Chapter 3 Quiz: Application Software

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Correct Answer: D. Mobile apps

Add-on programs for a variety of mobile devices including smartphones and tablets. Answers: A. Clouds B. Utilities C. QR codes D. Mobile apps

Correct Answer: A. web authoring

General-purpose applications include all of the following except: Answers: A. web authoring B. word processors C. spreadsheets D. database management systems

Correct Answer: B. Bitmap

Image editors edit images consisting of thousands of pixels that form this type of image. Answers: A. Vector B. Bitmap C. Object D. Electronic

Correct Answer: C. graphical user interface

Most applications use a(n) _______ that displays graphical elements called icons to represent familiar objects. Answers: A. integrated package B. dialog box C. graphical user interface D. menu button

Correct Answer: B. Desktop publishing

Programs that allow you to mix text and graphics and focus on flexible page design and layout. Answers: A. Databases B. Desktop publishing C. Word processors D. Image galleries

Correct Answer: B. presentation graphics

Programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations are called: Answers: A. graphs B. presentation graphics C. diagrams D. charts

Correct Answer: B. web authoring programs

Specialized and powerful programs, called _______ are typically used to create specialized commercial sites. Answers: A. graphical site map B. web authoring programs C. hyperlink D. microblog

Correct Answer: A. database

The electronic equivalent of a file cabinet is a _______. Answers: A. database B. word processor C. spreadsheet D. query

Correct Answer: A. Image editors

These are specialized graphics programs for editing or modifying digital photographs. Answers: A. Image editors B. Desktop publishing C. Presentation graphics D. Illustrations

Correct Answer: B. Photo editors

These programs are used to create and edit vector images. Answers: A. Illustration programs B. Photo editors C. Presentation graphics D. Image galleries

Correct Answer: A. Illustration programs

These programs are used to create and edit vector images. Answers: A. Illustration programs B. Photo editors C. Presentation graphics D. Image galleries

Correct Answer: B. Ribbon

This GUI includes tabs, groups, and galleries. Answers: A. Character-based B. Ribbon C. Contextual D. Dialog

Correct Answer: C. App store

This is a website that provides access to specific mobile apps that can be downloaded either for a nominal fee or free of charge. Answers: A. QR store B. Cloud C. App store D. Mobile store

Correct Answer: C. Vector

This type of image is made up of geometric shapes or objects. Answers: A. Raster B. Bitmap C. Vector D. Pixel

Correct Answer: B. Application

This type of software can be described as end user software and is used to accomplish a variety of tasks. Answers: A. Communications B. Application C. Utility D. System

Correct Answer: D. System

This type of software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details. Answers: A. Communications B. Application C. Utility D. System

Correct Answer: B. Word processor

To create documents that consist primarily of text, you need this software. Answers: A. Presentation graphics B. Word processor C. Spreadsheet D. Database management

Correct Answer: A. WYSIWYG editors

Web authoring programs that allow you to build a page without interacting directly with HTML code are known as _______. Answers: A. WYSIWYG editors B. flash C. animations D. mobile apps

Correct Answer: D. Lotus Symphony

Which of the following is not a popular cloud suite or online office suite? Answers: A. Google Docs B. Zoho C. Microsoft Office Web Apps D. Lotus Symphony

Correct Answer: D. Web authoring

Which of the following programs would be used to create a website? Answers: A. Image editor B. Illustration C. Desktop publishing D. Web authoring

Correct Answer: C. Spreadsheet

Which would be the most appropriate type of application to create, analyze, and forecast budgets? Answers: A. DBMS B. Word processor C. Spreadsheet D. Presentation graphics

Correct Answer: D. Video editors

_______ are used to edit videos to enhance quality and appearance. Answers: A. Drawing programs B. Image editors C. Bitmap gallery D. Video editors

Correct Answer: B. Tables

_______ make up the basic structure of a relational database with columns containing field data and rows containing record information. Answers: A. QR codes B. Tables C. Fields D. Workbooks

Correct Answer: A. Dialog boxes

_______ provide additional information and request user input. Answers: A. Dialog boxes B. Windows C. Toolbars D. Ribbons

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