governments D. Ray Stannard Baker 4. The condition of blacks


Match each late-nineteenth-century social critic below with the target of his criticism. A. Thorstein Veblen 1. "bloated trusts" B. Jack London 2. slum conditions C. Jacob Riis 3. "conspicuous consumption" D. Henry Demarest Lloyd 4. destruction of nature

A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

While president, Theodore Roosevelt chose to label his reform proposals as the

Square Deal

The Supreme Court's "rule of reason" in antitrust law was handed down in a case involving

Standard Oil

Of the following legislation aimed at resource conservation, the only one associated with Roosevelt's presidency was the

The Newlands Act

Teddy Roosevelt weakened himself politically after his election in 1904 when he

announced that he would not be a candidate for a third term as president.

The panic of 1907 stimulated reform in __________ policy


As a part of his reform program, Teddy Roosevelt advocated all of the following except

control of labor

The idea of "multiple-use resource management" included all of the following practices except

damming of rivers

The case of Lochner v. New York represented a setback for progressives and labor advocates because the Supreme Court in its ruling

declared a law limiting work to ten hours a day unconstitutional

The progressive movement was instrumental in getting the Seventeenth amendment added to the Constitution, which provided for

direct election of senators

President Taft's foreign policy was dubbed

dollar diplomacy

Political progressivism

emerged in both major parties, in all regions, at all levels of government

Which of the following was not among the issues addressed by women in the progressive movement?

ending special regulations governing women in the workplace

In Muller v. Oregon, the Supreme Court upheld the principle promoted by progressives like Florence Kelley and Louis Brandeis that

female workers required special rules and protection on the job

Progressive reform at the level of city government seemed to indicate that the progressives' highest priority was

governmental efficiency

While president, Theodore Roosevelt

greatly increased the power and prestige of the presidency

According to the text, Teddy Roosevelt's most enduring achievement may have been

his efforts supporting the environment

The "real heart" of the progressive movement was the effort by reformers to Use the government as an agency of

human welfare

The settlement house and women's club movements were crucial centers of female progressive activity because they

introduced many middle-class women to a broader array of urban social problems and civic concerns

Most muckrakers believed that their primary function in the progressive attack on social ills was to

make the public aware of social problems

Progressive reformers were mainly men and women from the

middle class

According to progressives, the cure for all of American democracy's ills was

more democracy

When Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle, he intended his book to focus attention on the

plight of workers in the stockyards and meat-packing industry

The real purpose of Teddy Roosevelt's assault on trusts was to

prove that the government, not private business, ruled the country

The Elkins and Hepburn acts dealt with the subject of

railroad regulation

President Roosevelt believed that the federal government should adopt a policy of ___________trusts.


The public out cry after the horrible Triangle Shirtwaist tire led many states to pass

safety regulations and workmen's compensation laws for job injuries

To regain the power that the people had lost to the "interests," progressives advocated all of the following except


The muckrakers signified much about the nature of the progressive reform movement because they

sought not to overthrow capitalism but to cleanse it.

During his presidency, Teddy Roosevelt did all of the following except

tame capitalism

The political roots of the progressive movement lay in the

the Greenback Labor party and the populists

The leading progressive organization advocating prohibition of liquor was

the Womens Christian Temperance Union

Lincoln Steffens, in his series of articles entitled "The Shame of the Cities," focused on what issue?

the corrupt alliance between big business and government

One unusual and significant characteristic of the anthracite coal strike in 1902 was that

the national government did not automatically side with the owners in the dispute

Female progressives often justified their reformist political activities on the basis of

their being essentially and extension of women's traditional roles as wives and mothers

Teddy Roosevelt helped to end the 1902 strike in the anthracite coal mines by

threatening to seize the mines and to operate them with federal troops


was closely tied to the feminist movement and women's causes

The progressive-inspired city-manager system of government

was designed to remove politics from municipal administration

As president, William Howard Taft

was wedded more to the status quo than to change.

Teddy Roosevelt believed that trusts

were here to stay with their efficient means of production

Passage of the Federal Meat Inspection Act was especially facilitated by the publication of

Upton Sinclairs The Jungle

Teddy Roosevelt decided to run for the presidency in 1912 because

William Howard Taft had seemed to discard Roosevelt's policies

Theodore Roosevelt is probably most accurately described as

a middle-of-the-road reformer

All of the following were prime goals of earnest progressives except

abolishing special workplace protections for women

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