Excel Module 01

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Your worksheet contains a price in cell A5, and many formulas refer to that price. How would you refer to that price in the formulas?


The score of five students in a subject are inserted in row B from B2 to B6 cells and the grades for the scares are A: 90 to 100, B: 80 to 89, C: 70 to 79, D: 60 to 69, and F: 0 to 59. What functions can you insert in the D2 cell so that is returns the grade for each score in row B?

=IF(B2<60, "F",IF(B2<70,"D",IF(B2<80,"C"IF(B2<90,"B","A"))))

The score of students in a subject is inserted in B2 cell and the passing score for the subject is 60. What function will you insert in C2 cell to check if the student has passed or failed?

=IF(B2>=60, "Pass". "Fail")

In the formula =B6*$B$2, what describes $B$2?

Absolute cell reference

What will you select as X in the following series of clicks to change the chart layout for lines or bars that you want to change: Chart > Chart Tools > Layout tab > X > Layout option for any lines or bars that you want to add or change?


How can you distinguish between a manually added page break and an automatic page break in a worksheet?

Automatic page breaks appear as dashed lines while manual page breaks appear as solid lines.

To select nonadjacent cells or ranges on a worksheet, you can press and hold ______ while selecting each one.


What will you select as X in the following series of clicks to lay the title over the cart: Chart Title box > Plus (+) sign > Arrow next to Chart title > X?

Centered Overlay

How can you remove Split panes in a worksheet you are working on?

Click on the View tab in the Ribbon, then click the Split button in the Window group.

What should you select as X in the following series of clicks to change the chart type to a clustered column chart: Chart > Chart Tools > Design tab > Type group > Change Chart Type > All Charts > X > Clustered Column > OK?


You double-click the Format Painter button when you want to _______

Copy a cell's format to more than one cell

Bertie wants to show data labels inside a text bubble shape. What can she click on after clicking on the arrow next to Data labels under Chart Elements?

Data Callout

What is true about intersecting cells in a worksheet?

Excel automatically adjusts cell references to reflect new formula locations.

Bart needs to apply a sparkline style to a sparkline chart. To do so, he can click on the following: Sparkline chart > Design > Style (choose a style).


Decreasing a cell's indent moves its contents to the right one space.


To check your workbook for features that assist people with disabilities, you can use the Ability Checker.


To move cell contents one space to the right, you can use the Increase Space button.


To paste a copied cell range, you only need to specify the upper right of the range where you want to paste it.


To preserve ab exact cell address in a copied formula, you can use a relative cell reference.


To see how copied contents will look with both values and number formatting, you would use Paste Numbers.


When you change cell contents to italics, you are changing the cell's alignment.


When you copy cells contents, the data is removed from its original location and placed on the Clipboard.


When you select a cell range, the cells must be adjacent to each other.


To copy cell's formatting to another cell, what can you use?

Format Painter

You've copied a cell containing formula to the rows below it, and the results in the copied cells are all zeros. To find the problem, what should you check for in your original formula?

If it needs an absolute cell reference.

What is true about changing worksheet column width?

In Normal view, the Column Width dialog box lets you set the exact number of characters that will fit in the column.

Why is it necessary to use care when inserting worksheet cells?

It may disturb roe or column alignment which can effect worksheet accuracy.

What will you select as X in the following series of clicks/entries to change the number format of a chart axis: (Double-click) Value Axis labels > Format Axis > Axis Options > X > Select choice in Category box?


The Clipboard task pane shows the contents of the __________

Office Clipboard

To rotate cell contents to an exact value you change its ________


To what chart types can you not add axis titles?

Pie chart

Nisha wants to freeze all row 4 in a worksheet she is working on to keep them visible while scrolling through the rest of the worksheet. What series of clicks will help her do so?

Row 4 > View tab > Windows group > Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes

What will you do in step X in the series of clicks/ selections to delete a vertical page break:View tab > Workbook View > Page Break Preview > X > Page layout tab > Page Setup > Breaks > Remove Page Break?

Select the column to the right of the oage break you want to delete.

What is true when you copy and paste formulas using the fill handle?

The AutoFill Options button lets you fill cells with specific elements of the copied cell.

When you paste formula cells using the Paste button in the Clipboard group, what is true?

The Paste Options button then lets you paste specific elements of the copied cells.

What is not a way to move cell contents?

The fill handle in the lower-right corner of an active cell or range

What is true about deleting a worksheet row?

To delete a row, you can select the row, then use the Delete button in the Cells group.

For which would you use the Paste lost arrow on the Ribbon when pasting a copied cell?

To paste the value's number formatting only.

A student wants to insert a column sparkline in Excel. To do this, she can click on the cell she wants to insert a Sparkline, then click Insert tab, select the Sparkline type of choice from the Sparking group and then select OK.


Dean wants to insert five blank rows above a row. To do so, he can select the heading of the row above which he wants to insert the additional rows, hold Ctrl key, click the selected rows, and then click Insert on the pop-up menu.


Jack wants to insert in a Win/Loss sparkline in Excel. To do this, he can click on the cell he wants to insert a Sparkline in, then click Apps tab, select Win/Loss Sparkline from the Sparkline group and then click OK.


Jose inserts the formula '=DATE('2000,2,2)' in cell A15. Upon pressing ENTER. 2/2/2000 will appear in A15.


Niki wants to insert a Line sparkline in Excel. To do this, she can click on the cell she wants to insert a Sparkline, then click Insert tab, select Line Sparkline from the Sparklines group and then OK.


There is a limit of 35 changing cells in the Edit Scenario diolog box whose values can be modified in the Scenario Values dialog box.


To edit placeholder text in a chart element, select the cell whose placeholder text you wnay to edit, on Ribbon, click Data > Data Validation > Data Validation > Input Message tav and edit the text in the box.


To insert the current date in cell B1, type CURRENT DATE in cell A1 and NOW() in cell B1 and press ENTER.


To make your workbooks usable by people with disabilities, you can add alternative text to worksheet images.


To move a worksheet, you can drag its sheet tab to the left or right.


To paste only copied cell's formats, use the Paste Special command.


To rotate cell contents, you use the Alignment tab in the Format Cells dialog box.


Ursula wants to freeze the header row so that is remains visible while she scrolls down the worksheet. To do so, she can click the View tab and then click Freeze Top Row.


When you insert a worksheet row, a row is inserted above the cell pointer and the sheet contents move downward.


You can repeatedly paste an item from the Office Clipboard as many times as you like.


arrow keys can be used to move any chart element.


How can you remove data labels from a chart?

Uncheck the box beside Data Labels in Chart Elements.

Sala wants to unfreeze the fist column of his worksheet. what series of clicks will help him do so?

View tab > Windows group > Freeze Panes > Unfreeze Panes

What is true when you delete a cell?

When you delete cells using the Delete list arrow, you can choose which way to move adjacent cells.

Helga wants to reset page breaks in a worksheet to display only automatic page breaks. What can she select as X and Y in the series of clicks to do so: Worksheet > View tab > Workbook Views group > X > Page Layout tab > Page Setup group > Y > Reset All Page Breaks?

X- Page Break Preview, Y- Breaks

What is true about moving cell contents?

You can move cells using the drag-and-drop feature.

To delete a worksheet column you can first select it by ________

clicking the column heading

You need to add another product to your inventory worksheet, which shows product names in row A. What should you add?


To change the name of a worksheet, you rename the _______

sheet tab

After you delete a worksheet column, __________

the columns to its right shift left

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