Chapter 31

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Which campaign pledge was President George H.W. Bush forced to break in order to address the enormous federal budget deficit carried over from the Reagan administration?

"No new taxes"

United Students against Sweatshops criticized Nike, which produced shoes that sold for more than $100 in the United States while paying the Chinese workers who made the shoes only

$1.50 per pair.

What was Operation Desert Storm, which was launched on January 17, 1991 by the United States in conjunction with allied European and Arab force?

A forty-day air war against Iraq

What development complicated President Obama's plans to pursue broad reforms in the areas of health care, education, the environment, and immigration policy during his term as president?

A major economic recession that broke out in 2008

6. What major legislation was President Clinton unable to achieve during his presidency, despite his strong commitment to doing so?

A plan to provide Americans with universal health coverage

President Obama continued the Bush administration's plans to withdraw troops from Iraq but escalated the war in which Islamic country?


The September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States by members of Al Qaeda were organized from Osama bin Laden's bases in which country?


How did George W. Bush characterize himself during his 2000 presidential campaign?

As a compassionate conservative

What was the impact of President George W. Bush's presidency on the federal deficit?

Bush turned the 2000 budget surplus into the largest federal deficit in U.S. history by 2004.

How did President Clinton build on the efforts of the Reagan and Bush administrations to accelerate the process of globalization?

By easing restrictions on international trade

What exception made it possible for the number of immigrants to the United States in any given year to exceed the annual ceiling of 270,000 immigrants set by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965?

Close relatives of U.S. citizens were allowed to enter above the ceiling.

What accounted for the month-long delay in the pronouncement of the final outcome of the 2000 presidential election?

Court cases relating to the process of vote counting had to make their way to the Supreme Court.

In 1993, President Clinton gave in to pressure from conservatives when he carried out which of the following actions?

Enacted a "don't ask, don't tell" policy for the United States military

What was the focus of the executive order President Clinton signed in 2000 to respond to activists who criticized his promotion of international trade?

Environmental protection in developing nations

What was the outcome of Premier Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms by the end of 1991?

Gorbachev's political downfall

Through what action did Mikhail Gorbachev further ease relations between the Soviet Union and the United States in 1988?

Gradual removal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

Who was Barack Obama's primary opponent during the 2008 Democratic primaries?

Hillary Rodham Clinton

What factor drove the first Bush administration to attach U.S. military forces to a UN operation in Somalia in 1992?

Humanitarian concern

How did the process of globalization impact the United States within its own borders by the twenty-first century?

International companies hired 4 million American workers by 2002

An independent prosecutor found no evidence that President Reagan had broken the law in the

Iran-Contra scandal

In July 1994, President Clinton presided over the signing of a declaration of peace between which two nations?

Israel and Jordan

In what way did the Bush administration's response to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005 alter many Americans' assumptions about the federal government?

It created deep concern among Americans about the quality of government projects and the reliability of federal agencies.

The impetus for the Persian Gulf War was Iraq's August 1990 invasion of which small, oil-rich country?


Which political leader ushered the Soviet Union into an era of glasnost, or greater freedom of expression?

Mikhail Gorbachev

What group did former iron curtain countries such as Hungary and Poland seek to join following the collapse of Communist governments throughout Eastern Europe?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

By the 1990s, where did an increasing number of Americans place the blame for the existence of poverty?

On the poor themselves and on government welfare programs

Which of the following groups was a major opponent of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1993?

Organized labor

Which of President Obama's reforms represented the largest expansion of government since Lyndon Johnson's Great Society?

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010

Which Americans benefited from the economic boom that took place during Bill Clinton's presidency?

People at all income levels

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush adopted a new approach to foreign policy that emphasized what strategy?

Preemptive action against perceived threats

President Clinton's political and economic success, as well as his geniality and articulate style, allowed him to survive what challenge?

Several scandals, including an impeachment trial in 1998

What was the source of innovative policy-making during the period of political gridlock that paralyzed first Bush administration?

State legislatures

For which piece of legislation did President Bush win significant bipartisan support in 2002?

The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act

What sparked a severe crisis on the European continent, causing the United States and NATO to intervene in Yugoslavia in the early 1990s?

The collapse of communism and the subsequent unleashing of ethnic tensions

Which of the following issues did Bill Clinton emphasize consistently to achieve victory in the 1992 presidential election

The faltering economy

How did the Supreme Court rule in response to a suit filed by one of the detainees being held at the U.S. military base at Guantnamo in 2006?

The military tribunals established by the Bush administration to try the detainees violated international law.

Which statement best describes President Bill Clinton's cabinet?

The most diverse in American history in terms of gender and ethnicity

How did the issue of the Iraq War contribute to the outcome of the 2004 elections?

The war spurred the highest voter turnout since the 1968 election.

How many serious candidates were there in the 1992 presidential election


Which state was the first to outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?


A majority of Americans believed that President Clinton had acted inappropriately with Monica Lewinsky but

continued to approve his presidency

Fearful that the entire region might be destabilized, the Reagan administration was vigilant about monitoring

left-wing movements in Central America

George W. Bush's qualifications for the job of President of the United States included

little experience in national and international affairs.

While President Clinton used federal authority to solve national problems, he also tried to

restrain the growth of the federal government

The majority of post-1965 immigrants to America were

unskilled laborers

The Reagan administration took steps to redress the so-called gender gap, which referred to the fact that

women tended to vote for liberal and Democratic candidates in greater numbers than men did.

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