chapter 30 apush: final exam

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Which phrase did President Ronald Reagan use to refer to the Soviet Union during his first term in office?

"An evil empire"

Why did Iran's leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, begin talks with the United States about releasing the American hostages in 1980?

A new war with Iraq required Iran to refocus.

Which nation did the Soviet Union invade in 1979?


What was the outcome of the Supreme Court ruling in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services in 1989?

Allowing states to regulate abortions

Why did American manufacturers lose market share in the 1970s and 1980s?

American businesses were undercut by imports from Germany and Japan.

What did Ronald Regan's Secretary of Defense, Caspar Weinberger, hope a U.S. military buildup would cause in the Soviet Union?

An arms race that would strain its economy and cause domestic unrest

American policy toward the Soviet Union during Reagan's first term was characterized by what?

An increasingly hard-line approach

What did the religious moralists and the economic conservatives who made up the New Right in the 1970s and 1980s have in common?

Anti-Communist attitudes

Why did the United States support a faction fighting in Afghanistan beginning in 1980? A. It was fighting against terrorists. B. It was fighting Soviet troops in that country. C. It was attacking America's archenemy, Iran. D. The CIA wanted it to destabilize Pakistan.

B. It was fighting Soviet troops in that country.

The term "Reagan Democrats" describes voters who shared what characteristics?

Blue-collar backgrounds and previous support for Democratic candidates

How did George H. W. Bush, who was not beloved by conservative Republicans, secure the Republican presidential nomination in 1988?

By capitalizing on his fierce loyalty to Ronald Reagan

How did Lee Iacocca turn Chrysler Corporation around?

By using a $1.5 billion federal loan to develop new cars

Why did Iranians mistrust the United States after the 1950s?

CIA involvement in a coup that replaced a democratic government

When Ronald Reagan gave his first official speech as the Republican presidential nominee in Philadelphia, Mississippi, his ringing endorsement of "states' rights" was intended to send what message to white southerners?

Conservative Republicans' opposition to federal civil rights legislation

Which issues did newly formed conservative think tanks such as the Cato Institute and the American Enterprise Institute work to advance?

Free-market economics

The Democratic ticket in the presidential election of 1984 was notable because of the selection of whom as its vice presidential candidate?

Geraldine Ferraro

How did the Supreme Court change under Reagan's administration?

Growing more conservative

What prevented President Jimmy Carter from improving relations with the Soviet Union?

He criticized the Kremlin for its human rights record.

Why did financier Ivan Boesky go to prison in the 1980s?

He profited from insider trading.

How did Arizona Republican Senator Barry Goldwater build grassroots support for his brand of conservative politics in the 1960s?

He published books that laid out his views and goals.

What made Republican Barry Goldwater so popular with his conservative base?

He suggested that containment was cowardice.

In Lawrence v. Texas (2003), which challenged a state antisodomy law, Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his opinion, "The State cannot demean their existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime. Their right to liberty under the Due Process Clause gives them the full right to engage in their conduct without intervention of the government. 'It is a promise of the Constitution that there is a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.'" Given Reagan's condemnation of those intent on "subordinating us to government rule and regulation," what would he have thought of this opinion?

He wouldn't have supported this decision because it didn't fit with his religious conservatism.

Why did Ronald Reagan turn away from the New Deal Democratic Party in the early 1960s?

His dislike for higher taxes and his anticommunism

In 1985, an intifada, or uprising, broke out in the Middle East in which Palestinians fought against which country?


Who provided a new challenge to conventional party politics in 1988?

Jesse Jackson

During his first term in office, Reagan did which of the following?

Lowered federal taxes

Why did the national debt grow during the Reagan administration?

Military spending

The Reagan administration ordered the CIA to aid the Contras, an opposition group opposed to the democratically elected Sandinista government in which country?


Which statement describes Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, who was implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal?

North became a hero to American conservatives.

Which 1960 figure was largely responsible for igniting the New Right in the early 1960s?

Ronald Reagan

What prevented the U.S. Supreme Court from overturning abortion rights, affirmative action, and the rights of criminal defendants in the 1980s and 1990s?

Sandra Day O'Connor held the line as the crucial swing vote.

Why did suburban growth in the 1960s and 1970s benefit conservatives politically?

Suburban traditions of privatization favored conservative public policies.

Reaganomics was based on which belief?

Tax cuts would, in the end, increase tax revenues.

Which development was an important factor in President Carter's sinking popularity in 1980?

The Iranian hostage crisis

What organization served as the organizational vehicle for transforming the Fourth Great Awakening into the religious political movement that supported Ronald Reagan's candidacy in 1980?

The Moral Majority

Why did Ronald Reagan actively encourage a coup against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua?

The Sandinistas had overthrown the U.S.-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza.

Why did Cold War hardliners in the U.S. Congress feel empowered on the eve of Ronald Reagan's election?

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan called for a tougher line.

What prevented Ronald Reagan from following Richard Nixon as presidential candidate for the Republican Party in 1976?

The Watergate scandal opened the door to Gerald Ford.

What part of the Republican Party's 1980 platform reflected the influence of the Moral Majority?

The call for a constitutional ban on abortion and voluntary prayer in public schools

How did the computer industry change in the 1970s and 1980s?

The introduction and spread of personal computers

Why was Ronald Reagan forced to reverse his course on tax cuts in 1982?

There was a deep recession in which unemployment reached 10 percent.

Why were the uprisings against Communist rule in Eastern Europe called "Velvet Revolutions"?

These revolutions were all peaceful and "soft as velvet."

Why did supply-siders believe that they could balance budgets with tax cuts?

They believed that cutting taxes would stimulate economic growth, increasing future tax revenues.

How did the conservatives of the Cold War era differ from the traditional conservatives from the early twentieth century?

They rejected isolationism.

Why were fundamentalist and evangelical Protestants uninterested in politics until the 1970s?

To them, politics was an earthly concern of secondary interest.

Why had conservative Republicans failed to win the allegiance of American voters in the two decades after World War II?

Voters preferred liberal or moderate leaders.

The Persian Gulf War was fought in 1991 by

a coalition of nations led by the United States.

While the Cold War world was divided between the rival communist and capitalist blocs, it was clear by the 1990s that the post-Cold War world would be


Ronald Reagan rendered federal regulatory agencies less effective during his presidency by

staffing them with leaders hostile to the agency's mission.

A notable aspect of the 1984 presidential election was

the selection of Geraldine Ferraro as the Democratic vice presidential candidate.

Ronald Reagan believed that the federal government was

too large and too intrusive in the private lives of Americans.

The diversion of profits from arms sales to Iran to assist the Nicaraguan Contras

was never connected to Ronald Reagan.

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