MGMT 5533 Week 2 Skills & Behavioral Approaches to Leadership

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"Benevolent Dictator" acts graciously but does so for the purpose of goal accomplishment. treats people as if they were dissociated from the task.

Middle of the Road Management

* Adequate organizational performance possible through balancing the necessity of getting work done while maintaining satisfactory morale. * leaders who are compromisers, who have an intermediate concern for the task and an intermediate concern for the people who do the task. * To achieve equilibrium, leader avoids conflict and emphasizes moderate levels of production and interpersonal relationships. 5,5 leader - Often described as one who is expedient, prefer the middle ground, soft pedals disagreement, swallows convictions in the interest of progress.

Personality (4th Individual Attribute)

personality characteristics helps people to cope with complex organizational situations is related to leaders performance.


provides a way to delineate the skills of. leader skills inventory can provide insights into the individual's leadership competencies Test scores allow leaders to learn about areas in which they may wish to seek further training. has not been widely used in applied leadership settings. does offer valuable information about leadership. applicable to all levels in the organization.

Consideration Behaviors

relationship behaviors and include building camaraderie, respect, trust, and liking between leaders and followers.

Skills Approach - The Capability Model

relationship between a leader's knowledge and sills (i.e. capabilities) and the leader's performance.

Creative Thinking

the ability to develop alternative approaches and new ideas for addressing potential pitfalls of a plan identified in forecasting.

Creative thinking

the ability to develop alternative approaches and new ideas for addressing potential pitfalls of a plan identified in forecasting.


the ability to evaluate the appropriateness of these alternative approaches sit-in the context, or setting in which the leader acts

Idea evaluation

the ability to evaluate these alternative approaches viability in executing the plan


the ability to formulate plans, mental simulations, and actions arising from cause/goal and constraint analysis

Constraint Analysis

the ability to identify the constraints, or limiting factors, influencing any problem solution

Leadership Skills

the ability to use one's knowledge and competencies to accomplish a set of goals or objectives.


the accumulation of information and the mental structures used to organize that information. Knowledge results from having developed an assortment of complex schemata.

Behavioral Flexibility

the capacity to change and adapt one's behavior in light of an understanding of others' perspectives in the organization.

Social Judgement Skills

the capacity to understand people and social systems. enable leaders to work with others to solve problems and to marshal support to implement change within an organization. The people skill that are necessary to solve unique organizational problems.

Initiating Structure and Consideration behaviors are

the core behaviors of the behavioral approach. they are distinct and independent.

Effective Problem Solving

the keystone in the skills approach. Problem solving skills lead to effective problem solving as a leadership outcome.

Sense making / Visioning

the ability to articulate a vision that will help followers understand, make sense of and act on the problem

Individual Attributes

* General Cognitive Ability (Person's Intelligence) - Perceptual Processing - Information Processing - General Reasoning - Creative and Divergent Thinking - Memory * Crystallized Cognitive Ability - Intellectual ability learned or acquired over time * Motivation - 3 Aspects a. Willingness b. Dominance c. Social Good * Personality - Any characteristic that helps people cope with complex organizational situations is probably related to leaders performance.

Behavioral Approach Application

* Many leadership training and development programs are designed along the lines of the style approach. * By assessing their own style, managers can determine how they are perceived by others and how they could change their behaviors to become more effective. * The style approach applies to nearly everything a leader does.

Competencies Skills

* Problem Solving: creative ability to solve new/unusual, ill-defined organizational problems. * Social Judgement: Capacity to understand people and social systems: - Perspective Taking - Social Perceptiveness - Behavioral Flexibility - Social Performance * Knowledge: The accumulation of information and the mental structures to organize the information.

Overcoming Resistance to Change

-Encourage active participation in the change process -Provide education and communication about the change process -Facilitate the change process

Leadership Outcomes

-Problem Solving: Criteria = originality & quality of solutions to problem situations - good problem solving involves creating solutions that are: a. logical, b. effective, unique, c. go beyond given information -Performance: Degree to which a leader has successfully performed his/her assigned duties

Skills based Model (Mumford) 5 Components

1. Competencies 2. Individual Attributes 3. Leadership-Outcomes 4. Career Experiences 5. Environmental-Influences

Leadership Grid types of Management

1. Country Club 2. Team 3. Middle of the Road 4. Impoverished 5. Authority-Compliance

Outcomes of Leadership

1. Effective problem solving 2. Performance

Why people resist change

1. Fear: unknown, failure, embarrassment, loss of livelihood, loss of identity, loss of life (mortality) 2. Familiarity-stability 3. Preparation - acclimated to change, afraid of punishment, 4. Culture & Genetics - routine and familiarity vs. "reset"

Individual Attributes

1. General Cognitive Ability 2. Crystalized Cognitive Ability 3. Motivation 4. Personality

2 other behaviors that incorporate multiple aspects of the leadership grid

1. Paternalism 2. Maternalism Reward and approval are bestowed on people in return for loyalty and obedience,; failure to comply leads to punishment. refers to leader who uses both 1,9 and 9,1 styles but does not integrate the two.

