Chapter 32 (structure and function of the Reproductive Systems)

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Breast tissue, urogenital, skeletal, and cardiac changes -Vasomotor flush

lutein (lute +in) (< Latin lūte(um) yolk of an egg [noun use of neuter of lūteus yellow; see luteous] + -in) (in==a noun suffix used in a special manner in chemical and mineralogical nomenclature (glycerin; acetin, etc.)

Lutein is a type of vitamin called a carotenoid. It is related to beta-carotene and vitamin A. Foods rich in lutein include egg yolks,

testosterone (testo+sterone) (from testis + sterone [blend of sterol and ketone]). (testis ==an organ which produces spermatozoa (male reproductive cells -sterone. [ sterol + -one] Suffix used in biochemistry in naming steroid hormones, e.g., testosterone.)



Maturation of the female reproductive organs

Menstrual Cycle phases

Mensturation Follicular/proliferateive phase Luteal/secretory phase Ischemic/menstrual phase

Perimenopause (peri +meno +pause) (peri=="about" or "around" meno=month)

Ovarian, uterine, and systemic changes -Vasomotor flush , Perimenopause means "around menopause" and refers to the time during which body makes the natural transition to menopause, marking the end of the reproductive years. Perimenopause is also called the menopausal transition.


Produce gametes and sex hormones, The testes (or testicles) are a pair of sperm-producing organs that maintain the health of the male reproductive system. The testes are known as gonads

LH (luteinizing hormone)

Produced by Anterior lobe of Pituitary Gland. Targets ovaries and testes to stimulate estrogen secretion and egg maturation; stimulates sperm production.


Produced mainly in the Leydig cells of the testes

Testosterone (from testis + sterone [blend of sterol and ketone]) (sterone [blend of sterol and ketone]==steroid hormone)

Sexual differentiation Urogenital system development Nervous and skeletal tissue development Libido

Mesonephric duct (ureteric bud) (from meso- + Greek nephros kidney.) (Meso- means middle, between, intermediate, or moderate)

The mesonephric duct ,also known as the Wolffian duct, archinephric duct, Leydig's duct or nephric duct, is a paired organ found in mammals including humans during embryogenesis.

Ovarian cycle

The process of follicular maturation, ovulation, corpus luteum development, and corpus luteum degeneration

Luteinizing (luteinizing hormone from Latin lūteum egg yolk, from lūteus yellow.) lutinize ==lutein + -ize) (lutein==egg yolk ize==verbal suffix, to render, to make)

controls secretion of estrogen and testosterone, stimulates ovaries and testes, The _____ hormone stimulates ovulation in the female.

Luteal/secretory phase

when fertilization and implantation may occur.

estrogen (from estrus + -gen estrus TEstrus, also spelled Oestrus, the period in the sexual cycle of female mammals, during which they are in heat—i.e., ready to accept a male and to mate.)

A sex hormone, secreted in greater amounts by females than by males. In nonhuman female mammals, estrogen levels peak during ovulation, promoting sexual receptivity.


uterus (womb, female reproductive system)

Sertoli cells (Word origin: Named after Enrico Sertoli, the Italian histologist who first described these cells in 1865.)

- helps in the production of sperm, A Sertoli cell (a kind of sustentacular cell) is a "nurse" cell of the testicles that is part of a seminiferous tubule and helps in the process of spermatogenesis, the production of sperm.

Aging and the Male Reproductive System

-The male's reproductive capacity is longer than the female's -There is no event comparable to menopause -Decreased erectile and ejaculatory function -Testes atrophy, decrease in weight, and soften -Decreased levels of testosterone; gonadotropins increase -Decreased libido

Puberty in girls

8-9 years of age Begins with thelarche and ends with first ovulatory menstrual period in females

Progesterone (blend of progestin and the German synonym Luteosteron [from corpus luteum + sterol]).

A hormone produced by the ovaries which acts with estrogen to bring about the menstral cycle.

