Chapter 29

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A political orientation of a people or a government to maintain a strong military force and to be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests

total war

A war that involves the complete mobilization of resources and people, affecting the lives of all citizens in the warring countries, even those remote from the battlefields.

Which of the non-European countries had the greatest impact on the war effort explain

America had the greatest effect on the war because it gave the alies enough soldiers to be able to defeat Germany

Triple Alliance

An alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in the years before WWI

Triple Entente

An alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI

Who were the members of the Triple Alliance? the Triple Entente?

By 1907, two rival camps existed in Europe. On one side was the Triple Alliance, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. On the other side was the Triple Entente, Great Britain, France, and Russia.

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Emperor of Germany during World War I


France, Great Britain, Russia

Central Power

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

Do you think governments are justified in censoring war news? Why or why not.

I don't think that the government should censor wars because then people don't know what's actually going on and can't form an opinion on it


Ideas, information, or rumors designed to persuade and spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.

Which of the forces at work in Europe played the greatest role in helping to prompt the outbreak of war?


Which event do you consider move significant. why?

Imperialism was the most significant because it drove countries to the brink of war but not all the way to war.

What were some of the conditions that soldiers on the front lines had to face?

In the trenches, there were poor conditions such as drowning if it rained, lack of sanitation, and being covered in mud.

Why might it be fair to say that neither side won the battles of the somme or verdun?

In verdun British attacked germans but each side lost more than 300,000 men. in somme, in the first day alone more than 20,000 British soldiers were killed and by the end of the battle each side suffered 1/2 million casualties.

Why did the Schlieffen Plan ultimately collapse?

It collapsed because they incorrectly assumed the French would be easy to defeat.

Explain why WWI was considered a global conflict.

Most countries around the world were effected by the conflict even if they were not located in Europe. Economies were effected all over the world from it and changes were made in governments through revolutions.

Do you think World War I was avoidable?

No there were too many forces pushing towards it to be stopped.

What factors helped prompt the United States to join the war for the Allies?

One factor was unrestricted submarine warfare on US civilian ships. Another factor was ties to Britain. The last factor was the Zimmerman telegram in which Germany tried to ally with Mexico against the USA. This telegram pushed the U.S. into war.


Restricting the amount of food and other goods people may buy during wartime to assure adequate supplies for the military

What were the characteristics of trench warfare?

Soldiers fought each other from trenches and armies traded huge losses of human life for pitifully small land gains. life in the trenches was miserable: lived in mud, rats, no fresh food, and lacked sleep.

Which countries compromised the Central Powers? Which countries compromised the Allies?

The Central Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. The Allies were Great Britain, France, Russia, and later, Italy.

Schlieffen Plan

The German plan to defeat France quickly in the West and the fight Russia in the East

What was the significance of the Second Battle of the Marne?

The Second Battle of the Marne caused the Central Powers to collapse. In July 1918, the Allies and Germans clashed at the Second Battle of the Marne. Leading the Allied attack were some 350 tanks that rumbled slowly forward, smashing through the German lines. With the arrival of 2 million more American troops, the Allied forces began to advance steadily toward Germany. The war would soon be over.

How was war on the Western and Eastern Fronts different? How was it the same?

The Western Front was a more mobile war with more substantial land gains. The Eastern Front was trench warfare over small land.

What single event set in motion the start of World War I ?

The assassination of the heir to the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife, Sophie. On June 28, 1914, the couple paid a state visit to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. The royal pair was shot at point-blank by Gavrilo Princip, a 19-year-old Serbian and member of the nationalistic Black Hand.

What effect had the most significance in the war?

The biggest effect I think was that of the economy. It cost them $338 billion, and destroyed villages, homes, and towns

What were the three forces at work in Europe that helped set the stage for war?

The first force was militarism. As early as 1895, Frédéric Passy, a prominent peace activist, expressed this concern: "The entire able-bodied population are preparing to massacre one another, everybody protests his love of peace [but] it only requires some unforeseen incident . . . for the spark to fall." The other force at work was the tangled alliance system that had arisen because of growing rivalries and mutual mistrust. A third factor was nationalism. Bosnia nationalism led to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Western Front

The front of war between France and Germany

Eastern Front

The front of war between Russia and Germany

Trench Warfare

The style of warfare where sides fought from opposing trenches

What factors contributed to Russia's war difficulties?

Their lack of modernization and surviving the terrain.

What role did women play in the war?

Total war meant that governments turned to help from women as never before. Thousands of women replaced men in factories, offices, and shops. Women built tanks and munitions, plowed fields, paved streets, and ran hospitals.

Fourteen Points

Wilson had drawn up before the war had ended

Big Four

Woodrow Wilson (US), Georges Clemenceau (France), David Lloyd George (Great Britain), and Vittorio Orlando (Italy)

What is the description of the Balkans as the powder keg of Europe justified?

Yes they had the most uprisings which the group that killed Sophie and Ferdinand were a part of.


a temporary peace agreement to end fighting

First - Four

end of secret treaties, freedom of the seas, free trade


gateway to Ottoman empire


region in Ottoman empire that the allies attacked

Six - Thirteen

suggestions for changing borders and creating new nations. The idea behind this was self determination - allowing people to decide for themselves what government they wished to have

unrestricted submarine warfare

the use of submarines to sink without warning any ship (including neutral ships and unarmed passenger liners) found in an enemy's waters.

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