Social Judgement Skills

1. Perspective Taking 2. Social Perceptiveness 3. Behavioral Flexibility 4. Social Performance

9 key problem-solving skills to address problems (Mumford, Todd, Higgs, and McIntosh 2017)

1. Problem Definition 2. Cause/Goal Analysis 3. Constraint Analysis 4. Planning 5. Forecasting 6. Creative Thinking 7. Idea evaluation 8. Wisdom 9. Sense making/Visioning


1. Problem Solving Skills 2. Social Judgement Skills 3. Knowledge

3 aspects of motivation (skills approach Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding 2000)

1. Willingness 2. Dominance 3. Social Good

Michigan study identified two types of leadership behaviors

1. employee orientation and; 2. production orientation

The Leadership Grid joins Concern for Production and Concern for People in a model that has two intersecting axes.

1. horizontal axis - represents the leader's concern for results. 2. vertical axis - represents the leaders' concern for people.

Skills Approach Strengths

1. leader centered model which stresses the importance of developing particular leadership skills. first approach to conceptualize and create a structure of the process of leadership around skills. Appealing. Makes leadership amiable to everyone. Provides an expansive new of leadership the inrocproates a wide variety of components, including problem solving skills, social judgement skills, knowledge, individual attributes, career experiences, and environmental influences. Provides a structure that is very consistent with the curricula of most leadership education programs.

Behavioral Approach Strengths

1. marked major shift in the general focus of leadership research. Broadened the scope of leadership research to include the behaviors of leaders and what they do in various situations. Wide range of studies on leadership behavior validates and gives credibility to the basic tenants of the approach. researchers of the behavioral approach have ascertained that a leader's style consists primarily of two major types of behaviors: task and relationship. The significance of this idea is not to be understated. Whenever leadership occurs, the leader is acting out both task and relationship behaviors; the key to being an effective leader often rests on how the leader balances these two behaviors. Together they form the core of the leadership process. Fourth, the behavioral approach is heuristic. It provides us with a broad conceptual map that is worthwhile to use in our attempts to understand the complexities of leadership. Leaders can learn a lot about themselves and how they come across to others by trying to see their behaviors in light of the task and relationship dimensions. Based on the behavioral approach, leaders can assess their actions and determine how they may want to change to improve their leadership behaviors.

3 categories of motivations which propel leaders (Kerns 2015)

1. self interest 2. career considerations 3. higher purposes

Leaders must be willing to

1. tackle complex organizational problems 2. express dominance, to exert their influence 3. Be committed to social good. (willingness to take on the responsibility of trying to advance the overall human good and value of the organization.

Social Performance

A wide range of competencies. Ability to communicate vision. Persuasion and communicating change. Mediation during change conflict. Conflict resolution Coach followers.

Skills Based Model of Leadership

Capability Model - Examines relationship between a leader's knowledge and skills and the leader's performance. Suggests many people have the potential for leadership.

Career experiences

Challenging Assignments, Mentoring, Appropriate Training, Hands-On Experience with Novelty - Experience gained during career influences leader's knowledge & skills to solve complex problems - Leaders learn and develop higher levels of conceptual capacity if they progressively confront more complex and long-term problems as they ascend the organizational hierarchy

Leadership Outcomes

Effective Problem Solving Performance

Three-Skill Approach Katz 1955

Effective leadership depends on 3 basic personal skills: Technical Human Conceptual but relative importance changes based on level of management.

Authority-Compliance Management

Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work such that human interference is minimal. * places heavy emphasis on task and job requirements and less emphasis on people, except to the extent that people are tools for getting the job done. * Results driven * 9,1 leaders - seen as controlling, demanding, hard driving and overpowering.

Michigan Studies

Exploring leadership behavior -specific emphasis on impact of leadership behavior on performance of small groups. Results- two types of leadership behaviors conceptualized as opposite ends of a single continuum - Employee Orientation: strong human relations emphasis - Production Orientation: Stresses the technical aspects of the job. Later studies re-conceptualized behaviors as two independent leadership orientations - possible orientation to both at the same time.

