Chapter 4 Chemistry

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A photon of which color has the least energy?

It is produced when an electron from a higher energy orbit drops down to a lower level of energy orbit.

According to Bohr, how is the emission spectrum of Hydrogen produced?

Hund's Rule

All orbitals of a given sublevel must be occupied by a single electron having the same spin, before being paired.

Pauli Exclusion Principle

No two electrons in an atom may have identical sets of 4 quantum numbers.


Particles of light.


Region of space where electron is likely to be.


The distance between two adjacent peaks or troughs in a wave.


The number of cycles that pass a given point each second.

Aufbau Principle

Fill the lowest energy atomic orbitals available first.


Having all electrons paired.


Having one or more unpaired electrons.


He said each photon has a particular amount of energy (quantum).


He said electrons orbit nucleus and can only be in "allowed" orbits or energy levels. Energy level closest to nucleus has least energy (ground state). Electrons jump when they become excited and release energy when they return to their ground state.


He said light could be described as quanta of energy.


He said that it is impossible to determine the position and velocity of an electron at the same time.


He stated that electrons have a dual wave-particle nature to develop an equation that treated electrons in atoms as waves.

de Broglie

He stated that particles can have wave properties.

They have different orientations.

How do a 2px and a 2py orbital differ?

Chromium prefers to have the d sublevel halfway filled and it takes the needed electrons from the previous level. Copper prefers to have the d sublevel completly filled and it takes the needed electrons from the previous level.

How do the electron configuration of copper and chromium contradict the Aufbau principle?

1s is the first energy level, while 2s is the second energy level. The region where there is the greatest chance of finding the electrons is further from the nucleus.

How does the 2s orbital differ from the 1s orbital?


How many electrons in a d orbital?


How many electrons in a p orbital?


How many electrons in an f orbital?


How many electrons in an s orbital?


How many electrons in the 2nd energy level?


How many electrons in the 4th energy level?

s - 1 p - 3 d - 5 f - 7

How many orientations are possible for the s, p, d and f sublevels?


How many total orbitals are contained in the 2nd energy level?


How many total orbitals are contained in the 3rd energy level?

Gamma Rays

In the electromagnetic spectrum, which radiation has the highest frequency?

Heisenberg Uncertain Principle

It is impossible to determine the position and region of space where the electron is likely to be.


To have the same electronic configuration.

+1/2 , -1/2

What are the possible values for the spin quantum number?

E=ch/wavelength or E=cv

What formula do you use when you are given energy?

6.63 * 10^-34 J*s

What is Plank's constant (h)?

Light can behave as particles or waves.

What is meant by the dual wave-particle nature of light?


What is the maximum number of unpaired electrons that can be placed in a 3p sublevel?

Inversely Proportional

What is the relationship between wavelength and frequency?

3.00*10^8 m*s^-1

What is the speed of light?

One s orbital, three p orbitals, and five d orbitals.

What sub shells (type of orbitals) are found in the 3rd energy level?

Radio Waves

Which electromagnetic radiation has the longest wavelength?

Principal Quantum Number

Which quantum number describes the energy level the electron occupies?

Magnetic Quantum Number

Which quantum number describes the orientation in space of the orbital?

Angular Momentum Quantum Number

Which quantum number designates the specific atomic orbital?

Spin Quantum Number

Which quantum number determines the spin of the electron?

Angular Momentum Quantum Number (second)

Which quantum number is related to the shape of an orbital and is designated by the letters s, p, d and f?

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