Chapter 4 Mental Disorders and suicide

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List at least three reasons some people do not seek help for mental disorders

1) they didn't know they have it 2)they don't know where to go 3)they think they can overcome it themselves

Which of the following is a risk factor for depression

A major life change

A student who constantly gets up out of his seat during class frequently cuts ahead in the lunch line and often has difficulty finding his school supplies is most likely showing signs of which mental disorder


A friend who eats an entire pizza in 10 minutes and then forces himself to vomit may have an eating disorder called


Which of the following statements about clinical depression is not true

Depression or usually last only a few days

A person with anorexia nervosa

Doesn't eat enough food to maintain a healthy body weight

One of the main health risks of binge eating disorder is

Excess weight gain

Which of the following statements about the causes of mental disorders is not true

Experiences a person has as a child play no role in causing mental disorders

True or false during drug therapy a person talks with a therapist


True or false substance abuse counselors help people with mental disorders and your families to except and adjust to an illness


True or false mental health experts see normal thoughts feelings or behaviors as symptoms of a mental disorder

False abnormal instead of normal

True or false Samual takes the stairs instead of in elevator because he suffers from arachnophobia

False claustrophobia instead of arachnophobia

True or false most Americans who experience the symptoms of a mental disorder seek help

False few instead of most

True or false a person with bulimia meeting with other people who have bulimia is using a treatment method called cognitive therapy

False group instead of cognitive

True or false Carla's mother has an anxiety disorders so Carla must also have an anxiety disorder

False might instead of must

True or false mental disorders are usually caused by a single factor

False multiple factors instead of single factor

True or false a person who repeatedly washes her hands even when they are clean to prevent disease may be diagnosed with mood disorder

False personality instead of mood

True or false removing food from the body is called binging

False purging instead of binging

Which factor may put a person at risk for suicidal behavior

Feeling like he has no friends

Why am I a boy with anorexia nervosa not seek help for his disorder

He does not recognize the signs of anorexia

It is important to identify and treat clinical depression because it may

Lead a person to abuse drugs

An illness that affects the mind and reduces a persons ability to function to adjust to change or to get along with others is called

Mental Disorder

A fear of water would be classified as which type of mental disorder


A soldier who arrives home from War and has frightening dreams that prevent him from sleeping may be experiencing

Post traumatic stress disorder. PTSD

Which of the following is the best way to treat anorexia

Seek treatment in a hospital

A person who often makes up stories to explain new scars and always wears long pants and long sleeve shirts even in hot weather may be trying to hide signs of

Self injury

True or false a person who has developed clinical depression and a drug habit as a result of a friend suicide is at risk for suicidal behavior


True or false a person with binge eating disorder is likely to have an irritated throat and eroded tooth enamel


True or false bulimia may begin in connection with a diet


True or false even when they are extremely thin people with anorexia see themselves as fat


True or false if untreated clinical depression can lead to suicide


True or false most suicides occur without warning


True or false self injury is an unhealthy way to cope with emotions stress or traumatic events


True or false the most appropriate treatment for a person who is in intermediate danger of harming himself or committing suicide is hospitalization


Which type of psychotherapy helps people better understand the reasons for their behavior

insight therapy

Which type of mental health professional is most likely to prescribe medication to a patient with clinical depression


Which type of mental health professional should a person who has a problem with alcohol and tobacco See

substance abuse counselor

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