Chapter 3 Philosophy

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According to Plato's Metaphor of the Divided Line, _____ is in the stage of opinion


According to Plato's Metaphor of the Divided Line, we feel a strong sense of certainty when we observe visible and tangible things in the _____ stage.


Plato believed that _____ should be the qualification for authority.


Alexandria lived in a state where all adults participated in government affairs. Though a seamstress by profession, she refused to answer to anyone and often gave public speeches on controversial topics. According to Plato's types of government, Alexandria is most likely to be a part of a(n) _____.


According to Plato, that which leads people step by step from the beautiful object, to the beautiful thought, and then to the very essence of Beauty itself is the power of _____.


According to Plato, people arrive at the knowledge of Forms through the activity of _____.


According to Plato, changeless, eternal, and nonmaterial essences or patterns of which the actual visible objects we see are only poor copies are defined as _____.


In the context of the Metaphor of the Divided Line, Plato's criticism of art is that _____.

it produces images that, in turn, stimulate illusory ideas in the observer

Who among the following philosophers was present at Socrates's trial, willing to guarantee the payment of his fine?


_____ was convinced that there are unchanging and universal truths, which human reason is capable of grasping.


In the context of the Metaphor of the Divided Line, which of the following are true of Plato's views on images fashioned by the artist and the poet? (Check all that apply.)

-The poet produces the most serious source of illusion through the art of using words. -The artist presents images that are at least two steps removed from true reality.

According to Plato, who should most importantly rule the state?

A person who has a knowledge of the good.

Who argued that form and matter are inseparable and that the only real good or beauty is found in actual things?


What does Plato try to illustrate about education through his Allegory of a Cave?

Education is a complete turning around from the world of appearance to the world of reality.

Which of the following is a difference between the guardian and the craftspeople classes of the state?

Craftspeople can marry and own property, while guardians share wives and property.

True or false: Forms seldom interlock even while retaining their own unity.


True or false: The most superficial form of mental activity is found at the highest level of the line.


What does Plato clearly suggest in comparing forms and concrete things?

Forms are separate from concrete things; they exist apart from the things we see.

Identify the statement that best describes forms.

Forms have an independent existence.

According to Plato's Allegory of a Cave, what would the person brought out of the cave be most likely to do?

He would feel sorrow and pity for the ignorance of his fellow prisoners.

What was Plato's view of matter or substance?

It is the appearance of something more basic.

According to Plato, which is a feature of a receptacle?

It is where things appear and perish.

According to Plato, what happens with the discovery that all types of beauty have some similarity?

It loosens our attachment toward the beautiful physical object and moves it to the concept of beauty.

Identify the key distinguishing factor of the state in Plato's political philosophy.

It reflects the structure of human nature.

What does the unequal division of the line symbolize in Plato's Metaphor of the Divided Line?

It symbolizes the lower degree of reality and truth found in the visible world as compared with those in the intelligible world.

Which of the following is Plato's belief about knowledge with respect to ethics and morality?

Knowledge is virtue.

According to Plato's Metaphor of the Divided Line, at what level do individuals deal directly with forms?

Perfect intelligence

Identify a characteristic of Plato's concept of Plutocrats.

Plutocrats are torn between the desires of the necessary, unnecessary, and lawless.

What is the criticism of plutocracy by Plato?

Plutocrats break the unity of the state into the rich and the poor.

According to Plato, what are the parts of the soul?

Reason, spirit, and appetite

Identify the book in which Plato says that different classes of the state are like different parts on an individual's soul.


According to Plato's Metaphor of the Divided Line, the sense experience of appearances wherein we take these appearances as true reality is known as _____.


Who believed that human knowledge was grounded in social customs and the perceptions of individual people?


According to Plato's concept of the soul, what is an act of reason?

The awareness of a goal or a value

What were Plato's views on the role of education in preparing individuals to wield political power?

The best preparation for those who would wield political power was the disinterested pursuit of truth.

What is the order of precedence that can be inferred from Plato's concept of the state?

The individual is prior to the state.

What is the function of the line in Plato's Metaphor of the Divided Line?

The line indicates a parallel progression from the lowest degree of truth to the highest.

According to Plato's concept of the soul, which of the following is true of evil?

The presence of evil makes the soul capable of forgetfulness or ignorance

True or false: According to Plato, the regular change or motion of the stars and planets makes it possible to measure and tell time.


According to Plato, which of the following is true of time?

The process of change is the cause of time.

Identify the difference between the two main parts of the soul according to Plato's concept of the soul.

The rational part has a clear vision of the Forms of truth, while the irrational part is unruly in nature.

Identify a characteristic of Plato's guardian class of the state.

The real object of fear for guardians is fear of moral evil.

What theme did Plato develop at length in his book Republic?

The ship of state should be piloted by someone who has adequate knowledge.

What is the difference between Plato's and Socrates's opinions on Form?

Their form of humanness is different.

_____ is Plato's most significant philosophical contribution.

Theory of the Forms

Identify a statement that reflects Plato's moral philosophical notion of goodness.

There is a universal form of good beyond the rules of particular cultures.

Five-year-old Matt's mother is teaching him addition. She asks him to imagine that he has four chocolates in his hand. She then asks him how many chocolates he would have if she were to give him three more chocolates. According to Plato's Metaphor of the Divided Line, which type of thought will Matt exhibit?


What was Plato's purpose behind establishing the Academy at Athens?

To promote the pursuit of scientific knowledge through original research

Tobias is a butler who lives in a democracy. Choose the scenario most likely to be true of a democracy according to Plato's classification of governments.

Tobias's son chooses to undergo training and becomes a soldier.

A group of eight-year-olds are at the beach. Choose which statement represents thinking according to Plato's Metaphor of the Divided Line.

Toby throws his ball into the air and thinks that it falls on the ground because of gravity.

What did Plato say about discourse?

We can have discourse only through the weaving together of forms.

According to Plato, what happens after discovering beauty in its limited form?

We perceive that the beauty of one form is akin to another.

According to Plato's conception of the soul, when do we confuse appearance with reality and become unhappy?

When the appetite overrides reason

According to Plato's moral philosophy, when do we go from false to true knowledge?

When we become aware that we are in a state of ignorance

According to Plato, the general virtue which reflects a person's attainment of well-being and inner harmony, which in turn is achieved only when every part of the soul is fulfilling its proper function is called _____.


In Plato's thought political theory is closely connected with _____.

moral philosophy

According to Plato's Metaphor of a Divided Line, humans have a unified view of reality implying the unity of knowledge at the _____ level.

perfect intelligence

According to Plato, what the soul once knew is raised to present awareness by the process of _____.


It is the function of the rational part of the soul to _____.

seek the true goal of human life

According to Plato, a moderation in pleasures and desires leads to the virtue of _____.


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