Problem Definition

the ability to define noteworthy issues or significant problems affecting the organization

Behavioral Approach Criticisms

First, the research on the behavioral approach has not adequately shown how leaders' behaviors are associated with performance outcomes this approach has failed to find a universal style of leadership that could be effective in almost every situation. The overarching goal for researchers studying the behavioral approach appeared to be the identification of a universal set of leadership behaviors that would consistently result in effective outcomes. Because of inconsistencies in the research findings, this goal was never reached. the behavioral approach is that it implies that the most effective leadership style is the high-high style (i.e., high task and high relationship). Although some researchers (e.g., Blake & McCanse, 1991; Misumi, 1985) suggested that high-high managers are most effective, that may not be the case in all situations. In fact, the full range of research findings provides only limited support for a universal high-high style (Yukl, 2003). In a thought-provoking article on popular leadership styles, Andersen (2009) argues that in modern business the high-task leadership orientation is essential in order to be successful. a small number of studies applying behavioral leadership concepts to non-U.S. contexts have been undertaken, and results show that different cultures prefer different leadership styles than those often espoused or favored by current U.S. management practice

Skills Approach

Focus: - primarily descriptive : it describes leadership from a skills perspective. - Provides structure for understanding the nature of effective leadership Principal Research Persepectives Katz (1995) suggests importance of particular leadership skills varies depending where leaders reside in management hierarchy. Mumford, Campion, & Morgeson (2007) suggest higher levels of all skills needed at higher levels of hierarchy. Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding (2000) suggest leadership outcomes are direct result of leader's skilled competency in problem solving, social judgement and knowledge.

Hypothetical Relationships

How problem solving skills work in conjunction with each other.

3 Components of the Skills Model

Individual Attributes Competencies Leadership Outcomes

Skills Approach

Leadership Skills - the ability to use one's knowledge and competencies to accomplish a set of goals and objectives. * Leader-centered perspective * emphasis on skills and abilities that can be learned and developed

Best known model of managerial behavior is the

Managerial Grid. renamed: Leadership Grid

Impoverished Management

Minimal effort exerted to get work done is appropriate to sustain organizational membership. * leader who is unconcerned with both the task and interpersonal relationships. * They go through the motions of being a leader but acts uninvolved and withdrawn. 1,1 Leaders - have little contact with followers and are desired as indifferent, noncommittal, resigned and apathetic.

Opportunism leadership style

People who adapt and shift to any grid style needed to gain maximum advantage. a leader who uses any combination of the basic five styles for the purpose of personal advancement. will adapt and shift his or her leadership behavior to gain personal advantage, putting self interest ahead of other priorities. ruthless, cunning, self motivated, but may be referred to as adaptable and strategic.


Performance outcomes reflect on how well a leader has done his/her job.

Skills based model (Mumford)

Perspective * Research studies (1990's) goal: to identify the leadership factors that create exemplary job performance in an organization; Emphasizes the capabilities that make effective leadership possible rather than what leaders do.

The HEART of the Skills Approach

Problem Solving Skills Social Judgment Skills Knowledge all key factors for effective performance.

LBDQ-XII (Stogdill, 1963)

Shortened version of LBDQ Most widely used leadership assessment instrument Results: two general types of leader behaviors: Initiating Structure - Leaders provide structure for subordinates (Task Behaviors: organizing work, giving structure to the work context, defining role responsibility, scheduling work activities) Consideration - Leaders nurture subordinates (Relationship Behaviors: building camaraderie, respect, trust and liking between leaders and followers)

Conceptual Skills

The ability to do the mental work of shaping meaning of organizational policy or issues (what company stand for and where its going) * works easily with abstraction and hypothetical notions. * Central to creating and articulating a vision and strategic plan for an organization. * Most important at TOP management levels. the ability to work with ideas and concepts. Involve the ability to work with ideas.

Country Club Management

Thoughtful attention to the needs of people leads to a comfortable, friendly organizational atmosphere and work tempo. * represents a low concern for task accomplishment coupled with a high concern for interpersonal relationships. * De-emphasizing production, leaders stress the attitudes and feelings of people, making sure the personal and social needs of followers are met. * They try to create a positive climate by being agreeable, eager to help, comforting, and uncontroversial. 1,9 leaders - try to create a positive climate by being agreeable, eager to help comforting, noncontroversial.

Team Management

Work accomplished through committed people; interdependence via a "common stake" in the organization's purpose, which leads to relationships of trust and respect. * strong emphasis on both tasks and interpersonal relationships. * promotes a high degree of participation and teamwork in the organization and satisfies a basic need in employees to be involved and committed to their work. 9,9 leader - stimulates participation, follows through, open minded, makes priorities clear.

Schema (Mental Structure)

a diagrammatic representation, or an outline.

Problem Solving Skills

a leader's creative ability to solve new and unusual, ill defined organizational problems. To define significant problems, gather problem information, formulate new understandings about the problem, and generate prototype plans for problem solutions.

General Cognitive Ability

a person's intelligence. Includes: perceptual processing, information processing, general reasoning skills, creative and divergent thinking capacities, and memory skills.

Fluid Intelligence

a type of intelligence that usually grows and expands up through early adulthood toad then declines with age.

