Chapter 31 Fungi

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Do sexually reproducing fungi have male and female individuals?


The ancestor of fungi probably had flagella. (True or False)


What is a mycelium?

Fungal hyphae form an interwoven mass called a mycelium that infiltrates the material on which the fungus feeds; structure maximizes its surface-to-volume ratio, making feeding very efficient.

Describe the relationship between leaf-cutter ants and fungi.

Leaf-cutter ants carry back leaves to their nests and feed to the fungi. As the fungi grow, their hyphae develop specialized swollen tips that are rich in proteins and carbohydrates. The ants feed primarily on these nutrient-rich tips. Fungi break down plant leaves into substances the insects can digest, but they also detoxify plant defensive compounds that would otherwise kill or harm the ants.

Which of the following chemicals are derived from fungi? ​a. lysergic acid ​b. penicillin ​c. cyclosporine ​d. all of the above

all of the above

The ancestor of fungi was probably __________. a. aquatic b. terrestrial

aquatic, though oldest fossils are terrestrial

Of the 7 major groups of fungi, which ones have flagellated spores?

cryptomycetes, chytrids

Which of the 7 major groups of fungi include unicellular individuals?

cryptomycetes, microsporidians, chytrids

Sexual spores are produced by _________. a. mitosis b. meiosis


Which major group of unicellular fungi infects host cells via a harpoon-like organelle?


Asexual spores are produced by __________. a. mitosis b. meiosis


Of the 7 major groups of fungi, which one includes black bread mold and molds that grow on fruits?


What does the prefix opistho mean?


What is plasmogamy?

the fusion of the cytoplasm of cells from two individuals; occurs as one stage of sexual reproduction

What is karyogamy?

the haploid nuclei contributed by the two parents fuse, producing diploid cells.

Black bread mold can produce both asexual spores and sexual spores. (True or False)


One cm3 of rich soil may contain as much as 1 km of hyphae with a total surface area of 300 cm2 in contact with the soil. (True or False)


In a dikaryotic mycelium, how many nuclei are in each cell?

two haploid nuclei from cell

The ancestor of fungi was probably ___________. a. unicellular b. multicellular


Which type of mycorrhizal fungi grow branching hyphae that penetrate through the cell walls of root cells?

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

What is the largest known mycelium? (Hint: google "humongous fungus")


What is the functional significance of a fungus cell wall with respect to water?

As a fungus absorbs nutrients, the concentrations of those nutrients in its cells increases, causing water to move into the cells by osmosis. The movement of water into fungal cells creates pressure that could cause their cells to burst if they were not surrounded by a chitin-strengthened, rigid cell wall.

Which type of mycorrhizal fungi grow on the surface of a plant root and extend into the extracellular spaces of the root cortex?

Ectomycorrhizal fungi

What are hyphae?

One of many connected filaments that collectively make up the mycelium of a fungus.

What are the differences between septate hyphae and coenocytic hyphae?

Septate hyphae: septa is a cross wall that divides fungal hyphae into cells; have pores large enough to allow ribosomes, mitochondria, and even nuclei to flow from cell to cell. Coenocytic hyphae: lack septa, consist of a continuous cytoplasmic mass having hundreds or thousands of nuclei; coenocytic condition results from the repeated division of nuclei without cytokinesis.

Which organisms comprise a lichen? How do these organisms affect each other?

The photosynthetic partners are unicellular or filamentous green algae or cyanobacteria. The fungal component is most often an ascomycete, but some glomeromycete and basidiomycete lichens are known; The fungus usually gives a lichen its overall shape and structure, and tissues formed by hyphae account for most of the lichen's mass. The cells of the alga or cyanobacterium generally occupy an inner layer below the lichen surface and produce glucose for fungi, fungi is good at absorbing water and minerals to help this process.

Which of the following lifestyles occur among the zoopagomycetes? a. parasite of animals b. parasite of other fungi c. parasite of protists d. commensal of animals e. all of the above f. none of the above

all of the above; live as parasites or as commensal (neutral) symbionts of animals; some are parasites of other fungi or protists.

Fungi are most closely related to __________. ​a. plants ​b. animals ​c. archaea ​d. bacteria


Of the 7 major groups of fungi, which one produces sexual spores in sac-like structures called asci and is therefore commonly called sac fungi?


To which of the 7 major fungus groups do truffles and morels belong?


Most fungi are _______________________. ​a. unicellular ​b. multicellular

b. multicellular

Of the 7 major groups of fungi, which one includes mushrooms, puffballs, and shelf fungi?


Which of the 7 major groups of fungi are commonly called club fungi?


In which cells of a mushroom do both karyogamy and meiosis occur?


How do mycorrhizal fungi affect plants?

can improve delivery of phosphate ions and other minerals to plants more efficiently because the vast mycelial networks more efficient than roots of the fungi

Which molecule strengthens the cell wall of a fungus?


Of the 7 major groups of fungi, which one includes the species that have contributed to global declines of amphibian populations?


Which type of mycelium produces a mushroom? ​a. haploid ​b. dikaryotic


What is the difference between dikaryotic and diploid?

dikaryotic cells retain two separate haploid nuclei; diploid cells, have pairs of homologous chromosomes within a single nucleus.

What is the ecological benefit of a high surface-to-volume ratio in a mycelium?

feeding is more efficient; they cannot run, swim, or fly in search of food or mates. However, as they grow, such fungi can move into new territory, swiftly extending the tips of their hyphae

What are mycorrhizal fungi? How do plants affect them?

mutually beneficial relationships between fungi and plant roots; the plants supply the fungi with organic nutrients such as carbohydrates and glucose.

Do zoopagomycetes produce flagellated spores?


Do all fungi have hyphae?

no, some grow as single cells/yeasts

Which opisthokonts are most closely related to fungi? a. Animals b. Nucleariids


Which type of spores are produced by a mushroom (basidiocarp)? ​a. asexual ​b. sexual


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