A 45-year-old female is experiencing menopause. Which of the following would be expected to accompany this condition? A.Increased dysmenorrhea B. Increased estrogen C. Increased progesterone D. Increased FSH and LH

Correct Answer: D Menopause is caused by a decrease in ovarian function, resulting in decreased estrogen and progesterone production. In response to the loss of negative feedback normally provided by estrogen, both LH and FSH secretion increases. Menopause is diagnosed following 12 consecutive months of amenorrhea rather than dysmenorrhea.

corpus luteum (corpus==the main body or mass of a structure. luteum ==from Latin luteus "yellow," from lutum,)

Endocrine tissue which produces hormones, estrogen, and progesterone which prepares the uterine lining for receiving an embryo

Female Sex Hormones

Estrogens: -Estradiol (E2) Progesterone Androgens

Estrogen (from estrus + -gen. Estrus is defined as the period of sexual heat in a female. An example of estrus is the period of time when a female animal is looking for a sexual mate. gen==generation)

Female sex hormone, Estrogens are produced primarily by the ovaries. They are released by the follicles on the ovaries and are also secreted by the corpus luteum after the egg has been released from the follicle and from the placenta. ... The estrogen is synthesized in the theca interna cells in the ovary.

estrogen, FSH, and LH


Uterine phases

Follicular/proliferative phase Luteal/secretory phase Menstruation


Glans and prepuce (foreskin)


Gonadal maturation

Sexual differentiation in utero

Homologous structures Gonads Ducts -Mesonephric -Paramesonephric


Increased production of androgens

Development of Male Breast

Until puberty, male and female breast development is similar Without the sufficient influence of estrogen and progesterone, the male breast does not develop any further

Vasomotor flush (vasomotor==vaso +motor vaso==a vessel or vessels, especially blood vessels. motor==giving, imparting, or producing motion or action.)

Vasomotor symptoms include hot flashes and flushes—sudden, wavelike sensations of intense heat usually starting about the neck and spreading over the body and face, causing a flush followed by perspiration with a chill. Night sweats are hot flashes that occur during the night and are accompanied by drenching sweats


a male germ cell that gives rise to a spermatocyte early in spermatogenesis.

puberty in boys

about 11 years of age Begins with voice changes and ends with mature sperm in males

amenorrhea (a + meno +rrhea) (rrhea-discharge; flow. "diarrhea")

absence of menstruation

Epididymis (epi +didymis -didymus. Suffix meaning a conjoined twin,) (from Greek epididumis, from epi 'upon' + didumos 'testicle' [from duo 'two'])

an elongated organ on the posterior surface of a testis that stores sperm while they mature

Body temperature change

basal body temp changes 12 to 24 hours after ovulation

thelarche (thel +arche) (thel==thel- , thelo- ==nipple. arche-==origin, beginning,)term-6

beginning of breast development

Secondary spermatocytes

give rise in turn to spermatids

Follicular/proliferative phase

follicle of ovary mature

androgen (from andro- + -gen) (andro- man [as opposed to woman]. "androcentric" gen ----producing or produced by )

hormone that promotes masculine characteristics

Spermatids (Word origin of 'spermatid' spermato- + -id id==a suffix of nouns that have the general sense "offspring of, descendant of,")

is the haploid male gamete that results from division of secondary spermatocytes. As a result of meiosis, each spermatid contains only half of the genetic material present in the original primary spermatocyte

prepuce (foreskin) (from French prépuce, from Latin praeputium .)

layer of skin that covers the glans penis in uncircumcised males

Primary spermatocytes

male germ cell give rise to secondary spermatocytes

menarche (from Greek mēn 'month' + arche=='beginning'.)

onset of menstruation

uterine (uter +ine) (utero- Prefixes meaning uterus, uterine. ine=="of, relating to, or characteristic of; of the nature of;)

pertaining to the uterus


redden; blush; flow suddenly and abundantly; wash out by a rapid brief flow of water; N: reddish tinge; blush; brief rush; rush of strong feeling; Ex. flush of pride; ADJ: having surfaces in the same plane; even; blushing


sexual desire


spermato- relating to sperm or seeds. "spermatophore"

FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)

stimulates secretion of ovarian sex hormones, development of ovarian follicles, and sperm production

what is the Primary androgen?


After ovulation, the follicle develops into what?

the corpus luteum

If fertilization occurs

the corpus luteum enlarges and begins to secrete hormones that maintain and support pregnancy

If fertilization does not occur,

the corpus luteum secretes these hormones for approximately 14 days and then degenerates, which triggers the maturation of another follicle

Vas deferens

the duct that transports the sperm from the epididymis to the penis

adrenarche (adren +arche) (adrenal- , adren- Combining forms meaning related to the suprarenal gland. [L. ad, to, near, + ren, kidney, + -o- + -alis, pertaining to] (arche. a suffix meaning 'beginning': menarche.)

the maturation of the adrenal glands that takes place during adolescence


the production or development of mature spermatozoa

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