Conceptual Skills

are essential to creating vision and strategic plan for an organization. the mental work of shaping the meaning of organizational or policy issues.

Technical Skills

are more important at lower and middle levels of management and less important in upper management.

Behavioral Approach only provides a framework for

assessing leadership in a broad way, as behavior with a task and relationship dimension.

Leaders usually have a dominant grid style and a

backup style

Employee orientation is the

behavior of leaders who approach followers with a strong human relations emphasis. Very similar to the cluster of behaviors identified as consideration in the Ohio State studies.

Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire LBDQ

completed by followers regarding their leaders behavior. 150 questions Identify number of times leaders engaged in specific behaviors. Participant settings (military, industrial, educational) Results: particular clusters of behaviors were typical of leaders.

Production Orientation

consists of leadership behaviors that stress the technical and production aspects of a job. It parallels the initiating structure cluster found in the Ohio State studies. workers are viewed as a means for getting work accomplished.

Leadership Grid

designed to explain how leaders help organizations to reach their purposes through two factors: 1. concern for production 2. concern for people. closely parallel the task and relationship leadership behaviors noted above.

External Environmental Influences

economic, political and social issues, as well as natural disaster.

behavioral approach

effective task behavior and effective relationship behavior

Behavioral Approach

emphasizes the behavior of the leader. focuses exclusively on what leaders do and how they act.

Task Behaviors

facilitate goal accomplishment. they help group members achieve their objectives.

General Cognitive Ability is sometimes described as

fluid intelligence

Relationship Behaviors

help followers feel comfortable with themselves, with each other, and with the situation in which they find themselves.

Concern for People

how a leader attends to the people in the organization who are trying to achieve its goals. Building organizational commitment and trust; promoting the personal worth of followers, providing good working conditions, maintaining a fair salary structure, and promoting good social relations.

Concern for Production

how a leader is concerned with achieving organizational tasks. Includes a wide array of activities such as: policy decisions new product-development process issues workload sales-volume

Ohio Study suggests behavioral approach is essentially

initiating structure and consideration behaviors.

Social Perceptiveness

insight and awareness into how others in the organization function. What is important to others? What motivates them? What problems do they face? A leader with social perceptiveness has a keen sense of how followers will respond to any proposed change in the organization.

Crystallized Cognitive Ability

intellectual ability that is learned or acquired over time. "acquired intelligence"

Human Skills

knowledge about and ability to work with people. * Being aware of one's own perspective and others' perspectives at the same time * Assisting group members in working cooperatively to achieve common goals * Creating an atmosphere of trust and empowerment of members * Important at ALL levels of the organization. abilities that help a leader to work effectively with followers, peers, and superiors to accomplish the organization's goals. Allow a leader to assist group members in working cooperatively as a group to achieve common goals Leaders with human skills adapt their own ideas to those of others. They create an atmosphere of trust where employees can feel comfortable and secure and where they can feel encouraged to become involved in the planning of things that will affect them.

Technical Skills

knowledge about and proficiency in a specific type of work or activity. ex: Specialized competencies; analytical ability ability to use; appropriate tools and techniques. Technical skills involve hands-on ability with a product or process. Most important at lower levels of management Technical skills play an essential role in producing the actual products a company is designed to produce.

Social Intelligence

knowledge about people, the social fabric of organizations, and the inter-relatedness of each of them.

General Cognitive Ability is

linked to biology not to experience.

Knowledge and expertise

make it possible for people to think about complex system issues and identify possible strategies for appropriate change.

The skills approach works by providing a

map for how to reach effective leadership in an organization.

Environmental Influences

represent factors that lie outside the leader's competencies, characteristics, and experiences. Internal & External influences


skills approach seems to extend beyond the boundaries of leadership. is weak in predictive value. does not explain specifically how variations in social judgement skills and problem solving skills affect performance. Does not explain how skills lead to effective leadership performance. claiming not to be a trait model when, in fact, a major component in the model includes individual attributes, which are trait like. may not be suitably or appropriately applied to other contexts of leadership.

Internal environmental influences

such factors as technology, facilities, expertise of subordinates, and communication. Skill level of followers. if competent they will improve problem solving and performance.

Initiating Structure

task behaviors, including such acts as organizing work, giving structure to the work context, defining role responsibilities, and scheduling work activities.

Cause/Goal Analysis

the ability to analyze the causes and goals relevant to addressing problems


the ability to anticipate the implications of executing the plans


the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

Perspective Taking

understanding the attitudes that others have toward a particular problem or solution. empathy applied to problem solving. can be likened to social intelligence

Skills are

what leaders can accomplish

backup style

what the leader reverts to when under pressure, when the usual way of accomplishing things does not work.

Traits are

who leaders are (innate characteristics)

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